Pearlington Cemetery

Final resting place of General George Henry Nixon (1778-1824). 11 Graves from the Gainesville cemetery were reinterred here by Nasa in 1964.

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Head west on Highway 90, and turn left to continue on Highway 90 where it splits into the 607. After about 7.7 miles turn right on the 604. It's the last right hand turn you can make before the bridge. Turn right again on Washington Street (about 1/2 mile), then take the first left on Hancock Avenue. The cemetery will be to your right, about a block down this road.

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Graves (387):

Note: Use Ctrl+F to search for a specific name or part of a name. Click on any column header to sort on that column.
#Last NameFirst NameBirthDeathComment
001CowartJohn W.18841893
002CowartDelliah D.18401928
003CowartAnnie S.18781890
004CowartSarah M.18611864
005CowartWalter E.18701871
006CowartIda C.18721949
007CowartWilliam B.18671938
009SealMartha V.04/22/185805/03/1923wife of John A. Seal
010SealJohn A.10/18/185307/06/1918WOW stone
011BennettClara L.12/26/188810/13/1938
012BennettJohn C.05/03/188604/06/1943
013BennettNellie19151915 only date
014BennettMarthaNo dates
015AldridgeJesse Whichard19021953
016WhichardHenry Young18531906Double tombstone
017WhichardVioletta Lott18611912Double tombstone; wife of Henry Young Wichard
019WhichardHenry Hardy11/10/181812/07/1883Double tombstone
020WhichardVirginia Seal07/19/183308/29/1888Double tombstone
021WhichardInfant sonInfant son of H. Y. & V. Whichard; no dates
022WhichardArthur09/05/188111/16/1893son of Henry Y. & Violetta Lott Whichard
023LittleLouise Bage11/15/189601/31/1974
024LittleAsa10/20/189907/03/1954Mississippi Pvt. Co. D. 142 Machine Sun Bn WW I
026BoydenJohn M.02/27/1956
027BoydenMary Isabella03/27/1949
028WhichardSybilote S.11/29/188806/18/1890son of F. V. & H. G. Whichard
030SealF. V.08/08/185911/04/1892wife of H. J. Whichard
032PoiteventJohn07/17/187705/15/1937son of Mary Hansbrough and John Poitevent
034HansbroughMary02/11/185404/13/1889wife of John Poitevent
035PoiteventEster02/22/188211/30/1882daughter of John & Mary Poitevent
036PoiteventHeloise03/02/188906/30/1931Mother of Pierre Lelong III; wife of P. A. LeLong
037PoiteventLee Richardson 01/10/193502/06/1936
038LeLongPierre A. III09/27/191010/09/1937
039PoiteventW. J. 08/25/186812/09/1912son of John Poitevent & Emily L. Toomer
040PoiteventBennie1872son of John & Emily Poitevent; Age 2 mos
041ToomerEmily L.10/02/184304/01/1874wife of John Poitevent
042PoiteventMary Geneva08/07/186508/14/1947wife of Gordon Smets Orme
044PoiteventJune18841965son of John & Mary Poitevent
045RichardsonLouise18971972wife of June Poitevent; born Vicksburg, Miss., died Mandeville, La.
046TognottiJoseph Albert18801936stone broken
047BoardmanAngeline C.18511940Mother
048FavreTheophilus Moody12/10/184810/31/1901
049FavreWiley T.18771935
050FavreSadie187911/1895month of death from obit SCE.
