Alphabet File page 20
Baron, Mr. and Mrs. L. and Baron, Mr. Alphonse, left on Monday morning for a brief visit in New Orleans. (SCE 01/14/1893)
Baron, Alphonse J., at the Gulf Coast Market, has for sale the cat-rigged boat "NEPTUNE", with sail, at a bargain. The boat is safe and makes good speed. (SCE 8/19/1893)
Baron, Mr. Alphonse J., in company with friends, spent Sunday very pleasantly at Biloxi. (SCE 11-4-1893)
Baron, Mr. Alphonse J., spent yesterday in New Orleans. (SCE 11-18-1893)
Baron, Mr. Alphonse J., and our junior editor attended a theatre party in New Orleans Thursday evening seeing "A Trip to Chinatown". (SCE 1/6/1894)
Muller, Mr. and Mrs. G., on Sunday, Christmas eve, had their infant daughter christened at the Catholic church, Very Rev. Father Leduc officiating. The baby was named Clare Alphonsine Blanche Muller, and the sponsors were Miss Blanche Avery and Mr. Alphonse J. Baron. (SCE 1-6-1894)
Baron, Alphonse J.- Seventeen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Baron who resided in BSL (404 N. Beach) was resting in a hammock one afternoon, his horse tied nearby. His horse stomping attracted his attention and he discovered the rim of a pot protruding from the ground. It contained a quantity of gold coin. The amount was never revealed but it was repeatedly hinted that the sum was no small one. It was the site of Cantoni's Inn. Alphonse was married to Miss Annie Ramond of BSL and had three sons who attended St. Stanislaus. (SCE Jubilee 1942 pg. 3, col 3). (Note: Cantoni's was "below the bluff" at Ulman Ave. The actual treasure was "behind" Cantoni's in the back yard of Baron's house, later Reed Hotel, by CHG)
Baron, Mr. and Mrs., spent Monday in New Orleans. (SCE 3/11/1893)
Baron, Mr. and family, substantially remembered the editors of THE ECHO this week with a basket of choice oranges from their place. Thanks to the Barons. (SCE 11/26/1893)
Baron, Alice - One of the most pleasant wagon rides of the season was the moonlight wagon ride given by the young folks on Saturday. A band of music was in attendance and no better time could have been enjoyed. Those present were: Misses Mamie Baron, Katie A. Reed, Edwege Saucier, Alice Baron, Vicky Breath, Lottie Cuneo, Ollie Caldwell, Miss Ducros, Messers. R. Cuneo, Chas Breath, Alphonse J. Baron, A. Q. Breath, Robt. Maynard, Jun. S. Raymond, the scribe and many others. (SCE 9/10/1892)
Baron, Misses Mamie and Alice, were given a delightful sail on board "NEPTUNE" Monday evening in their honor. (SCE 6/3/1893)
Baron, Herbert B. r 640 Bch. Blvd. Waveland (Ph 55)
Baron, Mrs. L., and daughters, Misses Mamie and Alice, returned Tuesday night from a two days' stay in New Orleans. (SCE, 6-17-1893)
Zephrin, Mrs., who has been spending awhile at the Bay with her daughter, Mrs. L. Baron, was called to New Orleans last Monday to the sick bedside of a relative. (SCE 7/29/1893)
Baron, Mrs. L. and son, Mr. Alphonse Baron, and Mrs. Zephrin left on Monday for a short visit in New Orleans. (SCE 9/03/1892)
On Thursday evening of this week the lovely home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Baron was thrown open to the reception of the I.F.F. Club. After the transaction of business it was decided that the club hold its next regular meeting at the residence of the Misses L. and E. Saucier, Sept. 15th. The members of the club will be entertained by a card party at the residence of Mrs. H. Moreau, Thursday, Sept. 8th. (SCE 9/03/1892)
Baron, L. On Thursday evening the sixth regular meeting of In For Fun club was held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. L Baron: the seventh regular meeting of the club takes place on Thursday, Oct. 13th, at the residence of Mrs. Neuroth, on Union St. (SCE 10/01/1892)
