Standard Sandhill Cemetery

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From I-10 take the 603 North (= exit 13). Follow this road for about 9.1 miles, then turn right on Rocky Hill - Dedaux Road. After about 4.1 miles, turn left at Standard Cemetery Road. After about 1.6 miles, you should see the cemetery on your left hand side.

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Graves (591):

Note: Use Ctrl+F to search for a specific name or part of a name. Click on any column header to sort on that column.
#Last NameFirst NameBirthDeathComment
001AbadieBetty S. Summers07/05/196311/27/2003wife of Robert Charles Abadie, daughter of Louis & Ethel Marie Hoda Summers
002ArcementClarence J.06/30/191101/21/1990husband of Lucille B. Arcement, married 09/07/1932
003ArcementLucille B.06/25/191002/20/2002(no death date on stone), wife of Clarence J. Arcement, married 09/07/1932
004ArcementMaggie Clare05/23/199607/29/1996buried near Lucille B. Arcement
005BaneJesse E.02/21/1970(no birth date on stone, b. about 1926)/44 years old, buried near Virdirene Ann Bane
006BaneRandy A.09/17/197409/17/1974buried near Douglas C. Conn
007BaneVirdirene Ann10/02/192912/09/1965buried near Jesse E. Bane
008BennettJonathan David 'JD'10/27/197810/20/1997buried near Thomas J. Purser
009BennettTristen Gage07/02/199707/02/1997buried near Patsy Ruth Ladner & Corey Dwan Shiyou
010BoudreauxBetty02/09/193501/06/2007buried near James Lee Russell
011BrogdonFrances04/30/190407/19/1953wife of Green T. Brogdon, buried near him
012BrogdonGreen T.10/12/187611/01/1958husband of Francis Brogdon, buried near her
013BrogdonLaverne01/08/190810/29/1969husband of Luvelie Brogdon, buried near her
014BrogdonLuvelie03/02/1908wife of Laverne Brogdon, buried near him
015BrownHomer05/24/191403/22/19912nd husband of Lillian Morgan, son of George Oliver & Allie Pearl Ethridge Brown, US Army WWII
016BrownLillian Morgan08/24/1921wife of 1st h. Jessie Moran/2nd h. Homer Brown
017BryantArneva Ladner02/23/193810/26/2003wife of Norman E. Bryant married 11/14/1953
018BryantNorman E.08/30/1935near Arneva Ladner Bryant
019BurchDaniel W.
020BurnettLisa Marie10/16/196903/07/1970buried near Tiffany Ann Wells
021CameronCharlene Ann05/21/194612/13/2006daughter of Stanley J. & Verina V. Ladner Cameron
022CarsonWanda Faye10/24/197207/14/1986buried near Nelvie L. Netto
023ColeChelsey Michelle02/23/200002/28/2000buried near Marilyon M. Walton & Troy Harold Rogers
024ConnDouglas C.02/26/192403/29/1984buried near Randy A. Bane
025CooleyJohn H.08/08/1930near Zena Marie Cooley
026CooleyZena Marie11/13/191808/06/2000buried near John H. Cooley
027CowartErnest Willie Sr03/24/195002/13/1998buried near Weber Dale Parker & David Shanahan
028CuevasAlbert08/25/188602/04/1942husband of 1st w. Orlea (Martin)/2nd w. Rachel Deschamp, son of Lucien & Elmira Ladner Cuevas
029CuevasAlfred12/12/188404/14/1953husband of Louisa (?) Cuevas
030CuevasAlphonce08/18/18941953son of Lucien & Elmira Ladner Cuevas, PFC Co A 140 MGBN WWI
031CuevasAmos04/05/190812/23/1980husband of Nollie Deschamp, son of Lucien & Elmira Ladner Cuevas
032CuevasAmy Melissa Lampton09/12/197210/15/2004wife of Randy W. Cuevas, daughter of Albert & Joann (?) Lampton, married 05/21/1994
033CuevasArnold Lionel01/10/194108/29/2002
034CuevasBabyburied near Myrtle N. Cuevas
035CuevasBabyin same plot as Albert & Rachel Deschamp Cuevas
036CuevasBabyin same plot as Albert & Rachel Deschamp Cuevas
037CuevasBabyin same plot as Albert & Rachel Deschamp Cuevas
038CuevasBaby Girlburied near Horace 'Bud' Cuevas
039CuevasBaby Girlburied near Louisa Cuevas
040CuevasBarbara Ann Necaise10/02/1941wife of Donivan Cuevas, daughter of Loumbias Frank & Elvenra Cuevas Neciase
041CuevasBessie C.10/08/1911wife of Cleveland Joseph Cuevas, married 12/05/1935
042CuevasBurnell11/06/194811/06/1948buried at the foot of Hollis & Gladys Cuevas
043CuevasCarl W.04/06/1947husband of Karen Dubuisson, son of Hollen H. & Norma Saucier Cuevas
044CuevasCatherine 'Kitty' Buell05/02/194206/16/2005wife of Floyd Lee Cuevas, daughter of Maurice & Consuelo(?) Buell
045CuevasCelina08/13/189509/05/1962wife of Denis Cuevas
046CuevasClaiborne Joseph05/18/190806/03/1986son of Dayse & Emma Hoda Cuevas
047CuevasClarence L.11/01/192112/26/2003husband of Frances(?), son of Oliver & Nollie Ferrill Cuevas
048CuevasClayton Charleston12/15/192309/07/1991son of Dayse & Emma Hoda Cuevas
049CuevasClen P.05/24/193101/12/1993buried near Dorothy J. Cuevas
050CuevasCleneath B.12/18/191005/11/1987buried near Myrtle N. Cuevas
051CuevasCleveland02/19101917son of Albert & Orlea Martin Cuevas
052CuevasCleveland J.06/03/191011/03/1964husband of Bessie C. Cuevas, PFC US Army WWII
053CuevasClifton19151916son of Albert & Orlea Martin Cuevas
054CuevasClyde03/09/193105/27/1988b. 08/1929, son of Alfred & Louisa (?) Cuevas
055CuevasCynthia Ann04/24/195804/25/1958daughter of Roy Lee Cuevas, buried near Janet Gayle Cuevas
056CuevasDayse188602/25/1960husband of Emma Hoda, son of Lucien & Josephine Ladner Cuevas, stone says he was 74 years old
057CuevasDenis09/29/189108/07/1962buried near Celine Cuevas, WWII
058CuevasDennis D.06/20/194101/25/2001husband of Judith Smith, son of Dennis & Vernelee Rester Cuevas
059CuevasDonivan10/03/193706/20/1991husband of Barbara A. Necaise, son of Albert & Rachel Deschamp Cuevas
060CuevasDonna May 'Sis' Wahl05/24/1954wife of Johnnie Lee Cuevas, daughter of Charles & Verta L. Ladner Cuevas
061CuevasDora S.(?)10/28/190310/12/1976no death date on stone, wife of Walter Cuevas
062CuevasDorothy08/195101/1952buried next to Geraldine Cuevas
