Early Hancock County Land Records
Deed Book A

A Few Guidelines:

  • In almost every case, the county clerk signed a final document to the effect that the county had recorded the transaction. Because this was routine, normally there is usually no mention. However, the editors have attempted to identify which was a “re-recording” when appropriate.
  • For simplicity’s sake, no mention of residence is made when parties are citizens of Hancock County; when they reside elsewhere, their county or parish and state is mentioned.
  • In addition, there are sometimes entered editorial notes when other known facts or related cases may help to clarify a deed or other transaction.
  • Almost all deeds involving married vendors will have a last paragraph in which an official testifies that the wife concurred with wording such as, “…by me examined separate and apart from her husband and acknowledged that she signed, sealed, and delivered the same as her voluntary act….” Often, she accepts one dollar as a symbol of compliance. This is significant in showing the place of women in financial matters. However, because this is usually the case, it is seldom included in the following synopses.
  • Attempt has been made to include the full names of spouses, for whatever help this may be to genealogists and other researchers.
  • It is of some value to the understanding of the cultural history of the community to indicate whose signatures were signified by their “marks.” It is hoped that this is accepted as simply reflective of the times, and does not show any lack of industry or intelligence on the part of the early players.
  • The phrase, “in corporate limits of Shieldsborough” has been found to include much more than current city limits, and may refer to a large, general area, including at minimum what is now Waveland.
  • Click here for a full analysis of Deed Book A

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Page 1

Heirs of Don Louis Boisdore of New Orleans to Lewis Daniells for $1,690, land on Mulatto Bayou. Dated Sept. 9, 1826. Valery Nicholas of New Orleans appears as agent, substitute for Noel Jourdan. Full description of land, plus as bordering land of Francois Saucier, plus marsh lands in sections 2, 3, 35 and 36 [T and R not apparent, later identified as T9, R16, in suit on p. 7, below], and two islands, called Pea Island and Long Island. Includes appurtenances. Witnessed by Pray, signed by Nicholas. Deed later deposited with Sones, clerk of probate, as re-recording on June 28, 1853; he noted that it original was burned on morning of April 1, 1853. [NB: this is land that later was known as Clifton Plantation, and was sold to Andrew Jackson, Jr.]

Page 4

Final decree in case of Lewis Daniells vs. Andrew Murphy and wife and other unknown heirs of Louis Boisdore, deceased. Judge declares for plaintiff, reciting history of Boisdore’s Spanish claim to large tract between Shieldsboro and Pearl River dating back to Sept. 14, 1824, which claim was reduced to 1,280 acres by US Supreme Court in 1850. [Copy of this court decision is available upon request.] Of the 1280 acres, Boisdore’s heirs had previously sold 676 and a fraction acre to Francois Saucier, leaving only 603 and a fraction to go to Daniells. Lands valued at $1.25 per acre. Judgment dated Aril 20, 1853.

Page 7

John Henderson/Lewis Daniell. Henderson had been appointed commissioner by judge in above case to draw up valid deed for Daniell [here spelled without s at end]. Described as “the plantation residence and improvements of said Lewis Daniell,” it is clearly delineated, beginning at stake at Mulatto Bayou in section 34, T9, R16, being the s/w corner of the Francois Saucier survey, and running to the dividing line between sections 2 and 3, T10 R16. It is said to be 603 42/100 acres. Signed by Henderson on April 30, 1853.

Page 9

Mortgage $1440 paid to Marguerite Angelique Pericoli by Armand Pepin of New Orleans. Property is on west bank of Bay, in Shieldsborough, bounded by Monet, Macoullard, Bouquie and Salles. Measures 45 feet front by 40 arpents and includes buildings. It had been sold to Pericoli by BF Sales, in Feb 1852. Signed by Pericoli on June 20, 1853.

Page 10

Deed wherein David W. Johnston and wife Henrietta sell to Jeffrey Landrieu for $150 land in corporate limits of Shieldsborough, beginning at n/w corner of land owned by Landrieu, running 24 arpents to western boundary of land claimed by Mme. Charlo. Allows 12 foot passage between this land and land of Darzine Bayard. Measures 68 feet and bounded by land of Mme. Dusuan and Bouquie. Signed by Johnston and wife, April 16, 1853.

Page 12

Deed by Constantine B. Beverly of New Orleans to Lewis E. Simonds, also of New Orleans, for $340, for lot of 100 feet front on bay by 1350 feet. Lot in number 15 on survey by JC Monet made August 21, 1849. Part of section 15, T9S, R14W. Previously sold to Beverly by Bernard Bourgeois on August 28, 1848. Joined in by Celine Beverly, wife, for ten cents. Signed by Beverly and wife on April 12, 1850. Deposited with clerk of Hancock on April 25, 1853.

Page 13

Deed by Nicholas Caron to Fran. Marquer for $600, parcel on west bank of the Bay in corporate limits of Shieldsborough, bounded by lands owned by Caron, Samuel White, and Bay on east, measuring 60 feet front and running to “the Center of the first branch of the rear.” Signed by Caron and wife Ursule with their marks, on March 19, 1853.

Page 15

Deed, called an “Indenture,” made on March 15, 1853, between Lewis E. Simonds of New Orleans and John Viade of Jefferson Parish LA for $1000, to be made in several payments @ 5%, for land with improvements measuring 100 feet front on Bay with depth of 1350 feet. Lot is number 15 in survey of Monet in 1849. Signed by Simonds on date above.

Page 16

Agreement between GW Peoples and Robert Montgomery of Madison County, about circular saw mill on bank of East Pearl at the mouth of Waste house Bayou in Louisiana. It spells out terms of months of use, profits and how split, and who may sell. Half of mill to be reserved for Peoples for 6 months for $750. Signed by Montgomery and Peoples, and witnessed by Mary Favre with her mark on June 30, 1853.

Page 17

Bill of Sale, reciting that Henry and Mary Jarrell for $500 sold to William Jarrell one slave, “a certain negro boy by the name of Lewis about 13 years old.” Dated October 16, 1852. Signed by Henry with his mark; wife signed name.

Page 17

Deed, by which Cecilius Mitchell and wife Caroline for $500 paid by Christophal C. Mitchell, sold one town lot in Gainesville in Square H, no. 55 on Center St. (Adjacent owners listed as Davidson, Hyndman and Brown, and Leonard. Signed on Dec. 18, 1853 by Mitchell with his mark; wife signed her name.

Page 19

Deed in which Justine Fremaux and wife Honorine Mary Lenfant of New Orleans sell for $500 to Alcide LeBlanc, also of New Orleans, tract at the Bay, designated number 10 in plat of original plan at office of AC Ainsworth, notary in New Orleans, and annexed to a deed made 26 of 1849 in favor of Fremaux. Tract measures 90 feet front on Bay by 1,980. Signed by both Fremauxs (they signed with an i: Frimaux) on 1-25-53. Above is followed by a confirmation by Wm. S. Hannon, commissioner of deeds in Ms for state of LA.

Page 20

Deed by which Victor Ladner and Norine wife for $500 transfer to Elihu Carver, Esq., and acknowledge the said Norine Ladner with the consent of her husband (testified by his becoming a party hereto) who sells and the said Victor Ladner releases and quit claims land on west bank of Bay. Complicated description follows, placing land at or near sections 10-11 and 2-3, T9R14. Norine signed document, and Victor’s signature was after hers, which is reverse of usual. He signed with his mar. Dated 6-6-1836. On 6-17-1836, Victor had county acknowledge by appearing before Billiot, JP, who stated that Norine was examined separately. Above certified with Hancock County clerk, John Brush, on 8-6-1853.

Page 22

Deed of trust, called an indenture, between Cadwallader Lewis and Julius C. Monet. Lewis, for $5,600, loaned by Messer Wright Williams and Co. of New Orleans, and further, for $1 paid by Monet, convey to Monet property both real and personal, lot on west shore of the Bay incorporate limits of Shieldsborough bounded by land of Rose Marti, Felix Grima, and Bouquie, having 130 feet front on Bay by 120 depth and 192 feet width and going back 40 arpents. Included are houses, outhouses, and whatever buildings, being known as the Bay of St. Louis Hotel. The same had been conveyed Francois Marcadel to Lewis by deed dated 2-13-1849. There follows a list of slaves included in sale by name [woman of 30, girls of 12, 6, and 2, and boys 10 and 8, and husband and wife 30 and 28. It was warranted they were all free from disease. Signed by Lewis and Monet on 1-18-1950. Above later accepted on 8-6-1853 by Clerk B. Sones for Hancock County, with notation, “re-record, the original record having been burned on the 6th of August AD 1853.”

Page 24

Mortgage, Lewis to Wright, an indenture dated 1-15-1850, for $5,500 received by Lewis from Wright Williams and Co. relating to deed above, p. 22. As above, slaves listed by first name and age. Signed by Lewis. Separate entry by Ainsworth, as commissioner of Ms deeds for Louisiana on 1-24-50. Accepted by Hancock’s clerk Sones as re-record on 1-25-1853, with notation about fire on 8-6-1853.

Page 26

Deed, Lewis et al to Hamilton M. Wright of Wright Williams & Co., called indenture made on 5-27-1850. Relates to deed and mortgage above. This is another indenture which apparently specifies that Lewis was indebted to wife, Marguerit Lewis, requiring new deed describing in detail same property as in above deed. Signed by C. Lewis, Marguerit Lewis, and JC Monet. This is followed by Hancock county acceptance by James Johnston, JP, mentioning the appearance of all three signees, and adding that Margaret Lewis, “separately and apart from her husband…acknowledged that she signed, sealed and delivered the foregoing deed as her act and deed, freely and voluntarily without any fear, threat or compulsion of her husband….” Dated 5-27-1853.

Page 28

Deed called indenture dated June 2, 1853 between Francisco Mercadel and Magdaline, wife, and Hamilton M. Wright, of firm Wright Williams & Co. of New Orleans. Document recites a number of actions by named agents and notaries, some in New Orleans, having to do with purchase by Wright for $4,500, of which there is a balance of $1,500 with interest @ 8% accrued as of 1-13-49. Signed by Mercadel and wife by their agents. Recorded by county 8-6-1853.

Page 30

Deed in which Charles Frazar for $500 sells to George Moore, President of the Board of County Police, acting for Hancock County, tract known as the Public Square in Gainesville. Land bounded by Greenwich, Main, Union and Center streets. Signed by Frazar 8-2-1853.

Page 31

Deed in which Charles Frazar sells for $100 to RGW Jewell land on corner of Center and Pearl Sts, bounded by land of William Hutchinson and Jewell property, measuring 50 feet on Center by 125 on Pearl. Signed by Frazar on 7-18-1853.

Page 33

Mortgage, James Jones indebted to William Anderson, $805 in five promissory notes dated 7-1853. Agreement made by Jones to sell two slaves, Lewis age 21 and Sam about 45, giving Anderson in case of failure of Jones to pay right to “take possession of said Negroes after giving 60 days notice at the courthouse at Gainesville and two or more other public places.” Signed by Jones July 4, 1853; wife Susan Jones concurred.

Page 34

Bill of sale, Onezin Favre to CL de Britton for $100, for following slaves: Madeline, Negro woman about 28, and her two children, Mary Ann about 2 years 8 months, and Silvester about 8 months. Signed by Favre, 8-17-1853.

Page 35

Deed - Asa Russ, for $60, deeds to Cader Colley, land described as part of section 9, T9, R14. Details include high water mark in marsh, a live oak tree, and a light wood stump, whole measuring 150 yards by 80 yards. Reference made to land conveyed to Russ by Colley and Russ’s right to raise the water level one foot above the high water mark about 150 yards from the stump. [Very confusing; see actual deed.] Russ signed on 3-8-1853. Wife Mary concurred for one dollar.

Page 37

Deed in which Justine Louis Sollie of New Orleans sells for $2,600 Ernest Coignard, also of New Orleans, land in corporate limits of Shieldsborogh, bounded by AE Bienvenu, John Hopkins, John B. Favre, and the Bay, measuring one acre by 40 arpents. [Note mix of acres and arpents.] Land previously claimed by United States to Peter Derrogade in sections 19, 29 and 30, T8 R14, which was conveyed by Dimitra Canna to William Beebe on 7-20-1826. Beebe sold to Jacob Page, whose heirs sold to James Johnston on 2-11-1834. Johnston sold to present vendor on 9-5-1852. Sale included houses, outhouses, buildings, etc. Signed by Sollie on 7-16-1853. Joined in by wife Amelia for one dollar.

Page 38

Deed, Ernest Corgnard of New Orleans for $2,600 paid by Miss Leocadia Brouit, also of New Orleans, land in corporate limits of Shieldsboro bounded by AE Bienvenue, etc. [same as above description]. Signed by Corgnard on 8-18-1853.

Page 40

Deed from Francois Estapa of Mobile for $150 to Joseph Bruneau of New Orleans, land in Shieldsborough bounded by Gabriel De Feriet and Colbertson, heirs of Francis Fremaux, Joseph Bruneau, and the Bay. Measures 80 feet front by 1,980, designated lot 16 on plat by Monet. Signed by Estapa on 8-4-1853.

Page 41

Deed by Gedorge L’hote of New Orleans for $140 paid by Pierre Hesser [could be Heper]. Land in Shieldsborough bounded by 18-foot wide street between land of Mr. Hinks known as Washington St., August Tuall, Joseph Bosetto, and land owned by seller. Measures 100 feet fronting on said street, by 727 feet from a live oak marked xxx standing on the bank of the Bay, being part of the land bought from Augustine Y. St. Tuall on 1-3-1853. Signed by L’hote 7-29-1853; joined by wife Octavie for $1.

Page 42

Deed dated 8-22-1853 between Richard W. Williams, executor of will of John Williams, deceased, and William T. Coons. Executor was directed to sell lot bounded by public land, Enoch McFadden, Thomas B. Poitevent, part of section 32, T7 R16, containing 40 and 70/100 acres. Signed by Williams, executor

Page 44

Deed, called indenture, dated 4-9-1853, between Eli Martin and wife Elizabeth, and Alfred Farr, for $40, part of section 12, T6, R18. Signed by Martin and wife.

Page 45

Deed by Victor Ladner and wife Honorine for $400 to Jas Philips, acknowledged by Honorine Ladner with consent of husband. Land bounded by Bay, James Philips, land of United States, and present vendor, measuring one arpent from on Bay and running back to land confirmed by US to Widow Moran, and by her conveyance to Honorine by deed of Jean Raimon by his attorney in fact Leon Ladner has been forever released and quit-claimed to said Honorine under date of 7-18-1853. Signed by Victor and Honorine with their marks on 7-22-1853. Victor acknowledged sale before Justice of Peace George Carrico.

Page 46

Deed by Pierrie Amable Hue for $1,000 paid by Charles Joseph Beure. Described as Choctaw scrip for part of section 4, T9 R14, for 79 and 92/100 acres entered at land office at Augusta on 8-20-185?, including improvements, farming utensils, tools, carts, horses, horned cattle, crop and one mule. Signed by Hue on 9-3-1853. [This is in area of Bayside Park, between hwy 90 and Jackson March.]

Page 47

Deed of release signed by Jean Raimon in favor of Honorine Carver, wife of Victor Ladner. “Whereas my late wife Maria Susana formerly the Widow Morin has confirmed to her as a settlement right and donation a tract of land situated at the Bay of St. Louis fronting on the Gulf of Mexico designated in the land office as Claim number 17 certificate number 17 and warrant no. 672 which was surveyed by Elihu Carver…about 40 arpents front more or less including parts of section 1, 2 and 11 [?] of T9 R14….And whereas by the marriage agreement made and remaining between me and my said wife the Widow Morin and myself, Jean Raimond, it was stipulated that in the absence of children surviving of the marriage the surviving spouse should have all the estate and property had and owned by the deceased spouse at the time of his or her death. And whereas my said wife the Widow Morin …departed this life without issue surviving…and by virtue of the marriage agreement became vested in me in full title. And whereas I know it was the wish of my deceased wife… to transfer the title to said tract of land to Honorine, wife of Victor Ladner….” From this point, the document spells out a complicated description of the land in question. Raimon recites his donation to Honorine for one dollar paid by her. He states that this is accomplished through the act of his attorney in fact, Leon Ladner. Signature is shown as Jean Raimon by his attorney in fact Leon Ladner, and date July 18, 1853. George Carrico, Justice of the Peace, states that Leon Ladner, whom he knew well, appeared to him on July 21, 1853 to acknowledge the above. [Editor’s note: This is a very important document, but the handwriting is not as clear as most pages of Book A. It will be condensed here carefully, but it is recommended that anyone paying special attention to this deed read the copy of the original in the Historic Society. Moreover, the meaning of this document has been made unclear due to other conflicting documents and court cases.] [Areas designated section 1, 2 and 11 [?] of T9 R14 would run from about Favre St. north past Nicholson Ave, and possibly as far as boundary with Bay St. Louis.]

Page 48

Deed. Alexander Ventriss and wife Charlotte P. of New Orleans for $500 sell to Fionoris Joseph Laizer, also of New Orleans, land designated on map by JC Monet in 1849 as no. 12, being same as conveyed to Ventriss by Victor Ladner on 10-22-1836, about 10 miles from the court of Shieldsborough, bounded by land of Ladner and William Ventriss of Ascension Parish, LA. Measures 100 feet on Bay running back 3,800 feet. Signed by Ventriss and wife on 5/13/1853. Ventriss and wife appeared before Judge of Probate of Wilkinson to swear to above.

Page 50

Revocation of power of attorney by John Ramon [Raimon/Raimond]. This document essentially restates what is found in deed of release on p. 47 for purpose of making above null and void. Items of interest which may not be in above: Marriage date to widow Morin said to be August 26, 1821. Honorine identified as God-daughter of Widow Morin. Document breaks down claim to northern and southern parts, saying that it is his wish to secure northern part for children of Honorine. Ramon states that his intention in this document is “for the good will and regard I have and bear to said Honorine Carver wife of Victor Ladnier and to his Infant Children Rosalie, Victor, Marie, Stephen, Julian, and Victoria Ladnier. Honorine paid one dollar to acknowledge above. There is also a promise to deliver to Honorine “any money, negotiable securities, pr property whatever I may receive in compromise….” Ramon states that through his attorney Leon Ladner this new agreement is to be irrevocable. Signed with his mark as Juan Ramon on July 25, 1853, [Editor’s note: This is a long document - 4 pages - and contains some information not in the above deed. It is suggested that anyone having particular interest in this history should examine actual copy in Historic Society.]

Page 54

Deed. John V. Toulme for $3,850 deeds to Rose Marti, land on western bank of Bay in corporate limits of Shieldsborough, bounded by Bay of St. Louis Hotel, Bouquie, Bernard Bourgeois, and claim of Madam Charlo, 75 feet front by 40 arpents. This was part of land of Valentine Bourgeois, deceased, who willed to Marie Louise, wife, also deceased, and by heirs to Frederick Reichardt by deed April 9, 1846. Included all houses, outhouses, etc. Signed by Toulme; Victoire, wife, signed with her mark. Dated 3-10-49.

Page 56

Sale by Francis G Casanova, Administrator of goods and chattels of Eulalie Casanova, by written agreement entered into by Rosalie Marti and Miguel, her husband, Caroline Perdue, Joseph Casnova, Mary Elder and David Elder, her husband, heirs of Eulalie Casanova on 8-31-1853, authorized to sell at private sale for appraised value, Negro woman named Rachel, about 44. Sale for $700 was to pay debts of estate. Signed by Francis Casanova on 9-27-1853.

Page 58

Mortgage by Charles A. Folsom and wife Martha Ann for $250 paid by Benjamin Leonard, County Treasurer, land bounded by Michael Beck claim (now owned by the heirs of Dugal Mc Laughlin), Ambrose Gaines tract (now owned by Charles Frazar), and Samuel Russ, part of Section 3, T8, R16, measuring 24 acres with all buildings, improvements, etc. Signed by Frazars on 9-12-1853, examined and approved by Geo. W. Moore, Pres, BPHC. Document of cancellation signed on 7-19-55 by John V. Toulme, Treas.

Page 60

Deed by Francis Stephen Fremaux and wife Aimee Adelaide LeBrun of New Orleans for $1,500 paid by David Francois Guex, land of 8 and ½ arpents on sea beach, beginning of s/w corner of land of EW Ripley, narrowing at point of intersection on other side by alley of 100 feet, adjoining land of the vendor. Part of larger tract acquired by Fremaux from Mary Parash, James Johnston and wife Eleonore on 10-19-1833. Signed Fremaux, AL Fremaux, and DF Guex on 8-1-1836. Acknowledged by state of Louisiana by notary Felix Grima of New Orleans on same date. Accepted for Hancock County by John Brush, clerk, on 9-14-1836. Includes map of premises. Re-entered in deed book by B. Sones, clerk, and Charles Folsom, Deputy Clk, the original record having been destroyed by fire on 10-8-53.

Page 64

Deed called Indenture, 5-26-1849, between party of 1st part Justin Fremaux of New Orleans, and Napoleon Joseph Fremaux and Flore Caroline Marion de Montilly, wife, of Ascension Parish, represented by Victor Burthe in pursuance of public sale made by Norbert Vignie, auctioneer of this city, before Ainsworth, notary and party of 2nd part, David F. Guex, for $565, tract of land at the Bay designated number 18 on the sketch measuring 90 feet by 1,980. Part of larger tract owned by father of present vendor, Francis S. Fremaux, purchased from Mary Parash and James Johnston and wife Eleonore. Signed for Fremauxs by David Burthe. Albert Childe Ainsworth acknowledged as commission for Louisiana. Complete map of tract attached. [Editor’s note: Map shows pond and house by what later became known as Pirate House. Map shows another bounding owner by name of Braudwell.]

Page 68

Deed by John R. Landier, administrator of goods and chattels of David F. Guex, deceased, empowered to sell at auction on 5-5-1853, for $3,350, paid by Aimee Adelaide Guex of New Orleans, parcel of land at place designated as Guexville within corporate limits of Shieldsborogh 228 feet by 1,452, then 336 feet, then 1,720 feet. Bounded by Legendre, Emile Lassere, land sold this day to purchaser, and the Bay. Designated on plat by JC Monet as Number 3. Signed by Landier on 5-5-53.

Page 70

John Landier, administrator of goods and chattels of David F. Guex, sold at auction on 5-5-53 for $550 to Aimee Adelaide Guex, lot in Shieldsborogh, bounded by lot sold this day to present purchaser, measuring 187 by 1729 by 270 by 1996. Designated on plat by Monet as Number 2.

Page 71

Indenture made on 5-3-53 between Mistress Aimee Adelaide Guex of New Orleans and Mrs. Ann Ramsey of same city, for $3,300 paid by Mrs. Ramsey, two lots: First: Bounded by lot sold by Landier, administrator of DF Guex to party of 1st part, along the beach 187 feet, then N 1729 feet, by 270 by 1996, bounded by Lassere, Guex, Bay. Designated lot number 2 on Monet plat. Second: Beginning at Guex lot on beach, running 228 feet by 1452 by 336 by 1729. Designated number 3 on Monet plat. Signed by Aimee Guex on 5-5-53. Acknowledged by DC Ricardo for Louisiana.

Page 74

Certificate no 6483. David Guex, assignee of John Howze, deposited in General Land Office at Augusta certificate whereas it appears that full payment has been made by Howze according to the act of Congress April 24, 1820, an act for sale of public lands, for lots 1-7 of part section 35, T8R14 of 482 ½ acres. Guex given this tract, Certificate signed at Washington for James Polk, Pres., by J. Knox Walker, Secty., on Sept. 26, 1846. Certified that above recorded in Hancock on 10-8-53.

