Barth Cemetery

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Barth Cemetery is actually located just north of Hancock County, in Pearl River County. From I-10 take the 603 North (= exit 13). Follow this road for almost 20 miles, then take a slight left at State Road 53. Drive for about 3.9 miles, take a right hand turn on Barth Road. After about 4.1 miles, turn right at Guy Smith Road. The cemetery is at the end of this road (about 1/2 a mile).

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Graves (59):

Note: Use Ctrl+F to search for a specific name or part of a name. Click on any column header to sort on that column.
#Last NameFirst NameBirthDeathComment
1-01aLairdCecil Rex, Jr.06/05/191408/02/1990Merchant Marine World War II
2-01KingFlorence M.02/23/190611/04/1907Daughter of E.J. & F.A King
3-01SmithEdna Earle10/08/191401/14/1993
3-02SmithEtha Mae01/13/194609/02/1986SP4 US Army Vietnam
3-03SmithOtis G.19161976Sgt. Army Air Forces WW II
3-06BrelandDawson V.03/25/183711/11/1905Co. B 17 BN Miss. Cav. CSA
3-07BrelandMalvina Elizabeth Rester04/07/184405/23/1933
4-01BuckleyJoseph F, Jr.06/11/199307/18/1993
4-02FletcherThomas "Pat"02/07/192304/25/1994TEC 5 US Army World War II
5-01SmithCraig Harrison02/18/196203/31/1993
5-03SmithMary Elizabeth12/17/193406/13/1995
5-05SmithMiranda Breland18641944"Mother"
6-01aJordanVirgil "Buck" E.06/14/192006/19/1984
6-02aAllemanRaymond P.08/17/192205/02/1992
6-02bAllemanVirginia B.07/12/192509/22/1988
6-03HarrielInfant Son04/01/191904/01/1919Henry Harriel's infant son
6-04HarrielInfant Daughter07/10/191007/10/1910Henry Harriel's infant daughter
6-05SmithElsie T.01/18/192110/13/1980
6-06TalbertWilliam Dane03/16/195611/08/1982
6-07ForetichJeanie Faye Smith10/13/192703/04/1996"Mama"
6-09bSmithCatherine Hariel08/01/189402/04/1985"Mother"
6-10SmithDickey11/05/194611/06/1946Son of Hollis & Allie Smith
6-12bSmithAllie F.10/31/191403/02/1999
6-13Smith-RoghrGeorgia V.03/17/192010/10/1996
6-08DavisChasity Shane19741974
7-03SaucierKenneth B.06/12/194506/08/1985
7-04aSmithDoss L.05/26/188604/20/1969
7-04bSmithMary H.10/22/188712/04/1932
7-06SmithVernon L.08/03/192206/18/1984TSGT US Army WW II Korea
1-01bLairdEtha S02/24/191703/08/1993
1-03LairdCecil Rex "Butch" III06/26/194101/13/1995
6-01bJordanMyrtle Lee Smith12/31/193705/03/2004
6-02cAllemanRaymond P Jr09/30/195508/03/2002
7-02SaucierBonnie Jean03/03/192605/31/2003
7-07SmithMelody Jane09/23/195509/24/1955
7-09aWilsonRay10/14/192407/24/2004mason; m. Leona Smith
7-09bWilsonLeona Smith07/18/192207/14/2006star; m. Ray
7-10DavisLana Kay10/26/194401/20/2002
8-01aSmithAda Mae Taylor03/03/193403/21/2004
8-01bSmithRandol "Bobby" Jr04/08/193109/12/2007
UnkBuchananTeddy William10/11/1998
UnkBurgeJoyce Smith02/16/192801/12/2011
UnkSmithMary Caroline Davis11/15/186303/28/1943
UnkSmithJ. Alex12/20/187111/13/1943

The above list was compiled by the Hancock County Historical Society.  We have gathered original records, data handed down from families and/or collected by our volunteers and countless others, and tried to verify this information to the best of our ability.  If you believe some of this to be in error, or if you have additional information, please contact us.  Our phone number and email address are on the home page.

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Hancock County Historical Society
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