Alphabet File page 41
At a well attended and enthusiastic meeting of the organizers of the proposed Yacht Club held on Saturday night at Bay High School Gym a governing board was elected by vote of those present. The board members were John Bell, C. A. Breath, Jr., Robert Camors, |N. L. Carter, Lucien Gex, J. |J. McDonald, L. K. Nickolson, E.s N. Spence, Dr. M. J. Wolfe, E. M. Brignac, H. W. LeTissier and J. J. Kelleher. Officers elected were John Bell, commodore; Robert Camors, vice-commodore; C. A. Breath Jr., rear-commodore; J. J. Kelleher, secretary, and John McDonald, treasurer.
The temporary name was Yacht Club, Inc. until such a time as the old Bay-Waveland Yacht Club could be dissolved, which should be in June. |It was the voice of the group that the club be called Bay-Waveland Yacht Club as soon as it was legal to do so.
The clubhouse was erected on the old Dorgan Packing Company site which had been bargained for from George Gorgstede who bought it from the Dorgan Company after the 1947 hurricane when the buildings were destroyed.
Work on the Bay-Waveland Yacht Club will be complete about Oct 15, according to John Bell, Sr., contractor. The grand opening of the club is schedule for Nov l,he said.
Pictured above is the architects drawing of what the new $50,.000.00 structure will look like. At a recent meeting of the Yacht club members it was revealed that sufficient funds have been collected to complete construction of the building and to furnish and outfit the club, but additional funds will be needed to complete the harbor.
“The club would have enough money for everything,” Mr. Bell said, “if persons who have not yet paid their pledges would send in their checks at once.” “This”, he added, “the club hopes they will do.”
Also at the next meeting the name of the club was officially change to “The Bay-Waveland Yacht Club.”
The wording on the mortgage notes was approved by the members present. These notes are now being printed and will be mailed out as soon as they are finished, Mr. Bell declared.
--------------- end section Bay Waveland Yacht club ---------------
Bayard #52 J.A. Cuevas (VF MJS VIII 00350)
Bayou Caddy - The Blessing of the Fleet will be held June 26 at 2 p.m. at Bayou Caddy. Judging the fishing boats will be Carol Vegas, Divis McCutchon and Merlin Markel. (Coast Buyers Guide - June 23, 1976)
Bayou Caddy Restaurant & Fishing Camp, Lakeshore (Ph 48-49)
Bayou Galere. Site north of Shieldsboro where the Winchester sawmill and Walker Mill were located. (Booklet VF Hursey)
Beach Bar Club _____ N. Beach (Ph 50)
Beach, D. L., res. 216 N. Beach (Ph 48)
Beach Drug Store. 103 S. Beach (Ph 48 thru 50, 55)
Beach Drug Store, 100 Blk N. Beach, Ref Sunshine Ice Cream Parlor, Monteleone Grocery. (1968 phone book lists Beach Rexall Economy Drug Inc. at 103 S. Beach)
Beach Oyster Hse. S. Bch (Ph 55)
Beal, Marion, 127 Railroad Av. (Ph 48 thru 50, 55)
Beam, Charles A. r Railroad Ave. Clermont Harbor (Ph 55)
Beard, Mr. and Mrs. Don - We noticed that you still have our ad in your paper. We sold the bike. Thank you for allowing us to place the ad even though we are only weekend visitors to this area. Your newspaper has been interesting and the advertisements have helped us to know where some shops are since we are not at all familiar with the town. -Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. Don Beard. (Coast Buyers Guide - June 23, 1976)
Beason, Elizabeth, Decd. 11/5/1917. Hiram Seal, Witness; Carl Marshall Execx. (Will Bk. 6 Beason P. 16-17. Probate Dec. 4, A.D. 1917.)
Beauregard, Gus (of N. O.) guest along with Evan McCall of former Mayor E. E. O’Brien. (SCE 15 Feb. 1908).
