National Register

313 Easterbrook Street

Old Town BSL District #358

1944-1955 - Shotgun/Craftsman Vern. (Contributing)
One-story, frame, two-bay-wide (d-w) Craftsman Vernacular Shotgun with a gable-front roof and a full-width inset screened front porch. A rectangular louvered vent is in the gable end. The building is clad in wood drop siding. Stylistic details include exposed rafters and decorative beams. The windows include some of the original wood 6/6 double-hung windows and newer 2/2 aluminum double-hung windows. The building rests on concrete block foundation piers, and the roof is sheathed in corrugated metal.

313 Easterbrook Street - The National Register
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Hancock County Historical Society
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