063CuevasDorothy J.08/195301/1954buried next to Clen P. Cuevas & Shirley A. Cuevas
064CuevasDoyle L.05/31/197010/29/1970son of Dennis & Judith Smith Cuevas
065CuevasEaston03/30/1902son of Ephraim & Anna Ladner Cuevas
066CuevasElmira Ladner10/09/186312/08/1942wife of Lucien Cuevas, daughter of Edwin & Irma Ladner Ladner
067CuevasElsie Cuevas01/01/192103/05/1994wife of Herbert Cuevas, daughter of Albert & Rachel Deschamp Cuevas, married 11/19/1938
068CuevasEmma08/17/1963no birth date on stone, b. about 1887, wife of Dayse Cuevas. Headstone says she was 76 years old
069CuevasFloyd Lee10/08/193407/22/2003husband of Catherine Buell, son of Amos & Nollie Deschamp Cuevas
070CuevasGeraldine03/10/193908/08/1967buried near Dorothy Cuevas
071CuevasGladys H. Malley06/10/192105/28/2006no death date on stone, wife of Hollis J. Cuevas, daughter of Alphonse G. & Leontine Malley
072CuevasHerbert12/10/191309/25/2995no death date on stone; husband of Elsie Cuevas, son of Sebastian & Cornelia Cuevas
073CuevasHolland Hollen06/02/192005/27/2001husband of Norma Saucier, son of Nichalos S. & Callie Cameron Cuevas
074CuevasHollie Deschamp07/23/190305/15/1979wife of Victor Cuevas, daughter of John & Laura Perkins Deschamp
075CuevasHollis J.03/20/192009/27/1999husband of Gladys H. Malley, son of Alfred & Louisa(?) Cuevas
076CuevasHorace 'Bud'07/20/191412/27/1949son of Alfred & Louisa(?) Cuevas/1st husband of Mae Deschamp
077CuevasIsadora04/14/1919no birth date on stone, about 1867,headstone says she was 52 years old
078CuevasJack E.06/27/189807/19/1974son of Ephraim & Anna Ladner Cuevas
079CuevasJanet Gayle07/19/196409/15/1964daughter of Roy Lee Cuevas, buried near Cynthia Ann Cuevas
080CuevasJohnnie Lee12/10/194908/22/2002husband of Donna M. Wahl, son of Melvin & Willie Shavers Cuevas
081CuevasJudith A. Smith01/10/1947wife of Dennis Cevas, daughter of Harice & Eva Saucier Smith
082CuevasJune E.08/10/194608/24/1988daughter of Odis R. & Grace Deschamp Cuevas
083CuevasJustin Leroy04/01/199304/01/1993buried near Merith Ann Lewis
084CuevasKaren D. Dubuisson11/10/195010/04/2000wife of Carl W. Cuevas, daughter of Sylvest & Venolia Cuevas Dubuisson, married 09/25/1966
085CuevasLeander11/21/189612/14/1914buried near Lovander Cuevas & Victor Cuevas
086CuevasLemuel05/10/190011/19/1962husband of Roselia Page, son of Lucien & Elmira Ladner Cuevas/1st wife was Clara Ladner
087CuevasLloyd E.09/19/192501/11/1998husband of Hazel(?), son of Oliver C. & Nollie Ferrill Cuevas
088CuevasLouisa08/04/189003/19/1962wife of Alfred Cuevas
089CuevasLovander07/28/189810/11/1915buried near Lovander Cuevas & Leander Cuevas
090CuevasLovenia Markle10/04/191112/12/1965buried next to Vernon Lynet Cuevas & Clariborne Joseph Cuevas
091CuevasLucenia19171917daughter of Albert & Orlea Martin Cuevad
092CuevasLucien10/01/186010/10/1928husband of Elmira Ladner
093CuevasMandie E. Perkins01/28/191302/16/1994wife of Oliver A. Cuevas, daughter of John & Mary Rosella Rester Perkins
094CuevasMyrtle N.02/05/191408/12/1987buried Cleneath B. Cuevas
095CuevasNicholas S.10/03/195110/11/1969son of Hollen H. & Norma Saucier Cuevas
096CuevasNollie Deschamp09/14/191410/27/1988wife of Amos Cuevas, daughter of John & Laura Perkins Deschamp
097CuevasNollie S. Ferrill09/13/189703/23/1967wife of Oliver Cuevas
098CuevasNorma S. Saucier09/21/1925wife of Hollen H. Cuevas, daughter of Erastus & Alphoncene Cuevas Saucier
099CuevasOdis R.03/16/192208/26/2002husband of Grace V Deschamp son of Sebastian & Cornelia Ladner Cuevas
100CuevasOliver A.02/12/191209/17/1984husband of Mandie E. Perkins, son of Albert & Orlea )Martin) Cuevas
101CuevasOliver C.04/05/189102/28/1955husband of Nollie Ferrill, son of Lucien & Elmira Ladner Cuevas
102CuevasOnivel10/12/193912/16/2004son of Herbert & Elsie Cuevas
103CuevasOrlea M. Martin10/23/1918no birth date on stone, b. about 1886; 1st wife of Albert Cuevas
104CuevasRachel Deschamp11/07/189401/04/19672nd wife of Albert Cuevas, daughter of John & Laura Perkins Deschamp
105CuevasRandy Wayne11/09/1966husband of Amy Melissa Lampton, son of Carl W. & Karen Dubuisson Cuevas
106CuevasRobert Edward02/12/191206/17/1986son of Albert & Orlea Martin Cuevas
107CuevasRoselia Page190819772nd wife of Lemuel Cuevas
108CuevasShirley A.01/21/195201/27/1999buried near Lemuel Cuevas
109CuevasShirley J.05/08/193702/22/1987wife of Therman R. Cuevas
110CuevasTherman R.03/06/193311/09/2005husband of Shirley J. Cuevas, US Army Korea, son of Oliver C. & Nollie Ferrill Cuevas
111CuevasThomas Wayne01/13/196512/09/1966buried near Wilman Irvin Cuevas
112CuevasVenesia W.18941924buried near Denis Cuevas
113CuevasVerlon Leo01/14/194012/15/1942buried near Roselia & Lemuel Cuevas
114CuevasVermon J.01/17/192609/14/19641st husband of Aletha Ladner Warren, son of Jack E. Cuevas
115CuevasVernon Lynet04/25/193803/26/1939buried near Lovenis Markle Cuevas
116CuevasVictor08/18/1911buried near Leander Cuevas & Cleveland J. Cuevas
117CuevasVictor11/20/189703/08/1950husband of Hollie Deschamp, son of Lucien & Elmira LadnerCuevas
118CuevasWalter03/05/190511/01/1979no death date on stone, husband of Dora S.(?), son of Lucien & Elmira Ladner Cuevas
119CuevasWesly Cullen06/08/197702/07/1997son of Johnnie Lee & Donna May Wahl Cuevas
120CuevasWillie May19181937daughter of Alfred & Louisa(?) Cuevas
121CuevasWilman Irvin04/01/196612/09/1966buried near Thomas Wayne Cuevas
122WarrenAletha L. Ladner Cuevas08/10/1931wife of 1st h. Vermon J. Cuevas/2nd h. Frank L. Warren
123DavisColton Wade06/22/199807/11/1998buried near Willie L. Necaise & Ricky Eyuell Waltman