Mrs. L. Baron returned on Tuesday evening from a visit to the Crescent City. (SCE 10/29/1892)
Mrs. L. Baron and two daughters, Misses Mamie and Alice, left on Monday morning to spend awhile in New Orleans. (SCE 12/03/1892)
Baron, Mr. L., has had his fine row boat extensively overhauled and will soon launch it. (SCE 12/17/1892)
Zephrin, Mrs., of New Orleans, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. L. Baron. (SCE, 12/24/1892)
Plicque, Mrs., of New Orleans, spent Sunday here, the guest of Mr.and Mrs. Baron and family. (SCE, 12/24/1892)
Baron, Mr. and Mrs. L. and Baron, Mr. Alphonse, left on Monday morning for a brief visit in New Orleans. (SCE 01/14/1893)
Zephrim, Mrs., came over from New Orleans Sunday morning to spend a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. L. Baron. (SCE 04/01/1893)
Baron, Mrs. L., and daughters, Misses Mamie and Alice, returned Tuesday night from a two days' stay in New Orleans. (SCE 6-17-1893)
Baron, Mr. and Mrs. L. - The editor is indebted to them for the grapes they gave him. (SCE 7/22/1893)
Baron, Mr. L., spent Thursday at Scranton on business. (SCE 8/5/1893)
Zephirin, Mrs. E., of New Orleans, came over Wednesday to spend a while with her daughter, Mrs. L. Baron. (SCE 8/19/1893)
Baron, Mrs. L., went over to New Orleans yesterday morning to attend the funeral of a relative. (SCE 11-25-1893)
Zephrim, Mrs., is here from New Orleans, is here on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. L. Baron. (SCE 1-6-1894)
Baron, Mamie - The charming and beautiful Misses Lena Stentz, Julia Shoffer, and Theresa Englander, of New Orleans were the guests of Miss Mamie Baron on Wednesday. (SCE 8/20/1892)
Baron, Miss M. - The I.F.F. club meets at the residence of Miss M. Baron on Thursday evening next at 8:15. All members and parties desiring to join the club are requested to be present. (SCE 8/27/1892)
Baron, Mamie -One of the most pleasant wagon rides of the season was the moonlight wagon ride given by the young folks on Saturday. A band of music was in attendance and no better time could have been enjoyed. Those present were: Misses Mamie Baron, Katie A. Reed, Edwege Saucier, Alice Baron, Vicky Breath, Lottie Cuneo, Ollie Caldwell, Miss Ducros, Messers. R. Cuneo, Chas Breath, Alphonse J. Baron, A. Q. Breath, Robt. Maynard, Jun. S. Raymond, the scribe and many others. (SCE 9/10/1892)
Baron, Misses Mamie and Alice, were given a delightful sail on board "NEPTUNE" Monday evening in their honor. (SCE 6/3/1893)
Baron, Mrs. L., and daughters, Misses Mamie and Alice, returned Tuesday night from a two days' stay in New Orleans. (SCE, 6-17-1893)
Baron Place, The (400 N. Beach) on Front st. sold by Mrs. Kate M. Richards to H. S. Lillus, a jeweler for $2,600. plus certain furnishings for $1,000. (SCE 6/9/1904 #9 col 1)
Barq's Bottling Co. Inc. 307 Washington (Ph 48 thru 50,55)
Barr, Mrs. J. J. has been very sick but under the care of Dr. vonGohren is improving nicely. (SCE/10/08/1892)
Barr, Mr. J. J., came over on Tuesday to spend some time at his summer home in Waveland. (SCE 11/19/1892)
Sears, Mr. George, treasurer of Waveland and Mr. J. J. Barr came over Saturday to attend the monthly meeting of the town of Waveland. (SCE 12/10/1892)
Barr, Mr. J. J., is having a new breakwater built at the old Shropshire place. (Waveland) (SCE 03/18/1893)
Mr. John J. Barr, See mention in article "Waveland - The Lovely Village On The Mississippi Sound"
Barr, J. J., is favorably spoken of as Waveland's next Mayor. (SCE 7/1/1893)
Barr, Mr. J. J., and family, of Waveland, departed for New Orleans last week. (SCE 11-4-1893)
Fell, Mr. J. R., and Messrs. J.J . Barr, Lucas E. Moore, Geo. E. Sears, all these gentlemen of New Orleans, spent Sunday at their summer homes in Waveland. (SCE 11-26-1893)