Page 75

John R. Landier, administrator of David Guex, deceased, is empowered to sell at auction on 5-5-83, for $3,200, paid by Aimee Adelaide Guex of New Orleans, lot in Shieldsborough at Guexville, beginning at claim of John Culbertson, measuring 247 feet by 1996 by 1320 by 1386 by 1917 by 315 by 1980, bounded by land claimed by emile Lessassier. Plat attached, certified by B. Sones on 10-8-53.

Page 77

Sale by J. Landier, administrator of estate of DF Guex, for $500 to Aimee Adelaide Guex of New Orleans, land designated as number 4 on plat by Monet. Signed by Landier on 5-5-53. Witnessed by JC Monet. Above followed by indenture dated 6-3-53 between Aimee Guex and Rufus Allyn Upton of Parish of Iberville, for $4,300, selling two parcels. First is lot number 1 in Monet plat; second is lot number 4, with “all and singular the premises, buildings,” etc. Signed by Aimee Guex, N Johnson, and JR Landier. Acknowledged by D J Ricardo, commissioner in La for Ms deeds. [Editor’s note: Number 4 might include Pirate House.]

Page 81

Sale by David F Guex for $150 paid by Mrs. Ellnor Lease, lot fronting on Lake Borgne measuring 100 feet by 148 feet from the stake which divides the land of the vendor from land of Gen Ripley. [Depth not clear.] Madam Aimee Guex accepted for $1. Signed by DF and Aimee Guex on 8-18-1847. Accepted as re-record by Sones, Clerk, on 10-53.

Page 83

Transfer of military bounty land, dated 8-3-1853. Military land warrant number 27454 in name of Moody Holleman, part section 27, T7 R17. Sold to William Frierson with authority for him to receive the patent. Signed by Holleman on 8-5-1853.

Page 84

Sale on 7-8-1853 for $300. Eleanor P. Lease sells to Sarah Jenks of New Orleans, land fronting on Lake Borgne, 100 feet by 148 feet, by lands of David Guex and late Gen. Ripley, being same tract as sold by Guex on 8-18-1847. Signed by Eleanor Lease.

Page 86

Indenture dated same as above land described above, mentioning annual rent of $1 to be paid by Jenks, out of filial affection. Signed by both Jenks and Lease.

Page 87

Indenture of three parts: Stephen Mead, Adaline Russ, and John William Russ. Adaline owns four slaves, George, Charlotte, Lucy and Mariah, about whom Mead promises not to interfere in any way, and shall ever be subject to dictates of Adaline, who will marry Mead. Signed by all three on 3-7-1839. Acknowledged for Hancock County by Lewes Daniell, Judge of Probate Court. [Note spelling.] Re-record on 11-15-53.

Page 89

Power of attorney given by Jacob Gorenflo to JC Monet, to sell land of 160 acres, “being bounty land granted to me for serving during the Florday [sic] in the US army as artificer in Capt. Frazar’s company.” Land descriptions left blank. Signed by Gorenflo on 4-10-52.

Page 90

Sale by John Baptiste Toulme for $1800 to John Victor Toulme, land in Shieldsborough fronting on Main St. near Market house 126 feet by 165 feet. Also all the land claimed by George Klenck, bounded by the Bay, Main St. and EV Saucier. Wife Vitorie joined in for $1. Signed by JB Toulme; wife signed with her mark. Dated 10-22-53.

Page 91

Deed - Elihu Carver, Sr. for $50 paid by Ezra Carver, land of Bay, bounded by land of seller, Rosan Demarine, JC Jones and the seller, 59 feet by 59 feet. Dated 9-18-52, and signed by Carver with his mark.

Page 92

Deed. Edgar Montegut of New Orleans, as executor of John Paillasset of Hancock, by order of sale in August 1850 term of court, to sell land on bank of Bay in Shieldsborough bounded by land of Widow Clarissa Lafiteau, Bouquie, and decedent, measuring 120 feet front on Bay by 40 arpents, including buildings. $2015 paid by highest bidder, Joseph Pardo of New Orleans. Signed on 10-14-50 by Montegut as executor.

Page 94

Sale of slaves by Francois Saucier and wife Emilie in June 1852 for $10,000 to paid by Henry Saucier and Evariste, wife. “With the usual warranties against vices, maladies, etc. Reference made to fire at Gainesville on night of 3-31-53. Slaves numbering 32 listed by first name only and age. 12 males and 20 females. Signed by Sauciers on 6-30-53.

Page 95

Mortgage by Eliza Murray and husband Thomas of New Orleans for $1500 paid by Isabella Sheriff of Hancock, for land on shore of Bay being part of section 10 T9 R14, 206 feet front by 1,900 feet. Mortgage to be at 6%. Note shows it was paid on 2-20-69. Signed by Murrays on 9-11-53, and by Sheriff on 9-22-53. [Sec. 10 is just north of Buccaneer Park.]

Page 98

Quit claim deed by Bernard Bourgers [Bouquie?] for $50.90 paid by Mary Lohwater. Land being part of section 34m T8, R14, in receipt number 8617 at land office in Augusta dated 8-3-53. Contains 45 and 15/100 acres. Signed on 9-11-53 by Bourgois; wife Elizabeth signed with her mark.

Page 100

Bond. John Baptist Toulme and John Martin are bound unto Mrs. Maria Jose y Dusuan and Mrs. Maria C. Zoe Fortiere [appears also as M. Charlotte Z Fortier] of New Orleans for sum of $5,960. Land in Shieldsborogh is on bank of Bay and bordered by John Martin, Rosalie Marti, and Bouquie, 62 feet front by 40 arpents. Signed by Toulme and Martin of 7-13-53.

Page 102

Indenture made 12-8-40 between Amelia Russ and Lois A. Mead for love and affection for $1 paid by Lois. Gift of one cow and calf, and two heifers. Brand marks described. Signed by Amelia Russ.

Page 103

Deed: Charles Frazar for $95.20 paid by Adeline Mead, wife of Stephen, sells lot number 21, 22, 27 and 28, square E in Gainesville. W2, formerly known as residence of Charles A. Folsom, Esq. Dated 5-23-49, signed by Frazar; wife Jane signed with her mark.

Page 105

Andrew Smith for $30 sells military land warrant number 69353, part section 4, T4, R15, to Hyrim Smith. Signed by Smith and wife Elizabeth with their marks.

Pages 106-107

Grid map of Pearlington dated 1825.

Page 108

Certification that foregoing plat of Pearlington was deposited in office of clerk on 12-3-51. Re-recorded on 12-12-53.

Page 108

Deed. Katharine Holden, wife of Malden Holden, “for love and kindness toward son Simon…in taking care of my afflictions, gives land belonging to my husband at his death, including house and furniture.” Signed by her on 7-10-53 with her mark.

Page 109

Mortgage by Arman Ledoux and wife Pauline for $790 paid by John B. Toulme. Land in Shieldsborough bounded by Dudley, Walker, Bouquet, Samuel Fagot, and the Bay by the claim of Madame Charlotte, 40 feet front by 40 arpents, with exception of 400 feet where is situated court house and jail, which were reserved by Toulme. Signed 12-8-53 by Ledoux and wife.

Page 110

Deed by Domophan Tureaud of New Orleans For $3,000 paid by Samuel Fagot of that city, land on the Bay in Shieldsborough, bounded by George Fosdick, RA Upton, Samuel J. Peters and the Bay, having 171 feet French measure front by 40 arpents. This was part claim confirmed by US Congress to Joseph and Martial Nicaise, conveyed to Tureaud by Francois Bigot 7-13-49. Wife Eugenia Emelie joined for one dollar. Signed by both on 9-26-53.

Page 112

Deed by Francois Salles for $225 paid by John Lusich for land on Bay in Shieldsborough “aback of the lot on which the apothecary” of Salles. Bounded by a street leading to the woods, 18 feet wide, called Apothecary St., dividing land of Pericoli into two parts. Signed by Salles on 9-10-53.

Page 113

Deed by Domingo De la Lanza for $150 paid by Octavia Bayard, wife of Antoine, land in Shieldsborough, bounded by Ezra Carver, Joseph Bosetto, John Martin, and Joaquin Robiro. Signed on 4-25-53 by de la Lanza and wife Victoria.

Page 113

Deed by David F. Guex of New Orleans for $175 paid by Lucien Alibert of same city, land at Shieldsborough fronting on Lake Borgne, land begins at stake dividing property of vendor from land formerly owned by Ripley. Signed by Guex and wife Aimie on3-21-48. Recorded by clerk Folsom on 12-15-53.

Page 116

Deed by George W. Robinson, assessor and collector of taxes, action for taxes due in amount of $6.40, land claimed by heirs of Charles Stewart, deceased for 1837-8. Sold at auction $56.36 to Roderick Seal. Land was 640 acres with exception of 10 acres, beginning at Francois Saucier’s land and running along Mulatto Bayou. Signed on 12-2-40 by Robinson.

Page 117

Deed, Roderick Seal of Harrison County for $150 paid by John Favre for land beginning at Francois Saucier land and running along Mulatto Bayou. [This seems to be same as land in above deed.] Signed by Seal on 2-9-46.

Page 118

Agreement of John Favre and Joshua Edwards with JFH and Martha Claiborne. Favre and Edwards sell tract now occupied by Edwards known as Morgan or Stewart tract which they purchased jointly from Roderick Seal, including 630 acres on Mulatto Bayou. Martha D. Claiborne is put into immediate possession for paying $800. The ten acres [see p. 116] is occupied by Edwards’s house and ferry on Mulatto Bayou; he may stay there but when he vacates it becomes property of Martha Claiborne. Signed 8-20-53 by all parties, Edwards with his mark.

Page 119

Deed by Francois Saucier and wife Emelie for $7,000 by Martha D. Claiborne, for parcel at which Saucier recently resided, in T9 R16, part of sections 26, 27, 34 and 35, beginning at Mulatto Bayou and containing 800 arpents, according to plat by Elihu Carver, attached. Land is same as bought by Saucier from Valery Nicholas by deed of 8-2- 1826. Improvements included. Signed by Sauciers on 7-1-53. Survey included, signed by Carver.

Page 121

Mortgage. Indenture made on 2-2-52 between Martha Dunbar Claiborne and Martha W. Dunbar for one dollar, land containing 640 acres on which Martha D. Claiborne now resides, conveyed to her by Francois Saucier and wife, and listed slaves [29 listed by first name]. Mortgage in amount of $4,000 with interest at 8%. Signed by Martha D. Claiborne; consented to by JFH Claiborne.

Page 122

Bond for title. Mary Favre bounds unto Florentine Graves for $600 on 1-2-54. Land on Bayou Philip, part of section 1, T9, R15. Mary Favre signed with her mark.

Page 124

Instrument of writing, John Ramon to Leon Ladner. “Jean Raimond of Parish of St. Tammany, having become possessed by the death of my legitimate wife, the late Widow Morin, of all her rights…” in warrant no. 672, certificate no. 17, claim no. 17 and report no. 5, located in sections 1, 2, and 11, T9 R14, in consideration of $5 paid by Leon Ladner hereby sells my rights in the same. Signed by John Raimond with his mark on 3-1-53. Witnessed by George Carrico, who then appeared before clerk Folsom to state that he had seen Raimond sign above and deliver to Ladner. Dated 2-3-54. [Areas designated section 1, 2 and 11 [?] of T9 R14 would run from about Favre St. north past Nicholson Ave, and possibly as far as boundary with Bay St. Louis.]

Page 125

Instrument in writing by Jean Raimon of Madisonville, LA, wherein he executed a power of attorney to Leon Ladner. Document recites same land description as found on above. Signed by Raimon on 3-28-53 with his mark. Document then continues with long explanation of his commitments to persons favored by wife, Widow Morin, before her death in April 1837, for land that had been owned by her. Person was her God Daughter, Honorine Carver, wife of Victor Ladner. This part was signed on 7-25-53, witnessed by George Carrico, who then swore that he had witnessed above to clerk of Hancock Folsom.

Page 129

Deed by Augustine Favre for $100 paid by John Parker, for land beginning at post on the s/e boundary of tract purchased by Favre from Isaac and Celeste Graves, on which Parker now has his dwelling house and garden. Eleonore Favre consented for ten dollars. Signed by Favre on 5-4-31; wife signed with her mark. Re-recorded by Clerk Folsom on 3-13-54.

Page 131

Deed by Calvin Merrill, administrator of estate of John Parker, empowered to sell at auction at Pearlington. Thomas Brown was high bidder at $100. Land described is same as above deed to Parker. Signed by Merrill on 8-11-49. Accepted by Clerk Folsom on 1-21-54.

Page 132

Deed by Isaac Graves for $250 paid by John Parker, for tract on Pearl River on lower corner of the wharf at the water’s edge…where the upper quay of the town of Pearlington joins the lower corner of the tract reserved by Isaac Graves in the deed he made to the Pearlington Company. Land contained 6500 sq feet. Celeste Graves consented for one dollar. Signed by Isaac and Celeste on 7-17-29. Onezin Favre was one of witnesses. Re-recorded 3-13-54 by clerks, Folsom and Ryan.

Page 134

Mortgage deed. Calvin Merrill, administrator of estate of John Parker was empowered to sell at auction in Pearlington, did, on 8-11-49, for $600 paid by Thomas Brown, highest bidder. Same description as in above deed to Parker. Signed by Merrill on same date.

Page 136

Isaac Graves deeds for $300 paid by Augustine Favre, land in Pearlington with one acre front on river, one half of which is marsh and the other half extends back two acres, being that reserved by Graves with the Pearlington Company, and being the residence of Isaac Denman. Also, part is place where John Parker keeps a store. Celeste Graves consents to deed. Signed by both Isaac and Celeste Graves on 12-15-28. Re-recorded by clerk Folsom on 1-21-54.

Page 137

Deed called Indenture n 7-31-40 between James Murphy and wife Margaret P, Augustine Favre and wife Mary Jane, parties of 1st part, and Thomas Brown, of the 2nd part, for $500. Land described is same as above deed. Signed by Murphy and both Favres; Margaret Murphy signed with her mark. Re-recorded according to act of the legislature 3-20-54.

Page 139

deed of trust by Asa Hursey making Thomas Brown trustee dated 6-20-51. Auction at Pearlington in which Lewis Y. Folsom was high bidder at $950. Land was parts of sections 8 and 9, T9 R16, measuring 24, 80, 80 and 160 acres. Signed by Thomas Brown as Trustee.

Page 140

Above Trustee’s sale continues, offering tract of land purchased by Hursey from estate of John Parker containing 435 acres; also one schooner at wharf at Pearlington called Isabella; also, 200 logs. Signed by Thomas Brown, Trustee, on 12-20-51. Re-recorded 3-13-54.

Page 141

Deed by Lewis Folsom for $970 paid by Thomas Brown, land described as same as that of p. 139, above. Sarah Folsom, wife, “joins me in making her relinquishment of dower.” Signed by Folsoms on 3-4-52.

Page 143

Deed by David J. Elder for $300 paid by Samuel T. Randall, lot in Pearlington identified as lot number 5 in square no. 2 on plat of town, including buildings and improvements. Dated 3-1-51. Wife Louisa joined in deed. Signed by Elder and wife.

Page 144

Deed by Samuel T. Randall for $375 paid by Thomas Brown for Pearlington lot no. 5 in Sq. 2. [same as above deed]. Wife Missouri concurred. Signed by Randall and wife on 10-31-51.

Page 145

Mortgage. Asa Hursey and wife Isabella for $623.57 paid by Thomas Brown and Christian Koch for land in Pearlington reserved by Isaac and Celeste Graves in a deed to the Pearlington Company, being lot no. 1 in sq. 2, part of the town then called Providence and known as the Big House; and also sq. 10 known as the Morgan tract in deed from Morgan to Hursey dated 6-19-46. Includes buildings. There follows complicated description of other conditions which could make this sale void. Signed by the Hurseys on 2-12-53.

Page 147

Indenture made 6-20-51 between AH Hursey and Thomas Brown, both of Pearlington, for $653. Hursey grants to Brown 535 acres, and schooner at the wharf to be named Isabella; also 200 logs in the river, partly pine and partly cypress. Signed by AH Hursey; re-recorded on 3-13-54.

Page 150

Deed of mortgage. George Weinberg and wife Ernestine for $600 paid by Martin Weinberg of Harrison County for land in Shieldsborough, bounded by Macullian, Salle, Zittlirle [sp?] and the Bay. (Dimensions unclear.) Signed by Weinbergs on 11-23-52.

Page 151

Mortgage. Constantine B. Beverly for $1000 paid by JB Toulme, land fronting on the Gulf 200 feet and adjoining Beverly’s property and that of Bernard Bourgois, including houses and improvements. Signed by Beverly on 3-27-54.

Page 152

Deed by Bazele Ladner for $300 paid by Adele Morin, land on river commonly called Benachoua, on the western bank, bounded by land of Charles Favre and land of the purchaser, having two arpents front on river and running aback two arpents. Wife Helen Ladner joined in for one dollar. Signed by Ladners with their marks on 4-20-38. Accepted by clerk John Brush in July 1838. Accepted by Clerk Folsom as re-record according to act of legislature on 1-21-54.

Page 155

Deed by John Favre and wife Diana for $75 paid by Joshua Edwards for tract on which Edwards lately resided called the Morgan or Stewart place, next to land sold by Francis Saucier to Martha Claiborne, being in sections 26 and 27, T9 R16, East of Pearl River, containing 250 acres. Signed by Favre and wife (with her mark) on 3-18-54.

Page 156

Deed by Joshua Edwards and wife Elizabeth for $4,000 paid by Martha D. Claiborne for land known as Morgan or Stewart tract. [same land as above deed] Signed by Edwards and wife with their marks on 3-18-54.

Page 157

Deed by Asa Russ for $1000 paid by Christian Koch, land comprising part section 4, T9 R16, and part of 5 and 6 in same range, whole being 635 acres, and 80 acres next to section 4, bounded by public land and land of Asa Hursey. Signed by Russ on 1-31-54. Mary A. Russ joined for $1.

Page 158

Deed by Horsely Rea of New Orleans for $652 paid by EW Rodd, also of New Orleans, land with improvements fronting 90 feet on Lake Borgne by 438, next to land of the vendor, formerly of General Ripley. Joined by Madame Pamela J. Rea for one dollar; Signed by Rea and wife on 1-15-48. Accepted as re-record by Folsom 3-13-54.

Page 160

Deed, called Indenture, by Edward Walton Rodd on 5-9-53 for $1800, to Isaac Newton Marks, both of New Orleans, land fronting 90 feet on Lake Borgne [same land as in above deed] Signed by Rodds (“Inmarks”), acknowledged by commissioner for MS for LA deeds. Accepted by clerk Folsom on 4-1-54. check inmarks

Page 161

Deed called Indenture dated 3-1-29 between Jean Bap. Ladner, Jr. and Breget Ladner, wife, party of 1st part, and Julian Ladner and Sylvan Ladner, of 2nd part, for $500, fir sections 1 and 2, T8 R14, at southern corner of land formerly claimed by Thomas Shields containing 640 acres. Signed by Ladners with their marks. Accepted as re-record by Folsom on 4-1-54.

Page 163

Deed called Indenture dated 3-2-29 between Julian Ladner and wife Ellen, and Sylvan Ladner, parties of 1st part, and Burrell B. Brewer, of 2nd part, for $400, for land identified in above deed. All parties signed with marks. Accepted as re-record by Folsom, clerk, on 4-1-54.

Page 165

Deed called Indenture made on 12-25-40 between Gillia Elizabeth Brewer, widow of Burrell Brewer, and George M. Brewer, her son, parties of 1st part, and Dudley Richardson Walker of 2nd part, for $2,000 paid by Walker, for part of sections 1 and 2, T8R14 [same land as in two deeds above]; in addition, sale included flat boat, blacksmith tools, farming tools such as plows, hoes. Signed by all three parties; witnesses by Adeline Mead and Susan Russ. Accepted as re-record by Folsom on 4-1-54.

Page 167

Deed by Dudley R. Walker for $1800 paid by William H. Anderson of Adams County, land known as JB Ladner claim on north shore of Bay, bounded on east by Thomas Shields claim, now owned by Benjamin Whitefield, north and west by public lands, measuring 640 acres. [Seems to be same as deed on p. 161.] Marie Louise Walker joined with her husband for one dollar. Walker and wife signed on 3-4-47. Re-recorded by Folsom on 3-1-54.

Page 169

Deed of gift - Jordan Smith of Jackson County, Florida, in consideration of natural love and one dollar grants to sister Elizabeth Roach 8 slaves, listed by name and age. Signed by Smith on 4-21-45. Re-Recorded 4-13-54 by Folsom.

Page 170

Bill of sale - Jordan Smith [now listed as residing in Hancock; see previous deed.] for $600 paid by Elizabeth Roach for a certain mulatto woman and child, slaves for life. Signed by Smith 3-1-51. Re-recorded by Folsom 4-14-54.

Page 171

Deed by Charles Frazar for $100 paid by Elizabeth Roach of Gainesville, for lots 47 and 48 in that city according to original survey. Signed by Frazar; wife Jane signed with her mark. Dated 8-30-49. Recorded by Folsom 4-13-54.

Page 172

Schedule of property of Mrs. Mary D. Lampkin, a feme covert [a married woman whose rights are suborned by husband], now married to John B. Lampkin. Property shown is inherited from Francis Lewis, father, in Loundes County, Alabama, and was said to be secured to her and children by Chancery Court in Alabama. Property includes 130 named slaves, listed by one name and age, plus gold watch, horses, wagon, cart, blacksmith tools, kitchen furniture, sheep and schooner Providence. In addition, there was land in Hancock, parts sections 36 and 25, T7 R14, and sec. 25, T7 R13, totaling more than 280 acres. Filed for record in Hancock on 3-3-51 by Sones,, clerk. Signed by Mary Lampkin by her next friend. There follows the copy of the 1842 Chancery Ct. ruling from Loundes County, AL., and then the 1843 findings of an Alabama commission to parcel out property among Mrs. Lampkin and her six siblings and mother. Latter awarded to her 23 named slaves and real estate in Hancock, which appears different from above. Land was also given to her siblings, with last names of Lewis, Gunn, and Smith, but in Townships 14 and 15, apparently not in Hancock. If this is proves not to be the case, these awards could still be important to deed searches in Hancock. [Editor’s note: In summary, this was important case for Alabama. The plantation involved was of 1,060 acres. There were in total 130 slaves given to Mary and her family. Although this was Alabama case, it is important also for the legal principle stated with regard to a “feme covert.” On p. 175 is found this quote: “Courts of Equity have built up a system founded in good sense and common justice which is intended to secure to the wife a suitable provision for support and maintenance out of her own property.” It must be remembered that this was an Alabama court, which did not speak for the court of Ms. The end result is that the above was accepted and re-recorded for Hancock County by Charles Folsom, Clerk, on 4-7-54.

Pages 184 - 187

An Indenture agreement, dated December 8, 1853, between Manuel Elliotte, his wife Marie Evelina, Jean Lazier, his wife Octave Lazier of the City of New Orleans and Alcide LeBlanc also of the City of New Orleans to transfer a tract of land designated as number "Eleven" on the sketch on Book A, page 186 from Manuel Elliotte et al to Alcide LeBlanc for the sum of $700.00 secured by a Promissory Note drawn by Alcide LeBlanc and payable on January 1, 1854. A Mortgage on the said property is retained by Manuel Elliotte et al as security for the promissory note. The property was acquired by Manuel Elliotte et al from Justen Fremaux, N. J. Fremaux and F. C. M Fremaux on an Indenture recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Probate Court of Hancock County, State of Mississippi in Book F, pages 291,292 and 293 on May 26, 1849. Manuel Elliotte et al came before Mr. William Shannon, Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Mississippi and acknowledged that they signed, sealed and delivered the deeds as a voluntary act on December 13, 1853.