124DavisJoe02/19/189311/23/1968buried near Nizile Davis
125DavisNizile12/01/190111/04/1983buried near Joe Davis
126DelsiedFrank03/17/193902/21/1988buried near Robert B. Langston Sr
128DeschampBen02/21/191106/12/1943husband of Cordelia(?), son of John & Laura Perkins Deschamp
129DeschampJohn05/14/188105/08/1972husband of Laura Perkins, son of Bernard & Jane Carter Deschamp
130DeschampKathleen A.02/08/195603/14/2004daughter of Ruben & Mary A. Ladner Deschamp
131DeschampLaura Perkins05/21/188604/23/1955wife of John Deschamp, daughter of Ruben & Elizabeth Lizzie Woodward Perkins
132DeschampRuben 'Blue' Jr08/21/195706/13/1991son of Ruben & Mary A. Ladner Deschamp
133DeschampSollie10/16/190804/07/1987son of John & Laura Perkins Deschamp, husband of Sara A. Phelps
134DewGretha L.02/28/193311/13/1995
135EdelmanRonald E. Jr11/19/192901/11/2001buried near Jusith Edelman Lucies, US Army Korea
136EgolfCharles Foster Jr11/03/191310/31/1990buried near Mary Elizabeth Egoff, US Arny WWII
137EgolfMary Elizabeth10/23/191007/17/1992buried near Charles Foster, Egoff, Sr/2nd Lt. US Army WWII
138EldrethRussel E.11/28/193012/30/2004buried near Kenneth W. Malley, SSQT US Airforce Korea, probably husband of Flora Mae Shiyou
139EllisBryon Earl09/30/192412/27/1989buried near Ricky Eyuell Waltman, CPL US Marine Corps WWII
140FarveHelen Marie Head01/06/196906/29/2000wife of Joel Keith Farve, daughter of James & Marilyn(?) Head
141FarveJavenia M. Malley10/14/192012/24/1998wife of Willard Farve, daughter of Phillip & Victoria Ladner Malley
142FarveJohn Willard 'Clipper'09/02/194310/03/2006husband of Patricia 'Patsy' Ann Netto, son of Williard & Javenis Malley Farve
143FarvePatricia Ann 'Patsy'03/08/1942wife of John willard Farve, daughter of Ernest L. & Lula Ladner Netto
144FarveWillard09/24/191808/23/1994husband of Javenia Malley, son of Joel & Hathie Smith Farve
145FerrillAlvin L.05/16/192105/28/1981son of Atty E. & Louella M. Cuevas Ferrill, WWII Koren
146FerrillAtty E.03/15/188803/29/1959husband of Louella M. Cuevas, father of Alvin L. Ferreill
147FerrillIsabelle10/13/184508/12/1923buried near Charles P. Heead & Lance Martin, probably mother of Atty E. Ferrill
148FerrillRd Odell02/05/190212/28/1974US Army WWII
149GambillRancy J.08/12/196907/26/2004husband of Tisha(?), son of Donnie & Elaine Ladner Gambill
150GordonWebster08/01/189510/23/1977buried near Ida May Wahl & Hollis J. Cuevas, US Navy WWII
151HanshewJane A. Hoda01/12/1948wife of Jim L. Hanshew
152HanshewJim L.09/23/193810/25/1998husband of Jane A. Hanshew
153HastyEvelyn M. 'Big Sister'03/18/1993buried near Eligah L. Martin & L. J. Martin
154HeadBaby01/12/194301/12/1943daughter of Charles P. & Elena (Cuevas Head
155HeadCharles P. Sr10/09/191901/01/1998husband of Elena Cuevas Head, married 06/01/1943
156HeadColenia M. Martin 'Sis'08/27/191704/24/1985wife of Lishie D. Head, married 11/28/1936, daughter of Lum & Corrine(?) Martin
157HeadElena C. Cuevas08/07/192307/22/1987wife of Charles P. Head, daughter of Albert & Rachel Deschamp Cuevas, married 06/01/1943
158HeadLishie D. 'LD'02/14/191605/12/1995husband of Colena Martin, son of James E. & Lizzie Seals Head
159HodaAres J.06/25/191608/24/1991husband of Katherine Cameron, son of Zeno & Catherine Ladner Hoda
160HodaBrian Austin 'BB'10/01/197802/15/2006buried near Arnold Anthony Ladner
161HodaCalvin J.06/21/198411/11/2004husband of Misty D. Miller, son of Kennth J. & Hilary Necaise Hoda, married 02/21/2003
162HodaClara Ladner11/03/190012/15/1940buried near Anna Moran
163HodaKatherine C. Cameron05/21/191902/11/1992wife of Ares J. Hoda, daughter of Sylvester & Catherine Ladner Cameron
164HodaLarry J.05/21/194112/11/2005son of Ares J. & Katherine Cameron Hoda
165HortonLuverna19132003buried near Lena Smith Mayfield
166HurstFranklin 'Son'10/08/191711/06/1935buried near Victoria Hurst
167HurstVictoria 'Mother'02/14/189103/24/1962buried near Franklin Hurst
168KingVaudie L. Cuevas06/16/193610/16/2001wife of Wayne E. King, daughter of Oliver C. & Nollie Ferrill Cuevas
169KingWayne E.11/23/1941husband of Vaudie L. Ceuvas
170KowalskiFrankie W. 'Pete'12/24/1945husband of Ruby Cuevas
171KowalskiRuby C. Cuevas)03/13/193610/20/1992wife of Francis W. Kowalski, daughter of Horace & Mae Deschamp Cuevas
172LadnerAfretta Martin03/11/192710/30/2005wife of Cecil Joseph Ladner, buried near Cecil J. & Clark Michael Ladner
173LadnerAgnel Joseph08/31/191901/09/1990buried near Bertha P. Ladner, US Army WWII
174LadnerAgnes W. H.06/13/190401/17/1994wife of Eli S. Ladner
175LadnerAlbertine P.'Mother'
176LadnerAlex06/18/189508/16/1970husband of Irene A. Cuevas
177LadnerAlonzo09/12/189806/11/1950husband of Viola Mayfield
178LadnerAlphonse18881925husband of and buried near Torine S. Ladner
179LadnerAlton H.02/20/191807/25/1997son of Arthur H. & Azaline M. Shiyou Ladner
180LadnerAndiess J.10/21/191806/02/2001husband of Essie Peterson, son of Ola & Palmelia(?) Ladner
181LadnerAndrew08/06/190703/10/1938buried near Gracie Mae Ladner
182LadnerAndris J.02/16/191605/23/1984buried near Willie L. Necaise & Rush J. Ladner
183LadnerAnnie Smith03/28/189407/01/1970wife of Ulman J. Ladner, daughter of Lewis & Cordellia Smith Smith
184LadnerArmetine08/18/188808/20/1945buried near August Ladner & Roman Ladner
185LadnerArnold Anthony05/10/192906/19/2006buried near Patsy Ruth Necaise Ladner, FC US Army Korea
186LadnerArthur H.02/20/189103/06/1959husband of Azaline Shiyou
187LadnerArticia Ladner02/15/187402/03/1935wife of Lemuel C. Ladner, aka Martha Arthesia Mathilda Ladner
