Early Hancock County Land Records
Deed Book B

A Few Guidelines:

  • In almost every case, the county clerk signed a final document to the effect that the county had recorded the transaction. Because this was routine, normally there is usually no mention. However, the editors have attempted to identify which was a “re-recording” when appropriate.
  • For simplicity’s sake, no mention of residence is made when parties are citizens of Hancock County; when they reside elsewhere, their county or parish and state is mentioned.
  • In addition, there are sometimes entered editorial notes when other known facts or related cases may help to clarify a deed or other transaction.
  • Almost all deeds involving married vendors will have a last paragraph in which an official testifies that the wife concurred with wording such as, “…by me examined separate and apart from her husband and acknowledged that she signed, sealed, and delivered the same as her voluntary act….” Often, she accepts one dollar as a symbol of compliance. This is significant in showing the place of women in financial matters. However, because this is usually the case, it is seldom included in the following synopses.
  • Attempt has been made to include the full names of spouses, for whatever help this may be to genealogists and other researchers.
  • It is of some value to the understanding of the cultural history of the community to indicate whose signatures were signified by their “marks.” It is hoped that this is accepted as simply reflective of the times, and does not show any lack of industry or intelligence on the part of the early players.
  • The phrase, “in corporate limits of Shieldsborough” has been found to include much more than current city limits, and may refer to a large, general area, including at minimum what is now Waveland.
  • Click here for a full analysis of Deed Book B

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Page 1

Mortgage. David W. Mitchell for $250 paid by Benjamin S. Leonard, County Treasurer, sells seven yoke of work steers, and one carrylogg cart, one road wagon and two horses, chains, etc. Mitchell promises to pay said amount plus interest @ 8% to Leonard before 8-3-1854, “being a bona fide loan from the School Fund, by virtue of Act of Legislature approved 3-15-1852. Promissory notes signed by Mitchell and three others, E. Carver Jr., F. Jones, and SH Pearson, his securities. Transaction was indicated to be a mortgage.
Signed by Mitchell on 8-3-1853, in presence of Geo. W. Moore.
Charles A. Folsom, Justice of Peace, acknowledged Mitchell’s appearance. George Moore approved as President of Board of Police. Chas. Folsom also signed as Clerk of county.

Page 2

Mortgage. William Frierson for $250 paid by Benjamin Leonard, Treasurer, lot to wit: fractional sec. 27, T7S R17W, 45.10 acres, with all improvements. [Wording as above regarding mortgage, except no co-signers in evidence.]
Signed by Frierson on 10-24-1853.
Folsom signed as JP and Clerk; George Moore signed as Pres. Board of Police.

Page 3

Wm. J. Poitevent, mortgage to Benj. Leonard, Treasurer of county, $600 for lot in Sq. 19, bounded by Water st., 50 feet front, formerly owned by CA Folsom and now occupied by Stephen Meads. “Being a bona fide loan of money out of the school fund” under act of the legislature approved 3-15-1852. Mortgage dated 10-19-1853.

Page 5

Mortgage. Elihu Carver, Jr. sells to Benjamin Leonard, Treasurer, for $250 fifty head of good stock cattle, branded with split in each ear, letters EC. Interest at 8%, loan from school fund of county a/c to act of legislature. Signed by Carver. Dated 10-17-1853.

Page 6

Mortgage. $250 paid to Jos. Favre by Leonard, Treasurer, for 80 acres, part sec. 33, T8S, R16W, interest at 8%, loan from school fund, act approved 3-15-1853. Mortgage dated
10-4-1853. Usual signatures.
[Ed. Note: This is S of I-10 and W of hwy. 604.]

Page 7

similar to above, mortgage by Samuel Favre, same amount, also 80 acres, part 33 as above. 10-4-1853. Usual signatures.

Page 8

[NB: This seems to be first that predates the 1853 fire at Gainesville courthouse.] Wm. Wheat to James Wheat, for $25, part sec. 26, T3s, range 18w, 40 acres. Receipt date 4-5-1835. New agreement dated 9-23-1853.

Page 9

Charles Frazar for $30 sells to James G. Healy, two acres, bounded on N by John Dupriest, S by CH Frazar, W on highway, and E by Chas. Frazar, being 210 feet front on highway and running back 420 feet. Frazar signed, and wife Jane signed with x on 10-29-1849. Signing at Gainesville for county: Henry R Crask, acting JP. B. Sones signed as clerk, and Charles Folsom also as clerk.

Page 11

$50 for 2 acres near Gainesville. James A. Healy to Lewis Y. Folsom. Deed dated 10-9-1849. Near village of Gainesville, bounded on N by James Dupriest, S by Chas. Frazar, W on highway, E by Frazar, being same land purchased by me [Healy] on 10-9-1849. Signed by Healy, witnesses by Henry Myers. For county: Folsom, clk, and SVR Ryan, Dep. Clk.

Page 12

SH Pearson and Amelia Pearson deed for $600 to Cornelius Newman, undivided half of claim confirmed by Congress of US to John Strahan, Jr. on E bank of Pearl River, sec. 2 and 3 of T3S R18W, to wit: [see deed for full description.] 640 acres, being same as land of Malden Holden, deceased, bounded on N by Joseph Wheat, on E by public land, on S by John Wheat, and W by Pearl River.
Signed by both Pearsons on 7-8-1853. Witnessed by FA Moye and Giddeon Holden.
John Moody as JP. Folsom clk and Ryan, dep. clk.

Page 14

John Graves to David Moye, deed for $250 for lots in Gainesville, 11-19-1853. Lots 92-94 and 101 in sq. [blank]. Graves signed, witnessed by James Mc Alister and oung Williams.

Page 15

Wm. Poitevent and wife Mary for $50 deed to Joseph Chanles, [probably Chalon] lot no. 1, S.7 - T8 R16Wm 40 acres. Both Poitevents signed, in presence of LY Folsom, who also signed as JP. Folsom and Ryan, clks.
[Ed. Note: This is Gainesville area.]

Page 16

David and wife Caroline and Mary Morgan, for $2,500, secured by note of Liberty Warren, dated 10-17-1853, sell to Warren of Marion County, land on E side of Pearl and known as John Burnett claim NO. 29, warrant 204, No. of certificate 48, 1,200 arpents in Sec. 15,21, 22, T3 R18W [see deed for more details.] Signed by both Wingates; Mary Morgan signed with x.
Lewis folsom JP; Chas. Folsom clk and JP

Page 18

Arbane Sobate for $62,50 deed to Wm. R. Mc Mullen land in Shieldsboro bounded on N by street running between lands of Auguste Lafitte and of present seller, S by WH Arnold, deceased, E by land of present seller, W by Geo. Hale. [see deed for details.] Signed Arsen Sorbet [note difference is spellings.] Witness: J. Parish.
R. Eager signed for Court of Police.

Page 19

James Graves (a/c to margin entry) deed to Daniel Stanley. Actually, it is wife of Graves, Florentine, who sold for $300 and “one negro boy named Peter, aged 60 years….” Plus land, two lots in Gainesville, on sq. 67, bounded by [see deed]. Paid by Stanley of Gainesville. Land was two lots in Gainesville. Date: 12-21-1853. Both Graves signed. Folsom and Ryan for county.

Page 21

Indenture on 8-10-1853 between St of Ms and and Abi Jourdan and Wm Owens, about lands forfeited in April 1850 for taxes: 1100 acres of FM Haines, 81 of John Peterson’s estate, 40 acres of WW Payton’s heirs. Signed by Daniel Russell, auditor of public accounts and Tho. Swann, dep. Judge CP Smith of High Court of Errors, Hinds County, accepted.

Page 22

Indenture 8-10-1853 between St. of MS, party of first part, and Wm. Jourdan and FV Jourdan re forfeiture of land for taxes, 1280 acres of McLaughlin. They paid Treasury of state $18.15. Signed for San Russell, auditor of public accounts, by TT Swann, dep. CP Smith, of Hinds County, Judge of High Court of Errors

Page 24

Agreement between Charles Joseph Beuve [Beuse?] and Francis Joseph Laizer of Louisiana, Parish of Jefferson. For $500, Beuve agrees to deed to Laizer a piece of land described as follows: “Choctaw scrip” on the NW ¼ etc. of sec. 4, T9 R14W, 79.92 acres, being same piece of land entered at land office at Augusta on 8-20-1851, and improvements of whatever nature, which price of land was purchased by Beuve from Pierre Amable Hue on 9-3-1853. Signed by both parties on 1-3-1854. Witness James Johnston, who also signed as JP.
Folsom clk.
[NB: This is just S of Hwy. 90, N of Bayside Park.]

Page 25

Indenture 12-16-1853 between Hamilton M. Wright and wife Virginia of New Orleans, and John A. Roberts of same place, for $6,000. Wrights sell to Roberts land in corporate limits of Shieldsborough, bounded on N by Rosalie Martie, W by Bouquie claim, S by Felix Grima, Esq., and Isaquine Robira, and on E by Bay. 192 feet by 40 arpents [see details in deed], known as Bay of St. Louis Hotel, conveyed by Francisco Mercadel and Magdaline Frisel, wife, represented by attorneys. Wright deeds on 6-2-1853 to Roberts. Both Wrights signed in city of New Orleans, before Marcellus foute, commissioner for Ms in LA.
Folsom, clk.

Page 27

JB Toulme and wife Victoria for $600 deed to Mary Sophie Casanova land on W bank of Bay of St. Louis within limits of Shieldsborough, bounded on N by Main St., W by Auguste Serges, and S by DR Walker, and on E by seller, 65 feet on Main by 200 feet, same on which Casanova has built house. Toulme signed, wife Victoire with x.
Dated 7-18-1853.
Dolphine Toulme, witness. Johnston, JP. Ryan, dep. clk.

Page 29

Wm R Mc Mullen for $150 deeds to Otis Mark Oliver, in corporation Shieldsborough, land bounded on N by [blank] Street, between land of August Lafitte, deceased and of present seller, Arsane Sorbate, alias Mad. Mitchell and others. [See deed for details.] Signed by Wm and E. Francis McMullen on 1-3-1854.
Witness, L. Brimonde. R. Eager as member Bd. of Police. Folsom and Ryan, clks.

Page 31

Chas. Frazar deeds to Amy Roberts for $30 land in Gainesville, two acres bounded on N by Lewis Folsom, S by Chas. Frazar, 210 feet by 420 feet. Date 1-23-1854. Ryan witness, Folsom as JP and clk.

Page 32

Chas. Frazar for $30 deeds to James McCalister of Gainesville, 2 acres bounded on N by Frazarm S by Frazar, W on highway, and E by Frazar. 315 feet. Signed 1-23-1854.
Lewis Folsom, JP

Page 34

Wm. J. Coons on 1-2-1854 has loan from BS Leonard, Treasurer of county $181, and assigns to Thomas Brown and LY Folsom the tract Coons purchased from RW Williams of 40 acres mostly under fence. Signed by Coons, usual others.

Page 35

Heirs of Wm Seal, deceased, agree to divide property of father and set apart by lot the negroes and other property:
Chas. Seal drew John, valued at $750
Wm Nathan, at 800
Soloman Abraham 500
Amos woman Maria 600
All four signed on 8-30-1853. James Willis witness.
Benj. Sones, Judge of Probate

Page 36

John Hart for $375 deeds to Mary Ann Keys house and lots in Gainesville - four lots in sq. K, NO. 83-86 fronting 100 feet on Main and public square, E 200 feet on Greenwich, S 100 feet on Smythe, W 200 feet by Jos. Johnson. Signed 2-10-1854.
Usual signatures.

Page 37

Chas Frazar for $140 deeds to Jhn Hart, same four lots as in above deed. Signed by Chares, wife Jane M signed with x. Dated 9-11-1847.
Re-record by Folsom.

Page 39

Frazar, for $150 deeds to Gabriel Bradford of Gainesville, four lots, Nos. 90, and 105-7. Frazar signed, and wife Jane did her x, on 8-26-1848.

Page 41

Constantine B Beverly deeds for $400 to Hinds Krenke, land of Gulf of Mexico, lot 16, a/c to plan of JC Monet, esq., surveyor on8-21-1849. 100 feet front by 1300, joining on s/w lot of John Biade and by me. Signed by Beverly; wife Celine joined in, on 3-1-1851.
Geo. Carrico was JP.

Page 42

Indenture on 11-22-1853. Joseph E. Bates and wife Ann Maria for $400 sell to Wm. Jerrall, 640 acres on E bank of Pearl in T no. 4, four S R no. 18 W, known as Bates tract.
Both signed.
George Weaterby was JP.

Page 44

Willis Smith deed to John Frazar for $100, part sec, 8, t6s, r17w, 40 acres. Dated 9-13-1846. Re-record on 2-21-1854.

Page 45

John Frazar deed to John Russ, $250, part sec. 8, t6s, r17w. Date 10-10-1852. Deposited in clerk’s office on 2-27-1854. John signed with x; wife signed her name. [Might be good idea to check others by John.]
Chas. Folsom now Judge of Probate.

Page 46

John Russ and wife Susan for $250 deed to Wm. Frazar part sec. 8, T6S R17W, 40 acres. Both Russes signed on 2-27-1854.

Page 47

David Porter and his wife Jane, Sophia Hamilton, and Fielding T. Smith sell to Byrd for $440 one half section East side of Pearl River, sec. 7, t5s, range 18w. Dated 1-17-1848. Porter and Smith signed; others used x’s.
Henry Jarrell witnessed with x. Cornelius Newman was JP.

Page 48

Mary Adkison for $40 deeds to Sherred Byrd one-half section granted by USto Nathan Smith, Seignor, deceased. On E side of Pearl, sec. 7, T5S R18W, 26 2/3 acres. [Appears only part of half section was sold.]
Mary signed with x. Dated 7-18-1848.
Cornelius Newman JP

Page 49

James Carver of Shieldsborough for $60 deeds to James O. Vandevelde of Natchez, land in Shieldsborough, 50 feet on Main by 102 deep [see deed for details]. Signed by James; wife Irma used x.

Page 51

City of New Orleans. Before Notary Edward Barnett, Alexander Philips of this city, sells to Adolphe Boulanger, land in Shieldsborough one arpent front on Bay by 40 arpents deep, with all buildings, etc. Same as purchased by seller from Mistress Sarah Charlotte Ellery, widow of Abraham on 8-21-1832. $800. Joined in by seller’s wife, Rosina Thomas, who possessed general mortgage on all property of her husband. [long list of 5 agreements, part of pre-nuptial?] Dated 6-21-1847.

Page 54

Dominique Lanata deeds of New Orleans for $200 deeds to A. Boulanger of same city, land bounded on N belonging to seller, W Estate of John Hopkins, deceased, S by purchaser, E by the Bay. 18 feet front by forty arpents. Being part of land bought by John Favre Sr., deceased, from JB Lardasse, and descended to John B. Favre Sr., deceased, from JR. and Delphine Saucier, as heirs of John B, Favre, Senior. Dated 9-24-1849.
Monet JP. Re-record by Folsom and Ryan.

Page 56

is missing.

