National Register

333 St John Street

Old Town BSL District #608

1947 - Craftsman Vern. Bungalow (Contributing)
One-story, frame, four-bay-wide (w-w-d-w), side-gable Craftsman Vernacular Bungalow. The door with new shed entry porch is located on the third bay. The house has retained the original paired 3/1 double-hung wood sash windows; the windows on the first bay are shorter than the standard windows. A brick chimney is located outside left. The building rests on concrete block piers, is clad in wood novelty siding, and has a pressed metal roof. An addition and carport are attached to the left side. A second house, possibly a mother-in-law cottage, is located on the rear of the lot.

333 St John Street - The National Register
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