188LadnerArtis J.02/02/190710/16/1963buried near Pearlena A. Ladner & Gretha L. Ladner
189LadnerArvis R.05/22/193303/24/1994husband of Helen Shavers
190LadnerAugust09/13/188004/28/1935buried near Armetine Ladner
191LadnerAuston Leo06/19/194106/01/1990husband of Jerry Yvonne Howard, son of Vert J. & Bernettie Perkins Ladner
192LadnerAzaline M. Shiyou12/05/189807/12/1984wife of Arthur H. Ladner, daughter of Edgar & Mary O.(?) Shiyou
193LadnerB.buried near B. Ladner & Cornielia Ladner
194LadnerB.buried near Pearlena A. Ladner & B. Ladner
195LadnerBabyburied near Arvis R. Ladner
196LadnerBabyburied near Arvis R. Ladner
197LadnerBabyburied near Cornilia Lader
198LadnerBabyburied near Cornilia Lader
199LadnerBabyburied near Dennis Ladner
200LadnerBaby05/08/196505/08/1965buried near Essie P. Ladner
201LadnerBabyburied near Gerald Ladner
202LadnerBabyburied near Gerald Ladner
203LadnerBaby11/22/194011/22/1940buried near Victoria Ladner
204LadnerBernice Mary Cameron07/31/194005/19/1999wife of Ursan John Ladner, daughter of Stanley J. & Verina V. Ladner Cameron
205LadnerBertha P.06/20/191901/31/1998wife of Agnel Joseph Ladner, buried near him
206LadnerBertie Fay07/10/194007/10/1940buried near Ittia Perkins & Thomas Wayne Cuevas
207LadnerCecil Joseph11/25/192506/07/1999husband of Afretta Martin, buried near her
208LadnerCelestine10/22/186012/12/1920buried near Mary L. Ladner & Willis Ladner
209LadnerChad R.10/24/198310/24/1983buried near Dolenia Martin Ladner
210LadnerCharlotte11/23/1952buried near Donnie 'R Jack' Ladner, married 12/05/1970
211LadnerClark Michael01/17/195205/25/1980husband of Cynthia A. Ladner, buried near her
212LadnerClayton J.05/06/192910/13/1999husband of Lottie(?), married 01/02/1955, son of Henry & Lucretia Peterson Ladner
213LadnerColen J.10/10/192010/08/1925son of Joseph J. & Madie Smith Ladner
214LadnerCora J.03/27/191702/09/1996buried near Emmett A. Ladner & R. D. Ladner
215LadnerCordel A.08/01/190708/09/1988buried near Edgar A. Ladner & Unknown
216LadnerCornilia Cornelia Cuevas12/04/189807/16/1977wife of Loren Ladner
217LadnerCurvis J.02/14/190404/16/1979buried near Edna M. Ladner
218LadnerCynthia A.09/28/1957wife of Clark Michael Ladner, near him
219LadnerDavid 'Froze'03/30/195606/16/2000buried near Edna M. Ladner & Gerald Ladner
220LadnerDennis08/08/192307/11/1999husband of Elder Rita Moran
221LadnerDolenia Martin 'Dena'12/24/1992'Jottie', buried near L. J. Martin & Chad R. Ladner
222LadnerBaby Donna Sister03/08/196103/08/1961daughter of Auston Leo & Jerry Yvonne Howard Ladner
223LadnerDonnie 'R Jack'12/29/195105/03/1993buried near Charlotte Ladner
224LadnerDoris M.12/14/196007/02/2001buried near Jarvis M. Ladner
225LadnerDoris W. 'Baby'02/03/193204/11/1932buried near Olevia A. Ladner & Francis Adolph Tribble
226LadnerEdgar A.09/05/194504/16/1992buried near Cordel A. Ladner & Unknown
227LadnerEdna M.10/30/191208/03/1984buried near Curvis J. Ladner
228LadnerEdward Louis02/16/1964no birth date on stone, b. about 1928,headstone says he was 36, buried near Joseph Ladner
229LadnerEdwinno birth or death date, son of Stella & Victor Ladner
230LadnerElder M. Moran06/22/192501/08/1980wife of Dennis J. Ladner, daughter of Johnny & Treacy Ladner Moran
231LadnerEli S.03/02/189308/22/1953husband of Agnes W. H. Ladner, buried near her
232LadnerElieno birth or death date, stone reads 'GrandPa', buried near Willis Ladner & Sylvilia Ladner
233LadnerElizabeth09/16/192005/26/1999buried near Alton H. Ladner
234LadnerEmma O.07/25/1921wife of Namous Ladner, buried near him
235LadnerEmmett A.11/30/191505/02/1963buried near Cora L. Ladner
236LadnerErnest J.03/06/193512/11/1989buried near Kendall J. Ladner & Geraldine N. Ladner
237LadnerErnestine Ladner02/18/187005/17/1940
238LadnerEssie P.12/17/1930wife of Andiess J. Ladner, buried near him
239LadnerEster L.01/18/1924wife of Wilton I. Ladner, buried near him
240LadnerEtienne05/20/1920no birth date, b. about 1865, age 55, buried near Norman J. Ladner
241LadnerEugene J.06/21/194509/20/1994buried near Rush J. Ladner
242LadnerGerald01/10/195211/14/1970buried near David 'Froze' Ladner
243LadnerGeraldine N.04/10/1937buried near Ernest J. Ladner
244LadnerGrace V. Deschamp10/14/192103/08/1997wife of 1st h. Odis R. Cuevas/2nd h. Olen H. Ladner, daughter of John & Laura Perkins Deschamp
245LadnerGracie Mae09/11/191608/12/1983wife of Andrew(?), daughter of Alex & Irene Cuevas Ladner
246LadnerGretha L.02/28/193311/13/1985buried near Uneeda M. Ladner & Artis J. Ladner
247LadnerHelen S.02/23/1934wife of Arvis R. Ladner, daughter of Tilton & Georgia Anne Gill Shavers
248LadnerHenry01/05/1905no birth date, b. about 1832; 73 years old, buried near Joe A. Ladner & Lottie Ladner
249LadnerHerbert J.08/12/189911/19/1972husband of Olevia A.(?)
250LadnerHerman J. 'Red'01/29/192609/04/1998
251LadnerHoward C.03/05/192208/20/1922buried near Azaline M. Ladner & Veronica A. Ladner
252LadnerIda Mae12/11/1955no birth date, b. about 1910, age 45
253LadnerInfant Son19441944son of Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ladner
254LadnerIrene A. Cuevas03/19/189309/11/1982wife of Alex Ladner
255LadnerJ. Casey01/14/193612/01/1937buried near Agnes H. Ladner
256LadnerJ. Q.02/24/193011/25/1984buried near Curvis J. Cuevas
257LadnerJackie M.11/02/1938buried near Tammy G. Ladner & Jarvis P. Ladner
258LadnerJarvis P.02/15/193805/01/2003buried near Jackie M. Ladner & Doris M. Ladner
259LadnerJeremy J.05/28/1977
260LadnerJoe A.03/16/190708/15/1961buried near Henry Ladner/2 Armored Regt. WWII
261LadnerJohn J.05/06/1914husband of Olena M. Ladner, married 09/29/1938