Page 57

David Wingate and wife Caroline, and Mary Morgan to John W. Russ, Walter W. Carre, Henry Carre. $6,000 for land on east bank of Pearl. 1600 arpents, “except 20 acres to Daughity Gauze, north bank of Poplar Branch, more particularly known as “Logtown Tract” confirmed by Joseph Chalon by act of Congress, together with all buildings, etc., March 3, 1819. South half of said tract of land or that portion lying south of Bayou Boghomer.
Date: 3-1-1854.
(Parts of sect. 5,6,7,8, probably Chalon or Sheriff Claim)

Page 58

Schedule of property of Susan A. Jones, wife of James Jones, in her own right:
Sophia - negro woman age 50
Sam, 45
Maria, 20
Cary Ann, a child aged 6 mos.
Elen, a girl 15
Irving, a boy 10
Lewis, 21
…and 1200 acres in Texas
All above was recorded in county but was burned…
Signed, Susan Jones

Page 59

Chas. Frazar for $30 deeds to Nancy Davis of Gainesville two acres, bounded on N by Chas. Folsom, S by Lewis Folsom, W by highway, and E by Chas. Frazar, being 420 feet on highway, back 210. Signed by Charles Frazar.
Usual witnesses.

Page 60

Gift by James Dupree to daughter Cornelia A. Williams, wife of Dr John H. Williams, following property:
14 negroes [named]
One wagon
Two yoke oxen
Six cows and calves
12 head sheep
2 horses
1 pianoforte
1 bedstead
Bed and furniture
…all already delivered.
Signed on 4-6-1847/ Witness for Hind County: James W. Dougherty
Re-record by Folsom

Page 61

Edwin Russ and wife Cornelia deed to David Wingate for $8,720, land, town lots and two Negro slaves, Windsor and Nathan. Includes ½ of steam sawmill, formerly owned by John Toomer and Mimrod McGuire, being same lot sold to them by Sam. White on 5-27-1852. In Pearlington, bounded by river, public quay, Levee St. and Sam White. Also land bought by Pray from US in 1834, being on peninsula between Pearl and Bayou Cowan. Also two lots in Shieldsboro.
Series of notes given as mortgage.

Page 64

John W. Russ and wife Susan, Walter Carre and Henry Carre, for $6,000 deed [mortgage] to David R. Wingate, the Joseph Chalon tract, comprising parts of sec. 5 to 8, T9S R16W, 1600 arpents, known as Logtown tract, confirmed to Chalon by act of Congress on 3-3-1819, together with all buildings, steam saw mill, etc. Signed by four sellers on 3-1-1854.

Page 65

Deed, Jos. Chalon to David Wingate. Chalon, wife Celes Perez, of New Orleans, $100, parcel on Pearl River, called Cabange Latanier, 40 acres, the same tract being two concessions from Don Estevan Miro, gov. of Louisiana in 1788, and afterwards confirmed by Juan Morales, intendant general of W. Florida. Dated 6-20-1805. Sections 5-7 and part 8, t9s, range16w, 1344 arpents, now known as Log Town tract, with all buildings, etc. Deed date 6-15-1847. J. Chalon signed along with wife Celes Perez.
Charles Folsom certified that this was re-record on 3-16-1854 agreeably to an act of legislature approved 1-21-1854.

Page 67

John Russ, mortgage of slaves to David Wingate $11,048. (Slaves have only one name each; 7 adults, 5 children. Average almost one thousand dollars, even including children.) Russ warranted and defended “title to said slaves from all persons whomsoever.” Five promissory notes given with different periods, interest at 6 and 8 %. Carre brothers also involved in notes. Date of mortgage 3-15-1854.

Page 68

John Toomer deed to David Wingate. $7,000. A lot in Pearlington together with one half of a steam saw mill built by Nimrod Mc Guire and said Toomer. 90 feet front of Pearl River. 3-12-1854

Page 69

Tilmer G. Jones and wife Julia deed for $100 to David Wingate, part sec. 4 T9S R 16 W, of 48 acres; also, part sec. 33 and 34, T 8S R16 w; also 160 acres in sec. 3, T9S R16W, bounded by Randall and Crista Koch and public lands. Jones signed, wife with x on 10-1-1854.

Page 70

Whereas John Ramon of St. Tammany on 3-21-1853, did sell to me Leon Ladner, land in Shieldsborough fronting E by seashore, at mouth of the Bay, sec.1, 2, and 11, T9S R14W, confirmed to Widow Moran and among the land claims as Claim No. 17, cert. no, 17, warrant of survey no. 672, containing 640 acres. Deed was received by me as trust deed for use of Honorine Carver, wife of my cousin, Guilloume Ladner, known as Victor Ladner [see deed for details]. Dated 3-17-1854.
[NB: This is much of coast of Waveland, called “Widow Morin Claim.”]

Page 72

Nancy B. Arnold appoints John G. Arnold of Austin, TX my attorney to look out for her interests that may come as inheritance from Christopher Terrell, deceased. Signed by her on 3-17-1854.

Page 73

Manuel Muniz appoints Barney Murphy of New Orleans as attorney. RE: sale of slave Isaac age 23 or 27. Dated 3-19-1854.

Page 74

Wm. Tompkins and wife Jane M. sell to Edmund Hart of New Orleans, for $2,000, land on West bank of Bay. Bounded on N by EW Rodd, on W by Emile Lasere, S by Gaschitt-Delisb, E by Bay. 90 feet front running back 675 feet, being same as conveyed by Administration of Archibald B. Rein on 10-14-1850. All three parties signed on 5-3-53.
Signed by Wm. Christy, commissioner of LA

Page 75

John D. Bein of New Orleans, adm. of goods and chattels of Archibald B. Bein,
deceased, who died in MS intestate, ordered to auction land on W bank of Bay [same as described above]. Dated 1-14-1850. Witnesses: Shannon and Breedlove.
Thomas Curry of New Orleans given power of attorney by Virginia Bein, widow, made in St. Mary parish, sells to Wm. Tompkins.= 10-22-1850.

Page 78

Indenture on 8-22-1849, Alexander Ventriss and wife Charlotte D, deed to Francois Joseph Laizer of Layafette, parish of Jefferson, for $500, in two promissory notes, lot No, 11 in plan made by Monet on7-27-1849, 100 feet front on Gulf, by 600 deep, part of land purchased from Victor Lardener. Signed by A. Ainsworth for LA and Francis Gildart of Wilkinson county, Ms. As Judge of Probate.

Page 80

At New Orleans: Charles Joseph Beure of Hancock deeds to Francis Joseph Laizer of Jefferson Parish, LA, for $500, land descried as follows viz Choctaw scrip on part of sec. 4, T9S R14W of 79.92 acres, same as purchased from Pierre Annable Hue of Hancock on 9-3-1853. Signed by Ch. Beure, on 2-4-1854. Wm. Shannon, comm. of LA for deeds in MS.

Page 81

Sam White deed to John Toomer and Nimrod Mc Guire of Harrison County lot in Pearlington fronting 90 feet on river. Wife of White is Beatina Mary. 5-27-1852. Done a/c to same act of legislature shown elsewhere. [see deed for details.]

Page 82

Nelson Keys gives bill of sale to Dandridge A. Bibb for $525 for negro woman Juda, age 33, dark complexion and warranted sound; also for household furniture now in my house in Gainesville. Signed 8-20-1851. Thomas Harrison signed for Montgomery AL. Receipt gives details of furniture.

Page 83

John Paillasset for $1400 deeds to Lorenzo Savinovich land on W bank of Bay, bounded on N by Jules Benet, W by assigns of F. Bouquie, S by Chas. Pose, 48 feet front on Bay by 40 arpents. Date 10-26-1849.

Page 84

John B. Toulme for $928 deeds to George Klenck land on W bank of Bay, 37 feet by 400 deep. [Another piece seems to be 40 arpents deep. See deed for details.]Signed 2-18-1852 by John; wife Victorine with x.

Page 86

Maria Herron, deed to daughter Charlotte Withers, wife of Peter Horry Joor, for $300, part sections 19 and 20, t9s, range14w, 640 acres, in name of George Marse; also part section 8 and others of 479 acres and 440 acres, plus 8 slaves, one named Luckey. Dated 2-21-1852. (Above may be Clermont Harbor.)

Page 87

John Graves, Sheriff to Evans Nicaise. For land on which Graves had been living, together with chattels, etc., sold at public auction. 10-21-1853.

Page 88

J. B. Ladner and Francis Ladner deed to Jos. Nicaise, $100, land on Bayou Lococo, eastern bank, bounded by Chas. Nicaise, Chas. Favre, and land of US, and John Nicaise. 29 acres. 3-15-1834. Rerecorded 4-5-1854.

Page 89

Part of above sold by Stranger and wife and John A Zingerling to Maria Herron on 1-20-1852. Price $320. Part sec. 19 and 20, T9S R15W 640 acres. Same as George Marse claim. All sellers signed their names. Some cattle allowed to remain.
Geo. Carrico JP
[NB: This is now Lakesore, Bayou Caddy area.]

Page 90

Indenture 2-17- 52. Robert Mott and Joana his wife of New Orleans deed to Maria Herron for $500, sec 17, T9S R14m E of Pearl, 440 acres. Both Motts signed.
Benj. Tappen, comm. State of Ms for LA.
Re-record by Folsom. [NB: This is present site of Clermont.]

Page 91

Peter C. Shambliss and wife Drucilla of Jefferson County, for $500, deed to Robert Mott and Thomas B. Lee of New Orleans, half sec. 17, T9 R14, containing 571.34 acres. Signed by both on 2-18-1854.

Page 92

Nathan Hide, mortgage to Samuel White, one acre front by 40 acres (note: acres, not arpents), in Shieldsboro. Mortgage for $63 filed with Elihu Carver, clerk, on 9-11-1821.
“Pesonally appeared before me John S. Brush, Esq., One of the Justices of the Peace… and Harmon Hammond who deposed that he was in the office of Sam. White Esquire at the Bay St. Louis [sic] at the time….” Date: 4-21-1823.
NB: It appears that the city was referred to as BSL.
Elihu Carver, clk.

Page 93

George Robinson to Chas. Favre. Suit by Favre vs Nathn Hyde. [See above: Nathan Hide = Nathan Hyde.]Circuit Court decree in suit of 8-30-1838 awarded Favre $143.95. This was re-record. J. Monet was Pres. Of Bd of police.

Page 95

AP Rutilius Pray, deed to Samuel White. Pray was administrator of estate of James Avery, Esq., who had been appointed commissioner and qualified as assessor and collector of taxes for 1828, and did assess a lot owned by John Oddin in Shieldsboro, bounded by Capt. Porter, Cadet La Fontaine, Bay and US. 7 chains in width by 40 arpents. Tax to be 18 ¾ cents, plus 37 ½ ; another owned by Capt. John Porter, bounded by Hyde, Oddin, the bay, and the US, one arpent by forty. Taxes also due on 2nd part, as advertised in the Planters’ Museum at Monticello on 1-31-1829. Sold at the courthouse in Shieldsboro to Sam. White. White had sued Pray, so on 2-17-1836 court ordered Pray to make title for White.
Above submitted for re-record on 4-12-1854.
NB: See Supreme Ct. case of 1859, R. Nixon et al v. R. Porter et al for similarities. Question: Same land?

Page 97

Supreme Ct of Chancery , Samuel White, vs PRR PRAY, administrator of estate of James Avery. Chancellor orders defendant to execute deeds to land in Shieldsborough, bounced on N by Capt. Porter, S by Cadet Lafontaine, E by the Bay, W by US land.
Second, land by Nathanial Hyde on N, S by John W. Oddiro [?] , E by Bay and W by US land. One arpent by 40 arpents. Signed by E. Turner on 2-17-1836.
JB Hadley, clk

Page 98

Deed, Chas. Favre to Sam. White. $275 for “title and interest in and two one lot of ground at the Bay of St. Louis containing one acre and one third in front more or less and forty arpents in depth….” (Note mix of acres and arpents.) South on lands owned by White, North by Eugene Ladnier, in front by Bay, and West by lands owned by United States. Formerly conveyed in 1820 and 1821 by Nathaniel Hide to White. (Also “Hyde” shown as spelling.)
Submitted on March 20, 1852.

Page 98

Owen Miller for $200 deeds to Hiram Stewart, land of 160 acres on E side of Pearl T4 R18, sec 20 and 29. [see deed for details of bounding properties.] Owen and Matilda Miller signed with x’s, on 5-4-1852.

Page 99

Receipt at Augusta, MS 9-24-1846. Received of Nathaniel Perry $49.60 for lot No. 1, sec. 22, T 4S R18W, 39.5 acres. Signed by WJ Straughn.
Indenture of 11-14-1853 between William P------ and Amelia Pearson. Latter paid $500 for land, part sec. 2, T4S R18W, 39.5 acres. Signed by Wm. Stewart.
SH Pearson for Bd. of Police.

Page 100

For love and affection, A. Bibb gives to sister Mary Ann Keys, one negro woman named Inda, and all furniture in dwelling of her husband, Nilson Keys of Gainesville. 8-20-1851

Page 101

Asa Russ deed to Joseph Vincent. $80 for 80 acres on East Pearl, part sec. 21, t8s, r16w. “Entry made by me the said Russ in the land office at Augusta….” 3-5-1851.
For $1 Mary Russ relinguished all right of dower.
Received by clerk Folsom for re-record on 4-12-1854 a/c to act…etc.

Page 102

For $250 paid by SJ Randall, TR Witter sells land purchased from Jas. H. Vincent and Mary his wife, as described in deed by Vincent. Witters signed on 2-6-1853.

Page 103

Constantine Beverly for $400 deeds to Louis Floral Genous land on W shore of Gulf, part sec. 15, T9S R14W on plat made by J Monet, surveyor on 8-21-1849. Lot 8 has 100 feet front on Gulf by 1350 feet [see deed for fuller dimensions]. Part of land conveyed by Bernard Bourgeois on 8-26-1848.
[NB: This is just East of \Buccaneer Park.]

Page 104

Deed, Roselius to Doubleyou [sic]. Christian Roselius sold to Honore F. Fabricius Deblieux, both of New Orleans, “one message, of tract of land,” at Bay of St. Louis, with the building, improvements, etc., containing fifty-one and a half superficial acres in Shieldsboro. 252 feet by 40 arpents, same as purchased by George Morgan on
Price: $1800 cash. Date: 6-26-1838. Recorded 4-24-1854 agreeably to act of legislature, 1-27-1854.

Page 106

Laforest to HF Deblieux, tract of land measuring 63 feet on seashore, by 40 arpents. With buildings thereon. $250 on promissory note dated 5-21-1842. Laforest residing in parish of “Lafourche Interior”; Deblieux in parish of Ibeville.

Page 107

Deblieux sells to Antoine Cyprien Tremoulet for $4,500 cash, 64 superficial acres, 363 feet on shore of Bay by 40 arpents. (Bordering properties do not seem to describe same as above deeds, but they must have changed hands since original purchases.) On North, land of Felix Percy, South by George Fosdick. Land is two tracts bought from Roselius and Laforest. Sale includes furniture, etc. Wife Pauline concurs. Dated 9-9-1854.

