II. New Slave Data Base – Hancock County MS

August 13, 2014

…compiled from Deed Books A and B

Book A

p. 17

Bill of Sale, reciting that Henry and Mary Jarrell for $500 sold to William Jarrell one slave, “a certain negro boy by the name of Lewis about 13 years old.”

Dated October 16, 1852. Signed by Henry with his mark; wife signed name.

Lewis, Negro boy 13

p. 22

Deed of trust, called an indenture, between Cadwallader Lewis and Julius C. Monet. Lewis, for $5,600, loaned by Messer Wright Williams and Co. of New Orleans, and further, for $1 paid by Monet, convey to Monet property both real and personal, lot on west shore of the Bay incorporate limits of Shieldsborough bounded by land of Rose Marti, Felix Grima, and Bouquie, having 130 feet front on Bay by 120 depth and 192 feet width and going back 40 arpents. Included are houses, outhouses, and whatever buildings, being known as the Bay of St. Louis Hotel. The same had been conveyed Francois Marcadel to Lewis by deed dated 2-13-1849. There follows a list of slaves included in sale by name [woman of 30, girls of 12, 6, and 2, and boys 10 and 8, and husband and wife 30 and 28. It was warranted they were all free from disease.

Signed by Lewis and Monet on 1-18-1950.

Frankey, woman 30

Jane, girl 12

Bob, boy 10

Charles, boy 8

Deborah, girl 6

Cad, girl 2

Mat, man 35

Mathilda, his wife, 28

p. 24

Mortgage, Lewis to Wright, an indenture dated 1-15-1850, for $5,500 received by Lewis from Wright Williams and Co. relating to deed above, p. 22. As above, slaves listed by first name and age. Signed by Lewis.

Separate entry by Ainsworth, as commissioner of Ms deeds for Louisiana on 1-24-50.

Accepted by Hancock’s clerk Sones as re-record on 1-25-1853, with notation about fire on 8-6-1853.

[same list as above]

p. 33

Mortgage, James Jones indebted to William Anderson, $805 in five promissory notes dated 7-1853. Agreement made by Jones to sell two slaves, Lewis age 21 and Sam about 45, giving Anderson in case of failure of Jones to pay right to “take possession of said Negroes after giving 60 days notice at the courthouse at Gainesville and two or more other public places.”

Signed by Jones July 4, 1853; wife Susan Jones concurred.

Lewis 21

Sam 45

p. 34

Bill of sale, Onezin Favre to CL de Britton for $100, for following slaves: Madeline, Negro woman about 28, and her two children, Mary Ann about 2 years 8 months, and Silvester about 8 months.

Signed by Favre, 8-17-1853.

Madeline 28

Her two children

Mary Ann 2 years, 8 months

Sylvester 8 month

p. 87

Indenture of three parts: Stephen Mead, Adaline Russ, and John William Russ. Adaline owns four slaves, George, Charlotte, Lucy and Mariah, about whom Mead promises not to interfere in any way, and shall ever be subject to dictates of Adaline, who will marry Mead.

Signed by all three on 3-7-1839. Acknowledged for Hancock County by Lewes Daniell, Judge of Probate Court. [Note spelling.]





p. 94

Sale of slaves by Francois Saucier and wife Emilie in June 1852 for $10,000 to paid by Henry Saucier and Evariste, wife. “With the usual warranties against vices, maladies, etc. Reference made to fire at Gainesville on night of 3-31-53. Slaves numbering 32 listed by first name only and age. 12 males and 20 females.

Signed by Sauciers on 6-30-53.

Zenon male age 56

Colas m 58

Zidore m 21

James m19

Eugenia woman 19

Athanase w 24

Therese w 27

Suzette, her child 8

Palinie girl 6

Camille girl 5

Jean Negro boy7

Philip boy 12

Basile boy 10

George boy 7

Alexander boy 4

Comelia girl 3

Lucille woman 26

Valsani her child, boy 10

Louise girl 8

Josephine girl 5

Julia girl 2

Flora girl 6 months

Hannah woman 44

Maria woman 38

Liza woman 45

Delphine a Negro girl her child 13

Rose 20 [also child of Liza?]

Pierrie boy 11 months [also child of Liza?]