262LadnerJoseph02/23/1941no birth date on stone, b. about 1875, buried near Edwin L. Ladner, headstone says he was 66
263LadnerJoseph J. 'Derb'05/09/189612/21/1967husband of Madie Smith, son of Edwin & Delphine Moran Ladner
264LadnerJoseph L.05/09/190411/27/1981buried near Norma Cuevas & Kathleen Deschamp
265LadnerJoseph Therman 'JT'11/26/193901/30/2000
266LadnerJoseph V. 'JV'04/26/193201/29/1999husband of Mattie Mae Cuevas, son of Loren & Cordilia Ladner
267LadnerKendall J.12/16/196112/27/2006buried near Ernest J. Ladner
268LadnerL. B.03/10/1929husband of Linda Ladner, married 12/29/1971, buried near her
269LadnerLemuel10/05/187002/23/1989husband of Articia M. Ladner, son of Edwin & Irma Ladner Ladner. This dates are on the headstone
270LadnerLinda Hoda09/11/194909/29/2002wife of L. B. Ladner, married 12/29/1971, daughter of William J. & Lena Ladner Hoda
271LadnerLois M.01/12/192709/21/1977buried near Werlin J. Ladner Sr & John J. Ladner
272LadnerLollie10/17/1952no birth date on marker, b. about 1883, buried near Henry Ladner/69 years old
273LadnerLoren08/03/189806/29/1950husband of Cornelia Cuevas
274LadnerLottie L.10/10/1933wife of Clayton J. Ladner
275LadnerLouisa02/06/1889no birth date on marker, b. about 1866, buried near Roman Ladner/23 years old
276LadnerLovander08/12/192104/10/1977buried near L. B. Ladner, probably husband of Ethelyne Ann Hoda
277LadnerMadie S. Smith01/07/190011/23/1958wife of Joseph J. Ladner
278LadnerMark A.07/19/196307/20/1963
279LadnerMary C.07/03/192201/21/2006buried near Oliver Jack Ladner
280LadnerMary L.01/28/190210/18/1920buried near Namous Ladner & Celestine Ladner
281LadnerMary N.19021930
282LadnerMattie Mae Cuevas03/15/1934wife of Joseph V. Ladner, daughter of Albert & Rachel Deschamp Cuevas
283LadnerMelvin J.07/10/193301/14/1998husband of Yvonne N. Ladner, married 05/16/1951, buried near her
284LadnerMyrtis Marieno birth or death date, daughter of Stella & Victor Ladner
285LadnerNamous05/08/191403/11/1987husband of Emma O. Ladner, buried near her
286LadnerNazare J.09/16/191801/17/2001buried near Patricia A. Ladner, US Army WWII
287LadnerNorman Justin08/14/196401/24/1983buried near Etienne Ladner & Nazare J. Ladner
288LadnerOlen H.12/02/192607/17/1980husband of 1st w. Vera Perkins/2nd w. Grace V Deschamp son of Joseph & Madie Ladner, US Army
289LadnerOlena M.07/25/192008/13/1988wife of John J. Ladner, married 09/29/1938
290LadnerOlevia A. Ladner11/13/190506/05/1981wife of Herbert J. Ladner
291LadnerOliver Jack11/25/192301/31/1988buried near Mary C. Ladner
292LadnerPatricia A.11/10/1941wife of Nazare J. Ladner, married 11/15/1982, near him
293LadnerPatsy Ruth Necaise08/09/1939buried near Arnold Anthony Ladner
294LadnerPearlena A.09/13/191207/13/1994buried near Artis J. Ladner
295LadnerPearline E.06/25/191302/28/1972Buried near Vertis Joseph Ladner
296LadnerR. D.07/16/192207/19/1992buried near Cora J. Ladner
297LadnerRoger Dale02/07/194701/24/2001buried near Adalin C. Malley & Elsie M. Necaise
298LadnerRoman02/28/1903no birth date on marker, b. about 1861, buried near Louisa & Armetine Ladner/42 years old
299LadnerRoss03/16/195206/16/2006son of Wilton I. & Ester(?) Ladner
300LadnerRush J.08/29/191605/01/1991buried near Eugene J. & Andris J. Ladner
301LadnerSheldon Joseph08/05/200108/05/2001son of Richie & Amanda Ladner, buried near Esther L. Ladner
302LadnerStanley W.02/06/191912/17/1992son of Joseph J. & Madie Smith Ladner, US Coast Guard WWII
303LadnerStella04/24/190208/17/1991wife of Victor Ladner
304LadnerSylvilia18871920buried near Elie Ladner
305LadnerTammy G.12/07/196507/23/2000buried near Jackie M. Ladner
306LadnerTodd A.06/10/196007/07/1991son of Ursan J. & Bernice M. Cameron Ladner, buried near them
307LadnerTorine S. Shiyou03/10/189202/14/1971wife of Alphonse Ladner, daughter of Edgar & Mary O.(?) Shiyou
308LadnerTrevor Joseph01/24/199201/24/1992buried nearAmy Melissa Cuevas & Horace Ray Warton
309LadnerUlman J.04/02/188811/22/1949husband of Annie Smith Ladner, son of Elwin & Irma Ladner Ladner
310LadnerUneeda M.10/29/193106/14/1994buried near Gretha L. Ladner
311LadnerUrsan John12/15/193406/30/2000husband of Bernice Mary Cameron, buried near her
312LadnerVanilla04/19/192203/16/1989wife of Wilmer J. Ladner, daughter of Ulman J. & Annie Smith Ladner
313LadnerVeronica A.01/20/1958near Howard C. Ladner & Alton H. Ladner
314LadnerVertie02/20/1910buried near Easton Cuevas & Vermon J. Cuevas
315LadnerVertis Joseph03/17/191204/10/1986buried near Pearline E. Ladner, PFC US Army WWII
316LadnerVictor11/10/189809/17/1945husband of Stella P. Ladner, buried near Herman J. Ladner
317LadnerVictoria19061960buried near Baby Ladner & Yvonne Necaise Ladner
318LadnerViola Mayfield06/13/190803/27/1957wife of Alonzo Ladner, daughter of John Samuel & Lena Smith Mayfield
319LadnerWerlin J. Sr12/13/192610/25/1981buried near Lois M. Ladner
320LadnerWallacename and date is very hard to read looks like 12/197?, age 35
321LadnerWillis 'Father'no birth or death date, buried near Celestine ladner & Elie Ladner
322LadnerWilmer J.02/28/192608/09/1984husband of Vanilla Ladner, son of Alex & Irene Cuevas Ladner, PFC US Army WWII
323LadnerWilton I.03/05/192306/20/1972husband of Ester(?), son of Alex & Irene Cuevas Ladner, PFC US Army WWII
324LadnerYvonne N. Necaise11/29/1932buried near Melvin J. Ladner
325LambertElton 'Doodie'12/05/193110/23/20002nd husband of Verta Lee Ladner Wahl, US Airforce Korea
326LangstonRobert B. Sr08/01/193804/16/1989buried near Frank Delsied & Pearlin E. Ladner
327LeBoJ.2000buried by Betty Abadie/2337923953 N. R. A.