Beauregard, Mr. Paul and Mr. W.P. Stewart, who went down the river on a raft of logs to Pearlington, have just returned. (Boly) (SCE 3/25/1893)
Beauty Bar, 107 N. Beach (1968 phone)
Becger, Mr. E.F., the paper hanger and decorator, has just completed a very fine work in this line for Mr. Edwards and we understand that he has several other jobs on hand. A good workman is never idle. (SCE 04/15/1893)
Bech, Mrs., of Scranton, was the guest of Mrs. Yenni on Monday. (SCE 12/23/1893)
Beck, Mr. C. B., the hustler, of Handsboro, was shaking hands with his many Bay St. Louis friends this week. (SCE 9/17/1892)
Beck, Mr. C. B., of Hansboro, Miss., was here Wednesday evening. Mr. B. was a former resident of the Bay about 2 years ago, and found it so improved and beautiful that he hardly recognized his old home. (SCE 1-28-1893)
Beck, Mr. C. B., a former resident of the Bay, was here Sunday. Beck was no doubt here with a wide-awake eye on some new business. (SCE 11-4-1893)
Beckendorff, Eugene - owned 21 acres off Old Gainesville Road. Send information to current owners who have moved the house to new location on the property 1990: Mrs. Beth Gruzinskas, 1814 Waveland Avenue, 39576. (1991) Mailing address for the property will be 5401 Old Gainsville Road, Bay St. Louis.
Becker, Andy J. r De Montluzin (Ph 50)
Becker, C. E. Lt. Col. r Lakeshore (Ph 49-50, 55)
Becker, C. F., Lakeshore (Ph 48)
Becker, Ed. F. & Co. - General Painter and Decorator. Paper hanging a specialty at reasonable rates. Work along the Coast solicited. Bay St. Louis, Miss. (Advertisement SCE 8/6/1892, similar ad. on 8/13/1892 thru 9/3/1892) listed as D. F. Becker & Co.)
Mr. Ed F. Becker is in New Orleans persuing his occupation as "boss" painter and decorator. (SCE/10/22/1892)
Mr. Max Becker, well-known and esteemed in the Bay, came over from New Orleans Monday night on a visit to his father, Mr. Ed. F. Becker. (SCE 11/5/1892)
Becker, Ed. - The other morning Mr. Ed. Becker hooked 18 speckled beauties at the draw. Messrs. Becker and Peter Tudury catch fish when they want. They are expert anglers. (SCE 11/19/1892)
The last finishing touches are being made upon Sheriff Cazeneuve's home on Main St. The plan of the house is very desirable as it combines all that goes to make a comfortable and elegant home. Mr. Ed. Becker is doing the painting and, as usual, is displaying his abilities of unexcelled work. (SCE 11/19/1892)
Becker, Mr. Ed. F., has secured the contract for painting Gardebled's new store. (SCE, 12/31/1892)
Becker, Mr. Ed E. - The big piece of work of painting the new court house is in the hands of the boss painter, Mr. Ed E. Becker, who is ably assisted by Mr. E. E. Saucier. The work could be no better, and truly does reflect credit upon the artistic skill of the painters. (SCE 01/14/1893), Mr. Ed., has made quite a difference in the appearance of THE ECHO building with a touch of his brush. The "boss" painter and decorator has the credit of doing this fine piece of work. (SCE 02/25/1893)
Taconi, Jr., Mr. Frank, whose new building is among the most important of those improvements being made about the Bay just now, is about completed near the head of Main Street. We understand the building will accommodate the hungry and thirsty. Mr. S.S. Giveans is leading the carpenter work and Mr. Ed. F. Becker is skillfully passing the brush over the boards. (SCE 8/19/1893)
Taconi, Messrs. Frank Jr., Becker, Ed. F., Giveans, S.S., and Capdepon, J.,(Waveland) left the latter part of last week for South America to work on building railroad bridges. They have undertaken a big and interesting trip and we trust it will not only be one of much pleasure but of benefit and profit. (SCE 9/30/1893)