Obituary Record

Hilliker, Lucy Primrose Whyte  -  March 4, 1980

Lucy Primrose Whyte Hilliker was born on June 1, 1902 at lake Geneva, Wisconsin. She was an only child and her mother died of cancer when Lu Prim was 12 years old. Her father raised her and she graduated from Barnard College (Columbia University) in New York City. She married William P. Hilliker in 1927 and they had three children: Marcia, Clair, and Bill Jr. They retired to Bay St. Louis in 1963 and built their retirement home.

While living in Bay St. Louis, Prim was a busy lady. She worked with a group of ladies to from a ladies' auxiliary at the Bay - Waveland Yacht Club. She and Bill joined the Bay High School P.T.A. to work to supply books for the library and classrooms. She was active in the Bay-Waveland Garden Club and she and Evelyn Griffith conducted the campaign for the establishment of a public library system for Hancock County. She helped campaign for the library to be included in the County Tax System, on which she served five years. After Hurricane Camille, she andCarol Vegas, Norita Robinson, and Betty Benvenutti began the cleanup movement which later became the clean-up and beautification committee. For this work, President Reagan gave to the city of Bay St. Louis the National Distinguished Service Award.

She died March 4, 1980 and by request her ashes were scattered on her beloved Bay near the Bay - Waveland Yacht Club.

Source: unknown newspaper

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