Page 109

Martha Wadlington for $50 deeds to Francis Ladnier, land in Shieldsborough, 40 feet front by 40 arpents, bounded on front by Bay, S by Francis Ladnier, on W by Boudrous claim, N by Elihu Carver. Dated 1-18-1828.

Page 110

Indenture of 4-20-1830. Elihu Carver and wife Justine, for $6 [?] sells to Francis Ladner, on E by Bay on N by seller, W by vacant land, on S by purchaser. Six feet front by 40 arpents. Elihu signed; Justine used x.

Page 111

John Mally [Mallet?] of Harrison for $34 sells to Francois Ladner, lot at Bay 8.5 feet by 40 arpents, bounded by purchaser on N, S by Carver, E by Bay. John signed with x; wife signed her name, on 11-25-1849.

Page 112

JB Toulme deed to Francois Ladner for $160 land situate on the bay in Shieldsborough, bounded by Justine Carver, Francois Ladner and bay, having 83 feet front by 40 arpents, same as purchased at sheriff sale on June 19, 1843 as property of Elihu Carver Lenoir.
Toulme’s wife was Victoire, who was paid one dollar to agree. (She signed with mark.)

Page 113

Nicholas Carron for $53.35 deeds to Francois Ladner, land in Shieldsborough on W bank of the Bay, bounded on N by Ladner, W by public lands, S by present seller, E by the Bay. 6feet 10 inches front by 40 arpents, part of land purchased by me from heirs of Louise Mallet, inherited from her father Martial Nicaise. Carron and wife Ophise both signed with x’s, on 2-22-1850.

Page 114

Lucien Mallet for $59 deeds to Francois Ladner, land measuring 8 feet, 6 inches, bounded on N by land purchased by Ladner from Mallet, W by claim of Bougerie, S by Nicholas Carron and E by Bay, being part of land inherited from mother by John and Lucien Mallet. Depth 40 arpents. Mallet signed with x on 11-16-1849.

Page 116

John and Lucien Mallet for $40 sell to Francois Ladner, land on W bank of Bay, bounded on S by Nicholas Carron, E by the Bay, W by public lands, N by purchaser, having 40.5 feet on Bay by 40 arpents. Signed with x’s, date uncertain except year, 1842.

p. 117: Indenture 12-2-1828. Pierre Sassinot Dumie of Mobile, represented by his attorney Louis Germain Lassinot deeds to Widow Fayard, land with edifices, houses, buildings and all outbuildings, for $160, one acre by 40 acres on the Bay, bounded on N by Pray, and on S or lower side by Charles Favre, Jr. Names six sons of widow, namely Jean, Jule, Alphonse, Laurent, Pierre, and Adolph, and three daughters, Caroline, felonies, and Margarite. Dated 4-9-1829.

Page 119

Bond of title: Francois Salle binds self to pary $1000 to Elizabeth Blank, on 1-27-1854. Salle has on this day sold to Blank, land in Shieldsborough, bounded on N corner by John Lusich on apothecary st., then 200 feet to a stake, S to George Klink land, then S/W to Lusich, For $275. Signed by F. Salle.

Page 120

Calvin Merrill deed to Samuel White and John Parker for $300, tract of land on Pearl River, part of a donation to Thomas Smith as contained in report #12, certificate 18, from land office at Jackson courthouse dated 1-8-1820. Description states not to exceed one-half section. [See deed for further details.] Deed date 9-7-1836.
John Brush signed as clerk of probate court, 1836.
Deposited as re-record a/c to act of legislature.

Page 121

Merrill, administrator de bonis non of estate of John Parker, as result of public auction in Pearlington on 8-11-1849, deeds to Samuel White for $70 land on East bank of Pearl River, part section which is same sold by Merrill to White and Parker in 1836 (see above deed). Being the moity of a section confirmed to Thomas Smith by US, sec. 10-11, T7S R17W. Signed by Merrill.
Certified by Charles Folsom, clerk, for re-record on 6-2-1854.

Page 122

Ebenezer Ford of Marion County deeds to S. White for $800 lots in Pearlington, no. 2,4,5,6,78,9, 10, Square 29, and 1,2, 5-10, sq. 18, and all in sq. 19 and 20, and also five as laid out by the Pearlington company in their October 1829 meeting. Diagram to be found on p. 210, in Book of Deeds, B. All is land I bought at sheriff’s sale as property of Willis Arnold on 12-6-1842. Deed dated 11-30-1849.
Ford and another person (wife?) signed. DR Wingate was one of witnesses.
Accepted by clerk Folsom for re-record 5-20-1854, a/c to act of legislature dated 1-21-1854.

Page 123

Pina deed to Thompson. Aimee Cobelot, widow of Raphael Pina of New Orleans for $270 deeds to William Thorton Thompson of New Orleans, land near Shieldsborough, one acre front at Bay of St Louis, by 40 acres deep. Bounded on s/w by land if Michael Cabelot, on n/e by land of the widow & Miss Peroche [probably Mary Parish], on s/e by the sea, on n/w by land of heirs of Boisdore and now H. Lock[ett] “and all of which is more fully described and set forth in an act passed before L. Ferand notary public in the City of New Orleans on December 14, 1836; done and passed at City of New Orleans 19th June 1845; signed Louise A. Pena; Charles A. Folsom clerk of Probate Court, Hancock County.

Page 124

William Thorton Thompson and wife Azlai Lockett of New Orleans deed to Addison Pickrell of New Orleans, for $1,800, land as described in above deed, except it mentions that land that had been owned by Boisdore now belonged to Henry Lockett, dated Dec. 1836. In addition, one negro slave named Henry, age about 35, for $800, This deed dated June 1854. William Shannon commissioner of Deeds of the State of Mississippi

Page 125

Elihu Carver junior deeds to John Jones for $550 land in city limits of Shieldsborogh, beginning at bay having for reference a live oak, S83 degrees W, [etc.], on western boundary of Marshall Necaie claim, on south by Antoine Bayard, Jr., Peter Carver and Balazar Pluex, west by public lands, north by Joseph Gorenflo, Ezra Carver, Posan Osten and Elihu Carver, Jr. $550. 3-18-1851. Re-recorded 6-26-1854 a/c to act of leg; John Graves and Jno. W. Williams witnesses; D.W. Johnston, member of the Board of Police of Hancock County; Benjamin Sones Clerk of Probate court, Hancock County. .

Page 127

Charles Carrel deeds for $300 to Euphrosine Guardia, land in Shieldsborogh on west bank of bay, bounded on north by Dimitri Carma [Canna} on which p. Nolases Guardia, the husband of present purchaser now resides, on west by heirs of John Hopkins, deceased, on south by present seller, on east by the bay, having 96 feet front by 40 arpents deep.
October 1849.
Undersigned by President of Board of Police, JC Monet.
Re-recorded on June 26, 1854, by same act of legislature of 1-21-1854.

Page 128

Nicholas Carron deeds to Euphrosine Guardia with consent of husband, land on west bank of bay within corporate limits of Shieldsborough, bounded by Christian Katzenberger and land of seller, 96 feet front, open to the back roads as far as the road known as Beanrd’s [Benard Bourgeois] and to be known as Napoleon St., being part of the land claim conferred by the Congress of the US to Widow Morin. Dated 2-4-1851. $500.

Page 130

Pendleton deed to George Sheriff. “We obligate ourselves to let Major E. Carver and Julius Monet, Esq. divide the tract of land owned by us bordering on Lake Bourne [sic] near the Bay of St. Louis, giving each of us an equal front upon the Lake, and also an equal part of the whole tract, and agree under the penalty of $1,000, dated 8-8-1836.
Elihu Carver and Julius Monet duly appointed on 8-8-181836 by J. W. Pendleton and Geo Sheriff as arbitrator to divide the tract of land.
Pendleton, Lawrence County for $5 paid by George Sheriff of Marion County [description of land given at the Bay St Louis on the western bank.
Joseph W. Pendleton’s wife Delilah Pendleton. Roderick Seal, deputy clerk of probate court, Hancock County; recorded Book D, pgs. 465,466 and 467.
Further, on 8-29-1836, said to be 100 acres on shore on Gulph [sic] of Mexico…between sec. 10-11, t9s, r14w. [Ed. Note: This seems to be between Buccaneer Park and Widow Morin Claim.]

(NB: This would seem to be two different ways of naming the same body of water - one being Lake Borgne and the other being the Gulf. Note that first part signed by Pendleton and Sheriff; second, by Carver and Monet.)

Page 132

Certificate No. 941. The US of America: To all to whom these presents shall come…Whereas Elihu Carver of Hancock County MS has deposited in the general land office a certificate of the land office at Augusta…full payment has been made by Carver according to Act of Congress 0f 4-24-1820” for lots 7 and 8, sec. 10, t9s, r14w, 100 acres.
Signed by Pres. Martin van Buren at Washington 1-5-1841; certificate deposited with R. Seal in Hancock Co. on July 26, 1839 recorded Book D pg. 464-465.
Re-record as usual on 6-28-1854.
[Ed. Note: S/W corner of Waveland?]

Page 132

Elihu Carver deeds to George Sheriff. Carver and wife Justine for $144 sells to Sheriff of Marion County land on west bank of bay of St. Louis, being half of division #7 and 8, sec. 10, t9s, r14, “one arpent front on the east boundary already sold to Alexander Gerard together with all the Hereditaryments and Privileges, 3-7-1835.
Usual re-record.

Page 134

Alexander Ventriss Wilkinson Co. deeds to Isabella Sheriff, of Hancock Co. same land in above para., for $100 on 7-26-1849. Charlotte Ventriss, his wife; Monet Justice of the Peace; 5 December 1849 recored in Book F pp. 325-326
Re-record in usual way.

Page 135

Francois Barthe for $4,000 deeds to George Urquhart of New Orleans lot of land on west bank of Bay of St. Louis within corporate limits of Shieldsborough, bounded on north by John Martin, west by Francois Bouquie, south by Rose Marti, east by bay. 62 feet front by 40 arpents, being the same land conveyed to me by Benart Bouquies,
on 9-4-1849 (Book F pg 305). Mary Barthe, wife, joined in, sold her right to her husband for $1 Recorded 25 December 1851 Registry of Deeds, Book F :635-636; B. Sones, Clerk; and by Charles Folsom 3 July 1854 in Book B 135-136.
[NB: This was for a very high selling price, especially for only 62 feet front.]

Page 136

George Urquhart of New Orleans deeds to JB Toulme and John Martin, for $3,760, same land as in previous para. Dated 12-22-1851.
Re-record. “Agreeable to an act of the Legislature (MS) approved January 21, 1854.”

Page 138

Auguste Tuquvel St. Tual (Hancock Co.) to George L’hote (New Orleans) for $2500 in Shieldsborough corporate limits; “the Washington St.” 23 January 1853” and recorded 25th of same month in Book G:138-139.

Page 139

Demitez Canna and Helena Canna of Shieldsborough $150 paid by John Baptiste Saucier of the same place, 13 June 1836; John Brush Justice of the Peace Clerk of Probate, Hancock Co. recorded in Book D, pp. 10-11, 5 June 1837, the certification of deed being deposited in Charles Folsom office 26 June 1854 (agreeable to the act 1-21-181854).

Page 140

R.G.W. Jervell and Mary Ann Ellen Jervell, his wife, of Hancock Co. for $150 sell to Mrs. Sarah C. LeGrand, of Hancock Co. NE ¼ Sec. 33 T5SR17W 139 acres, more or less. Same as Mclelarg [?] Land Warrant no. 24901 issued on name of John E. Smith. 30 June 1854.

Page 142

Nicholas H. Mitchell, Hancock Co.”in consideration of the natural love and affection which I have and bear for well beloved son William M [?] Mitchell and for $5, gives Negro slave Chloe, aged about 23 years and Catherine a girl aged bout 5 years, 30 April 1851; bill of sale arrives at Sones’ office 5 May 1851 and is recorded 30 August 1851 in Book F, 592-3. Deed of Gift deposited for re-record 1 August 1854 recorded in B: 142, 8 August 1854.

Page 143

William W. Peyton and wife Georgina Peyton of New Orleans for $1450 to L. W. Broadwell land on the sea shore near the mouth of the Bay of St. Louis being part of Lots 7 and 8 Sect. 10 T9S R14W; part of a parcel purchased by Maxemilion bourgeois at a sheriff’s sale on the 1st Monday in August 1840 and conveyed to him by George W. Robinson the then sheriff of Hancock Co. by deed date August 3, 1840, recorded in Book E p.73-74 and said Maximilien Bourgeois conveyed to Isaac F. Stockton by a deed dated 21 September 1840 and by Stockton conveyed to William W. Peyton 15 July 1849.
The deed from Bourgeois to Stockton first recorded in Book F 722 and 923 [?] in Registry of Deeds “which was destroyed by fire on the 31st of March 1853 and rerecorded together with the transfer of Isaac Stockton to William Peyton on 17 July 1854 agreeable to an Act of the Legislature…approved January 21, 1854 in Book A of the present registry, pages 346, 347, and 348.
[Ed. Note: S/W corner of Wavland?]

Page 144

William W. Peyton and wife Georgina Peyton pay $1,300 to Broadwell for the following:
“Lelly” negro woman aged about 25 years, Black complexion.
“Fred” negro man aged about 34 [?], Black complexion
The said “letty” being sold for $700 and Fred for $600 “Andboth slaves for life.”
29 July 1854, D. W. Johnston Hancock Co. Justice of the Peace; Folsom records 8 August 1854.

Page 145

Henry Dillard, Hancock Co. sells to Enoch McFadden, same county, on the 27th March 1839 for $550 sells parcel 325 acres more or less, being upper half of tract of 640 acres held in the name of Barry West and conveyed from him to Dillard lying on the waters of Pearl River on the East side on a Slew called Mikes River bounded north by land belonging to White and Pray, east by public lands, south by Henry Dillard, west by waters of Mikes River, it being the upper half of a donation of land surveyed for the P. Berry West. H. Dillard and Charlotte Dillard sign and seal 27 March 1839; Shedrach Stewart JP certifies; Rodrick Seal dept. clerk Probate states foregoing was deposited in his office 30 March 1839 recorded same day Book D, 373-374. The Roderick Seal again certifies the foregoing instruments of writing deposited in his office on 1 July 1840 [?] and recorded 8 July in Record Book of Deed E: 61 and 62, and Charles Folsom certifies the deed, certificate of acknowledgment and two certificates of record were deposited in his office for re-recording 10 August 1854.

Page 147

Charles H. Frazar, Hancock Co. for $30 paid by Joseph A. Johnson sells the nw half of lot 119 in square S in Gainesville running 50 feet along Ambrose St. thence 100 ft to the line of the lot number 118 thence on said line 50 to Harrison St. thence along said st. to the aforesaid nw corner containing ¼ acre, 28 July 1854, before Lewis Folsom, acting JP certified by Charles Folsom Clerk of Probate recorded in this book 10 August 1854.