Pages 190 - 191

Deed originally recorded in Book A, pages 67 and 68 on September 23, 1819 was re-recorded in Book A, page 190 and 191 on April 28, 1854. Joseph Johnson of Shieldsboro paid Dimitra Canna, also of Shieldsboro, four thousand dollars for land bounded on the South by the land belonging to Batise Favre, on the North by land belonging to John Cassabue and on the East by the Bay of St. Louis. The land extended forty acres deep from the Bay of St. Louis.

Pages 191 - 192

Mr. Jean Defour of Hancock County paid Mr. Jean Lafitte also of Hancock County one hundred dollars for a parcel of land in the Village of Shieldsboro on the western boundary of the Bay of St. Louis. The property was bounded on the South by the land of Jean Lafitte, on the East by the Bay of St. Louis on the West by public lands and on the North by land owned by Mr. Locket. The land is forty-eight feet wide, extending on two parallel lines running A70 degrees West forty arpents back. The deed was recorded by Benjamin Sones, Clerk of the Probate Court of Hancock County, Mississippi on December 27, 1845 in Book E, page 478. The deed was re-recorded by Charles A. Folsom, Clerk of the Probate Court of Hancock County on April 28, 1854 in Book A, pages 191 and 192.

Pages 192 - 193

Mr. John Dufour of Hancock County, Mississippi paid Mr. Clarissa Lafitta of Hancock County, Mississippi the sum of one hundred dollars cash for a lot of land in the corporate limits of the town of Shieldsboro. The land is located on the Western Bank of the Bay of St. Louis in Hancock County, Mississippi bounded on the South by the lands of Mr. Clarissa Lafitta, the seller; on the East by the Bay of St. Louis; on the West by Taublee Lands and on the North by the lands of the buyer John Dufour. The lot of land has forty front feet and runs back between two parallel lines N70 degrees West forty arpents. The deed was recorded in Handcock County, Mississippi by Mr. James Johnston, Justice of the Peace in Book F page 389 on March 20, 1850 and it was re-recorded by Mr. Charles Folsom, Clerk of the Probate Court of Hancock County, Mississippi in Book A page 192-193 on April 29, 1854

Pages 193 - 194

Mr. Bazel Ladner of Hancock County, MS paid $105.00 dollars Mr. John C. Joor and Mr. Stephen Mead of Hancock County, MS for a tract of land know as the East half of the Southwest quarter of Section Number twenty-four of Township Seven South of Range fourteen West containing seventy-nine and 92/100 acres on October 8, 1836, witnessed by John Dixson and James Johnson. The deed was recorded in Book C, page 352 on October 10, 1836. It was re-recorded in Book A pages 193-194 by Mr. Charles Folsom, Clerk of Probate Court of Hancock County, MS on April 29, 1854.

Pages 195 - 196

Mr. Bazel Ladner of Hancock County, MS paid $15.00 to Mr. Selvan Ladner of Hancock County, MS for a parcel of land on the Western boundary of the Benanchoai River bounded on the South by the Benanchoai River, East by the sectional line between Sections 25 and 26, Township Number 7, Range Number 14 West, North by the sectional line between Sections 23 and 26 of said Township and West by the lands of the Seller containing twelve superficial acres and a part of the N.E. quarter of the N.E. quarter of Section Number 26 in said Township and Range. The deed was recorded by Benjamin Sones, Clerk of the Probate Court of Hancock County, MS in Book F pages 594-595. It was re-recorded by Charles A. Folsom, Clerk of the Probate Court of Hancock County, MS in Book A pages 195-196 on April 29, 1854.

Pages 196-197

Bazel Ladner paid $50.00 to Bernard and Elizabeth Bourgeois of Hancock County for a forty acre tract of land at T7SR14W on April 22, 1854.

Pages 197-200

Joauin Robira paid to Miguel and Rosillia Marti $3,005.00 for a parcel of land with a sixty foot front on the Bay of St. Louis extending 120' in depth bounded by the Bay of St. Louis Hotel on September ? It is noted that the property included any advantages that may accrue to its proximity to the wharf, and that buildings and merchandise included in sale were those of a grocery store, coffee shop and billiard hall.

Page 212

Deed called indenture dated 12-18-49 between Thomas Henderson, trustee of city of Natchez, 1st part, and Robert Mott and Thomas B. Lee of New Orleans, 2nd part, whereby deed made 2-2-39 by John B Byrne, Louis Herman, and Charles Briggs of New Orleans and Charles Lacoste of Natchez; Henderson was to secure payment to New Orleans Gas Light and Banking Co. and Union Bank of LA. Land sold at auction to Mott and Lee, identified as part of sec. 17, T9R14, of 259 acres, for 5 cents per acre, or $6.49. Signed by Henderson as trustee on above date. Re-recorded 5-3-54.

Page 213

Deed by P Rutilius R Pray for $1000 paid by John Martin for land in the “village of Shieldsborough, of 96 feet on Bay, 40 arpents deep. Bounded by Alexander Gerard, Doctor Thomas, part of tract confirmed by US to Madam Charlo, by her devised to John Nicaise and Celeste Lafontaine, and by them conveyed to the present releaser. Signed by Pray and wife Maria L. on 9-17-38. Maria joined for one dollar. Unusual note: “The word ‘conveyed’ underlined before signing - Sam’l White.” Re-recorded 5-3-54.

Page 215

Deed by Julius Monet for $1000 paid by John Martin, land on the Bay in Shieldsborogh, bounded by Martin, Bouquie, Bourgeois, and the Bay, 55 feet front by 40 arpents, the same conveyed to Monet from Sam White , administrator of estate of Pray in August of 1847. Signed by Monet and wife Louise, who joined for one dollar, on 6-1-49. [Does not contain usual clerk’s acceptance for re-record by Hancock County.]

Page 216

Release by Emile Mazilly in consideration of deed to John Martin for $1500, release Julius Monet from bond made on 1-23-43. Signed by Mazilly on 19-1-49. Accepted for re-record on 5-3-54.

Page 217

Deed by Judith Morin, with consent of husband Pierre, for $150 paid by Elihu Carver, land in Shieldsborough, bounded by land of Martial Nicaise inherited by John Baptiste Nicaise, public lands and the Bay, of 120 feet front by 40 arpents. Signed first by Judith Morin with her mark, and then by Pierre with his mark, who appeared before JP John Brush on 4-7-37. (Brush signed again as clerk.) RE-Recorded 5-4-54.

Page 219

Deed by Elihu Carver SR. for $400 paid by Jacob Gorenflo, for land in Shieldsborough on Bay, bounded by Saliba, De La Lanza, and Jones, 30 feet front by 520. Signed by Carver on 4-3-50. Re-recorded on 5-4-54.

Page 220

Deed by Ezra Carter and wife Elizabeth for $150 paid by Jacob Gorenflo, for land of 59 feet by 400, bounded by Carver and Jones and street or alley given by Carver. Signed by Carver on 4-13-50; wife signed with mark. Accepted for re-record on 5-4-54.

Page 221

Deed by Jacob Gorenflo for $3000 paid by John Martin in three parts. First: the first lot in Shieldsborough bounded by Robira, Jones and the Bay, 30 by 520. [same as above, p. 219.] Second: lot bounded by Carver and Jones, 59 by 400 [same as above]. Third: “A certain wharf erected in front of the above premises extending to the channel…for the landing of freight together with the ware house, gas lanthon [sic]” known as the Louisiana wharf, and also one horse and cart. [It is believed that Martin also owned a wharf in front of his house in Cedar Point.] Signed by Gorenflo and wife Maria on 11-5-51. Re-recorded on 5-4-54.

Page 223

Deed by Edwin F. Russ, tax collector, sold a parcel at Shieldsborough bounded by Laguire, public lands, Martin and the Bay, four ½ feet front by 40 acres. Property was owned by Mrs Laguire, tax of $2.90 being due for year 1846. Sold to John Martin for that amount. Signed by Russ on 6-28-47. Re-recorded on 5-5-54.

Page 224

Deed by George W. Robinson, Sheriff, commanded by court on 4-21-43 to sell goods and chattels and land of Elihu Carver to satisfy damages to John Frazar in amount of $8.28, dating from 1829. Land was sold for $2 to John Bte. Toulme; land bounded by Carver, public lands, Francois Ladner and the Bay. Signed by Robinson on 6-19-43. Re-Recorded on 5-5-54.

Page 226

Deed of right-of-way for New Orleans and Mobile Railroad Co. By act of legislature approved on 2-25-52, plan was made to construct railroad at convenient distance from the beach (1/4 mile), running from New Orleans to Mobile. Each property owner was paid $1. Signatures of 38, dated 5-5-54; apparently, first to sign was Toulme, then Martin, and then Carver.

Page 228

Deed by Francois Ladner for $100 paid by Francois, Jr., for land in Shieldsborough, beginning at land sold this day to Delmas Ladner, 100 feet by 65, bounded by Francois Ploux and Carco, running to sea shore. Signed 9-9-42 by Ladner with mark; Wife Mary joined, signing with her mark. Re-recorded on 5-8-54. P 299: Deed by Francois Ladner for $100 paid by Delmar Ladner for land measuring 65 feet by 155, bounded by seller, Ploux, Francois Ladner, Jr. and the sea. Signed by Francois and Mary with marks. Re-recorded on 5-8-54.

Page 231

Deed called indenture, dated 1-1-53, by Oliver P. Carr of Marion county and Green P. Wootan of Hancock for $1000, sections 2, 3, 4 in T4 R18, 760 acres. Signed Oliver P. Carr on date above. Recorded 5-8-54. p. 232; Deed by Charles Frazar, for $5, quit claim to Moses Cook Lodge, no. 111, a Masonic lodge. Land measuring 100 feet by 200, bounded by Ambrose St., Greenwich, and Frazar Sts., and by the buring [sic] ground and church. Signed by Frazar, 9-29-51. Re-recorded on 5-8-54.

Page 233

Deed by Charles H. Frazar for $200 paid by Mary E. Davidson of Gainesville, two lots numbered 51 and 52, square 26 of original plat. Signed by Frazar and wife Jane with their marks on 3-13-50. Re-recorded 5-18-54.

Page 235

Deed by Elihu Carver for $525 paid by John B. Toulme, bounded by Francois Etienne Fremond and John Davis and the Bay. Measurements given in chains, said to be part of claim of Widow Morin. Signed by Carver on 12-22-33. Joined in by Justine Nicaise, wife, for one dollar, signing with her mark. Re-recorded 5-19-54.

Page 236

Deed of release by Juan Ramon of St. Tammany, wherein Ramon [see also Raimon] on 4-19-54 was decreed by court in Harrison, Judge BC Buckley, to release certain lands embraced in warrant of survey 672, certificate 17, claim 17, report number 5, half of which on 11-21-33 was conveyed by Widow Morin under the name Susan Lachinne [?] Morin to Elihu Carver. Another document added to above is one signed by Ramon on 5-2-54 to confirm above. Accepted by R. Brenan, commissioner of MS for LA deeds on 5-2-54.

Page 238

Release by C. Nicaise and others, conveyed to P Rutilius R. Pray their respective rights to land in Shieldsborough, part of land confirmed by US to Madam Charlo of Hancock County. Pray must pay certain sums ($1) to each, having to do with two lots in possession of John B. Toulme measuring 200 feet on Bay. Signed on 9-4-38 by Charles Nicaise, wife Euphrosene, Cadet Lafontaine, Mary Nicaise, Celeste Lafontaine, and Zine Nicaise with their marks, and by John B. Nicaise. Certified by John Brush as JP and as clerk.

Page 239

Quit claim and release by PRP Pray for $10 paid by John B. Toulme of two lots in Shieldsborough. First has 96 feet front on Bay by 40 arpents, bounded by Zenon Cavalier and Pray, being land on which Toulme resides. Second measures 117 front on Bay by 40 arpents, bounded by George Morgan and F. Fremaux and John Nicholson being the same owned by JD Brabo, part of tract confirmed by US to Madam Charlo, and by her devised to John B. Toulme, Euphrosene Nicaise, Zine Nicaise, and Celeste Lafontaine, and by these conveyed to present releaser. Maria Pray, for $1, joined in signing by Pray on 9-17-38. Re-recorded on 5-30-54.

Page 242

Deed, by Samuel White, administrator of estate of P Rutilius Pray, sold at public auction on 8-2-47, to Edwin F. Russ as best bidder at $780, land in Shieldsborough measuring 127 feet on Bay by 40 arpents, bounded by John B. Toulme and George Morgan. Signed by White as admnistrator. on 8-5-47. Re-recorded on 5-26-54.

Page 243

Deed by Edwin Russ for $780 paid by John B. Toulme for same land as above. Signed by Russ and wife Cornelia on 7-26-48. RE-recorded on 5-26-54.

Page 245

Deed by Samuel White, adm. of estate of P Rutilius Pray, at auction on 9-25-48, for $1090 paid by John B. Toulme, land in Shieldsborough of 100 feet front on Bay by 40 arpents, bounded by on N by estate and S by John Henderson. Signed by White as Adm. on 9-26-48. Re-recorded on 5-26-54.

Page 246

Deed by Samuel White, administrator of estate of Pray, sold at auction for $1305 paid by John B. Toulme, land in Shieldsborough, of 168 feet front on Bay by 40 arpents, bounded by Toulme and Samuel Fagot. Signed by White as adm. on 2-6-49. Re-recorded on 5-26-54.

Page 248

Deed by Samuel White, adm. of estate of Pray, at auction for $1960 paid by John Henderson as best bidder, lot known as “the Shields lot,” 146 feet front on Bay, by 40 arpents, bounded by Madam Alexander and estate. Also, lot of 79 feet front on Bay by 40 arpents, bounded by Asa Russ, Francois Casanova, and Fremaux. Signed by White on 8-3-47. Re-recorded on 1-21-54.

Page 249

Deed by John Henderson and wife Louisa Ann, both of Harrison County, to John B. Toulme, for $1200, a certain house and improvements in Shieldsborough, lot of 146 feet deep by 40 arpents. Signed by John and Louisa Henderson on 1-6-49. Re-recorded on 6-1-54.

Page 251

Deed by DF Guex of New Orleans for $1000 paid by Mrs. Jane Bein, wife of EH Wheeler of New Orleans, land on Lake Borgne of 110 feet front on the lake by 1170 feet from division of land of vendor and late Gen Ripley. Signed by Guex and wife Aimie on 2-25-49. Accepted by commissioner of LA for MS deeds. Re-recorded on 1-21-54. [NB: Lake Borgne in those years was considered to run all the way to the Bay of St. Louis. The land described above is thought to be in present day Waveland.]

Page 253

Deed by Calvin Merrill for $50 paid by George Taylor, part of the tract on which he resides, commencing on the public road and running to the meeting house, making “a reserve of large timber for my own use to be removed when required by Taylor. Signed by Merrill on 2-6-49. Re-recorded on 6-2-54.

Page 254

Deed by George Taylor and wife Catherine for $200, paid by Jon M Mitchell and AG Little for land purchased from Calvin Merrill [see above]. Signed by Taylor and wife, 11-29-49.

Page 255

Deed called Indenture on 6-21-? [probably 1852] between John Graves, sheriff, and John M Mitchell land beginning on N line of Merrill at public road, running S to meeting house, containing 54 acres, described as property of Mitchell and Little in order to satisfy $44 according to writ of Justice Court of Beat number 2. John Mitchell at public auction paid $100 as highest bidder. Signed by Louis Folsom, deputy for John Graves on date above. Accepted by B Sones, clerk, on 8-25-52.

Page 257

Deed of Trust by John N. LeGrand and wife Sarah C. for $900 paid by Leonard Kimball following slaves for life: Edward, about 30, and Abel about 50, provided that the LeGrands pay to Redding Byrd and his wife Burnitta, guardians of minor heirs of James Farr as per promissory note date 2-28-54. Minor was Margaret D. Farr, infant. Signed by LeGrands on 4-23-54. Added note states that trust was satisfied at Gainesville 12-21-57.

Page 258

Deed by Charles Necaise and wife Euphrozine for $100 paid by John Lafiteaux [also spelled Lafitaux] for land in Shieldsborough bounded N and W by J. Hopkins, S by J. Palliosset, and E by the Bay, one-half arpent front, extending back 40 arpents. Signed by Necaise and wife with their marks on 12-1-33. Re-recorded 6-3-54.

Page 260

Deed [In French] by Jean Baptiste Nicaise and wife Genevieve to John Lafiteaux. Translation follows: Here all persons should know by these presents that we Jean Baptiste Necaise and Genevieve Nicaise my spouse of the County of Hancocke [sic] State of Mississippi for and in consideration of the sum of hundred piastres that has been paid to us [illeg] in current money at our discretion by the lord Jean Lafito have sold, ceded, quit, transport and abandon from the present [?] and forever with promise of guaranteeing from all trouble debts hypothetical, evictions, substitutions, alienations, and from all other trouble generally whatever to the above said Jean Lafito and cause a half arpent of land by forty arpents of depth situated at Shieldsbourg [sic] in the County of Hancocke State of Mississippi, bounded in the North and West by the land of Monsieur Hopkins in the South by my property and in the East by the Bay of St. Louis. To have and to hold the property above mentioned by the lord Jean Lafito… [Balance is essentially same as English document on p. 258.] Signed by Necaise and wife with their marks on 12-6-1825, witnessed by Noel Jourdan and Charles Favre. Deposited in office of Willis Arnold, clerk, on 3-27-26. Re-recorded on 6-2-54. [NB: There is significance in the different appellations given to Lafito and Hopkins; Lafito is “lord,” whereas Hopkins is simply Monsieur, or “mister.” The French deed is dated 1925; the one on p. 258 is dated 1833. The first was witnessed by Jourdan, the second by Monet.]

Page 261

Deed by John W. Russ and wife Susan for $150 paid by Henry Myers, part section No. 26, T7 R15, containing 80 acres. Signed by Russ and wife on 5-30-54. Recorded on same date.

Page 262

Deed called indenture 4-22-54 between Emile Legendre of St. James Parish and Major Joseph A. Beard of New Orleans, for $5,000. Promissory notes drawn to order of and endorsed by J. A. Beard & May. Legendre sells to Beard land in Shieldsboro measuring 188 feet front on Bay of St. Louis or Lake Borgne, by 1,280 feet, formerly owned by Gen. Ripley and next to land of David F. Guex. Sale includes “buildings and improvements, utensils boats, seines, stack, crop, and every other thing now thereon.” Same property as purchased by Emile Legendre from George Legendre. Released by Anais Armant, wife of Legendre, and signed by both on above date. Accepted for Louisiana by Commissioner of deeds for Mississippi on 4-17-54.

Page 265

Deed called indenture 5-24-54 wherein for City of New Orleans, duplicating above transaction in all details. Signed by JA Beard, MG Beard, and C. Beard.

Page 267

Deed by Jacques Ladner and Louise, wife, for $2,000 paid by H. Lockett of New Orleans, land on west bank of Bay, bounded by public lands, Madam Raphael and the Bay, having 44 feet front by 40 arpents, including buildings and improvements. Dated 8-26-39 and signed by Ladners with their marks. Accepted by J. Monet, President of Board of County Police on same date. Re-recorded on 6-12-54.

Page 268

Deed and Power of attorney: Jacques Ladner states he is selling part of land he now occupies at the Bay for $1000, having 50 feet front by 40 arpents, “on which stands the main building and other outbuildings.” From this point document appears to be a contract for construction of additional room and front gallery, plus a house large enough for two servants, to be delivered by July 1839 and to cost less than $550. Signed on 11-22-38 by Ladner with his mark. Added: appointment of JB Toulme as attorney for act of sale in connection with above signed at New Orleans by H. Lockett on same date. Recorded for Hancock County 6-12-54.

Page 269

City of New Orleans - Addison P. Pickrell and wife Justine Lockett of New Orleans for $6,000 paid by Amelia Fontanelle Lockett, wife of Henry Lockett of Bay St. Louis, sell to Mistress Amelia Lockett property and slaves: 1. Land near Shieldsborogh fronting on Bay 94 feet by 40 arpents, bounded by A. Mullenger, P. Pickrell, bay, and public lands. Includes buildings and improvement. Same as purchased from Jacques Ladner in deeds of 1838 and 1839. 2. Eight certain slaves for life, identified by name and age and cost, ranging from $300 to $700. Dated at New Orleans on 6-8-54; signed by AP and Justine Pickrell. Accepted by LA by commissioner of deeds for MS., noting that Justine Pickrell signed as “voluntary act and deed freely without any fear, threat or compulsion of her said husband…” Recorded for Hancock on 6-12-54.

Page 270

Called deed but seems to be mortgage by H. Lockett - “I acknowledge being indebted to Addison P. Pickrell of New Orleans in the sum of $7,800 to pay which I sell to him following property: Land measuring 1 ½ arpents front on Bay by 40 arpents, bounded by Mullenger, John Defron, and DF Guex, with improvements, furniture, cart, 4-wheel carriage and horse, valued at $750, together with [seven named slaves who seem to be part of those in above document]. Signed by H. Lockett on 3-2-51. Witnessed at New Orleans on 5-13-54 by Amelia Fontanelle Lockett, spouse, and Justine L. Lockett, daughter. Accounting made showing which slaves are in New Orleans and which at Bay St. Louis. Accepted by LA by commissioner for MS, on 5-6-54. Recorded by Hancock on 6-17-54.

Page 272

Deed by Julius Monet for $3,000 paid by John B. Toulme, for land in “village of Shieldsborough, on the Bay, bounded by John B. Favre, heirs of John Cassibry, having two arpents front by 40 arpents. Signed by Monet on 10-15-44. Recorded 1-21-54.

Page 273

Mortgage by John Louis Christian and wife Marie for $450 from John B. Toulme. Land at Shieldsborogh measuring 337 front on Bay by 30 arpents to Marie Parish claim, bounded by Bay, same land as purchased from John Davis in deed of 1841. Includes buildings and improvements. Signed by JL and Marie Christian on 11-30-51. Re-recorded on 1-21-54.

Page 274

Release of mortgage. Indenture was made 10-15-43 between Marie Villette and John Louis Christian for $4,000 paid by the latter. Full discharge from obligation, signed by Marie Villette on above date. Re-recorded 1-21-54.

Page 276

Mortgage - Josiah Broadwell and Samuel Broadwell for $1200 paid by John B. Toulme, for land on Bay in T9 R14, bounded by Zine Nicaise and John B. Toulme, fronting on Bay 5 ½ arpents by 1056 feet, to N boundary of Widow Morin’s claim, located in sections 1, 2, and 11, T9 R14, being the same bought from Lassol Carrico, John B. Toulme and Cadet Lafontaine in several deeds. Contains buildings and improvements. Signed 4-1-48 by Josiah and Samuel Broadwell. RE-recorded on 6-12-54. [Areas designated section 1, 2 and 11 [?] of T9 R14 would run from about Favre St. north past Nicholson Ave, and possibly as far as boundary with Bay St. Louis.]

Page 277

Mortgage by Frances G Casanova for $2500 paid by John B. Toulme, for land in Shieldsborough, 65 feet front on the Bay by 40 arpents, running to lands of Fremaux heirs, and also bounded by lot on which stands Catholic Church, and by Toulme. This is same as cold by administrator of Pray. Signed by Casanova on 1-8-50. Re-recorded on 1-21-54.