Hortense girl 21

Madeleine girl 3

Helene girl 12

Mathilda girl 15

p. 121

Mortgage. Indenture made on 2-2-52 between Martha Dunbar Claiborne and Martha W. Dunbar for one dollar, land containing 640 acres on which Martha D. Claiborne now resides, conveyed to her by Francois Saucier and wife, and listed slaves [29 listed by first name]. Mortgage in amount of $4,000 with interest at 8%.

Signed by Martha D. Claiborne; consented to by JFH Claiborne.





















Mary Ann









p. 169

Deed of gift – Jordan Smith of Jackson County, Florida, in consideration of natural love and one dollar grants to sister Elizabeth Roach 8 slaves, listed by name and age. Signed by Smith on 4-21-45.

Jack man 25

Sally woman 60

Patience woman 35

Sam boy 5

Henry boy 3

Lucinda woman 17

Nancy, her child 5 months

p. 170

Bill of sale – Jordan Smith [now listed as residing in Hancock; see previous deed.] for $600 paid by Elizabeth Roach for a certain mulatto woman and child, slaves for life.

Signed by Smith 3-1-51. Re-recorded by Folsom 4-14-54.

Harriet mulatto woman 21

Lewis her child, boy 1

p. 172

Schedule of property of Mrs. Mary D. Lampkin, a femecovert [a married woman whose rights are suborned by husband], now married to John B. Lampkin. Property shown is inherited from Francis Lewis, father, in Loundes County, Alabama, and was said to be secured to her and children by Chancery Court in Alabama. Property includes 130 named slaves, listed by one name and age, plus gold watch, horses, wagon, cart, blacksmith tools, kitchen furniture, sheep and schooner Providence. In addition, there was land in Hancock, parts sections 36 and 25, T7 R14, and sec. 25, T7 R13, totaling more than 280 acres.

Filed for record in Hancock on 3-3-51 by Sones, clerk.

Signed by Mary Lampkin by her next friend.

[Editor’s note: because these 130 slaves were in Alabama, they are not listed here. However, anyone desiring copy of list may inquire of Hancock County Historical society.]

p. 257

Deed of Trust by John N. LeGrand and wife Sarah C. for $900 paid by Leonard Kimball following slaves for life: Edward, about 30, and Abel about 50, provided that the LeGrands pay to Redding Byrd and his wife Burnitta, guardians of minor heirs of James Farr as per promissory note date 2-28-54. Minor was Margaret D. Farr, infant.

Signed by LeGrands on 4-23-54. Added note states that trust was satisfied at Gainesville 12-21-57.

Edward 30

Abel 50

p. 269

City of New Orleans – Addison P. Pickrell and wife Justine Lockett of New Orleans for $6,000 paid by Amelia Fontanelle Lockett, wife of Henry Lockett of Bay St. Louis, sell to Mistress Amelia Lockett property and slaves: 1. Land near Shieldsborogh fronting on Bay 94 feet by 40 arpents, bounded by A. Mullenger, P. Pickrell, bay, and public lands. Includes buildings and improvement. Same as purchased from Jacques Ladner in deeds of 1838 and 1839. 2. Eight certain slaves for life, identified by name and age and cost, ranging from $300 to $700.

Dated at New Orleans on 6-8-54; signed by AP and Justine Pickrell.

Accepted by LA by commissioner of deeds for MS., noting that Justine Pickrell signed as “voluntary act and deed freely without any fear, threat or compulsion of her said husband…”

Kitty age 45 – $600

…and her three children

Georgeen, 13 – $300

Alexander 11 – $300

George 40 – $700

Sylvia 35 and her child – $500

Virginia 40 – $600

p. 270

Called deed but seems to be mortgage by H. Lockett – “I acknowledge being indebted to Addison P. Pickrell of New Orleans in the sum of $7,800 to pay which I sell to him following property: Land measuring 1 ½ arpents front on Bay by 40 arpents, bounded by Mullenger, John Defron, and DF Guex, with improvements, furniture, cart, 4-wheel carriage and horse, valued at $750, together with [seven named slaves who seem to be part of those in above document].

Signed by H. Lockett on 3-2-51.

Witnessed at New Orleans on 5-13-54 by Amelia Fontanelle Lockett, spouse, and Justine L. Lockett, daughter. Accounting made showing which slaves are in New Orleans and which at Bay St. Louis.