Page 148

John Martin of Hancock Co. for $130 paid by Andrew Stronga and John Zingerling, same county, land on the shoe of the Gulf near the mouth of Bayou Point-clear including the whole of Fractional Section 20 and a part of section 19 T9SR14W [apparently mistake: should be Range 15known as the George Marse land claim containing 640 acres bounded in the north by land claimed by Chamilligo [?] and Lacoste, and by public land; west and south by public land and east by the gulf of Mexico being the same purchased by Martin from George W. Robinson, collector of taxes, on 1st Monday in April 1842 to satisfy the taxes due by the heirs of John Ioor deceased on said land which was struck off to me as the highest bidder at said sale for the sum of $100, tax collector deed given to Martin 10 April 1842 (seems now to say $150) then paid me, which deed bore date sometime in the year 1846, both of which deeds were destroyed by fire in the conflagration of the court house of said county together with all the papers, archives and records deposited and contained in the Offices of the divers courts of said county on the night of the 31st of March A.D. 1853. James Johnston JP 21 December 1853; Charles Folsom 8 August 1854.
[Ed. Note: This is Lakeshore/Bayou Caddy area.]

Page 149

Edward Necaise his executors cause to be paid to Clement Necaise $20 to be paid on the 1st day of September 1850. Clement sells to Edward $40 acres whereon Clement formerly lived, situated on Bayou Coko, 18 March 1851, recorded in Book G: 77-78, 6 September 1852; Charles Folsom re-records 12 August 1854.

Page 151

Charles H. Frazar of Hancock Co. for $150 to be paid by Amelia Johnson of Gainesville sells: lots in Square K and bounded north by Main St., south by Smythe St. west by Union St. and east by the lands of John Hart being lots no. 68, 69 83 and 87. Charles’ wife Jane Frazar signs her mark. B. Sones, clerk of Probate, seal 30 August 1849 recorded September 1, 1849 Book F, 274-5; Folsom re-records 28 august 1854.

Page 152

Lucien Moran and Henrietta his wife Harrison Co, for $150 paid by Marci (or Maria) Louise Tallabell of Hancock Co. parcel of land on north shore of Jourdan River in Sect. 29 T7SR14W, being a part of a certain claim by the United States confirmed to John B. Necasie and known as lot no. 10 in the division of said claim between the heirs of said J. B. Necaise, deceased, fronts on river, about 1 acre, bounded north by Sect. 20, east by land of Avivice Necasie, south by the Jourdan River and west by the land of Octavia Lizana. Both Lucien and Henrietta sign with marks, James Jones JP seals 3 June 1854, Folsom certifies 20 August 1854 recorded on the 28th

Page 153

13 February 1840 John G. Worthy of Copiah Co. to Nixon Worthy, William Worthy, Nancy Worthy and Elizabeth Davis, wife of James Davis, “in consideration of the natural love and affection” and for $1 E ½ of the SE ¼ of Sect. 3 T9, north of Range 10, East, 78 acres and 13/100 of an acre, the SW ¼ of Sect. 2 T9NR10E, 38 acres and 79/100th , all in Copiah co. Also leaves cattle, hogs ,sheep and horses, except two saddle horses used by him and Nixon Worthy to William Worthy; leaves negro girl Philis, age 16, dark complexion, slave for life, to Nancy Worthy Jr. “with an understanding that should said girl Philis at anytime have a child or children that the increase shall be equally divided between Nancy Worthy and Elizabeth Davis wife of James Davis. recorded in Copiah co. 14 February 1840; Benjamin Sones records 26 December 1848, Book F 166-167; Folsom re-records 20 August 1854.

Page 155

John Graves of Hancock Co. to Celeste Lafontain for $1,000 Traditional Sect. 35 and 30 and also so much of section 36 as lies between the western boundary line of sect. 2 and a line parallel thereto and distance from the aforesaid boundary line of Sect. 26 all in T9SR15W, 640 acres 7 May 1854 [?] , recorded by Sones 27 March 1854; Folsom 28 August 1854
[Ed. Note: This area is s/w of Bayou Caddy and Point Clear.]

Page 156

William A. Dewitt Hancock Co. $150 by John B. Toulme NE ¼ of the NW ¼ Sect. 14 T5SR14W, 39 acres 96/100 also the SW ¼ of the SW ¼ Sect. 36 T4SR14W being the same land entered at the Land Office in Augusta the first tract 20 October 1852, second 5 May 1852. David W. Johnston JP 16 August 1854; Folsom 30 August 1854 deposited, 4 September 1854 recorded..
Land Office at Augusta, MS 5 May 1852 William Dewitt Harrison Co. has this day located Choctaw Scrip on SW ¼ of SW ¼ Sect. 36 T4SR14W 40 18/100 acres
20 October 1852, same land office located Choctaw scrip NE ¼ of NW ¼ Sect. 14 T5SR14W 39 96/100 acres.

Page 157

Elihu Carver Junior Hancock Co. for $1200 from John B. Toulme lot in Town of Shieldborough bound north by George Lott, south by Joachim Robira, east by the Bay of St. Louis, 9 August 1854; in front of Johnston, JP 29 August 1854; Folsom 30 August 1854, recorded 4 September 1854.

Page 158

20 September 1832 Charles Nicaise, Euphrosine Necaise, his wife, Hancock Co, and John Palliosset, Hancock Co. for $400 sell John land in Shieldsborough, bounded south by Andree Dimitrez, west by vacant land, north by the land of John Lafiteaux, east by Bay of St. Louis, one arpent front and forty back; James Johnston Associate JP on same date; Willis Arnold, clerk of county court [rest illegible]

Page 160

John B. Necaise and Genevieve Necaise, Hancock Co. for $5 sell to John Pallisset, Hancock Co. land in Shieldsborough bounded north by Lafiteaux, east by BSTL south by Dimitry and west by vacant land of the United States; one arpent front 40 aprents deep; February 1834; both Jean Baptiste and Genevieve signed with their marks; Elihu Carve Judge of Probate, 3 February 1834; Willis Arnold clerk of probate court recorded in Book B:223-4; 1 March 1834; Folsom records 11 September 1854.
[Ed. Note: probably same as p. 158, and not new sale for $5; perhaps other Nicaise had to consent two years after first sale.]

Page 161

Francois Barthe, Hancock Co. for $1300 paid by John Martinez and Cecile Palliosset, Hancock Co. for parcel of land western bank of BSTL within corporate limits of Town of Shiledsborough bounded north by Joseph Pardo, west by claim of J. Bouquie, south by Marianne Demistry, east by BSTL60 feet frontage on bay forty arpents back, being part of Madam Charlo claim, land conveyed to him (Barthe) by Edgar Montezul [?] executor of last will and testament of John Palliosset, deceased by a deed dated 14 October 1850, recorded in book F, 484, 485, 486, 17 July 1852, James Johnston JP, 17 July 1852; Sones clerk of Probate Court 24 July 1852; Folsom 11 September 1854.

Page 162

James Johnston and Eleonore Johnston of Hancock Co. for $100 paid by Jean Laffito, Hancock Co. for tract in Shieldsborough one arpent front, 40 back, bounded east by BSTL, south by Eli Ripley, west by the US, north by Joseph Sibilot [?], 4 May 1833; Eleonore signs her mark; 11 August 1833 before Elihu Carver, judge of probate; Willis Arnold clerk of probate court records in Book B, pg. 292, 11 September 1835, Folsom 12 September 1854.

Page 163

Joseph Chalo Copy of Deed to George Sheriff, before CArlile Pollock, Notary Public for New Orleans, came Joseph Chalon of the city, sells to George Sheriff of Pearl River all the tract known as Cabanage Latinier 40 arpents front on Pearl River by 40 back, situated 6 or 7 miles from the mouth of the Pearl, being same tract “composed of two several concessions made by Don Eleran Miro, Governor of the Province of Louisiana in the year 1788 and afterwards confirmed by Don Juan Ventura Morales intendant General of the Province of West Florida on 21 June 1805 to Juan Ba. Rousseve who conveyed the same to the present seller by act under private signature on the 21 July 1805. Sold for $3600, 1000 of which is paid in hand to the seller at and before the execution of these presents the receipt where he hereby acknowledges renouncing the exception non numerateis pecunia and the purchase is granted on note of $1000 payable in six months one other note for $1000 payable in 12 months and one other note for $600 payable in 18 months all dated this day and payable to the order of said Joseph Chalon for which Sheriff takes out mortgage with land just purchased as collateral. Madam Celeste Perry, lawful wife of Chalon, to renounce her rights, dated 1 December 1800 in New Orleans in presence of William Philam and C. Glassion; recorded by Elihu Carver 8 October 1821; Willis Arnold clerk of county court certifies as true copy from Book A, page 227, 228 and 229 on 8 April 1823; Stephen Mead presiding judge if Probate court in Hancock Co. certifies that Willis Arnold was clerk of court on 8 April 1823; Benjamin Sones certifies that Mead was the judge 20 March 1848; Folsom assert deed deposited ast his office 16 September 1854 and registered two days later.

Page 166

George Sherriff and Isabella Sherriff of Hancock Co. to Robert Layton of NO for $2500 two tracts of land on the Pearl River: all that tract of land on the Pearl River including Pearl Town having 4 acres fronting n the river and extending 10 acres back and making 40 acres being the same tract which I purchased by Deed passed before Noel Jourdan, Justice of the Quorum on 27 June 1817 and recorded in Book A:66-67 from Widow Favre also all that other certain tract of land on the Pearl River containing 20 arpents fronting on the river and extending back 40 arpents being the north half of a tract of 1600 arpents which I purchased from Joseph Chalon by Deed passed on 1 December 1819, deed signed by George and Isabella 25 January 1827, James Avens, N. B. Arnoldand Onezen Favre present; Willis Arnold as JP appears to state he signed the deed and recored it in Book B pages 75 and 76, 1 March 1827; certification by Roderick Seal, clerk of Probate Court 12 April 1845; Judge Stephen Mead certifies Seal 19 March 1848; Sones clerk of probate certifies Mead 20 March 1848 at Shieldsborough; Folsom certifies on re-recording 16 September 1854.

Page 168

Frederick Durrive and Elodie Poche (his wife) of NO for $775 by Alphonse Miltenberger, of NO tract of land in BSTL 286’ front on BSTL bounded north by property owned now by Durrive [survey description follows] which they bought from W. S. Hamilton and his wife Eliza C. Hamilton of West Feliciana Parish on 4 April 1848, Book F:152 &153, dated 11 February 1851; Albert Childe Ainsworth, Commissioner of Deeds for Mississippi, appointed by the Governor confirms in NO 11 February 1851; Benjamin Sones Clerk of Probate certifies arrival of deed in his office 25 February 1851, recorded March 19, 1851, Book F 527-8. Charles Folsom Clerk of Probate certifies deed deposited in his office 15 September 1854, recorded 20 September 1854.

Page 169

2 May 1854: Samuel White of Hancock Co, for sum of $230 paid by Samuel T. Randall, same county, sells two lots in Pearlington, lots numbered 2 and 3 square 8 bounded by Pearl street on West, according to the plate [sic] and diagram [sic] of said town and of record in the book A of the registry of deeds for said county pp. 106 and 107 and 108; Beatina M. White, his wife; Lewis Folsom, Acting JP certifies their presence 30 August 1854; Charles Folsom certifies 23 September 1854.

Page 170

1 February 1854: William R. McMullen, Hancock Co.for $325 paid by Otis Mark Oliver, same county. parcel in the “corporation of Shieldsboro bound north by street running between the lands of August Lafitte and lands of Arsane Sorbate, O. M. Oliver, George Cale and south lands of Willis Arnold …survey description follows; also given an 18’ right of way; Emily Francis McMullen; R. Cager “a membe of the Board of County Police” certifies signature 1 February 1854; Folsom certifies deposit of deed 19 September 1854; recorded 23 September.

Page 172

5 August 1835 indenture between John J. Quave and Jane Quave, his wife, Hancock Co. and Julian Ladner senior (of the second part) also of Hancock Co. parcel of land on Bayou Latan, 46 and 3/4 acres [survey description follows]; both Quaves sign with mark; Elihu Carver and John Dickson witness; Elihu Carver Judge of Probate certifies signature 5 August 1835; John Brush clerk of probate acknowledges deed recorded Book C p. 75-6; 10 August 1835; Folsom re-records 2 October 1854 (deposited); 3 October 1854 re-recorded.

Page 173

25 July 1835 John B. Ladner Sn. and Francine Ladner, his wife, Hancock Co. (first part) and Julian Ladner Sn. same county, for $500, 582 acres of land on the Jourdan River, bounded east by land of Charles Favre senior; north by land of Charles Necaise, west by lands of John Bt. Necaise senior; both Ladners sign their mark; witnessed by John Dickson and Carlos Ladner; Elihu Carver, judge of probate certifies 4 August 1835; John Brush Clerk of Probate enters in Book C: 74,75 10 August 1835; Folsom re-records 2 October 1854 (deposited) next day re-recorded.

Page 175

Elihu Carver Sn. Hancock Co. and wife Justine Carver (she signs her mark) to James Edwards for $600 land on the Jourdan River part of Sect. 22, 29 and 28 T8SR14Wbounded north by river and the lands claimed by John Henderson, Esq. west by land of said Henderson and public, south by public land, and land claimed by John B. Toulme’ and now by the present purchaser and east by Bayou Choctaw and land formerly claimed by John Curn and Isaac Skinner and now by the present purchaser 615 acres being the same land surveyed in the location of John Watson Claim registered in Augusta and conveyed to Carver [no date or book entered although blank space was there to accept the data] ; Justine Carver pays $1 paid by Edwards releases her rights; titles and interest of Dower; 22 January 1842; Roderick Seal, JP, certifies 25 January 1842 and Roderick Seal, clerk of Probate certifies document deposited 25 January 1842, recorded in Book E 298-9; Folsom certifies deposit of document 2 October 1854; and re-recording 14 October 1854.

Page 176

John W. Curns and Isaac Skinner, Hancock Co. for consideration of love and affection we bear toward James Edwards give deed of land: “being a part of the donation tract of land made to John Watson” [survey details follow], on Bayou Choctaw; 21 acres; in fee simple estate and “that we are to live in quiet possession on said premises during our joint or several lives and have use, occupy, cut wood or otherwise as though we had not made this conveyance”; Skinner signs his mark; 28 August 1841; Roderick Seal, JP certifies all three (including Edwards) appeared 28 August 1841; Roderick as Clerk of Probate certifies document deposited 28 August 1841 recorded 1 September 1841 Book E, p.182. Folsom certifies deposit 4 October 1854 and re-recording 14 October 1854..

Page 177

John B. Toulme’ Hancock Co. for $200 to James Edwards gives land confirmed to Gealeon Toulme’ [illegible].. his mother, surveyed and located 3 November 1830 by Julius Monet, Esq. Surveyor begins at line between Section 27 and 34 T8SR14W, “crosses the ravine known as ravine Choctaw, to line separating John Watson and Gedeaon Toulme’ claim the to Bayou Choctaw, 300 arpents; Victorine Toulme’ for $1 relinquishes, signs her mark, 28 April 1846; certified presence by J. Monet, president of the board of County Police 29 April 1846; Sones Clerk of Probate 28 September 1848 [ illegible section]; Folsom certifies deposit 2 October 1854 and re-recording 16 October 1854.
[Ed. Note: This is area of old hwy. 43 N of hwy. 90.]