Page 279

Mortgage by Edward Saucier for $1050 paid by John B. Toulme, for land in Shieldsborough bounded by Manuel Munice, Poincy of New Orleans, the Bay and Bouquie, having 79 feet on Bay by 40 arpents, being part of the claim of Md. Charles [Charlo?] conveyed to Saucier by Oida Thrift. Signed by Saucier 7-30-50. Inscription added by Toulme showing fully paid, 10-16-56.

Page 281

Mortgage by Euprosine Goiardia, wife of Nolas , for $622 paid by John B. Toulme for land in Shieldsborough bounded by Canna on which husband Nolas now resides, Carrell, and Hopkins, measuring 96 feet front on Bay by 40 arpents, part of land of two arpents front conveyed by Canna to Dimitry in October 1819. Also, another parcel bounded by Kattzenberger, Carron, and the Bay, 96 feet by 1500 with right of way 36 feet wide, running to the back woods as far as Barnard’s Road leading to Barnard Bourgeois premises and to be named Napoleon, being part of land conveyed by Congress to Widow Morin. Signed as Euphrosine Goardia with her mark, and by husband with signature, PN Geardia on 9-3-51. [Note differences in spellings.] Re-recorded on 6-12-54.

Page 283

Deed by John Graves, Sheriff, by order of court for foreclosure of mortgage in which John Rifflars was executor of will of FC Giorgia and was complainant and Auguste Coudreaux was defendant. Property was known as Louisiana Hotel, bounded by Fagot, public lands, Walker and Bay, measuring 84 feet front by 40 arpents. Sold to John B. Toulme for $2,175. Signed by Graves as commissioner on 6-21-52.

Page 285

Deed by Auguste Lafitte for $1850 paid by Virginia Toulme, for land in Shieldsborough bounded by her own property conveyed by Delphine Toulme, Bouquie, Nicaise, and the Bay, having 45 feet front by 40 arpents. Signed by Auguste and wife Marie, who joined in for $1, on 12-18-52. Re-recorded on 6-12-54.

Page 287

Deed by Auguste Lafitte for $1850 paid by Delphine Toulme, land bounded by Robira, Bouquie, and present vendor for land conveyed this day to Virginia Toulme, and then Bay, having 40 feet front by 40 arpents. Signed by Lafitte and wife Marie on 12-18-52. Re-recorded 1-3-54.

Page 288

Mortgage by Nicholas Carron for $1620 paid by Louisa Petit of New Orleans, for land in Shieldsborough bounded by Carron, Bouquie, and Widow Laurent Fayard, having 120 feet front by 40 arpents. Signed by Carron with his mark, on 8-7-49. Re-recorded 6-16-54.

Page 292

Deed by Samuel Fagot of New Orleans, for $2,600 in four promissory notes drawn by James Madison Vandegrift of New Orleans, land in Shieldsborough, bounded by Mary Carell and Justine Solles, John Hopkins, Dimitry Canat [Canna], and the Bay, having one arpent front by 40 arpents. All four notes copied. Signed by Samuel and Emilie Fagot on 50-10-54.

Page 292

Deed by Heloise Marcos, a free woman of color of New Orleans for one dollar paid by Samuel Fagot of New Orleans, land with buildings and improvements in Shieldsborough containing one arpent front by 40 arpents, purchased from Dimitry Canna on 12-11-1819. Signed by Eloise Marcos on 10-20-40. Accepted by Alonzo Morphy of LA Supreme Court on 11-16-40. Re-recorded on 6-14-54.

Page 294

Last will of John M. Mitchell, naming wife Lorina as executor unless she should marry again in which case Probate court to appoint new executor. Allows for necessary schooling of children not yet married. Signed by Mitchell on 6-7-54.

Page 295

Deed by Constantine B. Beverly for $2500 paid by Elizabeth McRae of Jackson County for seven lots of different sizes in section 15, T9 R14, according to plat by Monet, bounded by Asa Russ, Louis Generes, and part of land conveyed to vendor by Bernard Bourgeois on 8-26-48. Map of area is attached, showing same tract as in Fremaux and Guex deeds. Important information noted on map is that it is about one mile west of “Magees, or New Wharf, built for convenience of Mail Boats between New Orleans and Mobile.” [This is the same as is referred to elsewhere as the Louisiana Wharf, at Washington St.] Signed by CB Beverly and Celine, wife, who joined for one dollar on 6-13-54. [Section 15 is a very small section which is either the eastern part of Buccaneer Park or Gulfside Assembly.]

Pages 298 - 303

Notice to Commissioners of Land Claims East of Pearl River. This is a series of important and very old documents regarding land of Melite Lesassier, beginning with a document signed by his agent Noel Jourdan indicating laying claim to Point Chocoapoulou containing 15 arpents front by 40 arpents, by virtue of certificate of Auditor of War given to Louis Alexis Lesassier, and by a decree in favor of heirs Hypolite and Louis Macarty, establishing them as on said plantation. This is date July 20, 1814. Next is the decree mentioned, with the heirs were to present to the “syndic of their teratory [sic].” It was signed at Pensacola on 2-20-1810 by Francisco Max. de la Maxent. Andrew Lopez of the government of LA and West Florida certified that Louis Alexis Lesassier was an inhabitant who had lost in shipwreck of ’94 the principal part of his papers, showing that the above was granted to him by Baron Carondelet on 1-29-1794. This was by order of Gayosa de Lemos, brigadier of the Royal army and governor general of these provinces. Signed at New Orleans by Lopez on 12-12-98. Next is certificate by Wm. Howze, Register of the land office at Augusta MS to the effect that the foregoing is a transcript from 4-23-37. Included is a map of claim. [Does not seem to comport with section numbers of current maps.] Accepted for Hancock County by clerk Folsom on 6-27-54. There follow three charts showing Lesassier as being original settler since 1803, and confirming 640 acres. Second confirms donation by Congress on 5-8-22. Third gives warrant number and description by land office at Augusta on 4-23-37, all of which is accepted for county by Folsom in June ’54. Last is “Report No. 6” which recites that “The preceding claims are forfeited; most of them under Spanish law for want of inhabitation and cultivation. Recorded by Howze for land office on 4-23-37. This too was accepted by Folsom, clerk for Hancock County, on 6-26-54.

Page 304

Deed by Calvin Merrill, commissioner appointed by court, sold to Daniel Abbot 50 acres on the Bay in Shieldsborough claimed by B. Brewster and bought by Major Carver for taxes amounting to $1.60. Signed by Merrill as collector, on 9-20-1819. On 7-1-30, Samuel White signed statement assigning his right to Cowand and Field. Deed by Merrill to White dated 9-20-20. Foregoing transfers and certificates deposited with Folsom, clerk, on 6-26-54.

Page 305

Deed by David Baldwin of “Shieldsborough County” for $100 paid by Thomas H. Chamberlain of same, land on Bay bounded by marsh East of Cedar Point having 54 acres. Signed by Baldwin on 8-3-21. State of LA acknowledged on 1-28-30; signed at the Balize by BG Taylor, JP of Plaquemine Parish. Accepted for Hancock 6-28-54.

Page 306

Deed by Elihu Carver for $75 paid by James Harding of Pearlington, land of the Bay, beginning at corner of Samuel White’s land, then south to Melite McCarty’s, containing 50 acres. Signed by Carter on 5-13-24; joined by wife Justine with her mark. Re-recorded on 6-28-54.

Page 307

deed by Malite Lesassier on 9-28-26 to Jesse Cowand and Joseph Fields, both of New Orleans, for $380, land bounded by small bayou on west sife of Bay, containing 88 acres, bounded on N, S and W by property of seller, and the Bay. Signed by Melite Lesassier on above date. Map included. Accepted by Hancock as re-recording on 6-28-54.

Page 311

Indenture between Miss Melite Lesassier, and Jesse Cowand and Joseph Field of New Orleans, dated 11-29-27, for $80, for one acre front by 40 back, bounded by Mm. Melite Lesassier, Cowand and Fields, and vacant land. Contains improvements. Includes survey done for Cowand by Elihu Carver,8-20-28. Signed by Lesassier with her mark. Re-recorded 6-26-54.

Page 313

Power of attorney. James Harding of Columbia in Marion County appoints Charles D. Learned as attorney to sell land on Bay, adjoining land of Samuel White, Melite McCardy, containing 50 acres. Signed by Harding on 2-10-29. Recorded on 6-29-54.

Page 314

Deed by Melite Lesassier for $707 paid by Jesse Cowand and Joseph Fields of New Orleans for land on the Bay of 353 acres adjoining land sold by this seller to these buyers. Map included. Signed by Lesassier on 11-26-29, and Jesse Cowand with his mark, for Cowand and Field. Re-recorded on 6-26-54.

Page 316

Deed by James Harding for $100 paid by PRR Pray for same land as described on p. 313. Signed by Learned as agent for Harding on 1-1-30. Recorded 1-29-54.

Page 317

Deed by PRR Pray for $100 paid by Cowand and Field, for 50 acres [appears to be same as in p. 313] Signed by Pray and wife Maria L. on 9-7-31. Re-recorded on 1-21-54.

Page 318

At New Orleans. Deed date 2-4-30 by Thomas Henry Chamberlain, late of Shieldsborough, now of Plaquemine, for $100 paid by Jesse Cowand and Joseph Field of this city. Land of 50 acres had been purchased by vendor from David Baldwin. Signed by Chamberlian. Cowand also signed for self and Field. Re-recorded on 1-29-54.

Page 320

Deed by Elihu Carver for “$10 and divers other consideration paid by Cowand and Field of New Orleans,” for certain messuage [defined as dwelling house and outbuildings and adjacent land being used], having 50 acres and bounded by Melite McCarty and the Bay. Signed by Carver on 9-5-31; wife Justine signed with her mark. Recorded 1-21-54.

Page 321

Mortgage, referred to as Indenture, by Nicholas Carron with William Champlain and Abraham Marks, for $1000 for land in Shieldsborough, 50 feet fronting of the Bay by 40 arpents, bounded by Eugene Ladnier, Nicholas Carron, the Bay, and land of US. Includes buildings and improvements. Signed by Carron with his mark on 10-25-52. Re-recorded 6-29-54.

Page 322

Release by PRR Pray in consideration of agreement between Pray and Alexander Philips, for land of 190 feet front on the Bay in “village of Shieldsborough” by 40 arpents, bounded by Charles St. Martin, George W. Morgan, and F Fremaux. Also, land called messuage [see def. above] now in possession of Philips, having 162 feet front by 40 arpents bounded by Farrer and Peter Campbell, being part of Madam Charlo tract confirmed by US and by her devised to John, Euphrosene and Zine Nicaise and Celeste Lafontaine. Signed by Pray and wife Maria (for one dollar) on 9-17-38. Re-recorded 1-30-54.

Page 324

Deed by Louis Marie Stanislas [sic] Buteux for $384 paid by John Joseph Chanche of Natchez, land measuring 70 feet on the Bay by 40 acres, bounded by Gulf, Mr. Pere Combel, public land and Dudley Walker, with all improvements. Signed by Buteux on 8-28-48. [NB: this is shortly after he came to Shieldsborough as parish priest who started St. Stanislaus college.] RE-recorded on 7-3-54.

Page 325

Deed by Alexander Philips of New Orleans for $900 paid by Louis Marie Stanislas Buteux, land of 162 feet on the Bay by 40 arpents, bounded by Pierre Combel [Campbell?], public land, and Benjamin Farra, now known as the Chimney lot. Includes all improvements. Signed by Philips and wife Rosina (for $1) on 9-2-47. [NB: according to editors notes, this was the year Fr. Buteux arrived.] Re-recorded on 1-21-54.

Page 327

Deed by Buteux for $524 paid by Dudley Walker for land in Shieldsborough, having 92 feet on Bay by 40 arpents [same as above description]. Signed by Buteux on 9-7-40. Re-recorded on 6-3-54.

Page 328

Deed by John Joseph Chanche of Natchez to Dudley R Walker for $535, land in Shieldsborough having 70 feet front on Bay running back 40 arpents. Signed by Chanche on 8-20-49. Re-recorded on 7-3-54.

Page 330

Deed by Arsene Luc, lately Arsene Sorbet divorced from Pierre Sorbet, for $2,500 paid by Dudley R. Walker, for land measuring 54 feet by 750, bounded on N and W by vendor, Widow Nancy B. Arnold, and the Bay, being part of claim of Joseph and Martial Nicaise, allotted to me out of estate of my father, Martial Nicaise. Signed as Arsene Luc, on 4-26-54.

Page 331

Deed by John B. Toulme for $2000 paid by Azilie Walker, for 1/6 part of land on N side of Bayou Galere, part of sections 26 and 27, T8 R14, having 80 acres confirmed to Guedon Toulme by US and inherited by vendor from his mother (Guedon). Also, 1/6 part of houses, buildings and steam saw mill, known as Toulme’s Saw Mill, and machinery and stock of logs, 2 mules, 1 horse, 3 carts, and 1/6 of Negroes Charles, Lumack, Horace, Howard and Bob, slaves for life. Signed by JB Toulme; joined by wife Victoria for one dollar with her mark on 1-7-50. Re-recorded 1-21-54.

Page 333

Deed by John B. Toulme for $4000 paid by Dudley R. Walker for 1/3 part of land, buildings, and slaves in above deed. Signed by JB Toulme, and joined by wife Victoria; witnessed by John V Toulme, 1-7-50. Re-recorded on 6-26-54.

Page 335

Deed by Antoine Bayard for $500 paid by Domingo De la Lanza, for land in Shieldsborough, bounded by JC Jones, Peter Carver, Francois Ploux, and the Bay, measuring 30 feet on the Bay by 1804 feet. Same as conveyed to Lawrence Fayard by Elihu Carver Jr. in 1849. Signed by Bayard; wife Octave joined with her mark, on 10-23-51. Re-recorded 1-21-54.

Page 336

Deed by George L’hote for $125 paid by Landolin Wangler of New Orleans, land in Shieldsborough bounded by Washington St. and Bosetto passage running 110 feet by 50, bounded on N by street running between Hinks and vendor, Bosetto on S, being part of land conveyed to vendor by Auguste T. St. Luall in 1853. Signed by G. L’hote on 8-198-53; joined by wife Octave.

Page 338

Deed by Francois Ladner, administrator of goods and chattels of Louise Nicaise, deceased, ordered by court to sell at auction land in Shieldsborough, bounded by Benjamin Sones, Bouquie, John Graves and the Bay, having 80 feet by 40 arpents. High bidder was Ramon Cuevas of Harrison County at $850. Signed by Ladner, adm. of estate of Nicaise, with his mark on 5-20-50. [Interesting that adm. could not write name.] Re-recorded on 1-21-54.

Page 339

Deed by George L’hote for $180 paid by Etienne Moranno of New Orleans, for land next to that sold on same date to vendor by Pierre Boudin on Washington St., 110 feet by 50 feet, bounded by Kincks, vendor, and Bosetto. Signed by G L’hote and wife Octave on 8-27-53. Re-recorded on 7-12-54.

Page 341

Deed by Etienne Morano of New Orleans for $500 paid by Marie Beauguex, for land in Shieldsborough, bounded by land sold to vendor by Boudin on Washington St., having 110 feet by 50 feet. [See above deed.] Signed on 7-7-54 by Murano.

Page 342

Deed by John Hart and Monroe Rowlett of Gainesville for $225 paid by John B Wilson, for town lot in “Gainesville County” in Sq. 58, lot bounded by Center St., Union, land of Benjamin Leonard and Thomas Batte, having 50 feet by 125 on Union St. Signed by Hart and Rowlett on 11-12-51. Re-recorded 1-21-54.

Page 344

Deed by Charles Frazar for $30.50 paid by James McAlister, for part lot no. 59 in Sq. I, 25 feet by 50, bounded by Union St. Wilson claim, and vendor. Includes tenements. Signed by Frazar on5-10-54.

Page 345

Deed by Thomas Brown for $600 paid by NL Burges of New Orleans, for several fractional shares in T9 R16, totally over 400 acres, being same land as sold to Asa Hursey by Calvin Merrill from estate of John Parker in 1849. Signed by Brown on 7-14-54.

Page 346

Deed by Maxamilian [sic] Bourgois for $100 paid by Isaac F. Stockton of New Orleans, part of lots 7 and 8 in Sec. 10, T9 R14, bounded by JC Dormann, vendor and the Bay, having 96 feet front, being part of purchase by vendor at sheriff sale in 1840. Signed Maximilian Bougeois [Bourgeois?] and wife Martha with their marks on 9-21-48. Re-recorded 7-17-54. [Section 10 runs from about Dane St. past Waveland Ave. in Waveland.]

Page 348

Deed called indenture made on 6-27-54 between William Payton and Mrs. Georgina Payton, his wife, both of New Orleans, for love and affection, first, lots 7 and 8, section 10, T9 R14 [see above deed]; second, Negro slaves for life Lilly and Fred, valued at $500 each. Signed by WW Payton and wife Georgina on above date. Acknowledged by state of LA by commissioner for MS deeds. [Section 10 runs from Dane St. past Waveland Ave.]

Page 350

Deed by John B. Saucier for $250 paid by John B. Favre for land in Shieldsborough, bounded by Leocadie Coigmard, heirs of John Hopkins, vendor and Bay, having 40 feet front by 40 arpents. Signed by JBte Saucier on 7-8-54; wife Delphine signed with her mark.

Page 351

Mortgage by John B. Favre in amount of $50 paid by John B. Saucier; property same as in above deed. Signed by Favre on 7-8-54.

Page 353

Mortgage by John B, Favre in amount of $191paid by John B. Toulme; property same as in above two documents. Signed by Favre on 7-8-54.

Page 354

Mortgage by George F. Klinck in amount of $458 paid by Robert W. Carr. Property in Shieldsborough bounded by Jaquet, Elizabeth Blank, Toulme, and front street, having 37 feet by 400 feet. Signed by Klink on 7-11-54.

Page 356

Sale by Asa Russ for $300 paid by Elizabeth Bookter, wife of Alexander Bookter, land fronting on the Bay 136 feet, by 40 arpents, bounded by Edward Jacobs and “boundary line of the Charlo location.” Signed by Russ on 6-1-49. Wife Mary A. Russ for one dollar relinquished “all of my rights of dower to the above described lot….”

Page 357

Deed by George A. Fosdick of New Orleans, for terms and conditions, to Mistress Aglai Beingier [Bringier?] of Parish of St. James, land in Shieldsborough by the Bay, next to GW Morgan, having 29 44/100 acres according to survey of the US on 10-18-33, bounded by vacant lands, Charles Favre (now Fagot), Morgan (now Deblieux), having ¾ acre on Bay by 40 acres. Price is $7,500, part cash paid by Mrs. Bringier and rest in promissory notes. Signed at New Orleans on 4-8-54 by GA Fosdick and Emma F Fosdick. Witnessed by John Claiborne, who also signed as Commissioner of stat of MS for LA deeds.

Page 359

Lease dated 7-8-54 between Ramon Cuevas of Harrison County and AM Levis of New Orleans for “all that messuage or tenement on Bay in Shieldsborough, bounded by Benjamin Sones, Bouquie, and Francisco Ramagosa, having 80 feet front by 40 arpents. Includes houses, outhouses, passages, easements and commodities. Term is from 4-1-54 for three years with possible renewal for yearly rent of $325. Signed by R Cuevas and AM Levis on date above.

Page 361

Deed by George L’hote for $137 paid by Peire Boudin, for land in Shieldsborough, bounded by Landolin Wangler on Washington St. and Joseph Bozetta, and Etienne Moranno. Land appears to measure 50 by 110 feet. Signed by L’hote and wife Octavie 8-27-53.

Page 362

Deed by John B. Toulme for $125 paid by Alphonse Fayard, for land in Shieldsborough, beginning at a post 640 feet from a street 25 feet wide with post at hickory tree; street called Union St. [Rest of description is unclear; see deed.] Signed by Toulme and joined by wife Victoria who signed with her mark, on 8-25-48. Re-recorded on 1-21-54.

Page 364

Deed by Justine Carver and Elihu Carver, Sr., for $200 paid by Baltazar Ploux, for land on the Bay in “village of Shieldsborough,” bounded by Elihu Carver, Jr., the seller, the Bay and public lands, having 64 feet front by 40 arpents. On 1-21-46, Justine Carver signed first, with her mark, and then Elihu Carver signed. He then signed before the Justice of the Peace a declaration that he signed “as a free ast.” Re-recorded on 7-20-54.

Page 366

Deed by Alphonse Fayard for $150 paid by Francois Plouex, for land in Shieldsborough [appears to be same as on p. 362]. Signed by Fayard and wife Louise with their marks on 4-3-54.

Page 367

United States Patent - Certificate no. 29 deposited with General Land Office with survey. Claim of Stephen Jerrell was entered as no. 12 in abstract 5 and confirmed, being E ½ of section 9 and W ½ of section 10, T6 R17, containing 638 acres, subject to any just claims from the British, French or Spanish authorities. Signed by Knox Walker, sec’y for Pres. Polk on 4-13-47. Re-recorded on 1-26-54.

Page 368

Above confirmed as donation to Stephen Jerrell by virtue of habitation and cultivation, identifying 640 acres on Pearl River. Signed 9-28-30 by William Howze, registrar. Following above seems to be a deed by Jerrell to Calvin Merrill for $100. Signed by Jerrell and wife Patsy with their marks on 11-5-31. Re-recorded on 7-26-54.

Page 369

Deed by Henry Dillard and Calvin Merrill for $1300 paid by Moses Cook and Lazerious Myers for all rights to section of land donated to Stephen Jerrell located in the place called the Hobolochitto. [see above] Signed by Merrill and Dillard on 8-16-34; witnessed by J. Ioor. Re-recorded on 1-26-54.

Page 370

Deed by Lazarus Myers on 3-28-35 for $650 paid by Moses Cook for tract of 640 acres at Hobolochitto. [See above.] Signed by Myers on date above. Re-recorded 7-26-54.

Page 371

Deed by Moses Cook for $700 paid by Leonard Kimball for one half of land at Hobolochitto [see above]. Signed by Cook and wife Dolly on 1-7-43. Re-recorded on 7-27-54.

Page 373

Deed by Henry Dillard for $200 paid by Leonard Kimball for part section 7, T6 R17, containing 80 acres as per certificate of entry No. 7354 date 11-18-45. Signed by Dillard and wife Charlotte on 3-25-46. Re-recorded 7-27-54.

Page 374

Deed by Henry Dillard for judgment of $196 “in favor of the three per cent fund” (belonging to the counties of Hancock and Harrison) and $204 paid by Leonard Kimball, parcel bounded by Amos Lott, and public lands on three sides, being part sections 11 and 12, T6 R18, being 400 arpents. Signed by Dillard and wife Charlotte on 3-25-46. Re-recorded 1-21-54.

Page 376

Lease by Thomas Brown, Pres., and NL Mitchell, Secty., of commission to establish system of common schools, for 99 years, sec. 16, T6 R17, for $150. Signed by Brown and Mitchell on 12-11-46. Recorded by Hancock County on “the 240th day of July 1854.” [Editor’s note: This 16th section was what is known as lieu land, dedicated to school purposes. It cannot be sold but can be leased for 99 years. A similar case is the 16th section now occupied by Buccaneer Park.]

Page 376

Deed by Francois Ploux for $150 paid by James O. Vandervelde of Natchez, for same land as described on p. 362. Signed by Ploux and wife Coralie Lafontaine on 7-21-54.

