Architectural Styles - Greek Revival (1830 - 1865)
Greek Revival houses were characterized by simplicity, strength and dignity. One of the major trademarks of Greek Revival is the Greek-key doorway (also known as crossettes), characterized by a slightly overlapping lintel and a slight flaring out of the face of the surround from the top to the bottom. Other distinguishing features of the style are a low-pitched roof, full entablature supported by Greek columns, and such Greek ornamentation as dentils, egg-and-dart molding, rosettes, palmettes, honeysuckles, and acanthus leaves.
Entrance doors were generally paneled, frequently flanked by sidelights and a rectangular transom, and framed with classical pilasters and cornice. Window surrounds were simple and severe, and shutters were most often the operable-louver type. Door and window openings were always flat-topped, as ancient Greek structures did not use arches.The above description was taken from "New Orleans Houses, a House-Watcher's Guide" by Lloyd Vogt.
Some Examples of Greek Revival Houses at the Bay
(Past and Present)
414 South Beach Boulevard
National Register
# 59
"Swoop Manor" Built 1853. 1½-story 5x2-bay clapboard house with undercut gallery
and shotgun side addition. 3 pedimented gable dormers.
Central entrance with eaved surround. Denticulated
frieze. Boxed wood gallery columns with the exception of the 2
central columns which are Corinthian cast-iron.
(Destroyed by Katrina in 2005)
806 South Beach Boulevard
National Register # 75
"Beachwood Hall" Built 1840. 1
½-story 5x3-bay frame dwelling with undercut gallery,
gable roof and central entrance. Entrance with transom and
sidelights. Wood posts with capitals support wide frieze. 3
gabled dormers.
(Destroyed by Katrina in 2005)
502 South Beach Boulevard
National Register # 63
"Hilltop" Built in 1860. 1-story 5x3-bay
frame house with high basement, hip roof, central entrance and undercut gallery.
2 stairways lead to central bay of the first floor. Paired posts.
(Destroyed by Katrina in 2005)
610 North Beach Boulevard
National Register # 16
Ca. 1900. 1-story 7x3-bay gable-roofed house with projecting
front porch and central entrance. (C)
(Destroyed by Katrina in 2005.
Rear building still standing.)
206 Union Street
National Register # 332
Ca. 1850. Greek Revival style.
1-story gable-roofed cottage with 5-bay façade. Main entrance in
central, double-leafed with sidelight and transom. Eaved
architrave splayed at bottom. 2 secondary entrances onto porch.
Squared posts with capitals.