Page 179

26 May 1849 in NO, Justin Fremaux (Parish of NO) and Napoleon Fremaux and Flore Caroline Marian de Montilly, his wife, Ascension Parish, represented by Nector Barthe authorized with power of attorney, and “in pursuance of a Public Sale ? by Norbert Vigorie, a licensed auctioneer of this city” and Joseph Bruneard, NO, for $710 in cash and a balance [of?] Eight twelve months of credit [follows a description of the notes and liens] for the Heirs of Francis Fremaux two tracts designated as numbers 14 and 15 (detailed plat illustrated on page 179/180A), ninety feet frontage on Bay 1980 feet back; signed by Justin Fremaux, Victor Barthe for N. J. Fremaux and Victor Barthe for W. Fremaux; and Flen [?] Caroline Marion Fremaux (mentioned but did not sign?) land which Francis Stephen Fremaux, the father, purchased of Mary Parish, James Johnson and Eleonore Johnson 19 October 1833, recorded in Probate Court Book B 326-7; certified presence of Justin Fremaux and Victor Barth [sic] by Albert Childe Ainsworth, Commissioner of Deeds state of MS and duly appointed and sworn to act in the City of NO; 26 May 1849; B. Sones clerk of probate certifies deed deposit 7 September 1849; recorded Book F pp. 295, 296, Folsom rerecord 2 October 1854, 18 October 1854

Page 180

16 November 1852 Dominique Lanata NO for $650 from Joseph Bruneau also of NO tract number 13 in BSTL on a Sketch or Plan annexed to the original act of conveyance from the heirs of Francis Fremaux, 90 foot front on the Bay by 1980 in depth, purchased by Lanata from Frencis Fremaux 26 May 1849 recorded in Book F pages 293-295. Appeared before William Shannon commissioner of deeds for the state of Mississippi appointed by the Governor to act in Louisiana, 16 November 1852;B. Sones received instrument 1 February 1853 recorded same day in Book G:139-140; Folsom certifies deposit of deed 2 October 1854 and re-recorded 17 October 1854.

Page 183

4 August 1853: Francisco Estapa of Mobile for $150 paid by Joesph Braneau of NO sells tract of land within corporate limits of Shieldsborough bound on west by Fremaux land. Lot # 16 of Monet survey, 90 ft. Bounded on NE by Colbertson, NW by Heirs of Fremaux, SW by Breneau, Se by Bay. [more detail available in document as to survey and neighbors]; Elihu Carver Jr. member of the Board of County Police certifies Estapa presence and signature 4 August 1853; B. Sones clerk of probate certifies document deposit in his office 22 August 1853 recorded 27 August 1853 Book A:40-41; Folsom certifies re-deposit 2 October 1854, re-recorded 17 October 1854.

Page 185

21 September 1845: John Henderson and Louisa Ann, his wife convey to William A. Stone of Lawrence Co. a Plantation known as “Cedar Bluff” on Bayou LaCroix and Bayou Phillip comprised of two donation claims of one section each reported in volume 3 of Land Claims, page 392 by the Register and Receiver of Jackson Courthouse dated June 11, 1820, the one claim No. 24 to Eliza W. Ripley, the other No. 31 to Joseph Favre and surveyed as Sections 20 and 21 T8SR14W together with three other parcels of land in the same town and nearly adjacent to said plantation viz. Patent No. 4756 for the north half (division No. 6) of fractional section 30 and the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of section 31 containing together 86 acres entered by Peter H. Ioor; Patent No. 4757 to Stephen Mead per N1/2 (Division No. 5) of Fractional sect. 30 containing 43 24/100 acres all acquired by John Henderson from Peter Ioor, also Patent No. 6638 to John Henderson for the N1/2 of division No. @ of Fractional Sect 30 containing 43 24/100 aces making the whole estimated at 1452 ½ acres. Roderick Seal JP certifies signature 4 October 1845; Roderick Seal clerk of Probate certifies document deposit in his office 4 October 1845; recorded in Book E: 462-463; Benjamin Davis JP Harrison County certifies Louisa A. Henderson relinquishes Dower 4 October 1854; Folsom: redeposited 20 Ocotober 1854 and re-recorded 22 October 1854.

Page 186

Evanista V. Saucier Hancock Co. for $900 paid by Henry Saucier for Plantation known as Cedar Bluff on Bayou LaCroix and Bayou Phillip [description identical to the one above up to the 1452 ½ acres. Deed for “half part interest”; Magdeline Josephine Saucier wife of E. V. Saucier released rights of Dower for $1. 16 October 1854; James Johnston JP certifies Evanista appearance and Magdaline [sic] 16 October 1854; Folsom, clerk of probate certifies document deposit 20 October 1854 and recording 22 October 1854.

Page 187

Francois Barthe, Hancock Co. for $1300 paid by Edgar Montegut of NO executor of last will and testament of John Paillasset late of Hancock Co. tract of land in Shieldsborough and sold to Joseph Pardo of NO [neighbor list follows] 14 October 1850; C. Lewis JP identifies Barthe 29 October 1850; Sones certify mortgage in his office 20 November 1850, recorded same day in Book F: 486-7; E. Montegut as executor states mortgage satisfied on 17 July 1852, in presence of J B Toulme, Folsom received document 20 October 1854 and re-records on 23 October 1854.

Page 189

John Martinez and Cecile Pallasset [Paillassit], Hancock Co. for $1350 paid by Joaquin Robira, Hancock Co. tract within Shieldsborough [neighbors described] it being part of Madam Charlo claim and the land conveyed by Edgar Montegut, executor of John Palliasset to Francis Barthe 14 October 1850 and conveyed by Barthe to the present vendors July 17, 1852 Book B 161-2; of the “new registry” on 11 September 1854; Cecile signs her mark; D.W. Johnston JP certifies both John and Cecile appeared 4 October 1854; Folsom received document 20 October 1854 and records on the 23rd.

Page 190

Eugene Ladner, Carlos Lassassier, J. F. O. Barabina and Ursine Lavigne fro $60 paid by Euphrosine Labot, Hancock Co. ½ arpent by 40 arpents in Shieldsborough 4 August 1837, all sign with their mark except J.F.O. Barabian; John Brush JP certifies all sellers present 12 October 1837; same John S. Brush is clerk of probate certifies document Record Book D 46-7, 12 October 1837; Charles Folsom Clerk of Probate Court certifies receipt 20 October 1854 and enters in Deed Book 23 October 1854

Page 191

Robert Montgomery of Hancock Co. for $500 paid by Richard W. Williams, same county, for the north part of a tract deeded to myself and John Williams by Nathaniel S. Mitchell and wife on 10 January 1846, known by the name as the Old Pearltown place, originally granted to Simon Favre, lying on the East bank of the Pearl River: “beginning fifty six rods from the SE corner of the tract so deeded by the aforesaid Mitchell [?] parallel with the south line of said tract of Pearl River should strike a high hammock in the Swamp in that event vary South at the edge of the wet ground keeping round said kn[oll] at the edge of the marshy ground until it comes opposite the above mentioned line running west, thence west to Pearl […] “Now my undivided one half or interest to this part of our tract of land I hereby sell and convey to said R.W. Williams in consideration that John Williams convey to me all his interest in and to the South part of said tract of land deeded by N. L. Mitchell and wife as aforesaid…it is mutually agreed that this instrument is not to prevent either party the free and equal use of the Landing and road or right of way to the Bank of the Pearl River. 4 January 1847. B. Sones, Clekr of Probate certifies signature and appearance of Montgomery 4 January 1847; filed by Sones 4 January 1847 and entered 12 January in Book F, page 3 and 4; Folsom certifies receipt 20 October 1854 and entered 4 days later.

Page 193

To the Honorable Judge, Second District Court NO, petition of Joseph Napoleon Fremaux and Justin Fremaux of NO petition that they were sole hiers of Francois Etienne Fremaux and of Aime Adelaid LeBrun, widow Fremaux that at the time of the liquidation of both said successions your petitioners were minors and that Justin Duad [?] of this city was their tutor. They reached majority 19 March 1849 discharged their tutor, and by act of discharge, your petitioner acknowledged to have been part in possession of the property composing said succession. The tutor who was also testamentary executor to their deceased mother had neglected to obtain a judgment from probate court in order to be put in possession of said property and to transmit to petitioners…they are now prevented from selling , signed Victor Barthe. Court recognizes them as heirs J. N. Lea, Judge NO 2 May 1851Thomas C Poole Clerk testifies to the accuracy of the inventory of the late widow Fremaux including property in BSTL; Albert Childe Ainsworth commissioner of deeds certifies the J. N Lea is “sole Judge of the second district court” etc. and signs 2 May 1851; Ainsworth, Commissioner is heading of assertion by Napoleon Joseph Fremaux of Ascension Parish that for $800 in cash he granted to Henry Frellsen of NO land described as tract Nine on the original plan deposited in the office of A. C. Ainsworth notary public in NO 26 May 1849; measuring 90 feet front 1980’ deep. He had acquired the “undivided half” from Justin Fremaux 26 May 1849 and the other undivided half he acquired from the Heirs of Francois Fremaux by virtue of decree from the second district court of NO 2 May 1851 and are now annexed together; signed Fremaux in NO 2 May 1851; Ainsworth certifies that Napoleon Fremaux appeared on the same date; Sones certifies that document was received 15 May 1851 and recorded same day Book F 559-563; Flora Caroline Marionde Montilly, wife of Napoleon Joseph Fremaux sells dower rights for $1; 21 October 1854; Folsom certifies document deposited 23 October 1854 and re-recorded next day.

Page 196

Joseph Rosetto of Hancock for $1400 paid by Widow Dusuan, of NO, lot in Shieldsborough [description of survey and neighbors follows] being a part of the estate of Justin Delapain [?] deceased sold at auction to foreclose a mortgage in favor of Henry Prodhomme and Co of NO first Monday of August 1845 by Roderick Seal, Esq. and commissioner in Chancery under decree of circuit court from April term 1845 and conveyed by said commissioner to F. Henry August 4, 1845, recorded Book E :480 Francois Henry conveyed to Joseph Rosetto by deed August 13, 1845 recorded in Book E 479. Estelle Rosetto, wife of Joseph relinquishes Dower rights for $1; Estelle signs her mark 6 June 1848; Monet President of the board of County Police certifies 27 June 1848; Sones deed filed 27 June 1848, recorded 10 July 1848, Book F: 101-102; Folsom re-receives 20 October 1854 and re-records 26 October 1854.

Page 197

Justin Fremaux and Honorine Mary Bienfani [?] his wife of NO $500 cash from Alcide LeBlanc also of NO tract of land at the Bay St. Louis designated as number 10 on the sketch of the original plan deposited in the office of A. Ainsworth and annexed to a deed of sale dated 26 May 1849 in favor of said Fremaux, recorded in Book C:52-53 13 July 1852; land measures 90’ front and 1980’ depth; signed in NO 25 January 1853; certified appearance by William Shannon Commissioner of deeds in MS duly appointed by Governor to act in Louisiana, NO 25 January 1853; Folsom deputy of Benjamin Sones clerk of Probate certifies deed deposited 20 July 1853 and recorded 29th of same month; in Book A, pages 19-20; Folsom certifies deed deposited 20 October 1854 and re-recorded 26 October 1854.

Page 199

Frederick Durrive and Elodie Poche his wife of NO for $4500 cash paid by Cesair Oliver of NO a tract of land at the Bay of St Louis [neighbors noted], property that the sellers had acquired from W.S. Hamilton and Eliza C. Hamilton, his wife of West Feliciana on 4 April 1848 recorded in Probate Court, Hancock Co. 21 October 1848, recorded in Book F pp. 152-153 30 acres in NO 11 February 1851;Ainswort certifies same day; Sones certifies deposit of deed in Hancock Co. 14 March 1851 Book F: 524-525; Folsom re-receives 20 October 8154 and re-records 27th of same month.

Page 200

Indenture 1 August 1831 between Mary Favre, Hancock Co. and Julius Monet; Mary for $60 conveys land in BSTL bounded easterly by Bay, southerly by Graveyard, north by land claimed by Charles Favre, west by US land, ¾ arpent front forty arpents back; Mary signs her mark; Stephen Aldrich JP certifies Mary appeared, 1 August 1831; Willis Arnold certifies deed delivered to him 27 December 1833 recorded in Book B:318 and 19, 27 February 1834; Folsom certifies receipt 24 October 1854 and records on the 28th.

Page 201

Indenture on 12-12-1832, Julius Monet and wife Louise, for $65, deed to Nicolas Carron. Land at Shieldsborough bounded on E by Bay St. Louis, S by Eugene Derbrugion (?), W by US vacant land, N by Charles Favre, containing ¾ arpent front by 40 arpents, N 70 W. JB Toulme, clk of probate, 1832, Willis Arnold in 1833, Chas Folsom in 1854 as re-record.

Page 202

Charles Nicaise Senior for $60 deeds to Nicolas Carron, land in Shieldsborough bounded as follows: N by Chas. Favre, Jr., W by public land, S by graveyard, E by Bay of St. L, ¾ arpent by 40 arpents. Wife Euphrosine Nicaise agrees for $1. (Both sign with X.) Date 2-26-1844. Monet, member of board of county police, same date. Roderick Seal, clk of Probate Ct. Re-record by Folsom, 1854.

Page 204

Roderick Seal for $175 deeds to Nicholas Carron, lot in Shieldsborough, bounded on N by Loran Fayard, deceased, W by public lands, S by Nicholas Carron, E by Bay, ¼ arpent front by 40 arpents, “same as purchased by me [Seal] at sheriff sale and recorded in Book E, pp. 359-60. 6-27-1845. Accepted by Monet, PBCPHC, 1845. Seal also signed as Clk of Ct. Re-record by Folsom.

Page 205

Samuel White as administrator of estate of P. Rutilius Pray, deeds by sale at public auction, land in Shieldsborough, on 5-11-1849, for $1,025, to Louisa Petit of Louisiana. Land bounded on N by Nicholas Carron, S by Widow Lofrient Fayard,
E by Bay St. Louis, having front of 120 French feet, running N 70 degrees W, 40 arpents.
Monet, JP. Sones, clk. Re-record by Folsom, 1854.

Page 206

Louisa Petit, wife of John Petit of New Orleans, and with his consent, deeds for $1,620 to Nicholas Carron, land of W bank of Bay of St. Louis, bounded on N by Nicholas Carron, W by F. Bougeie [?], S by Widow of Laurent Fayard, and E by Bay St. Louis, 120 feet front French measure, back N 70 degrees W by 40 arpents. Same purchased by Louisa Petit at auction on May 11, 1849 by Samuel White, Esq., Adm. Of estate of P. Rutilius Pray, and conveyed to her on May 11, 1849. Signed by Louisa Petit nee Garnier and J. Petit. Acknowledged by Monet, JP and B Sones, clk.
Re-record by Chas. Folsom, 1854.