Accepted by LA by commissioner for MS, on 5-6-54.

Recorded by Hancock on 6-17-54.

[Editor’s note: seven named slaves who seem to be part of those in above document.]

p. 331

Deed by John B. Toulme for $2000 paid by Azilie Walker, for 1/6 part of land on N side of Bayou Galere, part of sections 26 and 27, T8 R14, having 80 acres confirmed to Guedon Toulme by US and inherited by vendor from his mother (Guedon). Also, 1/6 part of houses, buildings and steam saw mill, known as Toulme’s Saw Mill, and machinery and stock of logs, 2 mules, 1 horse, 3 carts, and 1/6 of Negroes Charles, Lumack, Horace, Howard and Bob, slaves for life.

Signed by JB Toulme; joined by wife Victoria for one dollar with her mark on 1-7-50.

Re-recorded 1-21-54.

Charles 35

Lumack 24

Horace 24

Howard 20

Bob 19

[Editor’s note: undivided one sixth of above slaves, like other property listed, were sold.]

p. 333

Deed by John B. Toulme for $4000 paid by Dudley R. Walker for 1/3 part of land, buildings, and slaves in above deed.

Signed by JB Toulme, and joined by wife Victoria; witnessed by John V Toulme, 1-7-50.

p. 348

Deed called indenture made on 6-27-54 between William Payton and Mrs. Georgina Payton, his wife, both of New Orleans, for love and affection, first, lots 7 and 8, section 10, T9 R14 [see above deed]; second, Negro slaves for life Lilly and Fred, valued at $500 each.

Signed by WW Payton and wife Georgina on above date.

Acknowledged by state of LA by commissioner for MS deeds.

[Section 10 runs from Dane St. past Waveland Ave.]

Lily 27

Fred 32

p. 425

Deed – Indenture made between Constantine B. Beverly, John B. Toulme of 1st part and Celine Douce, wife of Beverly, of 2nd part. Beverly, indebted to wife for $1500, secured to her property sufficient to cover debt. He sold to Toulme: 1. Two slave children called servants, Rose about 10 and Lucinda age 5, referring to first as black and the younger as mulatto, specifying they were slaves for life; 2. part section 10, T9 R14, of 80 acres, bounded by Peyton, public lands, Bourgeois, and Gulf, having 96 feet front.

Signed by CB Beverly and JB Beverly, wife, on 10-3-54.

[Section 10 runs from about Dane St. past Waveland Ave.]

Rose 10 ”black”

Lucinda 5 mulatto

p. 426

Deed by Constantine B. Beverly for $2000 paid by John B. Toulme lot having 100 feet front on the sea, bounded by Bernard Bourgeois on north and having depth of 930 feet; also lots 13, 14, 17, 19 of survey by Monet on 8-21-49; also half of section 9, T9 R14 containing 80 acres; also Negro slave boy 19, named Anthony, slave for life.

Signed by CB Beverly on 10-3-54.

[Section 9 is interior land, just north of Buccaneer Park.]

Anthony 19

p. 541

Bill of sale by Leonard Kimball for $1302 paid by Jane P. Kimball for a certain Negro boy named Edmond age about 16, a slave for life. Amount is to replace money of wife June Kimball, received from her father, Samuel P. Russ. Seller warrants slave to be sound and healthy.

Signed by Kimball on 1-9-55.

Edmond 16 – $1,302

p. 567

Mortgage between Amelia Fontenelle Locket and three other parties, named Pickrell, Watt and Cunningham, having to do with slave mulatress about 40 named Virginia Tephyr [might be Zephyr]. In order to make slave woman possible to have freedom, debtor – Lockett – rearranges existing mortgage for $6000 by having Watt and Cunningham give notes for $500 each, total being $1000 by which Virginia can free herself when paid off to them.

Signed by all parties, including Virginia, who evidently could write her name, on 7-18-55.

Virginia Tephyr 40 – Mulatto $1,000 to emancipate

[Ed. Note: This is one of the rare examples of a slave having a last name. It is also an unusual document in that it spells out how Virginia might be freed.]

p. 596

Bill of sale by Charles H. Frazar for $1900 paid by Charles H. Jarrell and Bernetta Cooper, late Bernetta Jarrell, for certain Negro woman named Rose and two children, slaves for life.