051FavreErnest1920son of Joe & Rita; 1920 only date
052FavreJoe19311932son of Joe & Rita
055FavreThomas Ford18931939
057FryattWilliam H.08/04/189012/11/1954PHM 2 US Navy WW I
058FryattVivienne M.10/18/189703/14/1969Eastern Star
059(Unmarked)Double concrete slab
060(Unmarked)Double concrete slab
063CottinglyMary Little09/30/188906/20/1935daughter of Andrew Little
064CottinglyRobert R.05/29/192408/01/1932Grandson of Andrew Little
065LittleCharlotte Stocker09/24/186509/27/1942Mother
066LittleCathy G.10/07/189308/05/1911Daughter
067LittleAndrew D. C.02/10/185806/16/1908
068WhiteCornelius Courrege05/07/191802/01/1968
069CourregeElizabeth L.03/01/186503/18/1965
070CourregeBertram J.05/27/185607/05/1921
071CourregeBertram Simon10/17/1919Miss. Electrician 3CL US NRE
073WhiteNeil R.18681938Double tombstone
074(Unmarked)Double tombstone
075SmithJohn R.05/07/189303/06/1969Kentucky US Army WW I
076SmithThomas Arthur Jr.08/10/192407/23/1969
080GarreauArmand12/07/191001/10/1970son of Armand & Mamie Garreau
081GarreauAngeline Seal18631916Double tombstone
082GarreauArmand18291900Double tombstone
083BrownGeo. W.02/22/184107/10/1891
084FavreCordelia A.08/09/184111/05/1898
085WallaceW. W. Sr.18671938
086WallaceRebecca Brown04/05/186809/06/1960
087DavisElla06/04/187405/02/1894wife of J. E. Davis
088HoverLorena P.18691960
089WhiteMrs. Rebecca A.18701903
090WhiteMr. Albert18471898
091WhiteBetina M.10/01/189208/02/1894daughter of A. & R. White
092HowzeMarguerite E.03/01/183405/23/1894wife of Augustine V. Favre
093FavreAugustine V.183401/28/1898
094FavreCecil E.02/14/189610/18/1905son of Lula & Hunter Favre
095FavreMedora P.09/03/190402/18/1906daughter of Lula & Hunter Favre
099BoardmanHattie04/07/185609/11/1932wife of Asa Russ
100BoardmanNancy Graham18741951
101BoardmanRoderick S.18581939Mason
102WhitchardMartha M.12/03/186411/26/1893wife of F. Mitchell
103MitchellNettie B.01/02/189610/11/1972
104MitchellRussel W.06/02/191502/04/1967son of Mr. & Mrs. Ora Mitchell
105MitchellBennie06/06/189005/24/1891infant son of Ora & Emma Mitchell
106MitchellWilliam Ora11/21/186312/16/1893
107MitchellEmma05/20/1938age 78 years
109(Unmarked)infantconcrete slab
110(Unmarked)infantconcrete slab
111GiveansJohn S.12/20/190308/21/1976
112WilliamElmer J.11/12/192510/15/1938
115LlambissDoby Secessia11/22/186212/06/1933
116LlambissThomas C.11/04/186207/11/1935
117LittleAmelia Ellis07/186208/1920Double tombstone; wife of Willis C. Little
118LittleWillis C.18651944Double tombstone
119EllisSamuel W.1910Pvt. 12 Miss. Inf. CSA
121HurseyLottie19151940wife of Joseph Casanova; Mother of Glenn
122HurseyWilliam Abner03/12/188702/15/1931
123BeyerChristina Eliza11/04/188209/01/1956wife of William Abner Hursey
124HurseyWilliam A. Jr.19111958
125MitchellRuss06/30/1912Double tombstone
126MitchellEleanor01/29/191505/15/1979Double tombstone
127MitchellGeorge Asa02/26/187612/02/1921
128MillerAlice06/29/187507/23/1917wife of G. A. Mitchell; age 43 yrs.
130SummersMary E.10/08/184212/09/1893wife of James R. Mitchell; age 51 yrs.
131MitchellRebecca Ann02/26/188704/07/1888daughter of James & Mary Mitchell
133EllisW. M.18771935
134SchmolkeRudolph11/12/189308/05/1954La. Pvt. Co. C 127 Inf. WW I
136FavreMrs. J. J.07/26/1929Double tombstone
137FavreJ. J.04/17/1932Double tombstone
138FavreJoseph Augustine02/21/183411/05/1909
139ToomerRebecca Ann10/11/184112/21/1902wife of Joseph Augustine Favre
141RudolfWilliam03/26/186401/04/1908husband of Emily Favre
142WhiteAlbert H.18941968Double tombstone
143WhiteAnna18961964Double tombstone
144FountainJames Quitman Jr.08/04/190405/23/1905
145BrownAngeline10/17/187404/27/1918wife of James Q. Fountain Sr.
146BrownLouisa F.03/02/187311/06/1904mate of Alexander Orr
148FinhoodErnest C.05/30/186409/02/1902
149(unmarked)Concrete enclosed square 12 x 12, No markers
150KentCapt. Levy S.12/25/1835Mason; born Bucksport, Maine
152HowellMrs. Coralee12/196991 years; Schoen FHM
153MitchellLeroy18941940NN Sgt. Maj. WW I
166(unmarked)infantwooden cross
167OrrCharles Porter03/04/189311/30/1893infant son of C. D. & (?) Orr
168OrrJohn01/06/1891age 76 yrs.