Page 207

Lucien and John Mallet for $50 deeds to Nicholas Carron, “land now in possession of said Carron,” in Shieldsborough, having 45 feet front by 40 arpents,
bounded on S by heirs of Caroline Favre deceased, W by public lands, N by Francois Ladner, and E by Bay of St. Louis. Same as conveyed to Carron by Justine Bates on [?] Lucien and John signed with x. Accepted by President of Bd. Of Cnty Police, JC Monet,
October 3, 1843. R. Seal, clk. Re-record by Folsom.

Page 208

Francois Ladner and wife Mary for $130 deed to Nicholas Carron land of W bank of Bay St. Louis in Shieldsborough, bounded on N by Carron, W by US, S by Carron, reverting to heirs of Caroline Favre, and E by Bay, having 16 feet, 8 inches, back N 70 W 40 arpents, Same purchased by me from John and Lucien Mallet by deeds dated 11-25-1849 and 11-16-1849, and being part of land descended to them through their mother from the estate of Martial Necaise deceased. Dated 2-22-1850.
Both signed with x. James Johnston, JP. Re-record by Folsom.
[Ed. Note: This sale by Ladner is a combination of two pieces he bought from John and Lucien Mallet (Mally?), shown on pp. 111 and 114.]

Page 209

Francois Salle for $125 deed to Nicolas Carron land on west bank of Bay of St. Louis in Shieldsborough, beginning at post on property of seller at East end of Apothecary St., [now State St.] S 20 W, 1060 feet distant, thence N 70 W 200 feet, then S 20, 72 feet, then S 70 E, 200 feet, then N 20 E, 72 feet to place of beginning. Bounded N by Apothecary St., W by present seller, S by George Klenk, and E by seller. Lot 4 on platt, conveyed by Andrew Pepin. Dated 10-6-1851. James Johnston, JP, re-record by Folsom, 1854.

Page 211

Mortgage by I.O. Kinne in amount of $15,000 paid by Richard Garrison, both said to be of Hancock [but neither shows in 1840 census; only Louisa Garrison shows], land known as Magnolia Retreat, containing three sections, 1920 acres, being of N side of Point Clear Bayou, acquired by purchase from Garrison. Kinne is inindebted to Garrisonm, on three notes at 8%. Dated 5-2-1838 in presence of Willis Arnold and G. W. Zacharie, accepted by Sam. White, JP.
Wife of Kinne joined in. Both signed their names. Accepted, Samuel White, JP and John Brush, clk. In 1838; B. Sones in 1852. Re-record by Folsom.

Page 212

Oran A. Kinne, deed of release, to Ward Brack. Indenture made 11-20-1852. Kinne by deed of conveyance from Garrison, late of this county, acquired title to Magnolia Retreat, 1920 acres lying and being on N side of Pt. Clear Bayou, comprised of tract of 640 acres of claim of Elishate Lott, part sec. 34 and 27, T9S, R15W; another tract of 640 acres, claim of Samuel White, part sec. 33, T9 R15 and sec. 4 T10 of same Range; and another tract of 640 acres, claim of Willis Arnold, part sec. 32 T9 R14 and part of sec. 5 [?], T10 R 15. $15,000.
Kenne failed to pay and Garrison died, leaving widow Louisa as sole heir. She remarried to John Armstrong, and during their lifetime did convey to Emilee Mazilly, who has since conveyed to Ward Brack.
Kinne signed his name, witnessed by W.A. Champlin.
Accepted by Arch. Clark, JP. Re-recorded by Sones, clk and Folsom, 1854.
[Ed. Note: Samuel White claim appears to be Ansley area.]

Page 214

Emile Mazilly for $1,500 deed to Ward Brack of Alabama three tracts of land on certain bayou leading from Pearl River to a place on the Gulf of Mexico, known as Point Clear, and known as Bayou Lileaux pois [Isle aux Pois, or Pea Island] at Bayou Point Clear, one tract of 640 acres, claim of Elisha Lott, part of sec 27 and 34 (see above deed), bounded on E by Stevens Wentworth; N by Wentworth and Nancy Collins, W by Sam. White and Nancy Collins, and S by Bayou Ile aux Pois and Point Clear at their junction.
Another 640 acres known as Samuel White land, part of sec. 33 [see above deed], bounded E by Elisha Lott claim, N by Nancy Collins, W by Nancy Collins and Willis H. Andrews claim, and S by bayou L’ileaux pois 3 degrees, and another of 640 known as the Willis H. Arnold, part of sec 32 [see above deed].
Signed by both Emile and Louisa Mazilly on 9-29-1852; witness: Monet.
James Johnston, JP. Re-record by Folsom.

Page 216

Indenture on 11-23-1852 between Louisa E. Armstrong and Ward Brack: that Richard Garrison, late of this county and now deceased, by a deed dated 5-2-1838 for $15,000, for a certain farm known as Magnolia Retreat, 1920 acres, N side of Point Clear Bayou, etc. [see above deeds for same descriptions]
Signed by Louisa 11-23-1852, DC Stanley, JP, accepting, Folsom for re-record in 1854.

Page 219

Samuel White quit claims for $1 paid by Ward Brack, and also in consideration of a sale formerly made by Richard Garrison, I hereby sell to Brack 640 acres known as Samuel White Land Claim, confirmed to him by the Congress of the US, part sec. 33, T9S R15W, and part Sec. 4, T10, R15W, bounded E by Elisha Lott, N by Nancy Collins and Willis H. Arnold, and S by Bayou de Lile aux Pois. [Check: this is maybe same as in above deeds.]
Whie signed on 10-13-1852. Appeared before James Johnston, JP. Folsom signed for Sones, clk; Folsom re-recorded.
[Ed. Note: This appears to be the Ansley area.]

Page 220

Julius Monet for $1,000 deeds to Marianna Suat, alias Alexander 0n 7-21-1841, land in Shieldsborough, 45 feet front on Bay St. Louis, bounded on N by Monet at the time and now by Guilloume Macoullard, W by public lands, S by lands then claimed by Pray and now belonging to Arnold Pepin, and E by the Bay, which land was conveyed by Marianne Suat to Angelique Perricoli by deed of 8-2-1845, and by Pericoli to Francois Salles by deed dated 4-1-1848.
Joined in by Louisa Monet for $1 paid by said BF Salles. Signed by both Monets.
James Johnston, JP, Sones, clk, and re-record by Folsom.

Page 222

United States of America State of Louisiana City of New Orleans\
Francois Bazile Salles, for $4,250 paid by Marguerite Angelique Pericoli, both of Hancock, land on Western bank of Bay in Shieldsborough, bounded on N by JC Monet, W by US, S by heirs of Pray and others, and E by tidewater of the bay, 45 feet front by 40 arpents, a portion of same tract which has been acquired by present seller from Pericoli by deed dated 4-1-1848, recorded in Probate Court Book F. pp 162-3 of Registry of Deeds, together with all buildings etc. Dated 1-15-1852.
Signed as B F Salles, witnessed by Peter Baar and Willian Hummon, witnessed for US and Orleans b William Hannon, commissioner, Folsom for rerecord.

Page 223

B. Francois Salles deeds for $3,000 to Maria Marguerite Angelique Coitte of Hancock. [F. Sallas shows in 1850 census as having apothecary; has wife and two children.] Dated 8-15=51. Promissory note payable to Armand Pepin of New Orleans. Parcel of land and buildings on west bank of Bay St. Louis, bounded on N by Coitte, W by public lands, S by land of Guillaumme Macoullards and others, on E by Bay, having 42 feet front and back 40 arpents from fence on said lot on two parallel lines to Apothecary St. [State St.], extending 72 feet claimed by Gioranne Zunich; one other lot having 200 feet front on Apothecary St. and back 72 feet to land of Nicholas Carron. Signed B F Salles on 12-18-1852.
George Carrico signed as JP, and re-record by Folsom.

Page 225

Charles Frazar deeds to David Moye for $80 land in Gainesville, the square E of square Q, bounded on N by Division St., W by Smithe St., S by Harrison St., E by lands formerly owned by Heirs of George M. Smythe, deceased. Signed by Frazar on 11-9-1854. Lewis Folsom JP, Charles Folsom, clk.

Page 226

Deed of conveyance on 10-23-1854 between Dougharty Gause, administrator of all …of John Wm Gause, dec., of first part, and Benjamin H. Carroll. On 4th Monday of August of 1854, Probate Court decreed that party of 1st part should sell on a credit of 12 months, land on Pearl River of 80 acres, bounded by lot of subdivision No. 3 if oart sec. No. 4, T4S, R 18 W, 80 acres on which Caroll lives. Said administrator gave notice in pewspaper in Balounce in Harrison Cnty, called the Sea Shore Journal for three weeks and posted copies of same in three of the most public places in the county. Former residence John Gause, deceased, now occupied by Green J. Wooten. At auction, Benjamin Caroll bid $400. Signed by Gause on 10-23-1854. Witness: ST Randall; Folsom, clk.

Page 228

Samuel White, adm. of Estate of P. Rutilius Pray, empowered by probate court in pursuance of a sale at public auction, for $328 paid by Thomas Leonard, half of tract bounded on N by John Shave, on W by same, E by public lands in T7 R16W of B N [?], sold to said Pray as estate of Michael O’Connor, premises of Thomas Leonard. Signed by Samuel White, adm. 3-2-1846. Leonard signed as JP, B. Sones as clk. Re-record by Folsom.

Page 229

Rebecca Nixon of Shieldsborough for $1,200 paid by my daughter Victoria Sherwood, land and buildings in Shieldsborough bounded on S by John S. Aitkin, on N by Sam White, on E by Bay, W by public land, having front on Bay of 70 feet, running west for depth between parallel lines 40 arpents, same as conveyed to me by Sam White in Book G, p. 49. Dated 4-28-1852. Sam White, witness; James Johnston, JP; B Sones, clk; Folsom for re-record.

Page 230

Sam White for $350 deeds to Rebecca Nixon, land and buildings, bounded on S by land of Pray, dec., on N by White, on E by Bay, W by public lands. Front on Bay of 70 feet by 40 arpents. Signed 5-23-1850. Wm Stocker, JP. Re-record by Folsom.

Page 231

Charles Frazar for $300 deeds to Rebecca Nison of Gainesville, four lots in sq. C - no. 13, 12, 36, 37, bounded on N by Main st., E by Pearl St., S by John Sherwood, W by Water St., dated 5-19-1845. Signed by Frazar; wife Jane signed with x. Benjamin Leonard, JP. Rerecord by Folsom.

Page 232

Rebecca Nixon for $550 deeds to JB Poitevent four lots in Gainesville [same as above deed] except on S by R. Sewell [Tervell?], Signed by Nixon on 6-1-1854. Witness: Victoria Sherwood, James Johnston, JP, Folsom, clk.

Page 235

State of LA, City of NO: Constantine B. Beasley of this city, for $415 sells to Daniel Regan Carroll on 3-23-1850, land in Hancock designated by the number 12 on a plan by JC Monet, surveyor, dated 8-21-1849 and deposited in office of AE Bienvenu, notary of this city, land measuring 100 feet front on the Bay by 1,550 feet on division line of lot 11 and 1,500 feet on division line of lot 13. Part of larger tract acquired by me from Bernard Bourgeois as per deed of 8-26-1848. Recorded in Registry of Deeds, p142-3.
Joined in by Celine Douce, wife, for $1. Both signed. Bienvenu was witness, attested to by Francis N. Haralson, commissioner for Mississippi for state of LA. Received in MS by Sones, clk, and recorded by Folsom.
Indenture made 1-20-1855 between Mary Stovall and Lewis Stovall [name seems correct for daughter], giving a certain Negro woman named Prissilla, age about two years, for love and $1. Witnesses: EH Hatch and AV Favre. Accepted by Folsom as both JP and clk.

Page 237

John B. Toulme for $250 sells to Josiah Broadwell of New Orleans, land in Hancock on west bank of Bay of St. Louis, bounded on NE by land claimed by Broadwell, NW by public lands, SW by John Toulme, SE by the bay. One arpent front extending N 45 degrees W to the NW boundary of Widow Morin’s claim which was confirmed by US and located on sec. 1, 2, and 11, T9S W, conveyed by said Widow Morin to Honorene Carver, and by said Carver after her marriage jointly with her husband Victor Ladner to Elihu Carver, Senior, and said Carver to me, the present seller. Toulme signed on 11-11-1846.
Joined in by Victoria Toulme, wife, who signed with x.
Witnesses: Monet and Elihu, Jr.
Acknowledged by Monet as Pres, Board of County Police, and Sones, clk, in 1848. Re-record by Folsom 1854.

Page 238

John B. Toulme for $500 sells to Josiah Broadwell [seems to read as same parcel as above, except possibly only part sec. 1], having two arpents [note that above is one arpent, possibly being adjacent parcel]. Dated 10-6-1847, signed by same parties as above.

Page 240

Cadet Lafontaine for $500 sells to Josiah Broadwell land of west bank of Bay of St. Louis, bounded on N by Zine Necaise, E by purchaser, W by heirs of Francois Fremaux, running N 45 degrees W to boundary of Widow Morin claim, having 96 feet front on Bay, being same sold me by Lise Lafontaine, now the wife of Hines Kranke. Cadet and wife Celeste signed with x’s on 3-23-1848.
Witnesses: Monet and Barthe. Monet also signed as JP; Folsom re-record.

Page 241

George and Laperle Carico for $1,250 sell to Josiah Broadwell of New Orleans, parcel of land on West bank of Bay near village of Shieldsborough, bounded on N by E by land of Lafontaine, NW by public lands, SW by John Toulme, and S of E by the Bay, having two arpents front and extending N 45 degrees W to the NW boundary of Widow Morin’s claim located on sec. 1, 2, and 11 [see above] conveyed by Morin to Honorene Carver and by her to Elihu Carver and by him to JB Toulme, and by Toulme and wife to Jeoffrey Landrieux, and by Landrieux and wife to Laperle Carico, the present seller. Both Caricos signed on 10-31-1846. Witnessed by Toulme and Monet, and Sones as clk. Re-record by Folsom.

Page 243

Angelique Clino [Olino?] Demitry, wife of John Pieri, and by him duly authorized, both of New Orleans, for $150 deeds to [blank] Carron, land on Bay bounded on SW corner by land of Paillassie bought from Elihu Carver, then N 45 W 61 chains to section line, then S two chains and 91 links to the Bay, then along Bay to place of beginning, containing 14 ½ acres. She and George signed on 8-5-1848.
Octave de Armas signed for City of NO as Notary Public. Also, Albert Ainsworth, representing Parish of Orleans, signed as Commissioner of Deeds for State of MS. Sones as clk for MS. Re-record by Folsom.

Page 244

Lucian Allibert of New Orleans for $300 sells to John O’Brian land at Shieldsborough fronting on Lake Borgne [NB: This could mean either that Shieldsborough was accepted to extend far west, or that Lake Borgne was considered to extend to the bay, depending on where this land turns out to be.] to begin at a stake dividing the property of DF Guex from land of late Gen Ripley, 148 feet on a line running S 61 degrees W, then N 29 W to Southern boundary of Ripley’s land, then S 70 E along S boundary to place of beginning. Bounded on W by Ripley, on S by Guex.
Signed by Allibert on 12-12-1854.
Ed Floyd signed for New Orleans as Louisiana’s Commissioner of deeds for state of MS. Folsom, clk, recorded for MS.