328LewisJerrold Wayne 'Jerry'03/24/195110/11/2003husband of Merith Ann Lewis
329LewisMerith Ann Deschamp01/31/1953wife of Jerald W. Lewis, married 05/27/1978, daughter of Ruben & Mary Deschamp
330LindBabyburied near Kyle Scott Lind, very hard to read, looks like 1948 for both dates
331LindEstelle L.(?)01/09/190506/27/1974wife of Randolph C. Lind, buried near him
332LindKyle Scott05/26/196305/26/1963buried near Estelle L. Lind
333LindRandolph C.06/24/190302/29/1980husband of Estelle L.(?), buried near her
334LuciusJudith Edelman10/05/193710/11/1999buried near Ronald E. Edelman
335LukeClifton Lee02/09/198702/18/1987son of Peggy Saucier & Raymond D. Luke
336LukeRaymond D. Sr01/08/193403/18/1997US Navy Korea
337MaddoxDonna R.08/06/195504/16/2004buried near James L. Maddox
338MaddoxJames L.12/05/1954buried near Donna R. Maddox
339MalleyAdaline C. Cuevas06/28/1941wife of Harvey 'Jimmy' Malley, daughter of Oliver & Viola Ladner Cuevas
340MalleyBeulah May Ladner03/12/193812/27/1961wife of Norman J. Malley
341MalleyEdress D.01/11/192303/29/1999husband of Ruby J. Dedeaux, son of Victor & Victoria Niolet Malley
342MalleyGarland James01/04/194706/09/19841st husband of Joann Cuevas Malley Melton, son of Aaron J. & Virlene Saucier malley
343MalleyGavin Todd04/14/198810/21/2005son of Darrel and Sharon Ladner Malley
344MalleyHarvey 'Jimmy'06/16/193706/07/2004husband of Adaline Cuevas, son of Harvey J. & Nolia Shiyou Malley
345MalleyHarvey J.10/10/191801/03/1995husband of Nolia J. Malley, married 11/21/1936, son of Phillip & Victoria Ladner Malley
346MalleyJoann Cuevas12/12/1946wife of 1st Garland Malley/2nd Vernon Keith Melton, daughter of Joseph & Elsie Alice Necasie Cuevas
347MalleyKenneth Wade07/25/194906/07/1965son of Harvey J. & Nolia Shiyou Malley
348MalleyLynn Marie10/21/197210/21/1972daughter of Harvey J. & Adaline Cuevas Malley
349MalleyNolia J. Shiyou06/10/192210/25/2002wife of Harvey J. Malley, d/ Gastinell & Flora Ladner Shiyou
350MalleyNorman J.04/11/193104/07/2006husband of Beulah Mae Ladner, son of Napolean & Elvenia Niolet Malley
351MalleyRuby J. Dedeaux07/04/193104/29/2003wife of Edress D. Malley, daughter of Victor & Victoria Ladner Dedeaux
352MartinAllois10/13/192207/11/1923buried near Lydia Martin
353MartinArno08/14/189010/11/1964husband of Emilee(?), son of John Martin [1920 c], buried near Camela Martin
354MartinBeatrice11/11/190412/10/1968buried near Victoria McGather
355MartinCamela07/04/1898buried near Arno Martin
356MartinChristof Henry12/25/189511/16/1985buried near Lydia Martin, WWI
357MartinCorrine Martin08/11/189904/09/1957wife of Lum Martin, buried near him
358MartinEligah L.01/21/188811/01/1940buried near Victorine M. Martin
359MartinElvin J.07/26/192002/16/1975husband of Mae Deschamp, son of Lovance & Dora Cuevas Martin
360MartinL. J.08/05/191511/13/1982buried near Evelyn M. Hasty & Dolenia Martin Ladner
361MartinLance04/20/189112/15/1978husband of Alice Z. Perkins
362MartinLum06/18/189205/05/1930husband of Corrine(?), buried near her
363MartinLydia18991953buried near Christof Heny Martin & Allois Martin
364MartinMae Deschamp11/02/191608/17/2001wife of 1st h. Horace Cuevas/2nd h. Elvin J. Martin, daughter of John & Laura Perkins Deschamp
365MartinVictorine M. 'Mother'09/17/189203/16/1969buried near Eligah L. Martin
366MayfieldJohn Samuel08/10/188102/25/1953husband of Lena Smith, son of Tom Mayfield
367MayfieldLena Smith05/28/188709/11/1980no death date on stone; wife of John Samuel Mayfield, daughter of Thomas R. Smith
368MayfieldMcKinley08/15/190611/11/1944son of John Samuel & Lena Smith Mayfield
369MazeresGaston Hypolite III11/11/195711/03/1987buried near the front of the cemetery
370McDonaldKirk L.08/03/195702/01/2004buried near Shelia L. McDonald
371McDonaldSheila L.09/03/1963buried near Kirk L. McDonald
372McGatherVictora04/01/190106/05/1970buried near Beatrice Martin
373McKayLuney Marie Ladner12/06/192807/07/19561st wife of Oley O. McKay, daughter of Alex & Irene Cuevas Ladner
374MoranAnna08/27/189910/13/1967buried near Dazie R. Moran
375MoranAzalee M.03/10/188011/12/1950buried near Forest O. Moran
376MoranDazie09/17/188805/03/1972buried near Anna Moran
377MoranForest O.09/15/188302/26/1944buried near Azalee M. Moran
378MoranHathie Smith01/31/189801/11/1982wife of 1st h. Joel Farve/2nd h. Sylvester Moran, daughter of Lewis & Cordellia Smith Smith
379MoranJessie04/15/191610/25/19421st husband of Lillian Morgan, son of Rosaire & Lausia Ladner Moran. US Pairtrooper WWII
380MoranJohn E.12/24/1975no birth date on marker, b. about 1897, buried near Sylvilia Ladner & Green T. Brogdon age 78
381MoranJohnny L.11/17/189411/18/1968husband of Treacy Ladner
382MoranRoaisir Rosaire1st husband of Lauisa Ladner, can't read stone, he was b. 02/07/1884
383MoranTreacy L. Ladner19011977wife of Johnny L. Moran, daughter of Lemuel & Arthicia Ladner Ladner
384MoranViola05/17/190012/11/1982buried near Iona Smith
385NecaiseAmbrose08/16/188904/07/1959burie near Dora S. Necaise & Eldon J. Necaise
386NecaiseArthur F.03/28/191403/30/1986husband of Vathia M. Ladner Necaise
387NecaiseChelly L.05/16/195805/16/1958buried near Forest O. Moran & Victoria Hurst
388NecaiseDeborah L. Scarborough01/13/1955wife of Rodney J. Necaise, married 04/26/1989
389NecaiseDora S.02/01/189210/07/1968buried near Novil J. Necaise & Ambrose Necaise
390NecaiseDorothy Ann Cuevas01/18/1950wife of Kenneth Joseph Necaise, daughter of Hollen H. & Norma Saucier Cuevas
391NecaiseEldon J.12/08/192501/29/1977buried near Ambrose Necaise, US Navy WWII Korea
392NecaiseElsie M. Ladner12/14/193108/12/2003wife of Lavern L. Necaise, daughter of Monroe & Azaline(?) Ladner
393NecaiseFlora Lee Ladner03/31/193910/24/2003wife of Herman Joseph Necaise
394NecaiseHerman Joseph01/24/1932husband of Flora Lee Necaise
395Necaise'Infant' Norma LouiseNo dates on headstone.
396NecaiseKenneth Joseph03/27/194706/06/2005husband of Dorothy Ann Necaise, son of Ira & Etha Brown Necaise
397NecaiseLavern L.04/28/193009/28/1977husband of Elsie M. Ladner
398NecaiseNovil J.01/31/193103/31/1946buried near Dora S. Necasie
399NecaisePhelan Earl11/08/196911/10/1969buried near Barbara Ann Cuevas & Unknown ? Denver/2 days old
400NecaiseRodney J.06/27/1960husband of Deborah L. Scarborough, son of Marvin J. & Wilma(?) Necaise
401NecaiseTiffany L.12/23/198608/05/2002daughter of Rodney J. & Deborah L. Scarborough Necaise
402NecaiseVathia M. Ladner10/13/191306/29/1982wife of Arthur F. Necasie, daughter of Ulman J. & Annie Smith Ladner
403NecaiseWillie L.11/07/191812/17/1986buried near Andris J. Ladner & Colton Wade Davis
404NettoBaby Boyburied near Ernest L. Netto
405NettoErnest L.10/05/191701/23/1990husband of Lula Mae Ladner
406NettoLula Mae Ladner10/12/192205/04/1997wife of Ernest L. Netto, daughter of Herbert & Olevia A.(?) Ladner
407NettoNelvie L.03/24/192105/03/2004buried near Lavern L. Necaise & Wanda Faye Carson
408PageEaran03/25/1915no birth date on stone, b. about 1891; buried near Wilson Page; 24 years old
409PageLillian09/16/192012/26/1995buried near John T. Shavers
410PageWilson12/19/187204/12/1951buried near Earan Page
411ParkerWeber Dale09/05/193503/18/1998buried near Evelyn margaret Rogers & Ernest W. Cowart/5P3 US Army Korea
412PerkinsHildon04/16/1967no birth date on marker, b. 01/15/1917, husband of Ittia Ladner, son of Charlie & Ella Rester Perkins
413PerkinsIttia Ladner08/09/191701/02/1983wife of Hildon Perkins, daughter of Ulman & Annie Smith Ladner
414PerusettEarl S.05/06/190607/10/1984husband of Elvenia Cuevas
415PerusettElvenia C. Cuevas09/07/190810/24/1987no death date on marker; wife of Earl S. Perusett, daughter of Alfred & Louisa(?) Cuevas