169OrrM. C.10/22/189767 years
170FountainJoseph12/13/189509/13/1897son of Rev. W. G. Forsyth & Mary Howell
171OrrCharles Dudley08/08/186311/26/1940Father
172ChamplinIsabel18721932wife of Chas. D. Orr; "Mother"
173BoydenOscar M.05/25/184306/30/1893
174OrrMary F.05/25/185006/16/1895wife of Oscar Boyden
175BoydenMorris Oscar03/21/186905/22/1891
176SummersGeorge W.02/16/185904/17/1929Mason
177RussClara B.05/12/186407/20/1946wife of George W. Summers
178RussRalph Quitman02/08/189906/03/1900son of G. W. Summers & C. B. Russ
179SummersMyra I.10/25/189208/04/1938
180SummersGeorge Russell01/24/189106/19/196372 years
181OrrWarren M.18521928
182MillerMary T.18611943wife of Warren M. Orr
184DisimoneRosalie18841961wife of Adloe Orr
185FureyRobert Michael05/01/193503/26/1959Miss. A20 4500 Support SQAF
186CrawfordDaniel L.01/26/190810/28/1955Miss. S Sgt. 77 Ordinance Co. WW II
187BrownSam S.08/22/189510/05/1940
188BrownCecile Doby01/13/189508/20/1967
189BennettWilliam Gordon06/18/189112/01/1949
190CouregeA. Gordon Sr.02/27/190502/25/1961
191HurseyAmes Mead18821946
192HurseySidney Ann09/21/191202/18/1917
193HurseyLaura Jane Orr18561944
194HurseyAsa06/02/184512/06/1912WOW monument
195RussArchibald H.01/03/185905/03/1934
196RussViola11/12/187703/10/1899wife of Samuel Gray
197RussThomas05/1893son of Ernest & E. Russ
198RussEmmett Floyd10/29/189602/19/1954
199RussLutherson of B. & M. Russ; age 3 yrs. & 6 mos.
200RussElliot04/02/1912son of B. & M. Russ; aged 19 yrs.
201MillerCapt. Putnam Randall09/26/187708/22/194850 year member WOW
202MillerPearl12/07/188303/04/1896daughter of Capt. J. Miller and Corinne Brown
203MillerSgt. JeremiahCo. G. 3 Miss. Inf. CSA
204RussMary E. Miller05/18/187510/21/1939Double Tombstone
205RussBen F.01/08/1871Double Tombstone
206WilkinsonMattie M.12/17/188909/01/1908wife of M. M. Wilkinson
207ChampionGolda E.06/08/189302/23/1981
208ChampionHarold J.06/20/189102/16/1964Illinois PVT. Btry F 6 Regt. PA Repl WW I
209ToomerDavid R.
210SummersWilliam E.09/10/188708/28/1924
211SummersForest08/01/188510/13/1918WOW monument
212SummersLouisa Russ12/02/186002/06/1953wife of Wm. Summers
213SummersWilliam02/10/186104/13/1893married Louisa Russ
214SummersJune P.12/05/1899dod 01/27/19??, year illegible
215BeyerAmanda01/25/185703/21/1951wife of John Beyer
217BeyerJohn M.04/07/188506/14/1942
218MadisonAnnie Teresa09/20/189009/30/1972
219LaheyBridget18581967wife of Anders Madison, year of death not certain
222GraciMary Madison01/15/189711/10/1974
223BlackmanGeorge03/22/1882Aged 64 years
224GraskHenry J.01/29/188502/13/1886son of H. R. & M. Grask
229JohnsonJohn C.06/09/183910/05/1887Double tombstone
230JohnsonMartha E.07/02/184503/04/1883Double tombstone
232HancockS. W.18591942
233HancockClaude F.18841956
235SteeleVerna D.1922Double tombstone
236SteeleFrank J.09/14/191102/13/1979Pvt. US Marine Corps WW II; Double tombstone
237PullmanManuel W.05/29/191509/02/1968Miss. Pvt. 1321 Service Unit WW II
238BagleyEdyth L.18831955
240RiggsRichard Sr.No dates
241RiggsMary BennettNo dates
242BowersAlbert B.18881917
243PotterHugh E.18931935
244BowersAbin01/10/186212/26/1892husband of Mary Glover
247WatsonJessie Sturm08/10/189508/31/1979
248WatsonHomer Paul06/28/1915
250DavisHorace G. Sr.09/09/190811/16/1969
251MarsRebecca04/05/182312/17/1893wife of Wm. Summers
252SummersWm.1813stone broken; d. date illegible
253LombardoPaul T.1947
254DelacroixClement J.12/01/192202/04/1975AMM 2 US Navy WW II
255DavidsonHenry Macuvain Sr.07/189511/1969
256DavisDora Louise11/1956infant
257JeanfreauCharles L.02/07/188509/23/1950
258AboehaonSarahGrandmother; No dates
259WinslowAnn Maria07/09/181904/22/1884
262WinslowWilliam C.12/31/184510/1853
263GosselinGeorge J.11/26/187504/13/1965
264GosselinMinnie E.12/15/187902/08/1882daughter of Paul Gosselin & T. Murray
265GosselinBerthaage 15 yrs.