Page 246

John and Eliza Denmard of New Orleans for $430 deed to John Pooley of New Orleans land on W bank of Bay of St. Louis, part lots 7 and 8 of sec. 10, T9S R14W, bounded on E by line dividing land of George Sheriff, deceased, and land of Maximilien Bourgiois, running N 32 degrees W to the N boundary of said lot 7 and 8, which line is the W boundary of land purchased by John Pooley, and on N by public lands, and on W by Bourgiois, and on S by the Bay. One arpent front on Bay, running back N 32 W to boundary of lots 7 and 8.
Signed by both sellers on 3-5-1850. Witnesses: George Shaw and John Livingston.
Ainsworth of NO signed as Orleans Commissioner of MS deeds.
Livingston also signed as commissioner for MS deeds for State of New York.
Re-record by Folsom in 1854.
[Ed. Note: This is s/w corner of Waveland.]

Page 247

Isabella Sheriff, widow and sole heir of George, for $200, deeds to John Pooley of New Orleans land on W side of Bay of St. Louis, on W claimed by Maximilian Bourgoies, N by land now belonging to seller, E by D Dewas, and S by the Bay, having 192 feet front on Bay, running N 32 degrees W, to lots 7 and 8 of sec. 10, T9S R14W, which lots were entered at the land office at Augusta MS by Elihu Caver Sr., (as does appear by the patent 941, recorded as a deed executed by me this day to Daniel Duces for a lot joining the premises hereby conveyed), the above described and granted lot of land being a part of the half of said lots 7 and 8, conveyed by Elihu Carver to George Sheriff, deceased, and by present seller, inherited from my husband, and the same land for which a bond for title was executed by me for John Pooley on 9-16-1848. Signed by Isabella on 8-19-1852.
James Johnston, JP and B. Sones, clk.
[Ed. Note: This is s/w corner of Waveland]

Page 249

Thomas Warren of New Orleans for $2,200 deeds to Edward Beebee of NO, land with all buildings on Lake Borgne, [NB: In 19th century, Lake Borgne was considered to run all along “the Lakshore” to the Bay.] consisting of a dwelling house, kitchen and all furniture, having 100 feet front, measured on a line running S61 degrees W, beginning 248 [?] from the stake which divides it from the land formerly owned by Gen. Ripley, and back from said lake running N 29 W to Ripley property. Being same as I purchased from David F. Guex. Joined in by Margaret Warren, wife. Signed by both, 4-18-1850. Witnesses: William Hannon and I. Wood Breedlove.
Albert Childe Ainsworth signed for City of NO as commissioner for MS deeds.
Sones clk for MS, Folsom for re-record.

Page 250

Edward Beebe deeds to Hanson Kelly, Jr., both of New Orleans, land and buildings as described in above deed. $2,100. Mary Ann Peck, wife of Bebee, signed with him. Witnesses: G. Rareshide and I. Woode Breedlove. Dated 4-21-1852. Commissioner for New Orleans was William Monaghan. For MS: Sones, clk, and Folsom for re-record.

Page 253

Joseph Slade of New Orleans, for $800, deed to Justine Louis Lollee, of New Orleans, on west bank if Bay in corporate limits of Shieldsborough, bounded on E by portion of estate of Charles Carel, bequeathed to him by Widow Mary Carel, s by Louise Marcot, W by heirs of JH Hopkins, N by JB Saucier and now owned by Rosainville, measuring 72 feet front on property of Widow Carel, extending 39 arpents. Also that land extending between parallel lines and public road in front of property bequeathed to Widow Carel, to the shore of the Bay. Said parcel belonging to Joseph Slade by means of purchase from heirs of Charles Carel by deed dated 5-13-1850, recorded in Registry of Deeds book F, pp. 459-462.
Includes all buildings, houses and out-houses.
Signed by Slade on 4-27-1852. Paul Samuels was notary for New Orleans.
Emelia Charbonnet, wife of Slade, joined in.
Newell Bradner Smith was “commissioner for Mississippi in Louisiana.”
Re-record by Folsom.

Page 255

Augustine Favre for $320 deeds to Louise E. Garrison, land in Pearlington, being lot number 10 in sq. 30, 60 feet on Franklin St. and by 100 deep. Wife Eleanor Favre joined in. Both signed on 10-30-1837. Witnesses: James C. Cleveland. JP, and Leonard Kimball. John Brush was clk. Folsom for re-record.

Page 256

Augustine Favre for $200 deeds to John Armstrong lots in Pearlington 8-10, sq. 30, 60 by 120 feet. Wife Mary Jane Favre joined in. Both signed on 9-23-1846. JC Money was witness. B. Sones accepted as pres. of Bd of County Police.
Folsom, clk for re-record.

Page 257

John S. Armstrong for $200 deeds to Lewis DFF Conley, lots in Pearlington, number 8-10, sq. 30, 60 feet by 120. Signed by Armstrong and wife Louise on 8-19-1847. Witness: Sones, who also signed as clk. Re-record by Folsom, clk.

Page 259

Louise Armstrong, administrator of estate of John S. Armstrong, empowered by Probate Court, and in pursuance of a sale at public auction in Pearlington of 3-18-1850, for $350 paid by Asa Hursey, grants title to sq. 17. and half part of sq. 4, a/c to the Pearlington Company’s plat. She signed on 3-18-1850. E. Benjamin signed as member of Police Court. Sones, clk; Folsom, for re-record.

Page 260

Asa Hursey for $300 deeds to Louisa Armstrong, entire sq. 17 in Pearlington. Joined in by wife Isabella, who signed with him on 8-7-1850.
WJ Stocker, JP. Sones, clk. Folsom re-record.

Page 261

Pearlington Company in pursuance of a sale at auction on 12-21-1850, under order of president and secretary of said company, dated 5-12-1851, sells to Louise Eucharise Armstong sq. 26. Signed by Samuel White, President on 1-1-1851.
WJ Stocker, JP. Sones, clk. Folsom re-record.

Page 262

Emile Mazilly deeds for $300 to John S. Armstrong parcels on E bank of Pearl River, within corporate limits of Pearlington, whole sq. 17 and half on sq. 4, part of land conveyed to Daniel Banister Morgan in name of Pearlington Company by Samuel White, President, by deed dated 7-18-1836, and a part of land conveyed to Asa Hursey by DB Morgan by deed dated 6-19-1846. , recorded in Book E of Registry of Deeds, pp. 542.3 on 11-8-1846. Emile and wife Louise Mazilly signed on 12-30-1848. CD Leonard was witness. Bailey Webster, JP.
Sones, clk. Folsom re-record.

Page 263

Rebecca Nixon for $1 deeds to Neoma Lenoir, “On the North, after leaving 60 feet - between said lot and southern boundary of Town of Pearlington, 100 feet on the North - by land of Rebecca Nixon, and 120 feet deep, all bounded by lands of Rebecca Nixon, parcel further known by a house being built by Neoma Lenoir. Signed by Nixon 9-11-1840. Accepted by Leonard Kimball, MB of Police Board. Roderick Seal, clk. Folsom, re-record.

Page 264

Roger Alden Hinn [Hiern?], assessor and collector of taxes for Hancock for 1829, sendeth greeting:
By virtue of statutes for collecting Revenue of the State, there were due to the state and county $4.80 for taxes on parcel on Pearl River, 640 acres claimed by Alexander Frazar and $5.75 ¼ costs. Gave notice to law in the Planters Museum printed at Monticello that these would be sold for cash at the court-house in Shieldsborough on 9-20 next….made sale of the land so distressed to Jesse McGehee, to wit, two parcels each containing 320 acres at two bids $10.55 ¼ . Lands adjoin S side of land claimed by James Murphy, 640 acres.
Signed by Hiern on 9-23-1830.

[This document appears to continue, reciting following deeds.]
Jesse McGhee for $50 paid by Richard S. Smith the above described premises. Dated 5-31-1832, signed by McGehee, in presence of John Brush and Willis Smith.

Richard S. Smith for $150 sells to Augustine Favre and P. Rutioius P;ray, the N half of 640 acres mentioned in the within deed from RA Hiern to Jesse McGehee in equal proportions to each. Signed by Smith on 5-6-1835. Witness James Cleveland.
Know all men by these presents that I [blank] Smith, wife, etc.
Samuel White, JP, for county, on 12-24-1838.

Lastly, Charles Folsom, clk, apparently re-records all above as one document.

Page 266

Samuel White, administrator de bonis non [for the goods in an estate not yet administered] of estate of P. Rutilius R. Pray, empowered by probate court
in pursuance of sale at auction at Pearlington on 5-14-1849, and for $16 paid by Henry Dillard who was highest bidder, sell the undivided half of the North half of the Alexander Frazar claim of 640 acres, adjoining land of White on South, public lands on the East and North. Signed by White as adm., 5-14-1849.
Sones, JP and also as clk. Folsom for re-record.

Page 267

Charles and Frosine Necaise for $200 deed to Andrew Dexter of Alabama.
Necaise sells all right of said Frosine to receive from the government of the US a donation or grant of land for such number of acres as we are entitled to on account of a settlement and improvement made by John Batiste Lardasse on tract at Bay of St. Louis more than 10 years prior to 1803, which continued in the possession of Lardass during those years.
Both signed with x’s on 6-20-1830.
Witnesses: Elihu Carver and Willis Arnold; Arnold also as JP. Roderick Seal signed as clerk of probate, 1840. Folsom for re-record.

Page 268

Andrew Dexter, administrator of Andrew Dexter deceased, duly empowered by court of probate to sell the real estate of the Intestate. Published for 40 days in Spirit of Seventy-six for all persons interested, did sell the same at Shieldsborough on 3-22-1841 to Henry Saucier, highest bidder. Bid was $250. Signed by Andrew Alfred Dexter as administrator on 3-10-1843.
Witness: John W. Russ and BS Leonard. Stephen Mead, Judge of Probate.
R. Seal, clk. Folsom, re-record.

Page 269

Indenture on 7-1-1843 between Henry Saucier and Benjamin S. Leonard for $250. Saucier sells land on East side of Pearl River, being South half of sec. 25 and North half of sec. 36, T7 R17, known as claim of James Rollis, and transferred to Saucier by Andrew Dexter, deceased. Signed by Saucier.
George Smythe, JP. R. Seal, clk. - July 1843
Re-record by Folsom.

Page 270

Willis Arnold of Pearlington for $160 deeds to Andrew Dexter of Montgomery, AL, two claims, each 640 acres on Pearl River, one confirmed as donation [grant] to Henry Jarrell 9 (original claim of Robert Lott), the other to me (original claimant of Bradley [parenthesis missing?] and which lands I have acquired by deed from the late Sheriff sold by him under an execution out of Circuit Court in a suit, The Pearlington Co. vs Jesse Depew.
Signed by Willis H Arnold, 8-9-1830. Witness AB Saunders.
J. Cauldwell, JP. Roderick Seal, clk.
Folsom for re-record.

Page 271

John W. and Susan Russ for $600 deed to Benjamin and Thomas Leonard
land at corner of sec. 19, 20, 29 and 30, T7 R16W, 640 acres [land described in great detail] formerly known as Shave claim. [See p. 228 Russes, 12-28-1847.
Sones was witness, and also JP. Folsom for re-record.

Page 272

Joseph Baker of the [illeg] of Biluxey in Hancock County, for love and affection which I bear toward Henry Gallenger of the same parish and county have gratisly [sic] given and granted land on branch of Melato Byou, a hamuck called Eaton’s Hammuck which before the signing of the preasants I have delivered the said Henry Gallenger an invictory signed with my own hand and having even date To have and to hold the said piece of land by my improvement and claim to Eaton’s Hamuck to him the said Henry Gallenger…as his property.
Baker signed with x on 4-26-1814. Witnesses: Elijah Baits and Adam Gailengs.
Certified by Sam White, JP, on 6-18-1821 at Shieldsborough. Elihu Carver, County Clerk. Folsom for re-record. [NB: seven years between dates.]

Page 273

Henry and Agnes Gallenger of Hancock for $200 deed to Ambrose Gaines, land on Mulatto Bayou amounting to 200 French arpents formerly claimed by Joseph Baker and by him transferred to me by deed of gift, together with all the buildings, etc. Both Gallengers signed with x’s, on 6-16-1821.
Witnesses: Peter Moore and Findlin Prighe.
Certified by Sam White, JP. Folsom for re-record.

Page 274

Mary Ann Thompson, for $1,000, deeds to Enoch McFadden land at a place called Gaines’s Bluff, being the same owned and occupied by Gaines my grandfather at the time of his death, and which descended to me through my mother now deceased, also all my right title and interest by inheritance or otherwise to any and all other lands in the county, together with all my right title and interest in and to a section of land in Louisiana confirmed by my late uncle James Gaines[illeg] and which has descended to me and my sister as his heirs, together with all privileges, etc.
Mary Ann Thompson signed with x on 12-2-1833.
Witnesses: PH Ioor and David Odom. Willis Arnold signed as JP and clk.
Folsom re-record.

Page 275

William Thompson for $140 deeds to Charles Frazar land at Gaines Bluff, being the one half part of tract of 640 acres, being the share allotted by my late wife Jane Thompson, former Jane Gaines, one of the heirs of Ambrose Gaines, deceased. Thompson signed on 7-8-1833.
Witnesses: Levi Lauss and Ripley A. Arnold. Willis Arnold signed as both JP and clerk. Folsom re-record.

Page 276

Indenture on 10-14-1833. Charles Homes Frazar and Jane Thompson his wife deed to Enoch McFadden of the county of Mary An [?][illeg] with all right and title of said Jane Thompson in virtue of right of Dower, accruing to her at the time of marriage with Chares Frazar, for $1,150, an undivided third part of parcel of 640 acres claimed by several heirs of the deceased Ambrose Gaines, on NW part thereof, bounding land long known by name of English Bluff, of which Ambrose Gaines obtained right to and by virtue of a treaty entered into and executed by him and a legal constituted body of the Spanish government. Together with all the buildings, etc. … to the above one undivided third before described. [Wording included also mentions any other titles that may be acquired from US by virtue of settlement and improvements.]
Signed by Charles Frazar; Jane signed with x.
Witnesses: Robert P Wingate and AG Renwick
[Curiously, signatures of sellers and of witnesses are included in two places in text besides at the bottom, as though they might have to attest to some assertions separately.]
J. Monet JP and John Brush, clerk, for county in 1835.

Page 278

Enoch McFadden for $1,000 deeds to Charles Frazar one undivided third part of a track, 640 acres, at a place called English Bluff or Gaines Bluff, same as confirmed by Congress of US to Ambrose Gaines, and same that was sold by said Frazar to me by deed dated 10-14-1833. By me acquired by deed from Mary Ann Thompson on 12-2-1833. Wife Rebecca joined in, and both signed on 7-17-1835 in presence of J Monet.
John Brush clk - 1835; Folsom re-record.