Signed by Frazar on 8-27-55.


Her two children are not named.

p. 648

Bill of sale by Daniel C. Stanley for $1,700 paid by Joseph Nicaise, for Negro slave woman named Maria, age 25, and her two children, namely Kathy about 5, and Milicy about 2, all slaves for life, free from all encumbrances. Maria and older child are healthy in every way but Milicy is partly crippled. Nicaise must agree to keep the child for 12 months of return her to seller who will pay $200. Signed by Stanley on 7-17-57.

Maria 25

…her children

Kathy 5

Milicy 2

p. 680

Schedule of personal property held by Victoria Sherwood prior to marriage:

Henry, a boy aged 12.

Josette, a woman aged 19 and her 3 children:

George, a boy aged 5.

Saurah, a girl aged 3. check Sarah?

Allae, a girl aged 2.

All slaves for life.

Signed by Victoria Sherwood, September 15, 1854.

p. 709

Deed wherein Cader Colly sells to Lavina Mitchell for $300, a Negro woman named Lucy of black complexion, 40-50 yrs. old, slave for life, March 4, 1858. Signed by Cader Colly. Witnessed by JFH Claiborne.

Lucy, 40-50 yrs. old $300

Book B

p. 61

Edwin Russ and wife Cornelia deed to David Wingate for $8,720, land, town lots and two Negro slaves, Windsor and Nathan. Includes ½ of steam sawmill, formerly owned by John Toomer and Mimrod McGuire, being same lot sold to them by Sam. White on 5-27-52. In Pearlington, bounded by river, public quay, Levee St. and Sam White. Also land bought by Pray from US in 1834, being on peninsula between Pearl and Bayou Cowan. Also two lots in Shieldsboro.

Series of notes given as mortgage.

Windsor m 24

Nathan 35

p. 67

John Russ, mortgage of slaves to David Wingate $11,048. (Slaves have only one name each; 7 adults, 5 children. Average almost one thousand dollars, even including children.) Russ warranted and defended “title to said slaves from all persons whomsoever.” Five promissory notes given with different periods, interest at 6 and 8 %. Carre brothers also involved in notes. Date of mortgage 3-15-54.

Phillip 30

Emeline, his wife

And their children

... Zenie

... Ann

... Mary

... Josiah

Dick 2

Bob 40

Stephen 12

Sarah 25

... Her child Isabella

John 25

p. 73

Manuel Muniz appoints Barney Murphy of New Orleans as attorney. RE: sale of slave Isaac age 23 or 27. Dated 3-19-54.

Isaac age 23 or 27

p. 86

Maria Herron, deed to daughter Charlotte Withers, wife of Peter Horry Joor, for $300, part sections 19 and 20, t9s, range14w, 640 acres, in name of George Marse; also part section 8 and others of 479 acres and 440 acres, plus 8 slaves, one named Luckey. Dated 2-21-52. (Above may be Clermont Harbor.)









p. 124

William Thorton Thompson and wife Azlai Lockett of New Orleans deed to Addison Pickrell of New Orleans, for $1,800, land as described in above deed, except it mentions that land that had been owned by Boisdore now belonged to Henry Lockett, dated Dec. 1836. In addition, one negro slave named Henry, age about 35, for $800, This deed dated June 1854. William Shannon commissioner of Deeds of the State of Mississippi

Henry 35 – $800

p. 142

Nicholas H. Mitchell, Hancock Co.”in consideration of the natural love and affection which I have and bear for well beloved son William M [?] Mitchell and for $5, gives Negro slave Chloe, aged about 23 years and Catherine a girl aged bout 5 years, 30 April 1851; bill of sale arrives at Sones’ office 5 May 1851 and is recorded 30 August 1851 in Book F, 592-3. Deed of Gift deposited for re-record 1 August 1854

Chloe 23

Catharine 5

p. 144

William W. Peyton and wife Georgina Peyton pay $1,300 to Broadwell for the following:

29 July 1854, D. W. Johnston Hancock Co. Justice of the Peace; Folsom records 8 August 1854.

Lelly, Negro woman aged about 25 years, Black complexion.