Page 378

Deed by George Klinck for $150 paid by Paul Chassin for land in Shieldsborough, bounded by a street 40 feet wide, to another street 10 feet wide, next to land of Pepin and present seller. Signed by Klinck and wife Mary (with her mark) on 7-12-50. Re-recorded 1-28-54.

Page 379

Assignment by John Hoffman of New Orleans of recovery in Circuit Court against Carl Blanck in amount of $206 for non-performance. Auguste Campy paid $206 to Hoffman; Campy is appointed attorney to sell real estate. Signed by Hoffman on 7-19-54.

Page 381

State of LA - On 6-1-52, Jule Benit of New Orleans sold to Herbert Rollings, Esq., land in Shieldsborough bounded by Villou Duesorfie, Bouquie, John Vaillamiet, and the Bay, having 76 feet front by 40 arpents, for $1400. Mistress Fanny Dussuan, for one dollar, was given explanation by notary of details of nature of her rights in joining this transaction, covered in five paragraphs. Signed by Benit, Rolling, Madame Benit, and the notary, on above date. Accepted by MS commissioner for LA deeds. Re-recorded on 1-21-54.

Page 384

Deed by John B. Toulme for $1290 paid by Jule Benit of New Orleans, for land in Shieldsborough bounded by Mrs. Vitton Dussuand, Bouquie, , John Paillasset, and the Bay, having 76 feet front by 40 arpents. Signed by Toulme on 8-11-49; joined by wife Victoria, who signd with her mark. Re-recorded 1-21-54.

Page 386

In consideration of deed by Jule Benit to John B. Toulme, latter discharges a bond for title, deed bearing date of 6-14-48. Signed by Benit, 8-11-49.

Page 386

Deed by PRP Pray for $3000 paid by WS Hamilton, land purchased by Pray from Madam FC Souton, executor of estate of Alexis Souton, and by him purchased from Piere Chavenet. Signed by Pray and wife Maria on 10-20-36. Accepted by state of LA on 12-20-52 by appearance of Col. William Hamilton, resident of West Feliciana Parish, who united with heirs of Penelope Stewart, deceased, in giving title to land to Samuel J. Peters of New Orleans. Signed at St. Francisville by Hamilton on date above. Re-recorded 7-28-54.

Page 389

Deed - Heirs of Penelope Stewart, named Cage, Stewart, and Hamilton, some of Wilkinson County, for $3000 paid by Samuel J. Peters of New Orleans, sell land that was same as PRP Pray to WG Hamilton [see above]. Signed by all heirs on 12-2-15-50; wives joined in for ten dollars.

Page 392

Deed of indenture made 9-5-49 between Nathaniel L. Mitchell and wife anna Jane of 1st part and James B. Mitchell late of Florida of 2nd part. $3000 was paid by Nicholas W. Mitchell, with James B. serving as trustee. Product to be divided between Nicholas and Nathaniel seems to be a lease, balance of which 8 years remained of 10, being leased to the Swansborough [sp?] Turpentine Farm lying in the Grand Plain Bayou, having 20 hundred and 40 acres beginning 11-4-57 at rate of $50 per year. Also, two tracts in town of Napoleon of 700 acres. One of 200 acres is bounded by Pine St. running to Clay St. and the Old Pearl Town tract. Other 500 runs from Pearl River by Polk St. to Old Pearl Town tract, which was 1000 arpents granted to Simon Favre. Also sold were numbered blocks each containing 10 lots. Signed by James B., Nat L. and Anna Jane Mitchell on above date.

Page 394

Deed by Mary Parrish [also spelled Parache] for one dollar paid by Mary Guedon Gleises of Mobile, land bounded by John Lafito, the Bay, Frances Stephens Freemond [Fremaux?], and public lands, having 3 ½ arpents front by 40 arpents, being same as sold to Mary Gleises, then Toulme, by my father and mother as per deed of 6-24-1812. Signed Mary Parache with her mark on 12-4-33. Re-corded 8-8-54.

Page 395

Deed Louis Glaises of Shieldsborough and wife Madam Marie G., for $600 paid by Elazar W. Ripley, a major general of the US army, land fronting of the Bay measuring 3 ½ arpents by depth of 40 arpents bounded on N by Madame Lelitots [Lafito?], S by Madam Peraches [Parish], W by Bousden [Boisdore?], and E by Bay. Survey done by C. Lafon of New Orleans on 5-5-14, having 140 arpents. Same was conveyed by Madam Glaises to Ripley as it was owned before her marriage. Signed by Marie G. Glaises and L. Glaises on 11-19-18. Recorded 8-8-54.

Page 396

Deed by “Thornton Lawson, Elizabeth, Lee, Allen, Ripley, his wife of the Parrish of East Feliciana, for $350 paid by Eugene Lasere of New Orleans, land in Shieldsborough having 3 ½ arpents on the Bay by 40 arpents…” (This is same land as above deed; it clears up the name of Boisdore land as being one of bounding neighbors.) Signed by T. Lawson and wife on 2-12-45. Accepted by state of LA by commissioner for MS deeds on 11-6-48. Re-recorded 1-21-54.

Page 398

Deed by Eugene Lasere of New Orleans for $100 paid by Emile Lasere of same city, for land in Shieldsborough bounded by Mrs. Lafiteau, DF Guex, Alibert and others who purchased from Guex, having 672 feet front on Bay by 40 arpents, being part of land claim of Mary Parrache [Parish]. Signed by Eugene Lasere on 6-14-49. Re-recorded on 8-8-54.

Page 399

Deed by Emile Lasere of New Orleans, for love and affection, to sister Emilie, wife of John O’Brien of said city, land in Shieldsborough, bounded by Mrs. Lafiteau, DF Guex, present grantor and the Bay, having 394 feet on Bay and extending back 40 arpents, being part of claim given by Congress to Mary Perrache. Signed by Lasere on 6-26-49.

Page 401

Deed by Clarisse Lafiteaux for $700 paid by John O’Brien of New Orleans for land in Shieldsborough bounded by Emilie O’Brien, DF Guex, John Defour, and the Bay, having ½ arpent front by 40 arpents deep, being part of grant to Mary Perrache by US, sold by her to Joseph Sibillot, and by him to John Lafiteaux. Signed by Clarisse Lafiteaux with her mark on 4-27-50. Re-recorded on 8-8-54.

Page 403

Deed by George Robinson, Sheriff, by writ of court to sell goods and chattels of Charles St. Martin sufficient to pay $2933 to satisfy Commercial Bank of Natchez for non-performance by St. Martin. Levy was made on land in Shieldsborough bounded by Pere Campbell, Pray, public land and the Bay, having 60 feet front by 40 arpents, together with buildings and improvements. Sold at auction for $400 paid by Anna Sturges. Signed by Robinson on 9-4-43. Re-recorded on 8-8-54.

Page 404

Letter dated New Orleans 6-18-49 from John H. Sturges to wife Anna, asking that if she agree, to sell to Manuel Munice their Bay lot and buildings and wharf for $2000. Signed by all three parties.

Page 405

Deed by Anna Sturges of New Orleans for $2000 paid by Manuel Munice, she sells, with consent of husband John, land in Shieldsborough bounded by Fileran Campbell, Bouquie, James E. Saucier, and line of the claim of Mme. Charlo, having 60 feet front on the Bay by 40 arpents, being same land levied upon in court case involving Charles St. Martin [see above]. Signed first by Anna Sturges, and then by husband JH Sturges, on 6-23-49. Re-recorded on 1-21-54.

Page 407

Deed by Elihu Carver for $250 paid by Jean Lenfant, for land in Shieldsborough bounded by Auguste Trigouet [sp?], vendor, and the Bay, having 42 feet by 282 feet. Signed by Carver on 9-12-49. Re-recorded 1-21-54.

Page 408

Deed by Jean Lenfant of New Orleans for $350 paid jointly by Elihu Carver Jr. and Alexander Bookter, for land in Shieldsborough bounded by Auguste Trigouet, Joseph Salila, and the Bay, measuring 48 by 282 feet. Signed by Lenfant and wife Victorine, who signed femme Lenfant on 8-12-54.

Page 409

Deed by Victor Ladner for $70 paid by Claude Joseph Vuillumet [sp?], land fronting on Gulf having ½ arpent, bounded by Louis Fayard, the seller, the Bay and public land. Signed by Ladner with his mark and joined by wife Norine, on 6-3-42. Re-recorded 7-8-54.

Page 411

Deed by Victor Ladner and wife Norine for $100 paid by Magdalline Vuillermet for land on N shore of Lake Borgne at corner of land of Vuillermet one arpent along the shore to land of George Robinson, then 30 arpents to US land, having 30 superficial acres. Signed 12-2-46 by Ladner and wife with their marks. Re-recorded 8-8-54.

Page 413

Deed by Victor Ladner and wife Honorine for $325 paid by Virginia Verron, receipt acknowledged by Honorine “with the consent of my husband,” for land at Shieldsborough being part of Widow Morin claim, bounded by James Philips, present seller, and the Bay, having 100 feet front by 15 acres. Signed by both Ladners with their marks on 7-1-55.

Page 414

Deed by PRP Pray and wife for $600 paid by Zenon Cavelier, for certain messuage now in possession of Cavelier, in village of Shieldsborough, 56 feet front on Bay, by 40 arpents, bounded by John B. Toulme and John Davis, and being part of tract confirmed by Congress to Madam Charlo, and by her devised to the Necaises and Celeste Lafontaine. Signed by Pray and wife Maria on 10-17-38. Accepted by John Brush, clerk. Re-recorded on 1-22-54.

Page 414

Deed by Felix Maxent fo New Orleans, executor of will of Zenon Cavelier of same city, by court order to sell real property at auction, did sell land which had been part of claim of Madam Charlo, in Shieldsborough, bounded by Felix Grima, Bouquie, John B. Toulme, and the Bay, having 56 feet front by 40 arpents. Louise Cavelier, widow of Zenon, was high bidder at $1825. Signed by Maxent on 10-20-51. Accepted by LA by commissioner of MS deeds, 12-30-51. Re-recorded on 8-14-54.

Page 418

Deed by Samuel White for $200 paid by Nicholas Carron for land in Shieldsborough, bounded by heirs of Nicaise, public lands, vendor, and Bay, having 150 feet front by 40 arpents. Signed by White and wife Beatina on 4-16-52. Re-recorded on 1-14-54.

Page 419

Deed by Nicholas Carron to Auguste Provosty of Point Coupee Parish for land in Shieldsborough bounded by vendor on two sides and by Jean Marques and the Bay, having 80 feet front by [blank] arpents. Price was $850.

Page 423

Deed by Jean Marques to Auguste Provosty of Point Coupee Parish for land in Shieldsborough fully described and bounded by Carron, White and the Bay, having 60] feet front and depth of [blank] arpents. Price was $2600. Signed by Marques and wife Caroline, and by Provosty, on 8-8-54.

Page 423

Deed by John B. Toulme for $250 paid by Jeanne Chevalier, for land bounded on the Bay, seller, public lands, and John Davis, having one arpent front running to boundary of Widow Morin’s claim. Signed by Toulme on 7-7-41; joined by wife Victoria with her mark. Re-recorded 8-21-54.

Page 424

Deed by Jeanne Chavalier for $250 paid by John Marchand for land by the Bay bounded by RN Ogden, public lands, and John Hoffman, having one arpent front and running west to boundary of Widow Morin’s land, being same as conveyed by Elihu Carver to John B. Toulme and then to Chevalier by deed of 1841. Signed by Chevalier with her mark on 8-17-54.

Page 425

Deed - Indenture made between Constantine B. Beverly, John B. Toulme of 1st part and Celine Douce, wife of Beverly, of 2nd part. Beverly, indebted to wife for $1500, secured to her property sufficient to cover debt. He sold to Toulme: 1. Two slave children called servants, Rose about 10 and Lucinda age 5, referring to first as black and the younger as mulatto, specifying they were slaves for life; 2. part section 10, T9 R14, of 80 acres, bounded by Peyton, public lands, Bourgeois, and Gulf, having 96 feet front. Signed by CB Beverly and JB Beverly, wife, on 10-3-54. [Section 10 runs from about Dane St. past Waveland Ave.]

Page 426

Deed by Constantine B. Beverly for $2000 paid by John B. Toulme lot having 100 feet front on the sea, bounded by Bernard Bourgeois on north and having depth of 930 feet; also lots 13, 14, 17, 19 of survey by Monet on 8-21-49; also half of section 9, T9 R14 containing 80 acres; also Negro save boy 19, named Anthony, slave for life. Signed by CB Beverly on 10-3-54. [Section 9 is interior land, just north of Buccaneer Park.]

Page 428

Deed - Indenture made 6-8-54 between Mistress Amelia Fontanelle Lockett, widow of Henry Lockett, of 1st part, and Addison T. Pickrell of New Orleans of 2nd part. Being indebted for $6000, she pledged 1. land in Shieldsborough having 94 feet front by 40 arpents, bounded by AT Pickrell and public lands, including buildings; 2. eight certain slaves, listed by names and ages. Signed by Amelia Lockett on 6-8-54.

Page 430

Deed by WH Rondeau of New Orleans for $250 paid by Charles Patterson, for lands in Gainesville, being lots 63-66, square J as per plat of town, bounded by Union, Smyth, and Main Streets. Signed by Rondeau and joined by wife Ann for one dollar on 6-16-54. Acknowledged for LA by commissioner for MS deeds.

Page 431

Deed by James Murphy and wife of 1st part (the sellers) and Nat Mitchell, James Mitchell, Willis Harvey and Joseph Bates of the 2nd part, being the purchasers of the “Pearl Town tract on which the town of Napoleon is situated,” through verbal agreement should allow Murphy to reserve whole of block 14 containing 250 feet square, bounded by Main, Pine, St. Louis and Church Streets. Sale is said to have been made to Mitchell for $350, without explanation of why other parties are named in 2nd part. Signed by Nat L and Anna Mitchell on 9-12-48.

Page 433

Deed by Elihu Carver, Sr., for $225 paid by Euphrosine Nicaise for land in vicinity of Bay of St. Louis on Bayou Galene [Galere], section 26, T8 R14, of 16o acres bounded by Hopkins, public lands and Toulme. Signed by Carver with his mark [presumed by editor to be mistake, as he must have been literate as a surveyor] 9-14-54.

Page 434

At New Orleans: Indenture made 5-26-49 between Justin Fremaux of Parish of Orleans of 1st part, and in pursuance of public sale made to Napoleon Joseph Fremaux of Ascension Parish, the 2nd part, for $280 for land at the Bay designated No. 9 on original plan, copy attached, 90 feet by 1980. This is part of large tract which Francis Stephen Fremaux, father of present grantor, purchased from Mary Parish, James Johnston, and Elenore Johnston as per indenture of 10-19-33. Signed by Justin Fremaux on above date. Acknowledged by commissioner of deeds for Ms in La. Re-recorded 1-21-54.

Page 437

Deed by Salmon Taylor of New Orleans for $405 paid by Henry Frellsen of same city, for lot no. 6 in chart attached to p. 434, measuring 90 feet by 1980. Signed by Taylor on 2-1-51. Acknowledged by commissioner of deeds in Ms for LA at New Orleans on 2-21-551.

Page 438

At New Orleans - Deed by Victor Burthe and wife Estell Millaudon of Jefferson Parish for $250 paid by Harry Frellsen of New Orleans for lot no. 5 of sketch (see p. 434) measuring 90 feet by 1980. Signed by Estelle and Victor Burthe on 11-7-52. Acknowledged by LA by commissioner for MS deeds. Re-recorded on 10-11-54.

Page 440

Deed by William T. Coons for $250 paid by William T. Poitevent for part section 32, T7 R16. Signed by Coons and wife Caroline on 8-30-54.

Page 441

Deed by John R. Landier, administrator of goods and chattels of David F. Guex, deceased to John B. Nicaise for part of section 35, T8 R14. Agreed to by Aimee Adelaide Guex, Widow of David F. for one dollar. Signed by Landier and Widow Guex on 6-1-54.

Page 443

Bond - Otis M. Oliver, indebted to Sarah H. Pray, wife of Rufus O. Pray, in possession of William R. McMullin, bounded by Front St., Auguste Lafito, late deceased, Arsene Sorbet, Willis Arnold and George Hale. Signed by Oliver on above date. Following above is document in which Sarah Pray acknowledges debt to Otis Oliver for $333; signed by her on 9-21-54.

Page 445

Mortgage by Bernard Bourgois and wife Elizabeth for $575 paid by Catharine Diers, for land on Bay bounded by vendor, having 130 feet front by 1200 feet, including house had built for Charles Fagot. Signed on 10-23-54 by Bourgois; wife Elizabeth joined with her mark.

Page 447

Deed dated 10-23-54 between Daugherty Gause, administrator of Goods and chattels of John William Gause, dec., by order of Probate Court, did sell land on Pearl River of 748 acres, in two parts. One of 640 acres is part of sec. 27 and 34, T3 R18; also, several smaller parts in same Township and Range. Published in Sea Shore Journal. Now occupied by Green Wooten. High bidder was Redding Byrd at $850. Signed on above date by Gause.

Page 448

Deed by Peter Morin and wife Indice for $50 paid by Francois Quave, land being east bank of Benashwa River, being part of sec. 34 (T and R?) . Signed on 8-3-35 by Peter and Judice Morin with their marks. Re-recorded on 1-21-54.

Page 450

Bill of sale - Bazel Ladner sells one Negro boy named Elic age about 27 for $850. “He is free from any encumbrance and from any maladies.” Signed by Ladner and wife Helen with their marks on 9-848. Recorded on 10-30-54.

Page 451

Deed by Peter Morin, heir at law of Peter Morin, dec., empowered by Probate Court, to sell at auction land on or near Jourdan River, for $681 paid by Francois Quave, being part of section 34, T7 R14 of 320 acres. Signed by Morin as heir at law, on 12-24-49. Re-recorded on 10-30-54.

Page 452

Deed by Charles Frazar for $100 paid by Daniel C. Stanley, for lots no. 117 and 126, square R, 100 feet on Harrison St. by 200on Center. Signed by Frazar on 11-1-54. Noted that this was facsimile only from Thomas B. Poitevent, original of which was mislaid or lost in courthouse fire of 1853.

Page 454

Deed by Daniel C. Stanley and wife Elizabeth P. for $325 paid by Arthur Wire, for lots in Gainesville, no. 117 and 126 in Square R, being on Division and Harrison Streets. Signed by Stanleys on 11-4-54.

Page 455

Deed by Victoria Sherwood for $700 paid by Mrs. Mary, Ann, Ellen, Jewell [sic] of Gainesville, lots in that city no. 10.11, 38, 39, Square C., bounded by Pearl and Smyth Sts. and land of Mrs. Rebecca Nixon. Seller declared that she was “lawfully seized of my own right.” Signed by Sherwood on 7-17-50.

Page 457

Deed by William Hutchinson of St. Tammany for $50 paid by RGW Jewell, for lot in Gainesville no. 57, square ?, having 50 feet on Center St., bounded by Batte and Holcomb, same as bought from Frazar in 1846. Signed by Hutchinson and wife Martha Emma on 2-11-51. Re-recorded on 1-21-54.

Page 459

Translation. Simon Favre, representing commander of district of Bay of St. Louis, gives permission to Mr. Jeremiah Henly to establish self on Pearl River at the place called Koutcha on Orica giving him 15 arpents of ordinary depth on condition that he will work thereon before end of year. Dated at Pearl River on March 25, 1810 and signed by Favre. Delivered to William Smith a true translation, signed by Charles Folsom, clerk [undated] Following above as though part of same document is one dated 1-11-16, in which Henly relinquishes “the within to Rebin Crow.” Signed by Henly. Continuing same document, Ruben Crow grants to Calvin Merrill for $600 on 1-21-20; signed by Crow with his mark. Following above is Hancock County Clerk’s office document dated 2-23-20, certifying and recording deed of conveyance from Ruben Crow. This is signed by Elihu Carver, clerk. The foregoing is then re-recorded on 10-26-54 by Folsom, clerk

Page 460

Transfer - Territory Hancock County: Jeremiah Henly transfers to Rheuben Crow “my improvements near Wacoya Bluff [Walkiah] for $100,” relinquishing all his claim to Crow, while bonding self to Crow for $10,000. Signed by Henly on 1-11-16. Above is followed by assignment of bond and obligation for $600 paid by Calvin Merrill. Signed by Ruben Crow with his mark, dated 1-21-20. Attested to by Justice of Peace William Hunt and listed as “foregoing deed” on 4-1-16. Recorded by Folsom, 10-26-54. P 461: Indenture made on 2-13-37 between Calvin Merrill and William Hutchinson of Louisiana for “fifteen hundred of fifteen hundred dollars” for land of east bank of Pearl River opposite mouth of Bogue Chitto, 600 arpents bounded by Pearl and vacant lands. Signed by Merrill on 2-13-37. Re-recorded on 11-21-54.

Page 462

Sale by Stephen Mead for $676 paid by William Hutchinson of Sima [sp?] Louisiana, for land in Gainesville being lots no. 29 and 30, square E, bounded by Center and Pearl Sts., including buildings. Signed by Mead and wife Adeline on 8-30-52. Re-recorded on 11-21-54.

Page 463

Deed: Charles Frazar for $125 paid by William Hutchinson for lots no. 29 and 30 in square H [not certain as to letter], 100 feet on Center St., and 100 feet on Pearl St. Signed by Frazar on 2-10-46; joined by wife Jane M. with her mark. Re-recorded 11-21-54.

Page 465

Right of way - New Orleans and Mobile Railroad Co. is about to locate a railroad at convenient distance from the sea, according to Act of Legislature dated 2-25-52, and is given permission for $1 each by property owners. Signed on 5-8-54 by Carver, Jr., Graves, Ploux, White, Favre, Dorsey, Tuall, Hincks, Nobelon, and Cuevas.

Page 466

Deed, called Indenture by Benjamin S. Leonard of 1st part and Mary Stovall on 4-8-50 for $150 considering that party of 1st part is possessed of deed from Robert W. Caskin, regarding land in Napoleon of 38 acres, beginning at corner of fence at a garden and near the oil press, including place on which Thomas B. Ives formerly lived but now is in possession of Mary Stovall. Signed by Leonard and wife Mary on above date.

Page 468

Deed (indenture) between Mary Stovall and Daugherty Gause on 10-3-51 for $200 for land in Napoleon described in above deed.

Page 469

Deed made on 8-16-52 between Victor Ladner, administrator of goods and chattels of Gilbert Ladner, dec., as result of order by probate court to sell 80 acres being part of sec. 15, T7 R15; high bidder was Cemore Ladner at $22. Signed by Victor Ladner with his mark, on date above.

Page 471

Deed by Julius C. Monet for $1200 paid by Guillaum Macoullard, for land in Shieldsborough bounded by Pray, the Bay, Salle, and Bougiese [probably Bouquie], having 58 feet front by 40 arpents. Signed by Monet and wife Louisa on 6-26-48. Re-recorded 11-26-54.

Page 472

Deed by Auguste Scherger for $800 paid by Guillaume Macoullard for land in Shieldsborough bounded by Pericoli and Winberger and beach road [dimensions unclear]. Signed by Scherger and wife Rosaline on 4-21-54.

Page 474

Deed (indenture) made 10-15-54 between James A. Ulman of 1st part and Toulme Walker and Co. of 2nd part. for $525 for land in Shieldsborough bounded by Kling, H. Boyer Backerry, Main St. and Peter Hook, having 110 feet on Main and 110 feet to George Kleng [Klenck] lot. Signed by Ulman on above date.