Page 279

Charles Frazar, administrator of estate of James Gaines, for $464 deeds to Larkin N. Minens [Mimms?] 96 acres, being the remainder of land of James Gaines, deceased, in sec. 7 T8 R17W, bounded on NE by Wm Poitevent, SE by George Smythe, SW by Pearl River, and NW by Charles Frazar. Signed by Frazar on 2-7-1843. Roderick Seal, JP and clerk. Folsom rerecord.

Page 280

Larkin N. Mimms for $460 deeds to Charles Frazar, 90 acres, being the remainder of land belonging to the estate of James Gaines, in sec. 7, T8 R17W, bounded on NE by Wm Poitevent, SE by Smythe, SW by Pearl River, N by Charles Frazar. Signed by Mimens [?], 2-7-1843.
Roderick Seal JP and clerk, for county, same date. Folsom rerecord.

Page 281

William White, administrator de bonis non of estate of P Rutilius R Pray and empowered by probate court sells at public auction in Pearlington on 2-28-1846 for $250 paid by Charles Frazar, undivided half on land bounded by Littleberry, W by public lands, S by Michael Beck [?] and public lands, E by public lands, in T7 R 16W of BM, sold to Pray as property of Robert Carter by Elihu Carver, administrator of said Carter in 1828. White signed on 3-2-1846.
Benjamin Leonard, JP and B sones, clk, for county in 1846
Folsom rerecord.

Page 282

the US of America, Greetings: Charles Frazar has deposited in general land office of US a certificate of the Registry of Land Office at Augusta, where it appears full payment has been made by Charles Frazar according to act of Congress of 4-24-1820, entitled, “An act making further provisions for the sale of public lands” for lot Number 4, fractional sec. 7, T8S R16W, 45 acres and 75/100 of an acre, which tract has been purchased by Charles Frazar.
Martin van Buren, President, caused these letters to be made patent. Signed [by sec.] at Washington 1-5-1841. MM Garland, Recorder of General Land Office

Page 283

James Avery, Sheriff of Hancock, sends greeting. Writ of fieri facias [writ directing that goods be taken from someone against whom a judgment has been rendered] has been issued by Circuit Court of Marion County, on 10-1-1826, directing that the goods, chattels, lands and tenements of Francis B. Lenoir and Harmon Hammond should be sold to raise $317.11 and ½ cent, which Foster and Hutton rendered against them for damages by non performance of promises. Sheriff made a levy against two lots in Pearlington on the River, the one in front of lot 1 in sq. 3, the other in front of lot 2, sq. 3, with all improvements thereon. Lots described as being according to plat of Pearlington Company. Public auction on first Monday of December, 1826 at court house in Pearlington [NB: another indication that there were other courthouses than one at county seat.] Sheriff sold the lots to P Rutilius R. Pray for $18.
Signed by Avery of 5th ? of March, 1827. J C Monet as JP accepted for county on 2-3-1855. Folsom rerecorded on 2-10-1855.

Page 284

Samuel White as administrator de bonis non of estate of Pray PRP Pray, empowered by probate court to auction in Pearlington on 5-14-1849, deeds for $40 to Thomas Brown, lots in Pearlington, lots on shore of Pearl River, one in front of lot 1, sq. 3, the other in front of lot 2m sq. 3 [Term used seems to be “quaz” lots, possibly meaning water lots.] Signed by White, 5-14-1849.
Elisha Benjamin accepted for Board of Police 5-19-1849. Folsom rerecord.

Page 285

Thomas Brown deeds to White for $55 same lots as in above deed. [Here definitely called “quay” or “water lots.”] Brown signed on 6-12-1849.
Bemjamin signed for Board of Police; Sones as clerk. Folsom rerecord.

Page 286

John Henderson of Harrison County for $438 deeds to John Joseph Chanche of Natchez, Adams County, lot in Shieldsborough measuring 79 feet, 9 inches width in front on the Bay, back 40 acres, bounded on E by Bay, S by Francis Casanova and land of F. Fruncias, W by public lands, N by Asa Russ, together with all improvements. Louisa Ann Henderson joined in for $1. Both signed on 8-3-1848.
Job G. Selph signed as JP, B. Sones as clerk. Folsom rerecord.

Page 287

James Avery, Sheriff of Hancock, sends greetings. Writ of Fieri Facias [see above for definition.] issued by circuit court on 2nd Monday of September, 1828, directing sheriff to sell goods and chattels, lands and tenements of Burrell Perry to raise sum of $203.95, which lately in circuit court PRR Pray has recovered for damages for non-performance of promises. Levy made on land on Pearl River 600 arpents, which Perry has acquired from US by grant, on which Perry’s wife and part of his family has resided for last 15 years. Sold to Pray for $40.50. Avery signed on 3-6-1827.
J. Monet signed as Member, Board of Police; Roderick Seal as Deputy Clerk. Folsom rerecord.

Page 289

Elihu Carver, appointed by Orphan Court to administer goods and ‘ chattels and estate of Michael O’Connor and of Robert Carter, deeased, intestate, empowered to sell at auction, for $160, paid by him and PRR Pray, who were the highest bidders. Land bounded on N by John Shaw, on W by same and public lands, on S by Sittleberry West’s claim, on E by public lands, in T7, R16W of B. M., sold as estate of O’Connor; also, one other parcel, bounded on N by Sittleberry, W by public lands, S by Michael Burk and public lands, and E by public lands, in T7 and 8, R 16W of B.M., sold as property of Carter.
Signed by Carver on 7-21-1828.
Willis Arnold signed both as JP and clerk. Folsom rerecord.

Page 290

Elihu Carver and wife Justine for $250 deed to Andrew Dexter, land on E side of Pearl, one of 640 acres granted by US to John Shave, bounded on N by public lands, on S by lands granted by US to Edward O’Connor; also one undivided moity [“moiety” means one of two equal parts] and half part of section if 640 acres granted to O’Connor, the other half part being owned by PRR Pray, all the several tracts being bounded E by vacant land of US, and W by Mike’s river. Elihu signed, wife, with x on 9-20-1830.
Monet was JP in 1830; John Brush, clerk, signed in 1837. Folsom rerecord.

Page 291

Julius Monet, Sheriff, sends greetings. Writ of plur fieri facias issued by Circuit Ct directing sheriff on 1-4-1832 to sell good, chattels, lands and tenements of Andrew Dexter to raise $81.60 which Willis Arnold has recovered in Circuit Court for damages. Levy was made on two sections of 640 acres each, unlocated, known as claims granted to Henry Jarrel and Willis H. Arnold, purchased by Dexter fromArnold, and the undivided half of two sections on Pearl River, one granted to Mark O’Connor and the other to Robert Carter. Property sold at Court-House in Shieldsborough to Samuel White for $20, $13.50, and $30, for total of $63,50. Monet signed as sheriff on 3-4-1833.
Willis Arnold signed as JP in 1833; John Brush was clerk, date 1836. Folsom rerecord.

Page 293

Samuel White for $450 deeds to Thomas Leonard, being undivided half if grant to O’Connor, known as Claim #32 in report #6, certificate #9, warrant #654, T7 R16W. Bounded on S by Sittleberry West, N by grant from US to John Shave, E by Wm H Brown, W by public lands. Signed by White and wife Beatina on 12-28-1854.
Christian Koch signed as JP, same date. Folsom recorded next day.

Page 294

Elisha Benjamin of Pearlington deeds to Joseph Chandler of Cincinnati, lot #5, SQ2, in Pearlington with improvements. Signed by Benjamin on 7-16-1850.
WT Stocker signed as JP on same date. B Sones was clk. Folsom rerecord.
[NB: No amount of money is shown. It may be that this is a swap of same land that had been previously deeded by Chandler to Benjamin.]

Page 295

Nancy, John and Margaret Howard and Anny Newman deed to Joseph Wheat for $140 land known as the Moses Strahan tract, bounded on W by Pearl River, on N by county line, on E by Neal Strahan entry, on S by SR Holden and Newman, containing 170 acres. Nancy Howard signed with x; other three signed. Dated 1-27-1855. Witnesses: Wm Wheat and Nathaniel Peters. John Moody signed as JP on same date; Folsom was clk, 1-29-1855.

Page 295

Marie Lafitte, executor of last will of Auguste Lafitte, deceased, states that sometime in his life, in year 1853, Auguste made agreement with Elihu Carver, Jr., that for services rendered and $100 paid by Carver, Auguste would execute deed for lot in corporate limits of Shieldsborough, beginning at a post N70 W - 24 feet - from the SW corner of Mfrs. Bofille’s land, thence 70 degrees W 200 feet, then N 20 E, 125 feet, then S 70 E, 200 feet, then S 20 W, 120 feet to place of beginning. Bounded on N by land of Virginia Toulme, W by Estate of Auguste Lafitte, S by Goodchildren St., 16 feet side, and E by a street 25 feet wide, and running between lots of Mrs. Bofite and above premises.
Marie signed as “Marie Laffitte,” on 3-9-1853.
Witness section is blank. [NB: this is not unusual.]
DWJohnston signed as JP on same date as Marie. Folsom as clk recorded on following day.

Page 297

Elihu Carver Jr. for $1,266 paid by John B. Toulme, land ln W bank of the Bay in corporate limits of Shieldsborough, bounded on N by land owned by Miss Virginia Toulme, E by passage 25 feet wide, S by Goodchildren, W by estate of Auguste Lafitte, having 200 feet fronting Goodchildren, extending back 200 feet, N 20 E, 125 feet, being a part of the claim of Marchall and Joseph Necaise and conveyed to me by Widow Lafitte. Also my stock of cattle in the following mark and brand EC [and other verbal description], being 75 head of stock cattle or more.
Payment mortgaged. Signed by Carver on 3-9-1855.
Witness DW Johnston, who also signed as JP, same date. Folsom recorded on 3-12-1855.

Page 298

John v. Toulme for $1,266.59, land on Bay in corporate limits of Shieldsborough, bounded N by George Klenck, E by the Bay, S by Main St., W by E. B. Saucier, having 120 feet on Bay, extending back 122 feet - apart - N 70 W 165 feet, from the corner of front and Main St., being part of the land claimed by Mrs. Charlos conveyed to me by John B. Toulme.
Sale mortgaged. Signed by John v. Toulme on 3-9-1855.
Witness DW Johnston, who also signed as JP on same date.
Folsom recorded on 3-12-1855.

Page 299

Gainseville 2-13-1855. For $200, TD Harper sells to Wm. J Poitevent, 130 arpents, T8S R16W, bounded on N by Gainesville, of SW by Pearl River, and known as part of the Ambrose Gaines tract. Signed by Harper.
Servis Y. Folsom signed as JP on 2-14-1855. Charles Folsom was clerk, 2-20-1855.

Page 299

WJ Poitevent, for $3,500, deeds to Daugharty Gause, one half of certain steam mill and one half of all fixtures thereto belonging, and one half of land on which steam mill stands, in Gainesville, bounded N on Ambrose St., S on East Pearl River, W by H Frazar, E by land belonging to town of Gainesville and Water St. Containing two acres. Signed by WJ and Mary A. wife, undated. Witnessed on 10-31-1854 by Tho. Leonard and ST Randall.
Charles Folsom, clk.

Page 299

Gainesville February 13, 1855 Thomas D. Harper to William J. Poitevent 130 arpents for $200 T8SR16W bounded north by the Town of Gainesville southwest by the Pearl River and known as part of the Ambrose Gaines Claim. Certified presence of Harper by Lewis Folsom, JP (of the peace crossed out ?) 14 July 1855; Folsom Clerk of Probate certifies deed deposited 20 February 1855 and duly recorded 13 March 1855.

Page 299

William J. Poitevent to Daugharty Gause both of Hancock Co. for $3500 a certain steam mill and one half of all the fixture thereto belonging and one half of the land on which said steam mill stands situated in the Town of Gainesville bounded north by Ambrose St. south on East Pearl River west by land of C. H. Frazier and East to land belonging to the town of Gainesville containing 2 acres. Signed by William and Mary Poitevent; witnessed by S. J. Randall; Thomas Leonard 31 October 1854; Charles Folsom certifies presence of William and Mary; 20 March 1855, Folsom certifies deed deposited 20 March 1855 recorded 12 April 1855.

Page 301

William J. Poitevent for $150 paid by Daugharty Gause one half of the lot in Gainesville Square D fronting 50’ on Water St. and bounded north by the lot of William H. Hutchinson running back 100’ and west by land owned by Stephen Mead and east by a lot owned by Crenshaw’s heirs; Randall and Leonard witness; 31October 1854, signed by William and Mary; Folsom acknowledges their presence 20 March 1855 deed deposited 20 March 1855, recorded 13 April 1855

Page 302

Jesse Edwards for $25 paid by Henry Cook, both of Hancock Co. ten acres bounded to the south-east quarter section 7 in T9. Signed by Jesse and his wife Sarah, both with their mark; 22 March 1855 witness by James Graves and William Botte [?]; both Jesse and Sarah certified present by D. W. Johnston, JP 30 March 1855; Folsom certified deed deposited 7 April 1855 and recorded 18 April 1855.

Page 303

Bernard Bourgeois for $75 paid by Leandre Ladner for East ½ of SW ¼ of Sect. 24 TN7 S14 W 79 92/100 acres. Signed by Bernard and Elizabel Bourgeois with her mark 12 October 1854; R. Eager, member of the Police Board certifies Bernard’s presence 12 October 1854; Folsom certifies deed deposited 3 April 1855 and recorded 24 April 1855.

Page 303

George J. Klenk, of Shieldsboro for $100 paid by Sylvan Servant of Hancock Co. land in Shieldsborough [survey data follows]; signed by George and his wife Mary (her mark); 14 October 1854; D.W. Johnston certifies their presence same day; Folsom certifies deposit 7 April 1855 and recorded 24th of same month.

Page 304

William H. Lewis of Mobile appoints Julius Monet his “true and lawful attorney” to receive from James Murphy of Hancock the following slaves: mulatto woman Isabella age about 35 and her two children one named “Tom” a mulatto boy about 8 yrs old, the other [name left blank] a mulatto girl aged about 8 months all of whom are slaves for life; dated 18 April 1855; verified signature by Sidney Douglas, Mobile same day; Folsom certifies the “Power of Attorney” deposited 24 April 1855 and duly recorded the following day.

Page 305

Charles H. Frazar for $31 by Richard Miller Jr. of Gainesville lot No. 13 (73)? in Square M bounded north by Greenwick St. south by Ambrose St. west by land owned by the present seller and east also by land owned by the present seller, 100’ square, as on the Recorded Plat; signed by Charles and his wife Jane (her mark) 23 August 1848; B. Sones witness; B. Sones certifies signatures and presence of both sellers on the same day , deed was received at the Probate court office 3 August 1848 and recorded Book F, 132-134 4 May 1855; Folsom re-deposit 24 February 1855, re-recorded 4 May 1855.

Page 307

Richard Miller Junior of St. Tammany for $50 paid by Rafael Villia (also rendered as Raphael Villa) of Gainesville sells lot in Square M, lot No. 73 bounded north by lot owned by Elais Miller, south by Union St. west by a lot known as the Jail Lot and East by Ambrose St., Richard and Elizabeth Miller both sign their marks 24 February 1845; A Favre and Charles Folsom witness; