Alphabet File page 96
Cuneo, Miss Lottie, is visiting friends at Port Eads, La. (SCE 7/29/1893)
Conner, Evelyn Hunt r 113 Bay View Ct. (Ph 55)
Connor, Miss Irene delighted friends with a visit here Sunday. (SCE 10/07/1893)
Conner, Mrs. James of New Orleans, is enjoying the delights of our September weather. (SCE 9/10/1892)
Conner, Mrs. R., and Mrs. J. J. Foster and children, are away from their New Orleans home, spending a while with Mrs. Geo. Muller. (SCE 09/23/1893)
Conner, Mrs. R., Foster, Mrs. J. J. and children, after spending a while with friends, are passengers aboard the new "CAMELIA" Tuesday morning. They were accompanied by Mr. Foster. (SCE 10/14/1893)
Conniff, Jno R., 253 St. Charles (Ph 48 thru 50)
Connolly, Mr. T., Died at His Post of Duty.
All man must die, but the way many meet the destined ending of their earthly career is truly sad and entirely too touching for the human mind to even contemplate. So characterized was the death of Mr. T. Connolly, a freight engineer of this division of the Louisville & Nashville railroad. It was on the east-bound train of Monday night, and not many miles from the Mississippi boundary line, the engineer was taken suddenly and violently ill, however, the train reached this city near mid-night when a physician was immediately summonsed and the necessary attention was given, but to no avail; in the still breath of the midnight air, the cold grasp of the inevitable was in that sorrow-laden railroad caboose to claim its victim. The remains were taken to New Orleans to be prepared for burial and passed through in a special car on Tuesday accompanied by L.& N. officials. Mr. Connolly was one of the road's first engineers, was highly esteemed and well-known. He was buried in Mobile on Tuesday evening with the ceremonial rites of the Catholic church. (SCE 12/17/1892)
Connor, J. T., 354 Jeff Davis Av., Waveland (Ph 49-50, 55)
Connors, Mrs., a beautiful lady of Pearl River, after a visit to Mrs. R.C. Eugman, returned to her home Monday evening. (SCE 04/22/1893)
Conrad, Mayor (Eustas) , of Waveland, has returned from Chicago. We regret to say that he returned feeling quite unwell. (SCE 09/09/1893)
Conrad, Mayor, was in Waveland Sunday. (SCE 11-18-1893)
Conrad, Paul - On Monday Waveland held her municipal election and all went off very quiet. Hon. A. A. Ulman was reelected mayor, Messrs. Paul Conrad and J. P. Barr were elected aldermen and Mr. Geo Sears was elected treasurer. The people of Waveland are to be congratulated upon such a wise selection. (SCE 8/6/1892)
Conrad, Paul Jr. and Leon, two pleasant young gentlemen were over from New Orleans on Sunday. (SCE 9/24/1892)
Conrad, Mr. Paul and relatives left on Thursday for their winter home in New Orleans. Mr. Conrad loves the place and during the winter will be a frequent visitor to his magnificent home. (SCE 10/01/1892)
Mr. Paul Conrad arrived at his lively home last night. Tomorrow he will entertain at a grand banquet from 75 to 100 gentlemen friends.<SCE 10/22/1892>
Editor J. W. Fairfax and family, after delightfully spending the entire summer at fashionable Waveland in Capt. Paul Conrad's handsome property, the Seaside, return to their winter home in New Orleans yesterday morning. Mr. Fairfax is of our valued contemporary, the N. O. Item, and during his stay here wrote many nice and good things about Waveland and Bay St. Louis. We hope he will be with us again next summer (SCE 10/29/1892) .