Page 475

Deed by Andrew Stanza for $300 paid by Pierre Garnier for land of west bank of Bay bounded by William Ventress, Isabelle Sheriff, seller and the Bay, having 96 feet front, being part of section conveyed to me by Isabelle Sheriff, that being section 10 of T9 R14. Signed by Stanza and wife Elizabeth on 11-26-49. Re-recorded 11-30-54. [Section 10 runs along beach from Gulfside past Waveland Ave.]

Page 476

Deed by Pierre Garnier of New Orleans for $800 paid by Henry R. Swasey of same city for land on west bank of the Bay bounded by William Ventriss, Isabella Sheriff, Stanza and the Bay, having 96 feet to Section 10, TpR14, and being one half of the land conveyed by Sheriff to Stanza. Signed By Garnier on 11-3-54. Acknowledged in Louisiana by commissioner of MS deeds for LA.

Page 478

Deed by Samuel White, administrator of estate of PRR Pray, being empowered by court to sell at auction in Pearlington for $120 paid or secured to he paid by Isabella Sheriff and assignee of Asa H. Hursey, who was best bidder, for lots 4 and in square 3, and part square 5 in Pearlington according to plat of town; also part of Thomas Colbert claim for 640 acres on or near Pearl River. Isabella Sheriff is listed as new owner, and she was given receipt of money as bid by Hursey. Signed by White as administrator on 6-27-54. Lots 4 and ?

Page 479

Deed by Rebecca Nixon for one dollar paid by Amanda Howard for tract described as follows: on N by land of seller 100 feet, on W Mrs. Neoma Lenore 50 feet, and south and east by seller. [No location indicated.] Signed by Nixon on 9-11-40. Re-recorded 12-19-54.

Page 480

Deed by Elihu Carver, Sr., for $1280 paid by PRR Pray land in Shieldsborough bounded by John Joseph Jourdan, John Baptiste Toulme, the Bay, and lands of the US, the same as purchased by seller from Louis S. Lelain. Signed by Carver on 9-7-29; joined by wife Justine for one dollar. Re-recorded 12-28-54.

Page 481

Deed by LR Adams and LC Adams of New Orleans for $2500 paid by PRR Pray for land in Shieldsborough 192 feet front bounded by Monet on S, by buyer on S, being part of claim given by Congress to Madam Charlo, and the same as was purchased of Pray in 1838. Signed by Adams and Adams, and joined by wives Eliza Downing and Armantine Conscelle on 9-3-39. Acknowledged for Louisiana by PK Lawrence, Judge of US for eastern district of LA. Re-recorded 12-28-54.

Page 482

Deed by John B. Nicaise for $3000 paid by PRR Pray for land at the Bay bounded on S by Joseph and Martial Nicaise, on W by public lands, on N by John B. Lardass as confirmed by land office in Augusta, and E by the Bay, having 20 arpents front by 40 arpents deep, containing 800 arpents and being same as confirmed to Madam Charlo. Signed by John Nicaise on 6-20-35; joined by wife Mary with her mark. Re-recorded 12-28-54.

Page 484

Deed by Zine Nicaise for $3000 paid by PRR Pray, for land at Bay bounded on S by Joseph and Martail Nicaise, on W by public lands, on N by Joseph Lardass and confirmed by land office at Augusta, and on E by the Bay, having 20 arpents front by 40 arpents, containing 800 arpents , same as confirmed by US to Madam Charlo by land commissioners of US. Signed by Zine Nicaise with her mark on 6-22-35. Re-recorded 12-28-54.

Page 485

Deed by John Lafontaine and Celeste, his wife, for $3000 paid by PRR Pray for land [same as in above deeds]. Signed by John and Celeste Lafontaine with their marks on 6-22-35. Re-recorded on 12-28-54.

Page 486

Deed by Charles and Euphrosine Nicaise for $3000 paid by PRR Pray for land [same as above]. Signed by both Nicaises with their marks on 4-29-35. Re-recorded 12-29-54.

Page 488

Deed by JC Joor [same as Ioor] for $2800 paid by John Henderson of Hancock County for part section 25, T7 R14, on the waters of the Jourdan River including a sawmill, flatboat, teams, carts, cattle, tools, and utensils. Signed by Joor on 3-9-37. Re-recorded 12-29-54.

Page 488

Deed by John Henderson for $1350 paid by Stephen Mead the undivided half of parts of section 25, T7 R14 with sawmill and other improvements, being same as formerly belonging to John Ioor situated on Ravine Clear in Hancock County. Signed by John Henderson on 3-12-37; witnessed by John Henderson Jr. Re-recorded 12-29-54.

Page 489

Deed by John Henderson of Harrison County on 3-12-37 did sell and assign to Stephen Mead “one half of my right” to the saw mill and fixtures and mill grounds formerly owned by John J. Joor, about 3 miles from the head of the Bay of St. Louis, designated as part of sec. 25 T7 R14 and which have been jointly owned by us. Price was 24 shares of stock in Bank of WFRR Co. at Woodville and other valuable consideration. Signed by Henderson and wife Louisa A. on 10-19-42. Re-reorded 12-29-54.

Page 490

Warrant by US to Joor. Certificate No. 711 - The US of A: John Joor of Hancock has deposited in the General Land Office a certificate of the land office at Augusta whereby it appears full payment has been made by Joor in accord with Act of Congress on 4-24-1820, for part section25, T7 R14, having 79 acres, he was awarded tract as shown on plat of Gen. Land Office. Signed for Pres. Van Buren by Jno. Van Buren, secty on 1-5-41.

Page 491

Warrant by US to Stephen Mead. Certificate no. 4672, given by US to John C Joor and Stephen C. Mead as full payment has been made by them for part sections 24 and 25, T7 R 14 containing 159 acres according to official plat. Signed for Pres. Van Buren by Jno. Van Buren, secty on 1-5-41.

Page 492

Deed by Stephen Mead for $200 paid by EB Spence, for two parcels on the waters of Jourdan River, being 1st, part section 25, T7 R14, part of land included in patent No. 4672, dated 1-8-41, annexed here and made part of deed; 2nd, another part of same section, being the land included in patent No, 711 dated 1-5-41. Part was conveyed by John Joor to Henderson on 3-12-37. Signed by Mead and wife Adaline on 9-29-48. Re-recorded 1-29-54.

Page 493

Deed by Jno. Lumkin [Lamkin] for $9.75 paid by Elyah B. Spence for land at corner of section 5 T7 R14, being 88 yards by 440 yards, containing 7 9/10 acres. Signed by Lamkin and wife Mary D. on 4-19-51. Re-recorded 1-30-54.

Page 494

Deed by John Davis for $400 paid by Jean Louis Christian, for land beginning at a post from the s/w corner of a tract confirmed to Mary Parish [Parache] containing 60 arpents. Signed by Davis and wife Mallaney with her mark on 10-27-41. Re-recorded on 1-29-54.

Page 496

Deed by Arsene Luc for $47 paid by Willis H. Arnold for land in Shieldsborough with 12 feet front on the Bay by 40 arpents, bounded by dividing line between land of Elihu Carver Jr. and land of seller, E by the Bay, W by the US land. Signed by Luc on 1-22-45. Re-recorded 12-27-54.

Page 497

Deed by Elihu Carver, Jr. for $250 paid by Willis H. Arnold for land in Shieldsborough measuring 64 feet front on the Bay, running back to the dividing line between Madam Arsine Luc and seller, bounded E by the Bay, S by other lands of seller, and W by US lands. Signed by Carver Jr. on 1-22-45. Re-recorded 12-30-54.

Page 499

Mortgage - Robert N. Ogden of New Orleans for $5 paid by Mrs. Elizabeth Cowand for following real estate: my summer residence at the Bay, bounded on E by Christian, N by township line between T 8 and 9 R14, and between sections 2 and 3 of said Township, W by Adele Dubalin and S by the Bay, having front of two arpents on Bay and running back to township line, provided that Ogden will pay his promissory note of $1120 to Mrs. Cowand at end of one year. Signed by Ogden and wife Frances FD Ogden, 11-20-54. Document attached signed by Alfred S. Cowand, administrator of estate of E. Cowand,to effect that Ogden has paid his notes, dated 4-18-67 [?].

Page 500

Deed by Shadrack Stewart for $800 paid by William F. Seal for land on Pearl River being lower half of tract donated to and confirmed to Soloman Lot, dec., for 640 acres, beginning at the mouth of the slew and running from just above the lower bluff, including 320 acres from the dividing line agreed to by both parties. Signed by Stewart on 4-12-49. Re-recorded 1-29-54.

Page 501

Deed by JH Stewart [initials also shown as CJ and HJ] for $300 paid by William F. Seal same land as in deed above. Signed by HJ Stewart on 12-6-51.

Page 502

Deed by HJ Stewart and others for $450 paid by William F. Seal, for land bounded on N by estate of Zebulon Pendelton, E by public lands, S by Joseph Wheat, and W by Pearl River, containing 320 acres confirmed to Soloman Lot, Sr., dec. Signed by John Stewart and wife Marian, HJ Stewart and wife Martha (with her mark), James Willis and wife Eliza (with her mark), WP Stewart and wife Mary (with her mark), JM Stewart and wife Elizabeth (with her mark), and Martha Stewart (with her mark) on 3-15-53.

Page 504

Deed by James McArthur for $300 paid by Amos Lott for tract of 640 acres situate in the fork of Pearl River and Holbolochitto, binding W on Pearl, N to Stephen Lott, E by Amos Lott, and S by public lands. Signed by McArthur and wife Sealy with her mark on 5-3-41. Re-recorded 1-30-54.

Page 505

Deed by Amos Lott for $900 paid by William Seal, Solomon Seal, and Amos Seal, for land on Pearl River having 640 acres, bounded on N by Stephen Lolly, W by Pearl, S by mouth of Hobolochitto, and 400 arpents lying E joining the same tract. Signed by Lott on 12-17-42. Re-recorded 1-30-54. P, 506: Deed - Indenture made 11-18-25 between Elihu Carver of 1st part and John Hopkins and John F. Miller of 2nd part, for $480, for land beginning at section post between sections 19 and 30 in T8 R14, having 640 acres. Signed by Carver on above date. Joined in separate document by wife Justine with her mark, and saying that she had signed voluntarily and without fear. Re-recorded 1-30-5.

Page 509

Deed - Indenture made 11-18-25 between Elihu Carver of 1st part and John Hopkins and John F. Miller of 2nd part, wherein party of 1st part has received $367 paid by party of 2nd part, confirming to party of 2nd part sale of land, bounded on N by Melite Lesassier to Jourdan River, running down meanderings of same to the Bay, containing 490 acres. Signed by Carver on above date. Separate document in agreement signed by Justine Carver, wife, with her mark. Re-recorded 1-30-54.

Page 511

Deed called Indenture made on 10-9-26 between John Bapt. Nicaise, Sr., and Charles Nicaise of the 1st part, and John Hopkins of Jefferson County of 2nd part, for $550 paid by party of 2nd part, for land beginning at S/E corner of land owned by heirs of Elery, Dec., fronting on west bank of the Bay, running to the section line between section 23 and 24, T8 R14, containing 433 acres. Signed by John and Charles Nicaise with their marks, and by John Hopkins. Map attached along with description made by county surveyor on 9-3-26. Re-recorded on 1-28-54.

Page 514

Deed by Pierre Morin of Jourdan River for $240 paid by John Hopkins for land situate in the fork of Bayou LeCroix and Bayou Philip on N side of Bayou Le Croix, confirmed by commissioners of Pierre Carco containing 640 acres. Signed by Morin with his mark on 10-10-26. Re-recorded on 1-30-54.

Page 516

Deed by Daniel F. Guex for $125 paid by Lucien Alibert for land at Shieldsboro fronting on Lake Borgne, measuring 96 feet by 978 feet, starting at a stake which divides the lands of the vendor from of late Gen. EW Ripley, leasing to the southern boundary of Ripley tract. Madam Aimee Guex signed for one dollar paid by Alibert, by which she released all claim either in law or equity to the premises. Signed by Guex and wife on 8-19-47. Re-recorded 1-29-54.

Page 517

Deed by Lucien Alibert of New Orleans for $1000 paid by Mrs. Ann Ramsey of same city, for same land as described in above deed. Signed by Alibert on 3-`17-48. Re-recorded on 1-30-54.

Page 518

Deed by David F. Guex for $150 paid by Thomas Williams for land in Shieldsboro fronting on Lake Borgne measuring 90 feet by Ripley. Signed by Guex and wife Aimee on 8-19-47. Re-recorded on 1-30-54.

Page 520

Deed by Thomas Williams of New Orleans for $225 paid by Mrs. Anne Ramsey of same city for same land as in above deed. Signed by Williams and wife Sarah on 3-17-48. Acknowledged by commissioner of MS deeds for LA. Re-recorded on 1-29-54.

Page 521

Deed by Charles H. Frazar for $60 paid by George W. Moore for lot no. 116 in square R, having 100 feet on Main St. and 125 feet on Harrison St., being S/E quarter of square R in Gainesville. Signed by Frazar and wife Jane with her mark on 12-7-45. Re-recorded on 1-28-54.

Page 523

Deed by Francis Ladner to John Graves. Ladner, administrator of goods and chattels of Louise Nicaise, dec., ordered by Probate Court to sell following piece of land: lot on western bank of Bay at Shieldsborogh, bounded N by Ramon Cuevas, W by Bouquie, S by GL Guardeur [Gardeur], and E by the Bay, having 80 feet front by 40 arpents. Struck off to highest bidder for $1030, having been paid by John Graves. Lot was identified in advertisement as lot No. 3. Signed by Francis Ladner with his mark, as administrator of estate of Louise Nicaise on 5-20-50. Re-recorded on 1-29-54. Added to above is document to effect that Ladner has received $1100 in satisfaction of a certain mortgage. Signed by Ladner on 8-14-52.

Page 525

Deed by John Graves for $1200 paid by Francois Ramagosa of New Orleans, for land in Shieldsborogh bounded on N by Ramon Cuevas, W by public lands, S by Joaquin Robira and E by the Bay, having 83 feet front by 40 arpents, being part of land claim by Joseph and Martial Nicaise. Land said to be same as acquired by Graves by auction from administrator of Louise Nicaise estate dated 5-20-50. [Editor’s note: While this appears to refer to above sale, the description and dimensions are different.] Signed by Graves and wife, Sarah F., on 8-14-52. Re-recorded on 1-29-54.

Page 527

Deed by Joaquin Robira for $800 paid by Francisco Ramagosa of New Orleans for land in Shieldsborough bounded on N by Romagosa, W by Bouquie, S by vendor, and E by the Bay, having 40 feet front by 40 arpents, being part of claim of Joseph and Martial Nicaise. Signed by Robira on 9-11-52; joined by wife Mary with her mark. Re-recorded on 1-29-54.

Page 529

Deed by Jean Lamerchant for love and affection to Lucy Gammon and also for $250 paid by Lucy Gammon for land in Shieldsborough bounded on N by RN Ogden, S by John Hoffman, and E by the Bay, having one arpent front and extending back to the boundary of the Widow Morin claim. Includes houses, out-houses, and improvements. Signed by Lamerchant on 1-19-55.

Page 530

Deed by Gustav Le Gardeur of New Orleans for $617 paid by Francisco Ramagosa of same city in full satisfaction of a mortgage executed by Le Gardeur and wife Solidelle on 10-29-51, conveying to Hippolite Boyer land in Shieldsborough bounded on N by John Graves, W by Bouquie, S by Auguste Lafitte, and E by the Bay, having 80 feet front by 40 arpents. Full satisfaction of mortgage is acknowledged by Boyer, forever discharged. For completion of title, Le Gardeur released and quit claimed to Boyer. Signed by LeGardeur on 9-1-52.

Page 531

Deed by Francois Ladner, administrator of goods and chattels of Louise Nicaise, dec., ordered by Court of Probate to sell land in Shieldsborough bounded on N by Bookter, N by claim of Martial and Joseph Nicaise, W by Bouquie, S by Ramon Cuevas, and E by the Bay, having 148 feet front by 40 arpents. Property struck off to Benjamin Sones, high bidder at $690. Property designated in advertisings as No. 1. Signed by Ladner with his mark, as adm. of estate of Louise Nicaise 5-20-50. Re-recorded on 1-30-54.

Page 535

Deed by George Klenck for $125 paid by Peter Haunck, land in Shieldsborough, bounded on W by Elizabeth Blanck, S by Conrad Hoffman, E by James Ulman, and being part of land conveyed to seller by John B. Toulme, having 100 feet from east to west, and 70 feet N to S. Signed by Klenck and joined by wife with her mark on 1-8-55.

Page 534

Deed by John B. Toulme and wife Victoria on 10-29-49 executed a bond to George Klenck for land in Shieldsborough bounded on N by A. Pepin and now Auguste Scherer and Salles, W by public lands, S by vendor, and E by the Bay, having 70 feet front by 40 arpents. The condition of said bond was that Klenck was to pay $796 at which time Toulme was to execute deed. Now, in consideration of $1600 paid by Jacquet of New Orleans (an assigns of Klenck under the bond for title) Toulme sells to Jacquet, land bounded on N by Scherer, W and S by Klenck, part of the land described in bond above, having 33 feet by 400 feet. Signed by Toulme and joined by wife Victoria with her mark on 2-18-52. Klenck also signed to acknowledge foregoing.

Page 536

Deed by Alfred Jacquet of New Orleans for $700 paid by John Russith, for land in Shieldsborough bounded on N by George Wineberger and Francois Salle, W and S by Klenck, and E by Bay, having 33 feet front by 400 feet. Signed by Jacquet and wife Clotilda on 1-13-55. Acknowledged for LA by Ms commissioner for deed.

Page 538

Deed by Auguste St. Tuall for $600 paid by Pierre Heisser for land in Shieldsborough beginning at a post on S side of Washington St. where a live oak is marked XXX and stands near the edge of the Bay running 820 feet south and 6853 feet along Washington to W boundary of Nicaise, bounded by Bouquie on west, S by Carver, St]r., and E by Pierre Heisser. Signed by St. Tuall on 12-28-54.

Page 539

Deed by Pierre Heisser for $600 paid by John Mazilly and George L’Hote of New Orleans, for land in Shieldsborough (same as in above deed). Signed by Heisser and wife Regina Elizabeth on 12-30-54.

Page 541

Bill of sale by Leonard Kimball for $1302 paid by Jane P. Kimball for a certain Negro boy named Edmond age about 16, a slave for life. Amount is to replace money of wife June Kimball, received from her father, Samuel P. Russ. Seller warrants slave to be sound and healthy. Signed by Kimball on 1-9-55.

Page 542

City of New Orleans - Ogden to Cowand. Robert Ogden of this city for $1040 paid by Mrs. Elizabeth Cowand, of Hancock County, guardian of minor heirs of Jesse Cowand, for land in Shieldsborough bounded on E by Christian, N by township line between T 8 and 9, R14, and between sections 2 and 35, W by land of Adele Dubaleu, and S by Bay, having front of two arpents running back to township line. Signed by RN Ogden on 1-30-55. Separate signing by wife Frances SD Ogden. Acknowledged by LA through commissioner of deeds for MS.

Page 543

Deed by Edward Jacobs of Louisiana for $2200 paid by Robert Clannon of New Orleans, for land in Shieldsborough bounded on N by Clannon, W by Bouquie, S by Bookter, and E by the Bay, having 240 feet front by 40 arpents purchased at administrator’s sale for estate of PRR Pray. Signed by Jacob on 7-16-49. Re-recorded 1-8-54.

Page 545

Deed by Samuel White, administrator of estate of PRR Pray, ordered by probate court to auction land at Shieldsborough, bounded on N by Toulme, Jacob on S, E by the Bay, having 90 feet front by 40 arpents. Signed by White as adm., o n 5-11-49. Re-recorded 3-8-55.

Page 546

Deed by Edwin F. Russ of Pearlington for $350 paid by Nimrod McGuire of same place, for land and buildings on lots no. 1,2,9, and 10, square no. 3 according to the plat of said town. Land is bounded by Pearl, Washington, Levy streets. Signed by Russ and wife Cornelia N. on 2-18-55.

Page 547

Deed by Auguste Scherges for $450 paid by Christian Perre’ for land in Shieldsborough, bounded on N by street by name of Main St., on E by passage of 10-feet wide, on S by DR Walker, W by John B. Toulme, having 25 feet front on Main by 204. Signed by Scherges and wife Rosalia on 4-9-55.

Page 549

Deed by Auguste Scherges for $165 paid by Jacob Bronckorst for land in Shieldsborough, bounded on N “by a street known and called by the name ‘Main Street,’” on E by Casanova, on S by Dudley Walker, on W by vendor, having 33 feet front by 204; and also use of the water out of the well dug at the center of the passage. Signed by Scherges and wife Rosalie on 4-9-55.

Page 550

Deed by Jacob Bronckorst for $700 paid by Mrs. Bertha Berger of New Orleans, for land in Shieldsborough bounded on N by “Main St.,” E by Casanova, S by Walker, and W by passage of 10 feet. Signed by Bronckorst and wife Sophie on 4-11-55.

Page 552

Deed by Samuel White for $600 paid by A. Provosty of Louisiana for land in Shieldsborough, bounded on N by land of vendor sold to Nicholas Carron, on S by vendor, on E by the Bay, and W by the US, having width of 50 feet by depth of 40 arpents. Signed by White and wife Beatina M. on 4-27-55.

Page 553

Deed by James Smith and Hannah Mariah Smith, heirs at law of estate of Hiram Smith, for $175 paid by William Smith for three parcels: 1. 600 arpents on Middle Creek adjoining land of Jesse McGehee; 2. tract purchased from Orvil Perry known as Lipkin Claim, having 640 acres; 3. north corner of tract on which Jesse McGehee resided on 5-21-30, bounded on N by heirs of Hiram Smith, on S by a reed brake, on W by public lands, and on E by McGehee, having 160 acres. Signed by Smith and wife Hannah Maria on 9-6-50. Re-recorded 5-4-55.

Page 555

Deed by Charles H. Frazar for $100 paid by Austin Reeder, for S half on lots 45 and 46, Square H in Gainesville, bounded on N by other half, E by George Moore, S by Pearl St. and W by Ambrose St., having 50 feet on Pearl by 100 feet. Signed by Frazar on 4-11-55.

Page 556

Mortgage by John Baptiste Bernard for $4000 paid by Robert Clannon of New Orleans, for land in Shieldsborough bounded on N by Clannon, W by Bouquie, S claimed and occupied by Alexander Bookter, and E by the Bay, having 140 feet front by 40 arpents. Payments on mortgage spelled out, specifying Louisiana Bank of New Orleans. Signed by Bernard on 2-24-55. Entry on margin of document to effect that debt fully paid as of 1859, signed by Clannon.

Page 558

Lease made on 4-21-55 between Mrs. Angelique Pericoli on one part, and Maurice Bednowski of New Orleans of other part, providing for rental of land and store in Shieldsborough, store known as “F Salles Drug Store,” now occupied by Pericoli, having 42 feet on beach road by 200 feet, bounded on N by unnamed street, on W by lessor, on S by vacant lot of Guillaume Macoullard, and E by the bank of the Bay, together with all shops, easements, passages, ways, commodities, belonging in any way. Term was for 5 years at $250 per year. Provisions made in event of sale, as well as payment of taxes - city, county or state. Signed by both Pericoli and Bednowski on above date.

Page 561

Deed by Marie Lafitte, executor of Auguste Lafitte, dec., for $100 paid by Elihu Carver for land in Shieldsborough beginning at corner of Madam Bofill being 66 by 77 feet, bounded E and N by seller, and W by Bofill and S by Goodchildren St. Signed by Mrs. Lafitte on 4-12-55.

