Fayard Cemetery

Private cemetery of the Fayard family, with about 100 people buried there. Oldest grave dates back to 1885.

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If coming from I-10, take the 603 south (= exit 13) and turn right on Hwy 90. After 1.2 miles, turn left on Waveland Avenue. Follow this street for about 0.9 miles, then turn right at Dicks Street. Look for the cemetery on the right hand side of the road.

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Cemetery layout:

Rows - not numbered as such - go from left to right, and graves are counted from front to back.

Graves (101):

Note: Use Ctrl+F to search for a specific name or part of a name. Click on any column header to sort on that column.
#Last NameFirst NameBirthDeathComment
02FayardRoy P., Sr.04/26/193305/27/1991
03CornettEvelyn Louise Fayard11/19/196306/18/1999
04HannaghanDavid Mark11/11/193612/11/2004
05HannaghanPatricia Glynn12/18/194110/13/2000
06StieffelDonna Simpson08/27/1946reserved; married Emile 04/23/1977
07StieffelEmile L., II ("E.L.")04/12/192801/10/2008Sgt. US Marine Corps WWII; married Donna 04/23/1977
08FayardVeronica Ronnie Rushing01/09/194511/24/1991
09SelfHenry Clay, Jr.06/24/195106/19/2006
10SelfMary Elizabeth12/16/1949reserved
11UlschakMaurice D.19331984US Army Korea
12UlschakWhilmena J.12/17/193506/10/2005
13JohnstonJohn E.12/13/193306/30/1995Cpl US Army
17LangstonJohn E.11/24/188210/12/1953
18LangstonMary U.02/24/187810/12/1955
19JohnstonWilliam David02/27/190211/09/1943
22aFournierFrank A.04/09/1920aged 48
22bFournierElizabeth Hackett09/06/1934aged 64
25UtsmonJohn J.07/30/190307/04/1916
28StephensRichard L., Jr.12/04/194401/04/1995
29StieffelRay H., Sr.02/11/191012/04/1959husband of Myrtle Bishop Stieffel
30StieffelMyrtle Bishop12/20/191004/22/1994wife of Ray H. Stieffel, Sr.
31JohnstonEdwin Preston03/07/190308/12/1955
32BonieArmond Jerome Roy08/16/191709/20/1977U.S. Navy
36BourgeoisCatherine Nell03/30/193912/06/2002
37StieffelKenneth J.10/06/194004/15/1996
38StieffelMargaret Z.19121978
39StieffelAlton J.19041978
40KothmannHenry Paul04/15/191205/05/1975US Navy WWII
41KothmannLois F.01/14/192010/26/1982
42PloueErnestine Cobean03/11/185903/07/1922
45FayardAlma Mitchell Richardson09/26/192709/27/1987
46RansonEleanor Bourgeois07/11/1969one date only
47RansonRaymond C.08/21/189603/20/1959Miss. Oiler US Navy WWI
48BentelRosie Necaise Henley07/18/190808/29/1971
49HenleyHarry E.05/24/189407/14/1944
50bCarrioMathilda Fayard18631939
50cEnglanderCora Carrio18821925
51aEnglanderFrank F.18701945
51bLizanaEllis Vincent, Sr.18921960
51cLizanaFlorence Englander19231998
52LizanaLeo Paul07/02/195011/17/1957
53aFayardDan'l, Sr.1922reserved
53bKreiderElizabeth B.03/21/188003/19/1936wife of Dan'l Fayard Sr.
53cFayardJohn Irvin08/04/190705/01/1958
53dFayardDaniel R.04/15/187810/29/1960
53eFayardAl Dillon W.01/22/190403/16/1919
54FayardEmma Rita10/22/187010/19/1885
55JohnstonElenor06/22/184806/30/1889wife of Emile Fayard
56aBourgeouisElla Udoria03/10/187602/08/1948
58HenleyVictoria Fayard03/08/190012/11/1974
59FayardMamie Necaise04/29/186912/20/1947wife of Emile Fayard, Sr.
60FayardEmile, Sr.04/24/184804/18/1922husband of Mamie Necaise
61FayardPierre, Sr.07/25/182007/08/1906
62FayardEstelle10/22/1910aged 89 years; widow of Peter Fayard
64HenleyRobert F.01/18/188905/07/1931
66LadnerChristian L., Jr.02/18/193101/30/2002US Army Korea
67LadnerChristian L.04/06/190710/29/1986
68LadnerMarietta F.11/22/189608/07/1969
69FayardEdna H.04/30/188409/08/1961
70FayardPeter G.11/12/189403/07/1961Miss Pvt. Co. A 9 inf 2 Div WWI PH
71LadnerPaula Jean01/14/195301/25/1953
72BourgeoisJohn L.02/07/188306/13/1927husband of Marietta Fayard
73Ladner(no first name)no first name or dates
74LadnerCharles L.07/08/193207/09/1998
75LadnerMary F.05/08/193109/27/1966wife of Charles Ladner
76HenleyPaul R.10/09/192012/31/1970
77HenleyThelma L.10/09/192105/28/1967
79FayardWilliam R., Sr.12/24/188209/09/1948
80BourgeoisHelen B.09/27/190704/03/1983
81BourgeoisEmile L.04/10/189902/12/1972
82FayardMarguerite R.12/17/1919reserved
83FayardJohn Joseph, J.04/03/192101/24/2004AMM3 US Navy WWII
84FayardDavid Allen02/18/195702/21/1957
85FayardLoretta A. Johnston09/18/189708/13/1967
86FayardJohn Joseph, Sr.04/28/189911/19/1975
87FayardEstelle FlorenceInfant; no dates
unkLangstonJohn18741959Reinterred from Gainesville #016
unkLangstonSamuelReinterred from Gainesville #028

The above list was compiled by the Hancock County Historical Society.  We have gathered original records, data handed down from families and/or collected by our volunteers and countless others, and tried to verify this information to the best of our ability.  If you believe some of this to be in error, or if you have additional information, please contact us.  Our phone number and email address are on the home page.

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Hancock County Historical Society
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