416PetersonAaron J.04/05/191310/10/1952son of Albert & Ida Lou Ladner Peterson
417PetersonAlbertburied near Aven Peterson; dates illegible
418PetersonAlbert 'Buck'19451985buried near Patricia K. Peterson & Athen A. Peterson
419PetersonAthen A.10/27/191809/20/1990husband of Mildred Cuevas Peterson/05/27/1942
420PetersonAven09/12/191406/30/1983husband of Ethel M. Peterson
421PetersonBabyburied near Verlon Leo Cuevas
423PetersonBridgett08/15/196608/15/1966buried near Kirt Peterson
424PetersonDarrell P.11/21/197209/22/1977son of James Aven & Ruth Ann Ladner Peterson
425PetersonEthel M.06/26/192102/05/2004wife of Aven Peterson
426PetersonHayward A.07/01/193902/12/2000husband of Mary C. Peterson, son of Aven J. & Ethel Malley Peterson
427PetersonHayward G.11/28/196003/18/1987son of Hayward A. & Mary Cuevas Peterson
428PetersonKirt05/21/196505/21/1965buried near Bridgett Peterson
429PetersonLola Smith12/01/192611/09/1996buried near Hayward A. Peterson
430PetersonMary C. Cuevas09/27/1943wife of Hayward A. Peterson, married 07/04/1959, daughter of Hollen H. & Norma Saucier Cuevas
431PetersonMildred C. Cuevas09/16/192103/28/2004wife of Athen A. Peterson, daughter of Lemuel L. & Clara Ladner Cuevas
432PetersonPatricia K.1944buried near Albert Peterson
433PurserHelen09/01/1931wife of Thomas L. Purser, married 02/04/1983
434PurserThoman J. III09/04/194901/25/2005buried near Thoman J. Purser III
435PurserThomas. L.02/19/192509/26/2004husband of Helen Purser
436ResterLauisa Ladner06/16/188609/05/1961wife of 1st h. Rosaire Moran/2nd h. Wilson Rester, d.o Edwin & Irma Ladner Ladner
437RogersEvelyn Margaret02/13/193809/14/2000buried near Troy Harold Rogers
438RogersTroy Harold10/27/1935buried near Evelyn Margaret
439RussellJames Lee01/01/196710/01/1990buried near Betty Boudreaux & Clarence J. Arcement
440SaucierAlphoncene Cuevas04/15/190808/26/1996wife of Erastus Saucier, son of Albert & Orlea Martin Cuevas
441SaucierClifton J.02/07/1931husband of Janice Mitchell, son of Erastus & Alphoncene Cuevas
442SaucierErastus04/18/189812/25/1986husband of Alphocene Cuevas Saucier
443SaucierFred05/06/192701/29/1929son of Erastus & Alphoncene Cuevas Saucier
444SaucierHarbin Joseph03/26/192502/23/1995buried near Vibrella Martin Saucier
445SaucierJanice C. Mitchell07/09/1938wife of Clifton J. Saucier
446SaucierRodney W.07/02/196112/25/2005son of Clifton J. & Janice Mitchell Saucier
447SaucierVibrella Martin07/22/1924buried near Harbin Joseph Saucier, married 02/08/1948
448SchambachEdward L. Jr09/27/192401/04/2006no death date on stone; husband of Ruth Ladner, son of Edward Sr & Blanche Schambach
449SchambachRuth Ladner06/13/192408/18/2004wife of Edward L. Schambach, daughter of Alonzo & Viola Mayfield Ladner
450ShanahanDavid L.04/24/194107/01/2001PVT US Army
451ShaversJohn T.04/23/192301/01/1989husband of Lillie Ladner, son of Tilton & Georgia Shavers PFC US Army WWII
452ShaversLillie L. Ladner11/29/1928wife of John T. Shavers
453ShiyouBabyburied near Thophine Shiyou Stone with cross
454ShiyouBabyburied near Thophine Shiyou Stone with cross
455ShiyouBabyburied near Thophine Shiyou Stone with cross
456ShiyouCorey Dwan01/27/199801/27/1998infant son of Aubrey & Kim Shiyou, buried near Tristen Gage Bennett
457ShiyouFlora Ladner01/24/190305/30/19452nd wife of Gustinell Shiyou
458ShiyouGustinell01/18/187903/20/1947husband of 1st wife Theophine(?); 2nd wife Flora Ladner, son of Edgar & Mary O.(?) Shiyou
459ShiyouRocky06/24/195101/05/1987son of Gastnell Joseph Shiyou
460ShiyouThophine (Theophine)04/21/189303/03/19191st wife of Gustinell Shiyou
461SimmonsJames Donald04/30/194203/12/2004husband of Lillie May Shavers Simmons
462SimmonsLillie May11/15/1944wife of James D. Simmons, daughter of John T. & Lillie L. Ladner Shavers
463aSmithArnevia04/10/1910maiden name Moran, buried with baby
463bSmithBaby OJ04/10/1910baby of Arnevia, buried with mother
464SmithEugene01/03/190302/11/1970husband of Arnevia Moran, son of Lewis & Cordellia Smith Smith
465SmithHarice08/16/191904/03/19551st husband of Eva Smith, son of Dillard & Viola Ladner, MS HO Co Base G WWII
466SmithIona11/15/192201/01/1923buried near Viola Moran
467SmithLouis Lewis08/187405/30/1953no birth date on marker; husband of Cordellia Smith, son of Reuben & Sarah Smith, age 79
468SpiersCarl Wilson09/12/192207/19/1958husband of Loretta Mayfield Spiers
469SpiersLoretta M. Mayfield05/19/191807/02/2005no death date on stone; wife of Carl Wilson Spiers, son of John Saumel & Lena Mayfield
470SummersLena M. Ladner12/03/192703/23/1996wife of 1st h. Julius J. Peterson/2nd h. William J. Hoda/3rd h. Maurice E. Summers, Sr
471SummersLisa M.04/01/196806/20/1968daughter of Louis & Ethel Marie Hoda Summers
472SummersLouis10/21/193310/20/1969husband of Ethel Marie Hoda, son of Maurice & Izettia Smith Summers, PFC US Marine Corps Korea
473SummersLouis 'Baby'buried near Lisa M. Summers
474SwilleyGladys G.12/11/193907/29/1973buried near Herman L. Swilley & Terry Lynn Swilley, wife of Leo Swilley
475SwilleyHerman L.10/05/193705/10/1998buried near Gladys G. Swilley
476SwilleyTerry Lynn07/02/196104/02/2003buried near Gladys G. Swilley
477TomasichKathy Starr06/10/197106/10/1971buried near, Clyde Cuevas & Victotia Martin, probably daughter of Gerald & Linda Ladnr Tomasich
478TribbleCornelia Ladner05/01/191207/20/1999buried near Francis Adolph Tribble & August Ladner
479TribbleFrancis Adolph12/23/191112/30/1999buried near Cornelian Ladner Tribble
480TribbleFrankie Leveil04/18/1971buried near Chad R. Ladner & Garland Malley
481UlrichJimmie Ruth Malley09/06/195905/10/1988daughter of Harvey J. & Adaline Cuevas Malley
482WahlCarl C.18961987buried near Donald Wahl & Ida May Wahl
483WahlCharles 'Genie'09/23/195902/17/1990son of Charles & Verta L. Ladner Wahl
484WahlCharles Donald10/31/192609/13/19641st husband of Verta Lee Ladner
485WahlIda May19011987buried near Carl C. Wahl & Webster Gordon
486WahlVerta Lee Ladner03/06/193202/04/2004wife of 1st husband Charles D. Wahl/2nd husband. Thomas E. Lambert, daughter of Lacy & Rena Northrup Ladner
487WaltmanEarl12/23/193012/04/1978husband of Jean Ladner, son of Sylvester & Amanda(?) Waltman, US Army
488WaltmanRicky Eyuell05/26/196008/19/2003son of Earl & Jean Ladner Waltman WWII
489WaltonMarilyon M.07/04/1956buried near Royal C. Walton Sr
490WaltonRoyal C. Sr10/10/192702/17/1999buried near Marilyon M. Walton, US Airforce WWII Korea
491WarrenFrank L.04/24/193112/14/20002nd husband of Aletha Ladner PVT US Army Korea
492WarrenStanton Lee03/23/198707/03/2005son of Mark & Janet Ladner Warren
493WartonGloria Agnes11/29/193503/25/2005buried near Horace Ray Warton
494WartonHorace Ray03/18/193103/23/1995buried near Gloria Agnes Warton
495WellsTiffany Ann07/18/198007/18/1980buried near Lisa Marie Burnett, daughter of Jon D. & Ethel 'Lois' Peterson Wells
496WhiteEdgan M.03/16/193802/12/1977buried near James Oneal White & Genevie Page White, US Air Force
497WhiteGenevie Page10/21/193912/10/1992buried near Edgan M. White & J. Q. Ladner, age 53
498WhiteJames Oneal03/09/195705/25/1979buried near Edgan M. White
499WieseLester Wayne III10/12/198501/28/2001buried near Judith Edelman Lucius
500WilliamsBetty J.01/14/193609/27/1997buried near Marion E. Williams
501WilliamsJames R.19551997on flower holder between Betty J. & Marion E. Williams
502WilliamsMarion E.06/15/192206/26/2001buried near Betty Williams
503ByrdRocky William04/07/195107/28/2007husband of Ann Cameron Byrd, son of Travis and Challie (--?--] Byrd
504CuevasKara Lynn 'Sissy'06/14/198710/07/2007daughter of Karen Sue Peterson & Devron D. Cuevas
505CuevasRoy Lee12/08/193907/24/2007son of Horace & Mae Deschamp Cuevas, husband of Joyce(?)