Page 562

Deed by Robert Montgomery for $25 paid by Pierre Carver for part lot no. 6, section 10 T9 R14. Signed by Montgomery on 7-14-52. [Section 10 runs from Gulfside past Waveland Ave.]

Page 563

Will of John M. Mitchell making wife Lovina sole executrix, signed 6-14-55.

Page 564

United States to German, No. 563. Receiver’s office, Augusta, 12-20-33. Receipt from Prestley Jermain for $99 for part section 14, T3 R18, having 79.5 acres. Following above is assignment by Presley German for $100 to Jourdan Morgan, dated 2-19-34. Re-recorded 7-2-55.

Page 565

Deed by John Burnet of Claiborne County for $200 paid by Jordan Morgan, for land on east side of Pearl River, near Bayou Chincokin 16 miles below land of Burrnet granted under Spanish ricket 1200 arpents. Signed by Burnet on 2-6-30. Re-recorded 7-2-55.

Page 566

Last will of Moses Cook of Hobolochitto, leaving all to wife Dolly. Leonard Kimball to be executor. Signed by Cook on 1-21-39. Re-recorded 1855.

Page 567

Mortgage between Amelia Fontenelle Locket and three other parties, named Pickrell, Watt and Cunningham, having to do with slave mulatress about 40 named Virginia Zephyr [might be Tephyr]. In order to make slave woman possible to have freedom, debtor - Lockett - rearranges existing mortgage for $6000 by having Watt and Cunningham give notes for $500 each, total being $1000 by which Virginia can free herself when paid off to them. Signed by all parties, including Virginia, who evidently could write her name, on 7-18-55.

Page 569

Deed by Widow J Dusuan of New Orleans for $1000 paid by Hippolite Boyer, for land in Shieldsborough bounded on N by Johnston, W by Bouquie, S by Desferges, and E by Bay, having 72 feet front by 40 arpents, being part of land sold at auction to Henry Prudehomme of New Orleans in 1845; Court appointed Seal as commissioner to sell to Francis Henry, best bidder, who then sold to Joseph Bosetto on 8-13-45. Signed by Dusuan on 7-16-55.

Page 570

Mortgage by Hippolite Boyer for $1000 paid by Jean Marquez, for land on bank of Bay measuring 72 feet by 40 arpents. Signed by Boyer on 7-16-55.

Page 571

Deed by Elihu Carver for $75 paid by Oliver P. Carr of Madison County, for land beginning at Carr’s land running 690 feet to Carver, by 118 in width; also, lot between John Martin and Capt. Bozetto being 25 by 118 feet. Signed by Carver, Jr. on 3-17-53.

Page 572

Deed by Bernard Bourgiois for $2000 paid by Constantine Beverly of New Orleans for part section 15, T9 R14, running along bank of Bay 6 arpents, forming 13 ½ arpents, part of land purchased by seller from US at Augusta, patent 176 on 2-2-37. Signed by Bourgiois [sic] and joined by wife Isabella with her mark on 8-26-45. Re-recorded 1-30-54. [Section 15 is either the eastern part of Buccaneer Park or Gulfside Assembly.]

Page 574

Deed by Maimilian Bourgiois for $200 paid by CB Beverly of New Orleans, for land bounded on W by public lands, S/E by seller, N by the Bay, being part of section 10, T9 R14, having 96 feet front to boundary of quarter section. Signed by Bourgiois and wife Martha with their marks on 8-11-49. Re-recorded 8-1-55. [Section 10 runs from Gulfside past Waveland Ave.]

Page 576

Deed by Asa Russ for $3000 paid by John Parker for undivided half of unexpired lease made to Asa Hursey by the citizen freeholders of the town of Pearlington for 10 years from 9-8-54, with right to extend for 10 years, being on east bank of Pearl River in front of square no. 4, having 300 feet by 90 feet. Lease includes one half of steam saw mill, blacksmith shop, engine, machinery, tackle, tools. Signed by Hursey 7-14-55.

Page 577

Deed by Honorine Ladner, with consent of husband Victor, for $400 paid by Damier Capo and William Bovois, for land in Shieldsborough, having 100 feet front on the Bay extending back to western boundary of Widow Morin, bounded on N by Verron, W by Morin, and S/W by seller. Signed by Honorine first and then Victor Ladner with their marks on 6-18-55.

Page 578

Mortgage by Damier Capo and William Bovais for $250 paid by Victor Ladner for land in above deed. Signed by Capo and Bovais on 6-18-55.

Page 580

Deed by Joseph Chandler and wife Mary for $50 paid by William J. Poitevent, for lot 1, section 7, T8 R16 of 40 acres. Signed by Chandler and joined by wife Mary Nazile with her mark on 3-3-55.

Page 581

Deed referred to as Indenture made 3-27-45 between Samuel P. Russ of Covington and Martha Ann Folsom, wife of Charles A. of Gainesville for $250 paid to William Poitevent by Martha Folsom, confirming to her land bounded on N by Michael Beck now Mc Laughlin, S and W by Ambrose Gaines, now Frazar, and E by Samuel Russ, being part section 3, T8 R16, having 24 acres and including buildings and improvements. Signed by Samuel and Mary Russ on above date. Re-recorded on 8-9-55.

Page 583

Deed by Charles Frazar for $5 paid by Mrs. Martha A. Folsom, for land on S/W side of purchaser’s land, bounded on W by Pearl River road (from Gainesville to where telegraph line leaves road), on N and E by purchaser (land bought from Sam Russ) and S by Mrs. Nancy Dupriest, having one half acre. Signed by Frazar on 3-17-55.

Page 584

Deed by Martha Folsom with consent of husband Charles A., for $275 paid by George L Crosby for land bounded on N by Michael Beck, S by Gaines, E by Poitevent, part section 3, T8 R16 having 24 acres. Bounded on W by Pearl River road [same as in above deed]. Included buildings and improvements. Signed first by Martha Ann Folsom, then by Charles, on 3-17-55.

Page 586

Deed by Calvin Merrill for $50 paid by Samuel Maxon for land within the Nackasticka tract bounded by line dividing Merrill from Parker and White, one acre (281 feet) front, running along front of house in which Maxon resides, then E to US lands, then N 1 ¼ acre by width of 286 feet. Signed by Merrill on 3-5-41. Two amendments are notated as being done before signing. Re-recorded 8-10-55.

Page 587

Deed by Julian Ladner for $1000 paid by Jesse Boum for 542 acres, bounded by eastern bank of Jourdan River, on E by Charles Favre, N by Charles Nicaise, and further west by John Nicaise, Sr. except 40 acres sold off by Julian for steam mill, being on west bank of Bayou Beneswa. Signed by Julian Ladner with his mark on 5-2-55. Wife Ellen signed with her mark in separate document before Justice of Peace.

Page 588

No. 123.14 - Received at office of Augusta on 7-15-55, from John Zingerling $80 for part section 13, T9 R15, having 160 acres at 55 cents per acre. Following above is deed for same property by Zingerling for $200 paid by Frances Pluex. Singed by Zingerling on 7-1-55.

Page 589

Deed by Charles H. Frazar for $50 paid by JB Wilson of Gainesville, for land in square L [?], bounded by Main, Division, Smythe, and Harrison Streets, being half of lots 115 and 128, 55 feet by 200. Signed by Frazar and joined by wife Jane with her mark on6-17-46. Re-recorded 8-20-55.

Page 591

Deed by JB Wilson for $375 paid by B Sones of Gainesville, for land in above deed. Signed by Wilson on 12-10-49. Re-recorded 8-20-55.

Page 593

Deed by Charles H. Frazar for $25 paid by Benjamin Sones for part lots 114 and 129, bounded by same streets as in P. 589; also 50 by 200 feet. Signed by Frazar and joined by wife Jane with her mark on 8-20-51. Re-recorded on 8-20-55.

Page 594

deed by Benjamin and Rebecca Sones for $375 paid by Martha A. Folsom, for lots in deeds on p. 589 and p. 593. Signed by Sones and wife on 10-21-53

Page 595

Deed by John Wilson and wife Ellen for $250 paid by Mary E. Folsom, for lot in Gainesville bounded by Union and Center Sts, and land of McAlister and Poitevent, having 55 feet on Center, by 125 feet, being lot 58 in sq. J. Signed by Wilson and wife on 2-17-55.

Page 596

Bill of sale by Charles H. Frazar for $1900 paid by Charles H. Jarrell and Bernetta Cooper, late Bernetta Jarrell, for certain Negro woman named Rose and two children, slaves for life. Signed by Frazar on 8-27-55.

Page 597

Deed by John Mazilly and George L’Hote for $375 paid by Alois Fisher, for land in Shieldsborough beginning at foot of Washington St. by live oak on bank of the Bay bearing XXX, 837 feet by 150 on Washington, bounded on W by seller, S by Bosetta, and E by Peter Heisser. Signed by Mazilly and L’Hote and wife Octaive on 4-9-55.

Page 599

Deed of mortgage by Constantine Beverly for $450 paid by Amable Hue, for lot no. 18 according to plan made by Monet, Esq. Surveyor on 8-21-49, having 100 feet front on Bay by 1200, being part section 155, T9R14 and part of the 13 ½ arpents purchased by seller on 8-26-48. Signed by Beverly and wife Celine on 5-4-54.

Page 600

Deed by Enoch M. McFadden, Jr., for $100 paid by Enoch, Sr., for land lying on Turtle Skin, being section 29, bounded by section 20 on N, on E by section 28 public lands, S by section 32 public lands, on W by lot no. 3 claimed by Leonard, Sr. Signed by Mc Fadden, Jr. on 9-11-55.

Page 601

Deed by Milton McFadden for $100 paid by Enoch M. McFadden Sr., for land on Turtle Skin being section 20, T7 R16, bounded by public lands and land of Leonard. Signed by McFadden on 9-11-55.

Page 602

Deed by John Graves, Sheriff, as special commissioner appointed by Court to sell land due to foreclosure on mortgage. John B. Toulme was complainant; defendants were heirs of John Louis Drouet (Arsene, Louis, Leon, Clementine and Francine). Property was in Shieldsborough bounded by Toulme, Bouquie, Ledoux and the Bay, having 40 feet front by 40 arpents, with exception of 440 feet being the width of the courthouse lot and one half on 2nd and 3rd streets, reserved in deed by John B. Toulme. Dudley Walker was high bidder at $500. Signed by Graves on 2-21-53.

Page 603

Deed by Dudley R. Walker for $500 paid by John B. Toulme, for land in above sheriff’s sale. Signed by Walker on 4-29-54.

Page 604

Deed by John B. Toulme for $300 paid by Hippolite victor Long Duplan, for land beginning at a post at the N/W corner of the courthouse 200 feet by 214 feet, bounded by Petit, Duplan, and seller. Signed by Toulme on 5-26-49; joined by wife Victoria with her mark. Re-recorded on 9-19-55.

Page 606

Deed by Hippolite Duplan of New Orleans for $700 paid by Hippolite Gardebled, for land beginning at a post at the N/W corner of the courthouse 200 feet by 214 feet, bounded by Toulme on three sides, and by land left by Toulme for a street known as Main St. or Pearlington Road. Signed as Long Duplan and by wife Victorine S. on 6-14-51.

Page 608

Indenture dated 10-8-55 between Francois Hillairet of 1st part, and Mistress Ann Free of New Orleans of 2nd part, wherein party of 1st for $613 sold land bounded on N by Peyton, W by public land, S by Bourgois, and E by Gulf, being part of section 10, T9, R14, having 96 feet front to the boundary of the quarter section. Signed by Hillairet on date above.

Page 610

Lease by Victorine de la Lanza to Otis M. Oliver for his house in Shieldsborough, bounded on N by Jones, S by Ploux, E by the Bay, together with kitchen, stables, out houses for one year from 5-15-55 for $245. Signed by Lanza on 6-5-55.

Page 610

Deed by John Mazilly and George L’Hote for $40 paid by Pierre Heisser, for land in Shieldsborough, bounded on N by Washington St., on W by vendor, on E by purchaser, beginning at Washington St. by a live oak marked XXX going S/E 807 feet and then along street 30 feet by 110 feet, being part of land bought by vendors on 12-28-54. Signed by Mazilly and L’Hote on 4-9-55; joined by Octavie L’Hote.

Page 612

John Mazilly and George L’Hote for $125 paid by Joseph Huber for land in Shieldsborough, beginning at a post on Washington St. by live oak marked XXX, going 1207 feet along street and then S to area measuring 107 feet by 100, bounded on N by the street, by vendors on W, on S by Carr, on E by Aveinous. Signed by Mazilly and wife Marie and L’Hote and wife Octavie on 9-4-55.

Page 614

Agreement between Hippolite Boyer and Pierre Gragnon dated 9-26-55. Boyer agrees to sell to Gragnon all the right, title etc. he has to utensils of a certain bakery, now occupied by Boyer, in Main St. in Shieldsborough, owned by John B. Toulme. Included are horse, 2 carts, common horse cart, five cords of wood, and all necessary apparatus for the baking of bread. Boyer will pay Toulme rents due 10-1-55, and then taken over by Gragnon. Price was $600. Included is a detailed “non-compete clause” for next 5 years.

Page 616

Deed by John Mazilly for $250 paid by Charles Aveinious, for land measuring from Washington St. oak marked XXX going back 1007 feet to site measuring 200 feet along street by 107, bounded by street on N, on W by vendor, on S by Carr, and on E by Ploux, being part of land conveyed to St. Uall by heirs of Nicaise. Signed by Mazilly and L’Hote and wives Marie and Octavie on 7-25-55.

Page 619

Deed by Charles Frazar for $40 paid by Wm. J. Poitevent for land in Gainesville bounded by seller on N, Ambrose St on E, S by seller, W by Frazar St., having 100 feet on Ambrose by 200 feet to Frazar St. Signed by Frazar on 9-4-55.

Page 621

Deed by Charles Frazar for $100 paid by George M. Moore for lot no. 44 in Gainesville, the S/E corner of square H, bounded on N by lot 54, E by Center and S by Pearl, and W by lot 45, having 50 by 100 feet. Signed by Frazar on 9-28-55.

Page 623

Deed by John B. Toulme and wife Victoire for $200 paid by Conrad Hoffman for land on Morin St. in Shieldsborough, bounded on W by vendor, N by Klenck, E by Ulman, having 100 feet front on Morin St. by 125 feet. Signed by Toulme on 10-20-53; joined by wife with her mark.

Page 624

Quit claim recited by Asa Russ of having in March 1849 for $750 paid by Jacques E. Saucier for land on west bank of Bay in Shieldsborough bounded by on N by Manuel Muniz, W by Bouquie, S by Poincy, and E by the Bay, having 79 feet front by 40 arpents, Russ then states he is willing and desirous to supply title to Stanislas Buteux, for one dollar, premises in possession of Buteux. Signed by Russ and wife Mary on 9-8-55. [Editor’s note: Father Buteux was the missionary who founded the Catholic parish in Bay St. Louis and two schools, including St. Stanislaus.]

Page 627

Deed by Nicholas Carron for $100 paid by Charles Thierry for land in Shieldsborough bounded as follows: beginning at line between vendor and Fayard, dec., 300 feet from public road leading to Bernard Bourgeois, measuring 300 by 90 feet, bounded on N by 10 feet of vacant land, W by vendor, S by purchaser, E by vendor. Signed by Carron and wife Orphine with their marks on 8-5-53.

Page 629

New Orleans - Claude and John Schwertzer of this city sell to Bazile Francois Salles, also of this city, stock of apothecary store in 3rd ward, corner Frenchmen and Casa Calvo in a house belonging to Mrs. Guenard, together with the merchandize, wares and goods, furniture, pictures, of which the purchaser acknowledges that he is in possession. For $1800, vendors sell stock, etc. and their one-year renewable lease given by Guenard, whom they agree to pay $0 per month. Insurance policy for $2000 required to cover stock against fire. Salles then mortgages in favor of vendors, property in Shieldsborough bounded on N by Apothecary St., on W by Bouquie, S by Macoullard, and E by the Bay, having 42 feet front by 40 arpents. Signed by all parties on 8-27-56. Accepted by clerk of probate court, Elihu Carver, on 3-30-57.

Page 631

New Orleans - Indenture made on 5-25-57 between Henry Frellson of this city and Wright Verdenburgh also of this city, for $9,100 in which Frellson sold to Verdenburgh five lots in Shieldsborough numbered 5 to 9 of original plat deposited with notary Ainsworth of this city. Each is 90 feet by 1980, and includes buildings and improvements. Lots acquired from different sellers: Burthe, Taylor, Barrierre, and Napoleon Fremaux in 1850s. Signed by Frellson on above date.

Page 632

Deed by Thomas Randall, Sheriff, by order of court to sell goods and chattels and lands of Charles White, in case of White as plaintiff and John B. Toulme as defendant. Levy was made on tract in Shieldsborough bounded on back part of Union St. about 900 feet from front road, measuring 300 by 56 feet, bounded on all sides by property of Toulme. Property was sold on 3-19-55 at Gainesville court house to Toulme, best bidder at $32. Signed by Randall on 3-19-55.

Page 633

Deed by George Klenck for 900 paid by John Andrews of New Orleans for land in Shieldsborough bounded on N by John Rochick and Salles, W by Ulman, S by John Victor Toulme, and E by the Bay, having 37 feet front, part 265deep and in whole 665 feet deep. Mention made of “public road with width of 37 feet extending through the Bay for summer houses.” Signed by Klenck on 6-6-57; joined by wife Mary with her mark.

Page 635

Mortgage for $500 by John S. Andrews paid by George Klenck for land as in above deed. Signed by Andrews on 6-8-57. Notation in margin by Klenck says fully paid.

Page 636

Bill of sale by Christian Koch for love and affection for beloved friends James and Florentine Graves, and Celeste and Isaac, their children, and also for other good considerations. Koch grants to them his Negro boy Joseph, about 14, and appoints Graves to manage the boy’s work. Signed by Kock on 1-16-51.

Page 637

Deed by Samuel McCall for $100 paid by Calvin Merrill for one-fourth part of tract confirmed to Hugh McCall, on E bank of East Pearl bounded by Moses Murphy on N, and Daniel McCall on S, being ¼ of 200 arpents. Signed by Mc Call on 8-11-51.

Page 638

Deed by Leonard, attorney for heirs of Calvin Merrill, deceased. Heirs were Daniel Seymour, Charles Merrill, and Sarah Johnston, all of Connecticut. Kimball sold for $30 land of Hugh McCall described in above deed. Signed by Kimball on 6-26-57.

Page 638

Deed dated 5-25-57 between Francisco Ramogosa and Elizabeth Clark, his wife, of 1st part, and Thomas Hale of 2nd part, all of New Orleans, for land in Shieldsborough bounded on N by Ramon Cuevas, on W by public lands, S by Jouquin Robira, and E by Bay, having 83 feet front by 40 arpents. Consideration was $7,500 paid by party of 2nd part. A special mortgage was retained on the premises. Signed by Ramagosa and wife Elizabeth and by Hale, on above date.

Page 641

Indenture made 0n 5-19-57 between Samuel J. Peters [Jr.], acting as attorney for Mistress Marianne Angelique Peters, widow of Samuel Peters of Jefferson Parish, of 1st part, and Jules Tuyes [sp?], Esq., of New Orleans, of 2nd part. Party of 1st part sells to 2nd for $5,000, land in Shieldsborough bounded on N by Fagot, W by Upton, S by Cesaire Olivier, and E by the Bay, having 287 feet front by 40 arpents to the west boundary of Mary Parish land, with all the buildings, being same as purchased by Mm. Peters from estate of Samuel Peters in 1856. Signed by Mrs. M A Peters and Samuel J. Peters, Jr. on above date.

Page 642

State of Georgia, Richmond County - Joseph M. Newby and wife Mary Adelaide, for divers good causes and consideration appoint Christopher C. Talleaferro attorney to bargain and sell and dispose of all our lands. Signed by Newby and wife on 6-5-57. Acknowledged by state of Georgia and recorded for Hancock County.

Page 643

Deed by Napoleon Monet, special commissioner appointed by court, to act in foreclosure of mortgage wherein Pierre Cuevas was complainant and Euphrosine Guardia and husband P. Nolasco Guardia were defendants. Complainant was decreed to collect $680, for which land in Shieldsborough was sold, bounded on N/E by Adele Dubalin, on N/W and S/W by land of Carron, and S/E by the Bay, having 90 feet front. Napoleon Street mentioned. Struck off to Pierre Cuevas for $1010. Signed by Monet on 6-6-57.

Page 645

Deed by N. Monet as special commissioner appointed by court in matter of foreclosure on mortgage wherein Hippolite Gardebled was complainant and Euphrosine Guardia and husband P. Nolasco Guardia were defendants, and it was decreed that complainant recover $141, for which property to be sold at auction in front of the Market house in Shieldsborough, property bounded on N by Canna, W by heirs of Hopkins, S by Thilan, and E by the Bay, having 96 feet front by 40 arpents. John B. Toulme was high bidder at $650. Signed by Monet on 6-6-57.

Page 646

Deed by Robert Montgomery of Pike County for $2paid by Cader Colly for 6 acres square, part section 9, T9 R14, adjoining land where Colly lives. Signed by Montgomery of 11-28-54. [Section 9 is interior land north of Buccaneer Park, and includes Jackson Marsh.]

Page 647

Transfer by John V. Toulme, treasurer of Hancock County, in case of court judgment of William and Aaron Frierson and Peter Nelson for $275. Frierson gave bond in amount of $521, which bond was forfeited. Principal and interest came to $308, paid by WW Carre and Co. for which Carre could recover against assets of Frierson. Signed by John V. Toulme as treasurer, on 7-17-57.

Page 648

Bill of sale by Daniel C. Stanley for $1,700 paid by Joseph Nicaise, for Negro slave woman named Maria, age 25, and her two children, namely Kathy about 5, and Milicy about 2, all slaves for life, free from all encumbrances. Maria and older child are healthy in every way but Milicy is partly crippled. Nicaise must agree to keep the child for 12 months of return her to seller who will pay $200. Signed by Stanley on 7-17-57.

Page 648

Deed by James Murphy for $5,250 paid by Manuel Muniz for parcel in Shieldsborough bounded on N b Combell, W by Bouquie, S by James E. Saucier, E by line of Madame Charlo claim, having 60 feet front on Bay by 40 arpents, together with all buildings, dry goods, groceries, and all merchandize. Signed by Murphy on 3-6-57.

Page 649

Deed by Modeste Rosalie Biermann for $1000 paid by Thibale Mendes of New Orleans, for land in Shieldsborough, bounded on N by Main St. for 125 feet, and from which last mentioned post the n/w corner of the courthouse 250 feet. Bounded on N by Klenck, W by Gardebled, S by Main St. and E by Voneau, being part of land sold by JB Toulme in 1849. Signed by Biermann on 7-3-57.

Page 651

Deed by Julius Monet as administrator of rights and credits of John Joseph Jourdan, who died intestate, in case of court order did sell at auction at Market House in Shieldsborough, for $50 paid by Samuel Fagot, for land containing about 1,000 arpents, described in chains and links as land in sections 16, 17, 19, and 20, T8 R14. It is said to be on River D’Estaing. [Ed. Note: this appears to be same as Bayou LaCroix, and the land is part of Devil’s Swamp.] Signed by Monet on 7-6-57.