Fred, Negro man aged about 34 [?], Black complexion

The said Lelly being sold for $700 and Fred for $600, and both slaves for life.

p. 153

13 February 1840 John G. Worthy of Copiah Co. to Nixon Worthy, William Worthy, Nancy Worthy and Elizabeth Davis, wife of James Davis, “in consideration of the natural love and affection” and for $1 E ½ of the SE ¼ of Sect. 3 T9, north of Range 10, East, 78 acres and 13/100 of an acre, the SW ¼ of Sect. 2 T9NR10E, 38 acres and 79/100th , all in Copiah co. Also leaves cattle, hogs ,sheep and horses, except two saddle horses used by him and Nixon Worthy to William Worthy; leaves negro girl Philis, age 16, dark complexion, slave for life, to Nancy Worthy Jr. “with an understanding that should said girl Philis at anytime have a child or children that the increase shall be equally divided between Nancy Worthy and Elizabeth Davis wife of James Davis.

Philis 26 – dark complexion

With understanding that should she at any time have a child or children that the increase be divided….

p. 304

William H. Lewis of Mobile appoints Julius Monet his “true and lawful attorney” to receive from James Murphy of Hancock the following slaves: mulatto woman Isabella age about 35 and her two children one named “Tom” a mulatto boy about 8 yrs old, the other [name left blank] a mulatto girl aged about 10 months all of whom are slaves for life; dated 18 April 1855; verified signature by Sidney Douglas, Mobile same day; Folsom certifies the “Power of Attorney” deposited 24 April 1855 and duly recorded the following day.

Isabella 35

Tom 8

Girl 10 months

p. 329

Heirs of Mitchell sell right title claim to a certain negro woman slave aged about 45 years names Lydia to Thadias A. Mitchell, 27 February 1855; Charles Folsom clerk of probate certify bill of sale 16 July 1855, recorded the same day.

Lydia 45

p. 351

Indenture made in 3 parts 20 June 1837 that marriage was intended to be solemnized between Daugharty Gause and Miss. Amelia P. Russ and before said marriage they entered into a marriage agreement in order to secure to the sole use and benefit of the said Amelia certain slave property and the same were to remain to her separate and sole use and entirely exempt from any will liability on his part which said Negroes slaves being slaves for life and their natural increase:

Solomon, negro man slave for life aged about 50

Leah 40

Lucinda 35, Jenny 25

Lestenia 16

Phillis 15

Hester 13

Esau 12

Bella, 11

March, 10

Sylvis 8

Straffon, 7

Willis, 7

Jubita 7

Barby 6

Sharlot 5

Matilda 4

Hannah, 3

Louise, 3

Henry 3

Jacob, 10 months

“and coming from my said wife’s father’s estate…was duly recorded in the office of the Clerk of Probate Court…which office was destroyed by fire on the night of 31 March 1853 and the original contract being lost or mislaid…Gause sells unto Asa Russ the afore mentioned slaves in trust for the sole and separate use of Amelia P. Gause…and that he is to have the hiring of them out to the best interest of Amelia or to put them upon a farm should it be desirable for the said Amelia to have them placed on a farm or to make any other disposition of their labor”

Asa Russ assumes liability and trust for sums as he may receive on account of said slaves. All three sign 3 April 1855; B. Sones Judge of Probate acknowledges signatures; C. Folsom, Clerk of Probate certifies deposit of instrument 6 October 1855 and recorded 11 October 1855.

p. 377

Deed of three part; 20 November 1855 between Joseph Eugene Garandy, NO; Delphine Toulme, Hancock Co. second part; John B. Toulme third part: for land owned by Delphine in Shieldsborough [description follows] which was conveyed to her 18 December 1852 by deed from Auguste and Mary Lafitte valued $1850 and a mulatto girl named Louisa about 12 years; a slave for life valued at $500; one piano valued at $400 and a sum of money amounting to $1060, making the total $3810 and since she is about to marry Joseph Garandy – same pre-nup as above to John Toulme for $1 retaining rights as above. S. B. Pierce JP certifies presence of all three, 20 November 1855; D.W. Johnston as deputy of Elihu Carver certifies true copy 30 November 1855; recorded 6 December 1855.

