Architectural Styles - Double Gallery

Many New Orleans houses, especially the sidehall American townhouse and the two-story shotgun double, can also be categorized as double-gallery houses.

This double-gallery type is a two-story building that evolved during the antebellum period. Its distinguishing feature is broad galleries across the front façade at both levels, supported by either pillars or columns.

The above description was taken from "New Orleans Houses, a House-Watcher's Guide" by Lloyd Vogt.

Some Examples of Double Gallery Houses at the Bay
(Past and Present)

116 North Beach Boulevard
This side hall double gallery house built ca. 1880 was the deMontluzin family home until 1900 when they built their more familiar home a few doors to the north. It became the Victory Hotel and was burned in 1927 when a fire broke out in the building and burned all buildings from the new A&G Theater to Main Street and three buildings along Main Street.

112 South Second Street
National Register # 398

Ca. 1885. 2-story 3x4-bay gable-on-hip-roofed frame building with 2-tiered undercut gallery. Diamond-shape light in pediment. The building has a second floor ball room with convex tin panels of empire design on ceiling and walls. It has served as home to the "Sea Coast Echo" and in recent years as an antique emporium The building survived Katrina, suffering mostly roof damage.

142 Main Street
National Register # 379

Ca. 1900. Colonial Revival. 2-story hip roof house with central gable and undercut from the roofline a 2-bay, 2-tiered gallery and a 2-bay 2-story polygonal bay.

207 Union Street
National Register # 343

Ca. 1860 with circa 1900 alterations. 2-story 4x9-bay hip-roofed house with 2-story undercut gallery. Turned posts and scroll-sawn balustrade. Colonial Revival door surround.

217 Keller Avenue
National Register # 307

Ca. 1860. 2-story 4x2-bay gable-roofed dwelling with 2-story undercut gallery. 2 entrances in middle bays. Replaced posts.

814 Beach Boulevard North
National Register # 7 (Elmwood)

Ca. 1900. Mission-style elements. 1-story 3x2-bay stucco dwelling with truncated hip roof of slate and undercut gallery. Three entrances onto gallery. Arched portico leading into garage on side elevation.

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