Alphabet File page 69
Cameron, Pearl and May
Cameron, Charming Miss Pearl, has returned from a visit to friends in Pass Christian. (SCE 8/20/1892)
The winsome Misses Pearl and May Cameron are visiting the charming Misses Dykers of New Orleans. (SCE/10/22/1892)
Cameron, The misses have returned from New Orleans where they were the recipients of many social attentions. (SCE 11/5/1892)
Cameron, Miss Pearl, after a loan of her charming presence to New Orleans social circles, returned Sunday. (SCE 04/01/1893)
Cameron, May and Pearl- Blaumers, Miss May, petite and fascinating, after a delightful visit to the Misses Pearl and May Cameron, returned Sunday evening to her home in New Orleans. (SCE 04/29/1893)
Blaumer, Miss, of New Orleans, is the guest of the Misses Cameron. (SCE 7/15/1893)
Cameron, Miss May, of Bay St. Louis, was a most welcome guest of Mrs. John J. Curtis in Pass Christian on Monday. (SCE 7/15/1893)
Cameron, Miss Pearl, is enjoying the sights at the great exposition and is the guest of relatives. Miss Keller, sister of Mr. August Keller, is at Chicago seeing the fair. Before the end of October there will be quite a number from the Bay and Waveland going to Chicago. A sight of the great show is better than six months at school, and the young folks should by all means take it in if possible. SCE 8/26/1893)
Cameron, Miss Pearl, returned this week from a visit to the big Chicago Exposition. (SCE 09/09/1893)
"Cameron School" -Miss Katie Edwards, of Bay St. Louis, is charmingly and ably presiding over "Cameron" school. (SCE 11/19/1892)
Caminada, Cheniere - Chevally, Mr. E. R., came over from New Orleans Saturday and returned Sunday. Mr. Chevally visited Cheniere Caminada after the storm and describes the scene of the awful disaster. (SCE 10/21/1893)
Camors, Mrs. Richard Roth was a Camors. (CHG)
Camors, Robert L. 902 N. Beach (Ph 48 thru 50- 55)
Camors, Robert L. autos, 130 Court (Ph 48 thru 50- 55)
Camp Goode. 3rd Rgt was located on the Piernos property which Helene Price said was next to Cowan's on beach between Felicity and Leopold Sts. (CHG)
Camp Onward 268 S. Beach (Ph 48 thru 50- 55). (These listings must reflect an office downtown as the camp was located at 972 S.Beach).
Campbell, Mrs., of New Orleans, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Evans, on Union street. Mrs. Campbell is good company, bright and clever, and will add greatly to society on Union street. (SCE 9/3/1893)
Campbell, Mrs., of New Orleans visited Mr. and Mrs. Evans on Union Street, Sunday. (SCE, 2/24/1894)
Campbell, Charles. (Wb A, p 8788) Nephew, Charles Campbell. Scotland. 3-3-1873.
Campbell, Charles Marshal 8-3-1924 baptized at the Pearlington Methodist Episcopal Church (PC&C)
Campbell, Infant 3-6-1921 baptized at the Pearlington Methodist Episcopal Church (PC&C)
Campbell, James T. r Nicholson, Waveland (Ph 55)
Campbell, Tate, 215 N. Second (Ph 48), 325 Carroll Av (Ph 49 thru 50)
Campbell, W. S., 108 Carroll (Ph 49 thru 50)
Campbell, Mrs. Wm., who was the guest of Mrs. Thos. L. Evans for some time, returned to her home in New Orleans Thursday evening accompanied by Miss Mattie Evans. (10/28/1893)
Campe, August. Ref. Churches, Deed Bk. L, pg.179 (FM-1)
Wife, Anna Campe; Bro, Henry Campe; sister Mary Campe (wife of Conrad Maybonn (Germany) nephew, Herman Kampe; sister-in-law, Anna Walker, Ireland; brother in law, Henry Walker; Mrs. English Walker; also others, E. Ruhr, Aleline Carver, Lucy Orchard, Maud Lenton. (Wb A, pg 262, 63)
Campe, Mr. August and wife (Waveland) are expected to return from the North very shortly. (SCE 12/10/1892)
Matthews, Mr. W., of New Orleans, has rented one of Mr. Campe's cottages in Waveland and is here since the 1st. SCE 05/06/1893)
Delbert, Mr., and family, of New Orleans, have arrived at Waveland and have taken one of the Campe cottages. (SCE 05/27/1893)
Campe, Mr. and Mrs. A., are home again in Waveland after a lengthy stay in Chicago. (SCE 11-25-1893)
Cana: See Canna also.