267MurrayE. T.10/16/183402/16/1911wife of Paul Gosselin
268GosselinEdna T.03/18/186507/02/1913daughter of E.T. Murray & Paul Gosselin
269GosselinNellie01/16/186201/27/1942daughter of E. T. Murray & Paul Gosselin
270GarciaF. O.07/11/190204/18/1919
276MilesAlice W.02/01/185712/24/1893Double tombstone
277WinslowSara J.11/26/184403/24/1937Double tombstone
278HurseyMaria Miles01/10/188006/04/1959
279WilliamsThomas Cripps01/13/188712/21/1958
280KnightonBertha10/12/189210/16/1968wife of A. Knighton
281KnightonSamuel A.07/22/185901/12/1932
282McGuireW. A.02/17/1908age 76 years
283McGuireRolee R.08/24/186004/10/1879
284McGuireHerbert E.03/03/186601/17/1907
285McGuireAmandasister of Herbert E. McGuire; No dates
286ArmisteadAnderson J.04/06/181710/09/1869Mason
287HollinsHarriet11/05/182312/13/1907wife of Anderson J. Armistead
289ArmisteadMary E.08/23/184802/09/1878wife of Jasper E. Russ
290ArmisteadJulia F.07/27/184105/21/1923wife of Wm. Abner McGuire
291RussJoseph F.05/13/189010/31/1892son of A. H. & Ida Russ
292RussMae E.06/27/189207/06/1892Twin babies of A.H. & Ida Russ; age 9 days
293RussMary A.06/27/189206/27/1892Twin babies of A.H. & Ida Russ
295DunhamIda Ann12/20/186010/06/1911wife of A. H. Russ
296RussChristy K. Jr.10/23/1936Miss. Pvt. 42nd. Regt. CAC(?)
297ToomerSarah Francis07/14/185503/31/1929wife of Christy Koch Russ
298DunhamJoshua Rayburn06/13/181305/12/1883ships carpenter 1880 Pearlington
301CooperIsabella Sophia04/05/183804/18/1892wife of Joshua Rayburn Dunham
302(Unmarked)02/19/186210/11/1918marble slab, no name
303RussEdwin P.02/01/185708/22/1886son of Luther F. & Nancy A. Russ
304RussMary J.04/13/1875date of death ??/26/18??; illegible
305RussEdwin T.182105/17/1859date of birth ??/11/1821, month illegible
306RussGeorge W.02/22/187309/07/1890
307RussNancy A.04/05/183611/03/1890wife of Luther F. Russ
308RussL. F.02/25/182504/18/1899
309EvansMary E.01/17/184106/24/1911wife of James A. Guyther
310GuytherGrace11/15/186607/13/1920wife of Geo. W. Parker Jr.
311ParkerGeo. W. Jr.02/20/186312/01/1944
312DavisMamie P. Garreau09/16/188604/25/1970
313BosaryJoseph Jr.11/14/1941age 3 years
314PullmanHenry03/01/189707/12/1950Double tombstone
315PullmanMartha G.03/18/189412/24/1967Double tombstone
316GarciaGus Sr.03/18/190504/05/1978
317GarciaHarold Edwin06/26/194203/14/1943
318GarciaClara B.05/09/190611/05/1974
319GarciaFrank J.06/04/188907/01/1970
321BennettLawrence Claiborne04/10/191109/29/1979
322(illegible)CarlName & date illegible
323FavreLouise F.11/18/1928daughter of Onezan Favre & Mary Moody
324FavreOnezan Sr.12/23/180705/10/1875
325MoodyMary M.01/14/1890age 84, years; wife of Onezan Favre
326ToomerMargaret C.06/03/1889wife of Onezin Favre; aged 40 years
327FavreOnezan Jr.illegible
330LeNoirMary B.02/22/182703/10/1864widow of the late Bolivar Randall
331McGuireRebecca02/02/1853wife of John Toomer; age 41 years
332ToomerSarah Maninc06/07/1862age 16 yrs.
333ToomerIsaac09/01/1853aged 94 years
334ToomerJohn09/12/1867aged 66 yrs.
335ToomerBenjamin10/22/1865age 19 yrs.
336ToomerEugenia H.