506HodaAres Joseph 'AJ'08/31/193901/23/2008husband of Vernell Cuevas Hoda, son of Ares J. & Katherine Cameron Hoda, Sr
507LadnerFritz11/25/194411/07/2007son of Herbert & Olivia A.(?) Ladner, husband of Beverly Cuevas Ladner
508OroszGerald Thomas10/21/195711/05/2007husband of Shelly L. Smith Orosz
509PattonRobert Edwin 'Lil Buddy'10/21/195007/09/2007son of Robert L. & Sylvia Pavolini Patton
510SimmonsRandy Dale197607/07/2007husband of Amanda(?) Simmons, son of James D. and Lillie Mae(?) Simmons
511WellsJon Dwight10/26/195003/04/2007husband of Ethel D. 'Lois' Peterson Wells, son of John W. & Billie Braudaway Wells
512(Unmarked)Adult, buried at the foot of Ursan Ladner's grave. No name or dates
513(Unmarked)Baby, buried at the foot of Ursan John Ladner
514(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Albert Peterson
515(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Albert Peterson
516(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Alonzo Ladner (No Stone)
517(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Arno Martin (No Stone)
518(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Arno Martin (No Stone)
519(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Arno Martin (No Stone)
520(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Arno Martin (No Stone)
521(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Arno Martin (No Stone)
522(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Arno Martin (No Stone)
523(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Arno Martin (No Stone)
524(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Arno Martin (No Stone)
525(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Arno Martin (No Stone)
526(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Celina Cuevas
527(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Clara Ladner Hoda (Cross)
528(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Dazie Cuevas
529(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Donivan Cuevas
530(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Donivan Cuevas
531(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Edward Louis Ladner
532(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Emma Cuevas
533(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Floyd Lee Cuevas, might be Tressie & Michael Cuevas' baby girl
534(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Herbert & Elise Cuevas (Cross)
535(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Herbert & Elise Cuevas (Cross)
536(Unmarked)Baby, buried near James L. Maddox ("Baby" No Name)
537(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Jesse E. Banes (Cross)
538(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Lance Martin (Stone with cross)
539(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Lance Martin (Stone with cross)
540(Unmarked)Baby, buried near Ruth Schambach (No Stone)
541(Unmarked)Buried bu Edward Schambach
542(Unmarked)buried near Albert Peterson
543(Unmarked)buried near Allois Martin (Cross)
544(Unmarked)buried near Allois Martin (Cross)
545(Unmarked)buried near Allois Martin (Cross)
546(Unmarked)buried near Allois Martin (Cross)
547(Unmarked)buried near Allois Martin (Cross)
548(Unmarked)buried near Arnevia Moran Smith
549(Unmarked)buried near Arnevia Moran Smith
550(Unmarked)buried near Arnevia Moran Smith
551(Unmarked)buried near Arnevia Moran Smith
552(Unmarked)buried near Beatrice Martin
553(Unmarked)buried near Beatrice Martin
554(Unmarked)buried near Beatrice Martin
555(Unmarked)buried near Cordel A. Ladner (Cross)
556(Unmarked)buried near Dayse Cuevas
557(Unmarked)buried near Denis Cuevas
558(Unmarked)buried near Edgar A. Ladner (Cross)
559(Unmarked)buried near Edward Louis Ladner
560(Unmarked)buried near Emma Cuevas
561(Unmarked)buried near Emma Cuevas
562(Unmarked)buried near Henry Ladner (Stone with cross)
563(Unmarked)buried near Henry Ladner (Stone with cross)
564(Unmarked)buried near Jack E. Cuevas (Stone with cross)
565(Unmarked)buried near Jack E. Cuevas (Stone with cross)
566(Unmarked)buried near Lance Martin (Stone with cross)
567(Unmarked)buried near Lance Martin (Stone with cross)
568(Unmarked)buried near Lance Martin (Stone with cross)
569(Unmarked)buried near Lance Martin (Stone with cross)
570(Unmarked)buried near Lillie May Simmons
571(Unmarked)buried near Lishie D. Head (Cross)
572(Unmarked)buried near Lishie D. Head (Cross)
573(Unmarked)buried near Louis Smith
574(Unmarked)buried near Louis Smith
575(Unmarked)buried near Louis Smith
576(Unmarked)buried near Louis Smith
577(Unmarked)buried near Phelan Earl. Necaise
578(Unmarked)buried near Roman Ladner (Cross)
579(Unmarked)buried near Roman Ladner (Cross)
580(Unmarked)buried near Roman Ladner (Cross)
581(Unmarked)buried near Roman Ladner (Cross)
582(Unmarked)buried near Roman Ladner (Cross)
583(Unmarked)buried near Roman Ladner (Stone with cross)
584(Unmarked)buried near Roman Ladner (Stone with cross)
585(Unmarked)buried near Roman Ladner (Stone with cross)
586(Unmarked)buried near Roman Ladner (Stone with cross)
587(Unmarked)buried near Thophine Shiyou (Stone with cross)
588(Unmarked)buried near Victoria Ladner
589(Unmarked)buried near Victoria Ladner
590(Unmarked)buried near Victoria Ladner

The above list was compiled by the Hancock County Historical Society.  We have gathered original records, data handed down from families and/or collected by our volunteers and countless others, and tried to verify this information to the best of our ability.  If you believe some of this to be in error, or if you have additional information, please contact us.  Our phone number and email address are on the home page.

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Hancock County Historical Society
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