The Camera Club Entertained by Capt. Paul Conrad. - On Sunday last Captain Paul Conrad threw open wide the doors of his elegant and fashionable "Mistletoe" home, in Waveland, to the members of the New Orleans Camera club. The guests arrived in a special chair coach attached to the morning mail. Upon arriving carriages and tally-hos were in attendance and conveyed the crowd to Mr. Conrad's home. Owing to the inclemency of the weather the party was made to stay within doors. When all had assembled the roster of the company was made up as follows: Committee in Charge Paul Conrad, Jr., chairman; E. L. Pinac, W.W. Boullemet. Members-Paul Conrad, L. E. Bowman, P. E. Carriere, Wm. Beer, L. L. Cazenavette, E. L. Pinac. Henry O'Connell, W. W. Boullemet, R. P. Randall, A. Molinary, W. Gowland, B. C. Shields, Emile Frederic, H. C. Dellery, T. W. Castleman, S. L. Mitchel, Paul Conrad, Jr., P. F. Reynes, R. S. Charles, Jr.
The guests were numerous among whom were many ladies. A grand banquet was given at which many speeches, toasts, etc., were made. Mr. J. W. Fairfax represented the press. The party returned to New Orleans the same evening after spending a good time and having enjoyed a royal hospitality of Mr. Conrad. (SCE 10/29/1892)
Editor J. W. Fairfax, of the N. O. City Item, dined with Mr. Paul Conrad Sunday. (SCE 11/26/1892)
Conrad, Capt. Paul, and son, Paul, were visitors to their lovely home last Sunday. (SCE 12/17/1892)
Among the most prominent business men who have helped to make the town of Waveland the summer resort that is today, perhaps none was better known than the late Mr. Paul Conrad. Mr. Conrad was the first president and one of the organizers of the Gulf Coast Ice and Manufacturing Co. also mayor of the town up to the time of his death. He was a large owner in real estate along the Gulf Coast, in which he is succeeded by Mr. Paul Conrad, Jr. and a younger brother. "Mistletoe" the Conrad residence is situated a short distance from the beach in a grove of oaks with drives and concrete walks together with fountains whose sparkling waters from an artesian well dazzle in the air. "Mistletoe" commands a splendid view of the waters of the Bay, being slightly elevated as can be seen from the illustration accompanying this sketch. The late Mr. Conrad, being of an enterprising disposition and realizing in a speculative way that if a number of cottages were built to let, they would prove a paying investment. In this it seems he was not mistaken as houses are especially in the summer are in very great demand. We give illustrations of two of his cottages, nos. 1 and 2. (ATG p 6)
Conrad, Capt. Paul, Mr. Pinac, and Mrs. Paul Conrad, Jr., of New Orleans, on Sunday dined at "Mistletoe", the
(___?) lovely and fashionable summer home. (SCE,1-21-1893)
Lhote, Mr. George, of New Orleans and who is wisely investing in Waveland real estate, was the guest of Mr. Paul Conrad, Sunday. (SCE 02/04/1893)
Fairfax, Mr. J. W., was on Sunday the guest of Captain Paul Conrad and son. (SCE 02/18/1893)
Conrad, Paul, President of the Gulf Coast Ice & Manufacturing Co., at a meeting held on Saturday of last week, re-elected its officers and directors. New additions for a steam laundry and a summer drink bottling establishment was determined. President Conrad is one of the brainy and enterprising gentlemen of this company and is fully determined to push matters in a rapid and paying way. (SCE 03/04/1893)
Conrad, Mr. Paul, spent Sunday at his Mistletoe villa in Waveland. Mr. Conrad is a great admirer of Waveland and owns some of the finest properties in the most aristocratic part of Waveland. (SCE 03/04/1893)
Fairfax, Col. J.W., who so liberally and ably benefited this lovely sea coast resort by the products of his clever pen through the columns of the New Orleans Item, while residing in Waveland last summer, will reside in our midst again this summer. He has purchased a lot from Mr. Paul Conrad next to the Seaside villas, and will theron have an elegant summer villa. (SCE 03/04/1893)
Conrad, Capt. Paul. In a few days the patent on the Bell telephone will have expired and the wires of this patent will herafter connect communication by this system in many parts. All arrangements are now being completed for the inauguration of the telephone system between this city and Waveland. Capt. Paul Conrad, of Waveland, is one of the chiefs of the promoters of this project and has gone to work on the capital idea of connection New Orleans and this part of the coast by telephone. With vim and farsightedness Mr. Conrad will execute his plans and have them to succeed. (SCE 3/11/1893)