Canna, Dimitri - WHT POL 1, FPC 0, SLV 0. (Hancock County, Mississippi Tax Rolls 1820, VF Tax Rolls)
Canine, S. R., 127 Railroad Av. (Ph 48 thru 50)
Cannard, Neige- Hancock County Circuit Court convened in Bay St. Louis, the county seat, for the spring term Monday morning, Judge J.H. Neville on the bench, with Hon. J.H. Neville prosecuting attorney. The docket was remarkably light which speaks volumes to the credit of our people. The local attorneys and those of the sea coast and neighboring counties were in attendance. Court adjourned Wednesday morning. Among the cases disposed of was that of Wm. Thorn, burglary, one year in State penitentiary; the case of Victor Landrieu was dismissed; the appeal of Dr. L.H. von Gohren, charged with trespassing by Miss Neige Cannard, the jury reversed the decision of the lower court by bringing in a verdict of acquittal. Other cases of minor importance were disposed of. Mr. Reuben Brown was foreman of the Grand Jury. (SCE 04/29/1893)
Cantoni Inn and Wharf. Located at 404 N. Beach. Mentioned in article about the Baron Gold find. (SCE Jubilee 1942 pg. 2, col 4).
Cantoni Tavern, operated by an ex-seaman by that name. Was a hang-out for a tough element. LaFitte, Vasseur (one of the Buccaneers) and his crew were reported frequenters and rumor was that Vasseur robbed an Englishman of prominence named Vernon and buried the treasure. (See the Baron Gold find).
Canty, W. T. and Rabbi, J. M., two popular and clever gentlemen of Scranton, Miss., were here during the holidays on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Pearson (SCE 01/07/1893).
Capdepon, A. B., 52, Lakeshore Cemetery 22 Mar 1974 (CEC)
Capdepon, A. F., 149 Bay View Ct. (Ph 48 thru 50- 55)
Capdepon, Mrs. C. - Member of Minerva Association (VF Gardebled)
Capdepon, Frederick Fabian, 63, Biloxi VA Cem.23 Jun 1983 (CEC)
Capdepon, Henry, 208 Union (Ph 48 thru 50), 115 Carroll (Ph 55)
Jones, Albert St., Police Chief BSL 1910 and held the position for 16 years. He moved from Waveland to Bay St. Louis in 1910 according to his daughter, Mrs. Henry Capdepon, Sr. Had a daughter Elsie Mae who married W. L. Higgins of Gulfport. (Photo, "Reflections" (SCE 3/14/74).
Capdepon, J. (Waveland), Taconi, Frank Jr., Becker, Ed. F. and Giveans, S. S., left the latter part of last week for South America to work on building railroad bridges. They have undertaken a big and interesting trip and we trust it will not only be one of much pleasure but of benefit and profit. (SCE 9/30/1893)
Taconi, Mr., and Messers. Becker, Giveans, and Capdepon, who left this place in the latter part of last September for Carthagena, S. A., and for whose safety great anxiety was felt, have arrived safely home, we are glad to note. A letter was received here last Monday in which the safe arrival was mentioned, and the cause of such delay in communicating was due to the vessel being blown out of its course. The supplies gave out and the crew suffered considerable hardship. (SCE 12-9-1893)
Capdepon, L. - Baron, Messrs. Alphonse J., James Breath, L. Capdepon, Chas. Breath, L. J. dePaoli were among the many visitors to Pass Sunday. (SCE 10/15/1892)
Capdepon, Judge Leon B. Member of the Eclipse Band along with Charles A. Breath, Prof. Geo. H. Combel, and W. E. Saucier. (SCE Jubilee 1942 pg. 5).