337NettoLouisa E.02/18/183007/16/1883wife of George W. Parker
338OrrJohn A.18581926
339RussMamie R.06/10/185611/03/1884wife of John A. Orr
340OrrRietta07/01/188405/07/1915wife of M. E. Perron
341OrrEva12/08/1896age 5 years; daughter of Eva P. Stroble & John A. Orr
342SummersSister Nellie Irene10/01/191701/25/1931daughter of J. Louis & Nellie Summers
343SockerW. T.1858No markers
344DuffuelSautdtrs ? B.
345BoardmanDaniel A.18091859
346LenoirCatharine B.08/20/181706/18/1823
347SonesNaomi07/04/178104/10/1868widow of the late B. F. Lenoir; Native of So. Carolina
348RandallAndrew B.10/20/183902/09/1864
349RandallMissouri A.05/16/181502/04/1890wife of S. T. Randall
350RandallS. Thomas04/25/181911/13/1878a native of So. Carolina
351RandallSarah Cause10/18/184909/18/1935
352RandallA. B.No dates; aged 23 years; son of P. P. & S. A. Randall
353RandallPutnam P.06/04/184112/18/1890
354StockerT. R.03/26/185008/02/1908
355ReaSamuel10/08/18415th yr. of age
356DavidsonHenry Macewan Sr.07/189511/1969
357TreddinAnnie Belle03/06/1975
358DelacroixClement J.12/01/192202/04/1975AHM2 US Navy WW II
359LittleG.Co. C 38 Miss. Cav. CSA
360BoardmanDaniel A.08/24/184707/27/1909Mason
361SealMartha08/17/182309/18/1903wife of Daniel A. Boardman
362BoardmanAbram P.12/31/185712/30/1878born in Pearlington, Miss.
363MillerMissouri A.02/10/185403/19/1880daughter of Bolivar & Mary Randall
364MillerS. T. R.06/29/187011/14/1876
365aNixonGeorge Henry177808/20/1824General George Henry Nixon; age 46 years; born in Virginia; married 05/28/1806
365bNixonRebecca Bracey178812/24/1868wife of general George H. Nixon
366SealEliza Julia Nixon04/04/1885daughter of Gen. George H. & Rebecca Nixon; wife of Roderic Seal
367GutierrezFoster Hawthorne
368FosterNathaniel09/07/1836age 46 yrs.
369McCartyCharles W.183107/19/1897
370McCartyEmma H.18431912
372McCartyCharles D.18671869
373HurseyIsabella M.04/23/182203/28/1885married Mar. 23, 1843
374HurseyAsa H.10/28/181212/24/1871
375SheriffCapt. George09/27/1846aged 61 years 5 months; Mason
378WhiteBeatina M.02/17/180710/10/1885
379McArthurJames L.18741965
381MurphyJames H.1920
382RussLucy A.183109/10/1859Disenterred from Gainesville Baptist Church Grave #159
383Mead??Disenterred from Gainesville Baptist Church Grave #160
384RussMary Elizabeth07/08/181012/11/1810daughter of Asa & Mary Russ; Disenterred from Gainesville Baptist Church Grave #161
385MeadStephen Artemis05/21/184410/30/1845Disenterred from Gainesville Baptist Church Grave #162
386MeadAsa S. A.01/21/184310/30/1853Disenterred from Gainesville Baptist Church Grave #163
387MeadMonroe H.Aged 8 months; Disenterred from Gainesville Baptist Church Grave #173
388MeadAmelia R.02/05/184906/18/1909wife of Dr. J. A. Mead; Disenterred from Gainesville Baptist Church Grave #166
389MeadAdeline06/30/181612/15/1896relict of Stephen Mead; A native of Wilmington, N.C.; Disenterred from Gainesville Baptist Church Grave #165
390MeadStephen06/25/180806/02/1870A native of Bedford, Mass.; Disenterred from Gainesville Baptist Church Grave #164
391RussSempronius181009/14/1843Disenterred from Gainesville Baptist Church Grave #171
392RussMrs. Amelia187601/12/1951Disenterred from Gainesville Baptist Church Grave #172
393FayCynthia Elizabeth05/06/190102/23/1973
394FayGeorge John08/02/190001/09/1969
395FernandezLot P. Jr.06/03/189305/01/1973Pfc U.S. Army WW II

The above list was compiled by the Hancock County Historical Society.  We have gathered original records, data handed down from families and/or collected by our volunteers and countless others, and tried to verify this information to the best of our ability.  If you believe some of this to be in error, or if you have additional information, please contact us.  Our phone number and email address are on the home page.

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Hancock County Historical Society
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