Louisa 12 – $500

p. 425

Nathan Corley, and Martha Corley bequeath to Nathan Johnson, son of Solomon Johnson and Polly Johnson, his wife, a “certain yellow boy by the name of Herod about 2 yrs old and slave for life, and upon Nathan’s death to descend to the youngest brother or sister of said Nathan April 5, 1856; Martha signs her mark; Lewis Folsom acting JP certifies 12 April 1856; then Lewis Folsom JP same day; DW Johnston for Elihu 14 April deposit; 12 May 1856 records.

Herod 2

p. 449

20 June 1856 deed of Donation to Uses between J. Butler Daniell (first part) and J.F. H. Claiborne (second part) and Elizabeth Hannam, wife of said J. Butler Daniell (third part), “witness that whereas the said Elizabeth prior to and at the time of her marriage with the said J. Butler Daniell was seized of and possessed a valuable estate which, of right, would have enured to her benefit and the Benefit of her children but which aliened and expended by her husband in his own private enterprises and speculations to her injury and diminution of comfort and whereas he has recently inherited a portion of his father’s estate and being desirous of securing the comfort of his said wife and to make her compensation as far as his means allow, for her Estate, sells to Claiborne slaves Amos, Sam and Adonis of the late estate of his father Lewis Daniell; Claiborne asserts that during her life, Elizabeth is to have the management, control and benefits of the said slaves and to receive the profits and proceeds thereof, as the separate owner and proprietor, but in no instance is she to alien, sell, convey or mortgage said slaves without Claiborne’s consent; if when Elizabeth dies, her husband should survive, then the donated estates is to be returned to him; and children can inherit; James B. Mitchell member of the Board of Police acknowledges signatures 21 June 1856; DW Johnston for Elihu filed 20 june 1856; recorded same day.




p. 456-457

Deed of Negro slave woman named Charlotte from Adeline Mead wife of Stephen Mead to Charles H. Frazar for sum of $465.15 which were mortgaged by the Mead’s. Signed in Gainesville 11th of July 1856. Delivered 11th July 1856 in presence of A.H. Hursey and D.W. Johnston. Charles H. Frazar acknowledged full satisfaction of the mortgage and interest in Gainesville 24th August 1858 by D.W. Johnston. Recorded duly on the 15th day of July 1856 by Johnston for Elihu Carver.

Charlotte 40

p. 470

Jane Cooper, relict [widow] of Cornelius Cooper of St. Tammany. LA appoints son James as attorney to take charge of estate left to her by late husband, and to remove all personal property and slaves, etc., to his residence in Hancock County. Signed with x, Jane Cooper on 9-13-56.

John Brush, JP

[slaves not named]

p. 481

Alexander Bookter for $1,604 deed [overlay at this point makes deed of trust unclear, but it appears that money was paid by Elizabeth Cowand for slaves sold to Joseph Field.] Slaves named George, Genet, and her child Bustamento. [Overlay signed by Fields on 10-17-59, addressed to DH Johnson, to effect that deed of trust had been satisfied.]

Second p. 481: [with no overlay] Money was paid by Cowand. Slaves were:

George (black) 39

Genet (mulatto woman), age 29

…her child Bustamento (mulatto boy) age 6

Signed by Bookter 10-1-56.

p. 486

James Murphy for $2,150 sells to William H. Lewis four negro slaves, Sam, Ned, Isabella, and her child Tom. Signed, James and Margaret Murphy, 2-27-52.

Witnesses: Sidney Douglas, Commissioner for MS in Alabama, and Simon Favre, both of Mobile, on 3-30-55. Carver and Johnston, clks, for Hancock, 11-9-56.




... her child Tom

p. 489

Thomas B. Poitevent of Gainesvilles, being out of debt and possessed of considerable estate in slaves and other property, appoints Benjamin S. Leonard as trustee in deed of trust for benefit of wife Maranda; slaves listed as:

Sandy 52

Primass 48

Jack 40

John Rone 45

Cupid 30

Dick 26

Charles 32

George a boy 14

Caroline sister of George 12

Roxana 24

Her four childen Nathen 5

Felicia 5

Laura 3

Mingo ½

And also four mules, two wagons and two horses.

Signed by Poitevent 11-21-56

This article was written by Russell B. Guerin. An enthusiastic researcher of Hancock County's rich history, he wrote many an article for the Hancock County Historical Society and started publishing online in 2009 on his blog "A Creole in Mississippi." All articles from that blog have been transferred to this website at his request.

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