Bayou LaCroix Cemetery

Located where the Holy Cross Church once stood. It has an Indian burial ground in the center of the cemetery.

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From the 603 take Hwy 90 West. After 6.8 miles (= 2 miles after you pass Lakeshore Road, the road to the Silver Slipper casino) take the dirt road to your right. (Signs for the B&C dirt pit in 2008). Follow this dirt road for 1.5 miles, then take a right hand turn. You will drive right into the cemetery.

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Graves (433):

Note: Use Ctrl+F to search for a specific name or part of a name. Click on any column header to sort on that column.
#Last NameFirst NameBirthDeathComment
001AlexanderAngeline03/21/1884Shares a headstone with Antoine Alexander.
002AlexanderAntoine01/11/188306/11/1952Shares a headstone with Angeline Alexander
003AsherAlbert Alphonse11/15/1935Reserved; next to and h/o Clara Lee (Ketchum) Asher; m. 10-1-1957
004AsherAlbert Eugene05/20/19051924
005AsherAndrew A.10/05/192704/02/1992
006AsherBobby J.09/01/196110/26/1983
007AsherBobby Joseph Louis08/03/197903/28/1984
008AsherClara Lee (Ketchum)11/13/1938Reserved; next to and w/o Albert Alphone Asher; m. 10-1-1957
009AsherClementine02/18/188809/08/1931Shares a headstone with Micael A. Asher
010AsherDavid Wayne Jr.01/09/198301/01/2003Funeral home marker
011AsherEvelyn Mary03/29/191903/17/1993entombed next to Norris S. Asher & Wilford J. Asher
012AsherInfant Sons/o John and Frances Asher
013AsherIrene I.02/09/189906/16/1965Buried near Joseph F. Asher
014AsherJohn Joseph09/27/187912/23/1961entombed next to and h/o Mary Rebecca Asher
015AsherJohn M.05/12/185603/03/1923Shares a headstone with Victoria Asher
016AsherJoseph F.03/19/192107/15/1974Buried near Irene I. Asher; Military marker
017AsherLillian Mary08/14/190801/06/1990
018AsherLouis P.10/08/188501/25/1968Buried near Lucricia P. Asher
019AsherLucricia P.11/11/188906/30/1930Buried near Louis O. Asher
020AsherMarie Vivian02/20/192810/09/1928
021AsherMary Rebecca Garcia06/28/188001/24/1958entombed next to and w/o John Joseph Asher
022AsherMicael M.07/05/188304/04/1962Shares a headstone with Clementine Asher
023AsherMorris J.01/22/194305/23/1990
025AsherNorris S.01/29/1919Reserved; Will be entombed next to Evelyn Mary Asher
026AsherOswald J.11/04/194502/17/1996
027AsherPrentice M.12/15/190903/17/1994h/o Vansy A. Asher; m. 7-3-1963
028AsherVansy A.03/04/191910/02/2003w/o Prentice M. Asher; m. 7-3-1963
029AsherVictoria12/03/185912/21/1940Shares a headstone with John M. Asher
030AsherWilford J.12/16/195306/05/2007entombed next to and s/o Evelyn Mary Asher
031AsherWillie Mae01/15/191008/01/1983Buried near Lucricia P. Asher
032BCJust the letters C B on the crypt; no dates; shares crypt w "Miss Lee"
039BennettEdith Marie Robicheaux10/11/191507/2003daughter of Michael and Velida Robicheaux; wife of Lawrence Claiborne Bennett
033BareletteEliza (Wainwright)02/10/190706/30/1991w/o Joseph Gratien Barelette
034BareletteJoseph Gratien01/31/189710/17/1983h/o Eliza (Wainwright) Barelette; Military marker
035BarriosHarold J.10/23/193305/09/1978h/o Wilma Jean Barrios
036BarriosHarold J. Jr.10/15/195704/08/1995
037BarriosWilma Jean11/24/193508/28/1997w/o Harold J. Barrios
038BeamMarie Beatrice (Cospelich)04/23/191811/25/1984d/o Joseph & Roselia (Favre) Cospelich
040BennettFern (Bailey)09/17/192002/22/1981w/o Grover Edwin Bennett
041BennettGrover Edwin12/03/191608/28/1988h/o Fern Bailey Bennett
042BerryBonnie Jean (Wainwright)04/02/193402/25/2005w/o James Berry; Funeral home marker
043BerryCarl Joe09/06/196410/12/1985s/o James & Bonnie(Wainwright) Berry
044BlankeNatosha Lynne05/24/198009/13/1987
045BodenMichael Andrew05/23/196612/05/1994Buried near Rosann (Tartavoulle) Boden; Funeral home marker
046BodenRoseann (Tartavoulle)02/10/195107/18/1999Buried near Michael Andrew Boden; Funeral home marker
047BosargeAlvin10/31/190806/11/1986Buried near Nora Bosarge
048BosargeNora06/01/190811/23/1999Buried near Alvin Bosarge
049BoykinIdus Joseph03/23/190211/08/1972Buried near Olga L. Boykin
050BoykinOlga L.09/01/190907/14/1982Buried near Idus Elijah Boykin
051BrownPatricia K. "Kay-Kay"01/22/197403/16/2001
052BrownRichard Lynn07/08/196003/31/2004Buried near Tim Brown; Funeral home marker
053BrownTim01/02/193107/14/1978Buried near Richard Lynn Brown
054BrowningJosephine L.03/12/186008/11/1921Shares a headstone with William J. Browing
055BrowningWilliam J.10/28/183110/15/1921Shares a headstone with Josephine L. Browing
056BurchDebi04/11/1954Reserved; next to and h/o Stephen M. Burch; m. 4-8-1981. Her first name is Debra
057BurchDonald W.09/22/193512/05/2007Buried near Elaine W. Burch
058BurchElaine W.06/21/194605/15/2006Buried near Donald W. Burch
059BurchStephen M.07/20/1944Reserved; next to and w/o Debi Burch; m. 4-8-1981
060BurchSylvia Elaine06/21/194605/25/2006Funeral home marker
061ByeCarmen Denise (Sanders)03/25/195911/08/2005Her ashes are buried near her daughter Reikay D. Waltman
062CarbonetteLaura B.03/192206/2003
063CarverElla Louise01/23/193107/17/1978
064CarverJulia F.07/28/188810/31/1953w/o Manuel O. Carver
065CarverManuel O.11/16/189001/22/1975h/o Julia F. Carver
066CarverPeter03/04/188606/24/1968Military marker
068CarverSylvian J. Jr.07/02/193209/24/1976
069CarverVirginia (Luxich)12/23/190706/20/1940
071ChatmanElmore E.01/12/192012/17/1980Military marker
073ChildsMya Alexis11/04/200011/04/2000
075ChoatCurtis Joe "Boats" Sr.11/06/192904/08/1986Military marker
076CospelichJoseph Sr.12/15/194010/11/1974s/o Viola Cospelich
077CraftMilford Louis Sr.12/02/192212/22/2001Funeral home marker
078CrawfordBeverly K.01/10/193312/13/1990Buried near James E. Crawford
079CrawfordJames E. Sr.06/03/192712/03/1987Buried near Beverly K. Crawford; Military marker
080CucinellaMildred M.10/01/191303/06/1994
081CuevasDonatien07/03/188605/25/1932Buried near Edwina H. Cuevas
082CuevasEdwina E. (Holden)02/21/187712/04/1957Buried near Donatien Cuevas
083CuevasElizabeth (Bennette)03/08/190712/1975Buried near Lewis "Sonny" Cuevas
084CuevasElvena L. "Beany"12/17/191810/23/1996Shares a headstone with Saul J. Cuevas
085CuevasLewis "Sonny"09/04/190107/01/1962Buried near Elizabeth Bennette Cuevas
086CuevasSaul J.06/02/191812/26/1988Shares a headstone with Elvena L. Cuevas
087DonzeHelene S.19091972
088DouglasLetha08/18/1935Reserved; Will be buried next and w/o William Douglas; m. 4-3-1953
089DouglasRussell L.11/29/196008/12/2004Military marker
090DouglasSamuel01/07/193203/10/1983h/o and buried next to Viola Douglas
091DouglasViola03/26/1938Reserved; next to and w/o Samuel Daouglas
092DouglasWilliam "Buck"04/01/193502/01/2001h/o and buried next to Letha Douglas; m. 4-3-1953
093DoussanSidney J. Sr.05/19/193807/23/2007
095FlanneryYvonne (McLain)03/31/194308/31/1989Funeral home marker
096FranklinMarguerite S.05/17/195405/17/1997Maiden name is probably Strehle; and probably d/o Rebeil Lee Strehle
097GarciaAlizia M.05/12/191201/22/1978w/o and entombed next to Noah Garcia
098GarciaAlvin Jr.09/20/196906/18/2001
099GarciaNoah12/19/191106/30/1988h/o and entombed next to Alizia M. Garcia
100GennaGeorge David01/07/194504/07/2001s/o Andrew Frank & Rose (Little) Genna
101GilbertAline (Lind)01/08/193212/05/2007w/o and buried next to Aline Gilbert; m. 6-30-1956
102GilbertPaul Daniel12/06/191903/20/2001h/o and buried next to Aline Gilbert; m. 6-30-1956
103GilbertPaul IIShares a headstone with Elwood Lind & Betty Ann Lind
104GlassArthur Charles08/10/1956Reserved; next to and h/o Mary Rebedda Glass
105GlassMary Rebecca (Layne)06/02/195209/01/2007
107GuagliardoSylvester01/23/191408/29/1971Has a headstone and a Military marker
108HerronLudie (Jarrell)05/28/192506/20/1996
109HillAnthony08/21/197909/02/2006Funeral home marker
110HillAsa C. "Ace"12/03/196806/05/1999
111HillFreddie Leonard191303/03/1975Died age 62; Funeral home marker
112HillHugh David "Butch"03/12/195207/19/1998Shares a headstone with Joan C. Hill
113HillJoan C.01/17/1955Reserved; next to Hugh David Hill
114HillJohn Henry07/17/195010/01/1972s/o Rufus Edward Sr. & Viola Mildred (Cospelich) Hill
115HillJoseph Marion05/24/194103/10/1991Funeral home marker
116HillMary (Ladner)10/01/189411/21/1917w/o Toney Hill; d/o J. G. & M. C. Ladner
117HillRufus Edward Jr.03/31/194805/10/2005s/o Rufus Edward Sr. & Viola Mildred (Cospelich) Hill
119HollingsworthLaura R.04/21/1927w/o and buried next to Willis L. Hollingworth
120HollingsworthWillis L.h/o and buried next to Laura R. Hollingworth
121HomerMartin J. Jr.03/24/191306/19/1998
123JamesElmer Troy02/20/194309/10/1991
124JarrellBetty G.12/02/193602/10/2005
125KarlMay Bell (Asher)01/15/190803/15/1985Entombed next to her parents; John Jospeh & Mary Rebecca Asher
126KelchumAlberta Ruth (Kirsch)07/26/190103/20/1974
127KolstadRichard O.06/03/192311/05/1996Military marker
128KrauseGloria A.02/09/1932Reserved; next to and w/o Victor P. C. Krause; m. 6-22-1957
129KrauseVictor P. C.08/09/192503/02/2005h/o and buried near Gloria A. Krause; m. 6-22-1957
131LadnerAdolph J.09/13/188905/21/1976h/o and buried near Lilian N. Ladner
132LadnerAlbert Ola10/06/191003/17/1974
133LadnerAlcia09/186202/1938Buried near Hermogenia Ladner
134LadnerAlcide T.03/31/187312/28/1958Shares a headstone with Alfay J. Ladner
135LadnerAlfay J.08/24/187609/08/1945Shares a headstone with Alcide T. Ladner
136LadnerAline05/189611/1916Buried near Alphonce Ladner
137LadnerAllen Joseph Sr.07/27/195904/24/1981Entombed; s/o Prince Jr & Betty Jean Smith Ladner
138LadnerAlphonse11/190001/1961Buried near Aline Ladner
139LadnerAlton John12/10/193304/29/2003Entombed; s/o August & Myrtle Ladner; Military marker"
140LadnerAngeline09/21/187912/31/1971w/o and buried near Leon T. Ladner
141LadnerAugust John08/02/190401/20/1980h/o and entombed next to Myrtle Elector Ladner
142LadnerBarbara E. (Bennett)05/28/193912/24/1985w/o James Arland Ladner; Sr
143LadnerBarry Louis09/28/195810/04/1958Buried near Karen Ann Ladner
144LadnerBeatrice Jessie (Williams)05/29/191608/17/2006Buried near Claiborne J. Ladner; Funeral home marker
145LadnerBryan Keith09/12/196004/27/1981
146LadnerCarol Ann (Young)01/12/194208/04/1994w/o Prince Joseph Ladner; Jr
147LadnerClaiborne J.11/29/189112/06/1989Buried near Beatrice Jessie Williams Ladner; Military marker
148LadnerDavid Leon10/28/190508/23/1989Buried near Rosa Adella Ladner
149LadnerDonald Joseph11/06/193408/14/1993Buried near David Leon Ladner
150LadnerEdgar Manor01/19/191602/27/1987Military marker
151LadnerEdgar Manor Jr.05/28/193703/20/1990
152LadnerEllen Elizabeth (Wainwright)08/24/189406/16/1969w/o and buried near Sylvan Ladner; Jr
153LadnerElvira "Butsy" (Garcia)12/16/191510/21/1994w/o and entombed next to Ivy Archie Ladner
154LadnerFrances V.10/02/192705/29/1991w/o and shares a headstone with Lawrence H. Ladner
155LadnerGrace (Twilbeck)01/07/193402/03/2000
156LadnerHerman Ray Sr.04/13/1948Reserved; next to Myra A. (Stieffel) Ladner
157LadnerHermogenia03/186911/1917Buried near Alcia Ladner
158LadnerHester03/29/192008/17/1981Military marker
159LadnerIvy Archie08/12/191106/24/1986h/o and entombed next to Elvina (Garcia) Ladner
160LadnerJames Arland Sr.01/26/1936Reserved; Will be buried next and h/o Barbara E. Bennett Spiers
161LadnerJeanette (Garcia)03/07/1939Reserved; Will be entombed with husband Marvin W. Ladner; m. 4-23-1960
162LadnerJosephine (Geis)02/05/192005/21/1995
163LadnerKaren Ann09/28/194910/07/1949Buried near Barry Louis Ladner
164LadnerKenneth L.08/11/193101/16/1934
165LadnerLarry Anthony09/04/194303/10/2002
166LadnerLaura A. (Wainwright)05/20/189606/20/1992w/o and buried near Sylvester Ladner
167LadnerLaura Ann01/28/195101/28/1951Buried near Steven LeVerl Ladner
168LadnerLawrence H.04/25/190708/15/1980h/o and shares a headstone with Frances V. Ladner; also has a Military marker
169LadnerLeon T.08/03/187908/18/1965h/o and buried near Angeline Ladner
170LadnerLillian N.11/08/189005/30/1937w/o and buried near Adolph J. Ladner
171LadnerLillie Mae05/20/191302/11/1986w/o Prince J. Ladner
172LadnerLinda Carol09/10/195709/11/1957
173LadnerMamie Agnes06/20/189101/22/1950Shares a headstone with Willie Thomas Ladner
174LadnerMarvin W.05/14/1937Reserved; Will be entombed with wife Jeanette (Garcia) Ladner; m. 4-23-1960
175LadnerMary E.07/28/190606/24/1955w/o and shares a headstone with Raymond S. Ladner
176LadnerMichael L.09/04/195011/29/2007
177LadnerMilton09/06/1944Reserved; Will be entombed with wife Sharon Ladner
178LadnerMyra A. (Stieffel)11/23/1955Reserved; next to Herman Ray Ladner; Sr
179LadnerMyrtle Elector05/27/191512/29/1995w/o and emtombed next to August John Ladner
180LadnerOlues J.10/15/187806/27/1960
181LadnerPrince J.02/26/190205/08/1962h/o Lillie Mae Ladner
182LadnerPrince Joseph Jr.08/31/193502/26/2000h/o Carol Ann (Young) Ladner; Jr
183LadnerRandolph K.09/05/196501/09/1977
185LadnerRaymond S.02/22/189910/1964h/o and shares a headstone with Mary E. Ladner
186LadnerRosa Adella12/30/190411/03/1991Buried near David Leon Ladner
187LadnerSharon07/10/1949Reserved; Will be entombed with husband Milton Ladner
188LadnerSteven LeVerl03/29/195204/25/1952Buried near Laura Ann Ladner
189LadnerSusan (Carter)02/05/195102/27/1985
190LadnerSylvan "Jack" Jr.07/04/188909/25/1976h/o and buried near Ellen E. Ladner
191LadnerSylvester01/09/189511/13/1953h/o and buried near Laura A. (Wainwright) Ladner
192LadnerThomas Sylvan07/06/197207/06/1972
193LadnerVernon LeVerl05/05/192705/28/1999Military marker
194LadnerWayne Robert11/27/195010/02/2005
195LadnerWillie Thomas09/17/188911/19/1949Shares a headstone with Mamie Agnes Ladner
196LadnierFlora (Page)02/12/191110/16/1928
197LadnierHeidi Lynn07/19/197308/22/1975Entombed
198LagasseAlthea "Sis"19241970Buried near Paul M. Lagasse
199LagassePatrick19581991Buried near Althea "Sis" Lagasse
200LagassePaul M.19071960Buried near Althea "Sis" Lagasse
201LeeArthur J.11/06/190302/24/1964Shares a headstone with Jessie Dawsey Lee
202LeeJessie (Dawsey)11/14/191503/21/1996Shares a headstone with Arthur J. Lee
203LeeMissJust Miss Lee on the stone; no dates; emtombed next to C. B."
204LeePatricia Ann10/01/195906/26/2002Entombed next to Bobby Joseph Louis Asher
205LehtoSteven Vincent11/24/197301/09/1974
206LindAlphonse J.11/17/190912/25/1962Shares a headstone with Luvenia M. Lind
207LindBetty AnnShares a headstone with Elwood Lind & Paul Gilbert Lind; II
208LindElwoodShares a headstone with Paul Gilbert Lind; II & Betty Ann Lind
209LindLouisa M.02/09/189011/27/1932Shares a headstone with Zeno O. Lind
210LindLuvenia M.04/17/191103/17/1994Shares a headstone with Alphonse J. Lind
211LindZeno O.03/04/188701/04/1937Shares a headstone with Louisa M. Lind
212LittleNora (Wainwright)07/17/190211/04/1990
213LoiacanoLuvenia A.12/30/191306/05/1961
214LusichDonald J. Jr.04/22/195704/21/1982Military marker
215LusichGeorge M.01/17/190912/10/1980
216LusichMagnolia Agnes "Maggie"01/12/191405/03/1999Entombed next to and w/o Rufus Joseph Lusich; m. 10-25-1933
217LusichRufus Joseph11/24/191002/01/1997Entombed next to h/o Magnolia Agnes Lusich; m. 10-25-1933
218LuxichAlbert F.09/13/191308/18/1990
219LuxichAndrew Austin07/01/189812/14/1916
220LuxichAnnie188207/23/1956Buried near Felix Luxich
221LuxichChris J.05/14/191108/21/1999Entombed next to and h/o Virgie M. Luxich
223LuxichDenis09/09/187908/29/1943Buried near Eliza S. Luxich
224LuxichDill R.04/15/190202/09/1972
225LuxichEdmond09/26/187607/28/1945Buried near Mary J. Luxich
226LuxichEliza S.09/04/188102/05/1961Buried near Denis Luxich
227LuxichFelix01/24/1872Buried near Ann Luxich
228LuxichFerdinand R.18831953Entombed next to and h/o Sedonia L. Luxich
229LuxichGeorgianna C.06/18/191206/21/1962
230LuxichHenry J.12/06/191802/09/1989
231LuxichJuittie Bernice08/29/1925Reserved; Will be entombed next to and w/o Rapheul Luther Luxich
232LuxichLouis Sylvester07/24/188103/23/1959Entombed next to and h/o Sylvania Luxich
233LuxichMary J.05/06/188105/18/1936Buried near Edmond Luxich
234LuxichNina Marie02/17/193702/17/1937
235LuxichRapheul Luther12/10/191211/28/1985Entombed next to and h/o Juittie Bernice Luxich
236LuxichRita E.09/10/190811/08/1982Entombed next to William F. Luxich
237LuxichSarah Mathilda (Sones)08/30/187609/11/1923w/o Bernard Luxich
238LuxichSedonia L.18861968Entombed next to and w/o Ferdinand R. Luxich
239LuxichSylvania02/01/188501/15/1966Entombed next to and w/o Louis Sylvester Luxich
240LuxichVirgie M.12/31/191906/04/1989Entombed next to and w/o Chris J. Luxich
241LuxichWilliam F.03/16/192501/16/1997Entombed next to Rita E. Luxich
242ManieriEmile Peter Sr.07/09/190901/15/2001h/o Eva (Zengarling) Maniere; Sr
243ManieriEva (Zengarling)03/16/1917Reserved; Will be buried next and w/o Emile Peter Manieri; Sr
244ManieriSidney Joseph10/17/197810/17/1978
245MartinCorine (Ladner)19001971Buried near Lee O. Martin
247MartinLee O.06/07/189707/19/1977Buried near Corine Ladner Martin
248MaskewJohn W.07/12/189605/18/1971
249McGinityEunice L.08/26/192205/06/2003w/o and buried near Patrick E. McGinity
250McGinityMichael G.04/01/194901/18/2000
251McGinityPatrick E.08/12/191406/26/1991h/o and buried near Eunice L. McGinity; also has a Military marker
253McKenzieDeborah Marie04/14/195402/14/2004
254McNabKerry O.11/05/193509/02/1995
255MillerVertis Norman02/17/193208/09/1997
256MiotonViola Mildred (Cospelich)09/13/192506/08/1978d/o Joseph & Roselia (Favre) Cospelich
257MitchellMarianne C.03/29/193610/21/2001Funeral home marker
258MocklinDoris Lee (Sheets)02/05/193105/12/2005
259MocklinIrma (Carver)05/05/190901/12/2000
260MollereAmy Chante`05/26/197410/01/2003
261MoranAnthony W.09/06/194707/09/1997
262MoranArthur Reginald04/20/191303/27/2001Entombed next to and h/o Pearl (Chouest) Moran
263MoranAugust08/18/189501/17/1985h/o and shares a headstone with Carrie W. Moran
264MoranCarrie W.03/28/189505/12/1982w/o and shares a headstone with August Moran
265MoranJerry Lee09/25/193712/09/1937Shares a headstone with Virginia M. Moran
266MoranLamuel04/21/188906/19/1957h/o Marie Z. Moran
267MoranMarie Z.10/25/189309/21/1922
268MoranPearl (Chouest)08/16/191308/1985Entombed next to and w/o Arthur Reginald Moran
269MoranVirginia M.12/24/192406/26/1925Shares a headstone with Jerry Lee Moran
270MorelShawn P.02/13/197602/06/1995
271MorrisHannah E. (Wainwright)08/25/186907/02/1938
274NilssonAlice C.05/26/190311/09/1980w/o and buried near Walter C. Nilsson
275NilssonWalter C.07/12/191012/28/2002h/o and buried near Alice C. Nilsson
276OliverNell V.12/07/192110/27/1980
277OsbournDennis12/30/189802/25/1978Shares a headstone with Katie M. Rutherford Osbourn
278OsbournKatie M. (Rutherford)05/31/190907/02/1986Shares a headstone with Dennis Osbourn
279ParsonsElmer Cardie Sr.06/26/190801/23/1981Military marker
280PecoulErma (Ladner)10/24/192110/18/2007w/o and buried next John Joseph Pecoul; m. 5-8-1942
281PecoulJohn Joseph01/01/192012/15/2007h/o and buried next to Erma (Ladner) Pecoul; m. 5-8-1942
282PesiaScotty Lee06/20/198403/28/1986
283PlaisanceAdolph A.01/31/191402/13/1990Entombed next to Della Plaisance
284PlaisanceDella M.03/30/192202/13/1976Entombed nxet to Adolph A. Plaisance
285PlaisanceEtha Ree02/25/1914Reserved; Will be entombed above to Adolph A. & Della Plaisance
286PoolsonEdna G.04/23/191506/03/1995w/o and shares a headstone with Jules A. Poolson
287PoolsonJules A.07/22/190412/01/1957h/o and shares a headstone with Edna G. Poolson
288RamirezAntonio07/14/196405/23/2001Military marker
289RaybornHyman H.08/03/194010/07/1992
290ReynoldsEmmy Ruth10/15/197410/15/1974
291ReynoldsJimmy C.01/17/192309/04/1999h/o and buried near Ruth S. Reynolds; has a Military marker
292ReynoldsRuth S.10/21/192603/16/1988w/o and buried near Jimmy C. Reynolds
293RutherfordEdgar11/25/192811/25/1928Shares a headstone with Edward Rutherford
294RutherfordEdward11/25/192811/25/1928Shares a headstone with Edgar Rutherford
295RutherfordGlenda Adelle07/20/193102/21/1945
296RutherfordHazel Toney05/30/192503/02/1990Shares a headstone with Selwyn S. Rutherford; Sr
298RutherfordHenrietta (Farve)06/07/188905/01/1977Shares a headstone with John David Rutherford; Sr
299RutherfordJames J.10/03/191102/01/1938
300RutherfordJames J.01/02/194709/07/1999
301RutherfordJohn David Jr.06/11/192008/04/2005Shares a headstone with Rosemary Walle Rutherford
302RutherfordJohn David Sr.08/30/188604/09/1967Shares a headstone with Henrietta Farve Rutherford
303RutherfordJoseph Fabrurn02/10/190107/30/1905
304RutherfordMary Matilda (Williamson)08/10/185811/04/1918
305RutherfordRosemary (Walle)05/28/192105/20/1990Shares a headstone with John David Rutherford; Jr
306RutherfordSelwyn S. Sr.10/26/190703/30/1985Shares a headstone with Hazel Toney Rutherford
307RutherfordWilliam Barton07/20/183804/14/1914
309SellierDerick Keith08/02/197908/15/2005
310ShubertAdolph10/08/189607/14/1958Entombed next to and h/o Emily Shubert
311ShubertDelores M.08/29/193801/14/1996Entombed next to and w/o Llyod James Shubert; m. 12-16-1954
312ShubertEmily Victoria (Asher)04/14/190212/03/1963Entombed next to and w/o Adolph Shubert
313ShubertGeorge Howard04/06/192807/11/2003h/o and buried near Rose Mary Shubert; m. 7-3-1952
314ShubertJoseph C. Sr.06/27/192602/24/1981h/o and shares a headstone with Willie M. Shubert; also has a Military marker
315ShubertLlyod James01/28/193009/19/1994Entombed next to and h/o Delores M. Shubert; m. 12-16-1954; has a Military marker"
316ShubertRobert Anthony Jr.12/24/195803/27/2008Buried near Robert A. Shubert; Sr.
317ShubertRobert Anthony Sr.09/20/193408/11/2008Entombed next to and h/o Shirley A. Shubert
318ShubertRose Mary (Wainwright)11/23/193112/05/1989w/o and buried near George H. Shubert; m. 7-3-1952
319ShubertShirley Ann (Lizana)07/19/193911/30/2005Entombed next to and w/o Robert A. Shubert; Sr.
320ShubertWillie M.12/31/1928Reserved; next to and w/o Joseph C. Shubert; Sr
321SiewartJames William Sr.08/15/194207/19/2003Funeral home marker
322SingleyDorrie Lynn09/19/196010/14/1987
323SmithDill12/26/189503/29/1974Entombed next to and h/o Eva Smith
324SmithEva07/02/192003/10/1989Entombed next to and w/o Dill Smith
325SonesAndrew J.03/08/187909/04/1966h/o and buried near Lorena M. (Cuevas) Sones
326SonesEarl Anthony12/14/191501/13/1994h/o and buried near Lillian (Ladner) Sones
328SonesLillian (Ladner)12/13/191405/21/1995w/o and buried near Earl Anthony Sones
329SonesLorena M. (Cuevas)12/21/189104/18/1966w/o and buried near Andrew J. Sones
330SonesRussell Isaac11/14/198307/21/1984
331SpiersBertha (Asher)08/27/191708/29/2000w/o and shares a headstone with George T. Spiers; m. 5-23-1933
332SpiersGeorge T.01/10/190107/05/1984h/o and shares a headstone with Bertha (Asher) Spiers; m. 5-23-1933; also has a Military marker"
333SpiersInfant Son01/15/196001/15/1960s/o Tommy Ray & Alice Spiers
334SpiessHarold Joseph12/16/1932Reserved; Will be entombed next to Myra; Harold Jr and Jimmy Spiess
335SpiessHarold Joseph Jr.10/11/195606/11/1983Entombed next to Harold Sr; Myra and Jimmy Spiess; Military marker"
336SpiessJimmy Clarence02/28/193706/25/1999Entombed next to Harold Sr; Harold Jr and Myra Spiess
337SpiessMyra Elisabeth Esperance05/28/193701/07/1996Entombed next to Harold Sr; Harold Jr and Jimmy Spiess
338StigletsBeatrice Elizabethburied next to Joseph Stiglets; no dates
339StigletsJosephburied next to Beatrice Stiglets; no dates
340StigletsMary Teresaw/o Toney Joseph Stiglets; no dates
341StigletsSylvnia (Ladner)02/07/188508/01/1938Shares a headstone with Zeno Stiglets
342StigletsToney Joseph05/05/1880h/o Mary Teresa Stiglets; no dates on marker; b. 5 MAY 1880"
343StigletsZenoh/o and shares a headstone with Sylvnia Stiglets; b. 2 SEP 1876
344StrehleDanny H.08/09/195212/08/1979Buried next to Rebeil Lee Strehle
345StrehleHarold Peter06/29/192412/07/1991Buried next to Rebeil Lee Strehle
346StrehleRebeil Lee08/29/193207/27/1985Buried next to Harold and Danny Strehle
347SummersErnest L.02/27/195609/15/1992Buried next to George Summers
348SummersGeorge05/26/192110/31/1993Buried nest to Ernest Summers
349TartavoulleJane E.04/02/194110/08/2004Buried near Michael Andrew Boden
350TartavoulleRose Marie04/21/193906/16/1987Entombed next to and w/o Terry Mathew Tartavoulle
351TartavoulleTerry Mathew04/07/193311/02/1985Entombed next to and h/o Rose Marie Tartavoulle
352TaylorJesse L.03/21/191405/30/1995h/o and buried next to Rose (Nixon) Taylor; no death date on marker
353TaylorRose (Little)01/08/192102/24/1987d/o Asa & Nora (Wainwright) Little
354TaylorVirgil Loren02/16/191309/05/1994
355ThomasBrandon Curtis03/17/198603/21/1986Entombed
356ThomasCurtis A. Sr.03/07/194201/18/2000Entombed
357ThorntonJohn Edward Sr.02/07/194606/10/2004Entombed
358VerderbarMatthew02/02/181110/22/1883Buried near Barbara M. Zengarling
359VerderbarVictoria01/06/179806/20/1883Buried near Matthew Verderbar
360WainwrightDavid Hyrum12/15/190412/05/1998h/o and shares a headstone with Iona (Sones) Wainwright; also has a Military marker
361WainwrightGeorge Albert09/08/191210/14/1996h/o Mary Margaret Wainwright
362WainwrightGeorge Henry08/22/187201/19/1958h/o and buried near Rose (Bourgeois) Wainwright
364WainwrightIona (Sones)03/31/190912/29/1997w/o and Shares a headstone with David H. Wainwright
365WainwrightLorenzo02/09/190008/19/1982w/o Rebekah E. Wainwright
366WainwrightMary Margaret04/13/192410/23/2002w/o George Albert Wainwright
367WainwrightRebekah E.08/10/190303/25/1958w/o Lorenzo Wainwright
368WainwrightRose (Bougeois)02/10/187407/27/1944w/o and buried near George Henry Wainwright
369WainwrightShawn Aaron08/31/199008/31/1990
371WainwrightWilliam L.12/03/192903/01/1940
372WaiteJuanita (Brown)19251993
374WaltmanBeverly Ann07/19/195305/14/1997w/o and shares a headstone with Dickie D. Waltman; Sr
375WaltmanDickie D. Sr.08/28/194505/24/1998h/o and shares a headstone with Beverly Ann Waltman
376WaltmanHarold James03/29/194911/14/1970s/o Randolph & Mary Elizabeth (Cospelich) Waltman
377WaltmanMary Elizabeth (Cospelich)03/29/192002/12/1982d/o Joseph & Roselia (Favre) Cospelich
378WaltmanReikay Darlene09/05/197605/17/1980d/o George & Carman Waltman
380WhitneyIda (Ladner)02/15/190309/14/1995w/o and shares a headstone with Jack Britt Whitney; m. 3-30-1928
381WhitneyJack Britt03/30/189604/18/1989h/o and shares a headstone wtih Ida (Ladner) Whitney; m. 3-30-1928
382WilkinsChristopher Lawrence12/08/198302/09/1985
383WilliamsAbe Perkins03/20/190211/09/1971h/o and buried nexe to Carrie Christina (Hose) Williams; m. 1941; s/o Henry & Lenora (Seals) Williams"
384WilliamsCarrie Christina (Hose)11/23/190808/27/1986w/o and buried next to Abe P. Williams; m. 1941; d/o George & Julie Hose"
385WilliamsCaseneuveNo dates
386WilliamsEdwin04/19/1894s/o Henry & Lenora (Seals) William; no dates on marker
387WilliamsHenryh/o and buried next to Lenora (Seals) Williams; no dates on marker
388WilliamsJohn Hiram09/05/188401/21/1961s/o Hiram Moses & Francisca Caroline (Holden) Williams
389WilliamsKatieNo dates
390WilliamsLenora (Seals)w/o and buried next to Henry Williams; no dates on marker
391ZengarlingAgnes M. (Bourgeois)02/02/190812/24/1964Shares a headstone with Joseph L. Zengarling
392ZengarlingAlice07/13/195706/11/1990w/o and buried near Clement Lucian Zengarling; m. 6-10-1978
393ZengarlingAlice (Maskew)08/31/190710/30/1990Buried near Robert M. Zengarling
395ZengarlingBarbara M.12/31/183611/03/1911Buried near John Zengarling
396ZengarlingClementine Lucian03/17/1950Reserved; next to and h/o Alice Zengarling; m. 6-10-1978
397ZengarlingEthel E. (Sylvester)07/06/189701/15/1964w/o and buried near John A. Zengarling
398ZengarlingFrances Louise01/26/187202/16/1949
399ZengarlingGeorge M.12/27/190602/09/1951
400ZengarlingHerbert Curtis "Bully", Sr11/26/191308/24/1994h/o and shares a headstone with Mittie (Maskew) Zengarling
401ZengarlingJohn09/15/181503/28/1896Buried near Barbara M. Zengarling
402ZengarlingJohn A.03/01/189709/01/1964h/o and buried near Ethel E. (Sylvester) Zengarling
403ZengarlingJoseph A.08/13/186608/19/1950Shares a headstone with Mary K. Zengarling
404ZengarlingJoseph L.03/10/190101/17/1988Shares a headstone with Agnes M. Bourgeois Zengarling
405ZengarlingLeota (Johnson)10/28/191707/07/1938
406ZengarlingMary A.10/22/186306/22/1933
407ZengarlingMary K.02/20/187710/05/1928Shares a headstone with Joseph A. Zengarling
408ZengarlingMatthew B.08/17/186906/09/1958Buried near Theresa G. Zengarling
409ZengarlingMittie (Maskew)08/05/1931Reserved; next to and w/o Herbert Curtis Zengarling; Sr
410ZengarlingRandolph A.11/26/190206/21/1990
411ZengarlingRobert Jr.07/06/1938
412ZengarlingRobert M.02/17/190910/11/1991Buried near Alice Maskew Zengarling
413ZengarlingRose Elizabeth03/17/187609/27/1952
414ZengarlingTerri Kay05/15/195509/12/1976
415ZengarlingTheresa G.10/13/188001/14/1966Buried near Matthew B. Zengarling
416ZengarlingThomas Batron01/23/189910/11/1981
074ChoatBetty Turner10/26/194401/25/2011
094FavreMyrna Poolson05/31/2010
327SonesHerman LaVern, Sr08/15/194507/22/2011
379WelchDaniel Lee "Dan", Sr06/16/2011
205aLevensIrma Joan Lee07/29/193310/20/2007
109aHallMahariaha Lynn06/13/198607/20/1987Wooden plaque. Next to Anthony Hill

The above list was compiled by the Hancock County Historical Society.  We have gathered original records, data handed down from families and/or collected by our volunteers and countless others, and tried to verify this information to the best of our ability.  If you believe some of this to be in error, or if you have additional information, please contact us.  Our phone number and email address are on the home page.

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Hancock County Historical Society
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