Page 652

Julius Monet as administrator of goods and credits of John Joseph Jourdan, is ordered by court to sell land at auction. Done at Market House in Shieldsborough, for $300 paid by HF Deblieux of Louisiana for Jourdan’s Old Place, measuring 640 acres bordering sections 4, 5, 8, and 9, T8 R14. Signed by Monet on 7-6-57.

Page 653

Deed by Richard Griffith, Marshall for southern district of MS as party of 1st part, and Wm. J. Poitevent and PH Goodyear of other part, in which case court directed Marshall to sell land of Nicholas H. Mitchell in suit by Nathaniel L. Mitchell. Sale made to parties of 2nd part for $176, for 500 acres in section 29 and 200 in section 20, T8 R16. Signed by Griffith on 10-25-54.

Page 654

Deed by Owin Miller for $200 paid by Wm. Frazar for land beginning at Irishman Branch, west edge of Main Pearl River road to the first edge of the top of the hill to a certain pine tree, then to the edge of the swamp and containing 8 acres. Signed by Miller and wife Matilda on 8-4-57.

Page 655

Lease made on 8-20-57 by [Mrs. ?] Francis Netto of Pearlington and Wm. Poitevent of Gainesville of lots in Pearlington no. 3 to 7, square no. 1, bounded by Levee, Washington, and Pearl Streets and lots 2 and 8, for term of 5 years for $150. Signed on above date by Florantine Netto with “his” mark, and WJ Poitevent.

Page 656

Deed by Naamam Loud Burges of New Orleans for $300 paid by Thomas Brown for parts section 8 and 9, T9 R14, totaling about 434 acres. Signed by Burges and wife Mary Jane on 8-20-57. [Section 8 is north of Clermont Harbor; section 9 is north of Buccaneer Park.]

Page 657

Deed by Andrew Stanger for $100 paid by Mrs. Isabella Sheriff for land bounded on N by Swasay, S by Loux, and E by the Bay, having front of ¼ arpent being part of land conveyed to Sheriff in 1849. Signed by Stamger and wife Elizabeth on 12-18-54.

Page 658

Deed by Isabella Sheriff of 1st part and Henry Swasay of New Orleans of 2nd part for $100 for land bounded on N by Swasay, S by Loux, and E by Bay, having front on ¼ arpent by [blank]. Signed by Sheriff o n 5-4-56.

Page 659

Deed by John B. Toulme for $200 paid by David W. Johnston for land in Shieldsborogh bounded by Main St. on S, E and W by vendor, and N by Chassin, having front on Main 100 feet by 122. Signed by Toulme on 9-7-57; joined by wife Victoire with her mark.

Page 661

Deed by Charles W. McCarty for $400 paid by James B, Mitchell for south half of lots 2 to 6, section 19, T 7 R16, having 304 acres. Signed by McCarty on 9-15-57.

Page 661

Deed by Wm. J. Poitevent for $400 paid by Daniel C. Stanley for lot no. 57 of having front on Center of 57 feet, running back 125. Signed by Poitevent and wife Mary A. on 10-9-57.

Page 662

Deed by John B. Toulme for $150 paid by Mrs. Harriette Atkinson for lot of land on west side of the first ravine on Main St., bounded by Main and land of Toulme, having 200 by 200 feet. Signed by Toulme on 9-24-56; joined by wife Victoire with her mark.

Page 664

Deed wherein Mathew Holloday and wife Charlotte Holloday sell to Jacob Seal, Sr., for $100 West ½ of Lot No. 1 of Fractional S10 T4S R18W containing 40 acres; also East ½ of Lot No. 1 of Fractional S10 T4S R18W containing 40 acres. Dated Dec. 1, 1856. Signed by Mathew and Charlotte H. Holloday. Witnesses: H. Brown, John S. Brush.

Page 664

Deed called an Indenture dated Oct. 18, 1856, John Pullum and wife Amarantha Pullum to Jacob Seal for $120, South ½ of Lot No. 5 quarter of S10 T4S R18W, containing 40 acres, reserving permanent right-of-way for Pullum through the north part of the premises. Signed by John and Amarantha Pulliam (signed their name as “Pulliam”). Witnessed by John S. Brush and H. Brown.

Page 665

Mortgage called an indenture made Oct. 26, 1857, by Leocadie Bruet, wife of Ernest Coignard, and Ernest Coignard joining, to Jacques Arthur Guillotte , all of New Orleans, for $719 cash in hand paid, a lot on the western bank of Bay of St. Louis bounded on north by lands now claimed by E.A. Bienvenu, on the west by land claimed by heirs of John M. Hopkins, deceased, on the south by land claimed by John B. Farve, and on the east by Bay of St. Louis, having one acre front on the Bay and running north 40 arpents. $719 promissory note for balance payable one year after date and renewable for another year thereafter. Signed by Leocadie Coignard first and Ernest Coignard second. Witnessed by P.C. (illegible). Acknowledged by Walter Hicks Peters, commissioned by MS for LA.

Page 667

Deed. Antoine Cyprien Tremoulet of New Orleans to Honorine Deblieux and Mistress Therese Cowand widow of Joseph Cowand. Deceased, for $5,000, all that tract of land situated in the Town of Shieldsborough containing by estimation 64 superficial arpents, about 316 feet wide, fronting on Bay of St. Louis, and 40 arpents deep, bounded on east by the said Bay of St. Louis, on the north by property of Felix Pierce, on the south by the property known lately of George Fosdick and which tract is formed of two tracts, one former of the property of Christian Roselius and the other the property of Antoine Auberi Lafoust and adjacent; also all the furniture in the house, movables, and implements on the premises. Octave Tremoulet, wife of the said Antoine Cyprien Tremoulet, consented for $1. Signed by A.G. Tremoulet and O. Tremoulet, Aug. 22, 1857. Acknowledged by Richard Brenan, commissioner of MS for LA.

Page 668

Deed. Emma Hincks, Administratrix of Estate of David O. Hincks, deceased, of New Orleans, sold to Mistress Esmeralda Morphy, the highest and best bidder, for $2,500 on Aug. 31, 1857, land bounded on north belonging to the heirs of Nancy B Arnold, deceased, on the west by land belonging to the claim of J. Bouquie, on the south by land claimed by John Mazilly and others, and by a street known as Washington St., and on the east by Bay of St. Louis, 68 feet front on the Bay of St. Louis, 40 arpents deep. Signed by Emma Hincks. Witnessed by Louis V. Wilty and Thomas Cummings. Acknowledged by Robert Kir, commissioner of MS in LA.

Page 670

Deed dated Oct. 12, 1857, wherein J.B. Pierce, guardian of Florida Arnold, Kate B. Arnold, and Nannie G. Arnold, minor heirs of Major Briley A. Arnold, deceased, of the U.S. Army, sells to highest bidder Elizabeth A. Pierce, wife of S. Blanton Pierce for $900 the following land: known as the late residence of Mrs. N.B. Arnold deceased: bounded on the north by lands of J.R. Walker and Madeline Michell, west by land claimed by Bouquie, south by lands belonging to the heirs at law of David O. Hincks, deceased, and east by the Bay of St. Louis fronting 76 feet on the Bay, extending back 40 arpents on which lands Willis H. Arnold and the said M.B. Arnold resided at the time of their respective deaths. Pierce were guardians of the aforesaid minors. Signed by J. Blanton Pierce, guardian. This was sold to Elizabeth Pierce, his wife. Witnessed by C.C. Mitchell and D.W. Johnston.

Page 671

Deed. William Summers for $200 to Charles W. McCarty, Fractional S15 T7S R17W, containing 69 20/100 acres. Rebecca Summers joined with her husband for $1 in relinquishing her rights and claims in which she has a dower. Oct. 26, 1857. Signed by William and Rebecca Summers. Witnessed by Felton D. Conley, member of Board of Police Beat No. 1.

Page 672

Mortgage to Constantine B. Beverly by F.R. Witter for $7,600. Description: Beginning at the SE corner of land of George Purvis, thence running N 37 degrees W 1,050 feet more or less, thence E 60 feet, thence S 41 degrees E 1,050 feet more or less to the bank of Gulf of Mexico, thence along said bank S 52 degrees W 1,075 feet to the place of beginning, bounded on the NE by land belonging to the said C.B. Beverly, on the N by land belonging to Mrs. Celine Beverly, on the SW by land claimed by George Purvis, and on the SE by the Gulf of Mexico, being part of Fractional S15 T9S R14W; also another lot of land beginning at the NW corner of said land of George Purvis, running N 37 degrees W 28 chains and 50 links, thence E 17 chains and 59 links, then S 5 degrees E 24 chains, thence W 3 chains and 75 links to the place of beginning containing 25 superficial acres bounded on the E, N, and W by lands belonging to the said Mrs. Beverly and on the S by lands belonging to George Purvis, and the above-described lot being a part of Lot No. 5 of S10 T9S R14W. (Goes on to describe the amounts and dates notes are due, the last being on Jan. 1, 1861, nine in all.) F.R. Witter signed Nov. 4, 1857. Witnessed by A. Jackson, J.F.H. Claiborne.

Page 674

Deed called an indenture.dated Aug. 26, 1867 between Jean Lezier of New Orleans and Octavie, his wife, to Manuel Elliot, also of N.O., for $500, one undivided half of land designated as No. 12 on sketch hereto, 90 feet front on Bay of St. Louis, 1980 feet deep, which tract was acquired by the said Jean Lezier jointly with Manuel Elliot from Justin Fremaux, M.B. Fremeaux, and F.C.M. Fremeaux on May 26, 1849. Octavie Lezier consented to relinquish rights “whether by virtue of her dower or otherwise.” Signed J. Lezier and O. Lezier. Witnessed by G. Raushide and H. Commander. Acknowledged by George Raushide, commissioned by MS for LA. Plan of tract of land of heirs of Francis Fremaux is attached on p. 676.

Page 677

Lease called an indenture, May 11, 1857, from Hancock County to Jacob Seal, Sr., for 99 years Fractional S16 T4S R18W. Seal was the best bidder for the sum of $146. Signed by Thomas Stockstill, President, Board of Police.

Page 678

Dead of trust. For $5 paid by T. M.. Payne, Samuel Broadwell and wife Virginia P.M. Broadwell sell to William A Broadwell the following: First, on the NE by lands formerly claimed by Cadet Lafontaine, NW by public lands, SW by lands formerly claimed by John B. Toulme, and SE by Bay of St. Louis, having two arpents front, running north 45 degrees W to the NW boundary of Widow Morans. Second is another tract bounded NE by lands purchased by Josiah Broadwell from Sapel and George Carrico, NW by public lands, SW by lands conveyed by said Broadwell afterwards by said Toulme, and SE by Bay of St. Louis, having one arpent front, extending back N 25 degrees W to the NW boundary of Widow Morans claim. Third, another parcel of land bounded on the NE by lands conveyed to Josiah Broadwell by said Toulme, NW by public lands, SW by lands claimed by said Toulme, and SE by the Bay of St. Louis, two arpents front, extending back N 25 degrees W to the NW boundary of Widow Morans claim. Fourth, bounded on NE by lands claimed by Iram Necase (sic), NW by lands claimed by the heirs of F. Fremaux, SW by lands purchased by Josiah Broadwell from Sapel and George Carrico, and SE by Bay of St. Louis, having 90 feet front, extending N 45 degrees west to the NW of Widow Morans claim. All said lands were acquired by Samuel Broadwell from Josiah Broadwell and Susan his wife by deed dated June 13, 1849, recorded in Book I, p. 318-320. Total amount of purchase was $6,000. The document goes on to explain the details of the deed of trust. Signed Nov. 20, 1856, by Samuel Broadwell, W.A. Broadwell, and Virginia Broadwell. Witnessed by John M. Andrews. Acknowledged by R.P. Harrison, commissioned by MS for LA.

Page 680

Schedule of personal property held by Victoria Sherwood prior to marriage: Henry, a boy aged 12. Josette, a woman aged 19 and her 3 children: George, a boy aged 5. Saurah, a girl aged 3. Allae, a girl aged 2. All slaves for life. Signed by Victoria Sherwood, September 15, 1854.

Page 681

Quit claim and deed of release dated December 14, 1857, from Victor Ladner and Honorine Ladner, his wife, and Leon or Leander Ladner to Robert N. Ogden and John B. Toulme “for themselves and other parties associated and concerned with them, whose names will hereinafter be mentioned.” (A list of names appears on the third page of the document.) This was done per the order of the court rendered by B. C. Buckley, Vice-Chancellor, on June 18, 1857, in Cause No. 98 and relates to the Ramon v. Ladner, et al, lawsuit. Victor and Honorine received $1500, partly in cash, partly in promissory notes, and Leon or Leander Ladner received $1, from Robert N. Ogden, John B. Toulme, Samuel Broadwell, Louis Christian Katzenberger, Adele Dubalier, Nicholas Carron, and Jean Necaise original complainants, and by John Hoffman successor in part of Louis Christian Katzenberger, Auguste Campa successor to Charles Blank and Andrew Strongis, Lucie LeMarchant successor in part to Jeanne Chevalier. Victor and Honorine signed with their marks, Leander Ladner signed. Witnessed by Cader Colley and James A. Ulman. (The document is 3 pages in length and goes into details of property descriptions.)

Page 684

Deed of trust dated June 29, 1857, between Adele Dubalier of the first part and Victor and Honorine Ladner of the second part and Robert N. Ogden of the third part for purpose of securing punctual payment of promissory note of $250 from Dubalier for property bounded by Widow Morin’s claim, NE by Ogden, NW by Faustin Dupuys, SW by Pierre Cuevas, and SE by Bay of St. Louis. Ogden given power to auction property if note is not paid timely. Signed by A. Dubalier and R. N. Ogden, acknowledged by R Brenan, commissioner of MS for LA. Note in margin that deed of trust fully satisfied prior to death of J.B. Toulme.

Page 685

Transfer: Dec. 16, 1857. Honorine and Victor Ladner sell to John B. Toulme for $250 the above deed of trust. Honorine and Victor sign with mark. Witnessed by James A. Ulman.

Page 685

Deed of trust June 22,1857, between August Campe of the first part, Victor and Honorine Ladner of the second part, and Robert N. Ogden of the third part for purpose of securing punctual payment of promissory note of $100 from Campe for property bounded by Widow Morin’s claim, NE by Nicholas Carron, NW by Faustin Dupuys, SW by RobertN. Ogden, and SE by Bay of St. Louis. Ogden given power to auction property if note is not paid timely. Signed by Auguste Campe and Robert N Ogden. Witness J.L. Christian.

Page 687

Transfer: Dec. 16, 1857. Honorine and Victor Ladner sell to John B. Toulme for $100 the above deed of trust. Honorine and Victor sign with their marks. Witness James A. Ulman.

Page 687

Deed by John N. Legrand and wife Sarah C. Legrand, December 5, 1857, to Leonard Kimball for $100, 360 acres . NE ¼ 33-5-17W and the N ½ of Lot 4 34-5-17. Signed by John N. and Sarah C. Legrand. Witnessed by S.S. Henry and J.C. Monet.

Page 688

Deed for $350.50 from Samuel Thomas Randall to Missouri Mary E. Hart in Town of Gainesville, Block Aa, bounded N and W by Abmbrose St., S and E by Centre St., S and W by Holister St., N and E by Blackman St. 200’ square, containing one acre more or less. Missouri A. Hart joined for $1. Signed by S. Thomas and Missouri A. Randall. Witnessed by Thomas Leonard and D.W. Johnston. Jan 1, 1858.

Page 689

Deed from Joseph B. Newman for $800 to Joseph Wheat for a certain plantation being the undivided ½ of claim confirmed by Congress of US to John Strahan, Jr. Property lies in Sections 2 and 3 T3S R18W. Parcels contain 642 acres more or less and 321 acres more or lesson E side of Pearl River. Signed by Joseph B. Newman and Eran Newman on Nov. 10, 1857. Witnessed by William C. Wheat and Hezekiah Wheat.

Page 690

Deed from William J. Poitevent for $450 to Daugherty Gause for land in City of Gainesville bounded by Pearl St., Ambrose St., Water St., and Frazar St., full block of 200’square, Lots 23-26 , Square F. Mary Poitevent joined with her husband for $1. Signed by W.J. and Mary A. Poitevent Aug. 4, 1855. Witnessed by Charles A. Folsom.

Page 691

Deed from Bernard Bourgeois for $4,500 to Martha D. Claiborne for tract of land on which he lately resided adjoining lands of Maxamiliam Bourgeois, Pierre Carver, C.B. Beverly and others. Property begins at a post on the beach, describes lightwood stump, pine, sweet gum tree, all marked with “x”, etc. Contains 43 acres. Fractional S10 T9S R14W and part of Lot 1 Fractional S15, same TR, described in Patent No. 1436 and No. 176. Signed by B. Bourgeois. Elizabeth Bourgeois signed with her mark. Witnessed by C. A. Mims and James A. Ulman. Jan. 12, 1858.

Page 693

Deed from John Baptist Toulme and John Martin for $4,000 to Mrs. Widow Zoe Dusau and Mrs. Zoe Fortier of NO for land bounded N by John Martin, W by J. Bourgeois, S by Rose Marte, E by Bay of St. Louis, 62’ by 40 arpents. Victoire Toulme and Camilia A. Martin joined for $1. Signed by J.B. Toulme, John and Camilia A. Martin. Victoire signed with her mark. Witnessed by E. Garandy and John B. Toulme as to J. Martin and wife. Aug. 30, 1857.

Page 695

Deed from William Frazar for $175 to Daniel C. Stanley for 8 acres more or less beginning at the run of Irishmans Branch on W edge of main Pearl River Road. William and Martha Frazar signed with their mark. Witnessed by E.E. McFadden and C.A. Folsom, Jan 30, 1858.

Page 696

Deed dated Jan 18, 1858, from William H. and Mary I. Anderson, Adams County, to Horace Bondman of Tensas Parish, for $5,000 for tract known as J.B. Ladner claim, 640 acres, being same land conveyed by Dudley R. Walker and wife to said William H. Anderson Mar. 4, 1847. Signed by W.H. and Mary I . Anderson. Witnessed by J.A.Y. Domplain and Albert A. Bondman. Acknowledged by Reuben Bullock, Probate Court Judge.

Page 697

Bill of Sale for $1,000 from James B. and Anna E. Mitchell to Mistress Artimetia A. Roberts, a stock of cattle. Description follows of marks and brands. Signed by James B. and Anna E. Mitchell Feb. 15, 1858. Witnessed by Elihu Carver, Chris C. Mitchell, D.W. Johnston.

Page 698

Deed. Peter Heisser for $250 to Nicolas Bengarth for 2 lots in Shieldsborough : 100’ by 110’ on Washington St. recorded in Book A, p. 41 & 42; second lot begins at a post from that lot and is 807’ from live oak tree marked with xxx on the Bay, etc., recorded in Book A, p. 611 & 612. Regine Heisser joined with hus. for $1. Both signed Feb. 8, 1858. Witnessed by J.C. Monet.

Page 700

Deed called trust. Jacob Rooth to George F. Klenck for use of Margeret Rooth, to provide for her reasonable security and comfortable support. Real and personal property. Sw ¼ of SW ¼ and NW ¼ of the SW ¼ 34-8-14, 80 acres. Describes furniture, livestock, etc., and details the terms and conditions of said trust. Signed by Jacob Rooth and G. Klenck Feb. 27, 1858.

Page 702

Deed wherein Elizabeth Roach with consent of husband John Roach for $70 sells to Mary Favre 100 acres in NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 17-8-15. Dated March 4, 1858. Elizabeth signs; John R. Roach signs with his mark. Witnessed by George W. Moore and George W. Bankston.

Page 703

Deed called indenture dated July 9, 1836. Andrew Seal and wife Sukey sell to Zebulon E. Pendleton of Lawrence Co. for $450 land on E. bank of Pearl River at Walkiah Bluff containing 800 arpents, bounded W by Pearl River, S by Solomon Loots claim, E by public land, N by Simon Favre. Both Andrew and Susana Seal signed with their marks. Jul. 9, 1836. Witnessed by Calvin Merrill, G.W. Moore, and Andrew Jackson Seal. Recorded March 5, 1858.

Page 704

Deed. Gartman & Pendleton to Foute. First part describes the court ordered sale by John Gartman and Eliza A. Pendleton, administrators of the estate of Zebulon E. Pendleton. Gives detailed description of property in several counties. Witness the Hon.Wm. Harrison, Judge of Probate Court of Lawrence County. August 29, 1848. Signed J.N. Cowart, Clerk. Deed dated March 26, 1849, between Gartman and Pendleton, to Marcellus A. Foute, of Hinds Co. & Green P. Foute, as his joint security, $2,065, E bank of Pearl River, Wakiah Bluff, 800 arpents, reserving to E.A. Pendleton, late wife of said Zebulon E. Pendleton, her right of dower in the estate. Signed by John Gartman and Eliza A. Pendleton, administrator and administratrix.

Page 707

Deed dated November 3, 1856, from Marcellus A. Foute of N.O. to William J. Poitevent for $750, the above described land. Signed by Marcellus A. Foute. Acknowledged by Walter H. Peters, commissioner of MS in N.O.

Page 709

Deed wherein Cader Colly sells to Lavina Mitchell for $300, a Negro woman named Lucy of black complexion, 40-50 yrs. old, slave for life, March 4, 1858. Signed by Cader Colly. Witnessed by JFH Claiborne.

Page 709

Deed dated Dec. 9, 1856, from William J. Poitevent to H.J. Stewart for $750 property detailed on p. 704 and 707. Signed by W.J. and Mary A. Poitevent.

Page 710

Commissioners’ Report No. 12, Certificate No. 24, Land Office, Jackson Courthouse, confirming claim of Henry Jarrell, original claimant Robert Lotte, 640 acres in Pearl River, claimed by virtue of inhabitation and cultivation. Jan. 7, 1820. Signed by W. Barten, Register; Wm. Burnett, Receiver PM. Attest. Geo. Elliott, Clerk. Said land being sold by Jarrell & wife Mary to Samuel White for $100. Henry signed with his mark; Mary signed. Sep. 25, 1833. Witnessed by William H. Coles and Willis Smith. John S. Brush, Clerk, attested by document recorded in Record Book II, p. 82 & 83, Apr. 23, 1838. D.W. Johnston attested that copy of original was recorded on March 27, 1860.

Page 712

Charles Frazer for $200 sells to Rebecca Nixon a lot in Town of Gainesville, bounded by Smithe St., Greenwich Street, land of Dr. Amy, and Union St., being Lots No. (blank) on map of said town. Chas. H. Fazar signed on September 5, 1865, in presence of Sam L. Jones and Ja. Isham.

Page 713

Deed dated Oct. 10, 1865, from Mary N. Sprague, widow of George W. Shaw, of NO and Henry Augustus Iolls of NO for $2500, part cash, remainder in notes, land measuring 177’ on Bay, rear by John C. Polly, N by Mrs. Tree, N by public lands, 150’ in rear, with all household furnishings, etc. Tax receipts to be furnished to buyer. Signed by Mary A. Shaw and Henry A. Iolls. Witnesses, L.C. Davis and A. Cowand. After signing, it was agreed that the buyer maintain insurance on premises until final payment of notes. Acknowledged by Benjamin F. Jonas, commissioner for MS in LA. Note in margin cancelled Nov. 6, 1869.

Page 713

Deed for $600 from James Miller to Peter O’Rider 300 acres on E side of Pearl River, bounded by Neil Grantham, Dog Branch, and O’Rider’s field. Signed by James Miller April 1, 1840.

Page 715

Deed from Frederick Richard as administrator of Peter O’Rider to M. Holden, highest and best bidder, for $265 property described above. Signed Fred. Richard, administrator, Nov. 13, 1843.


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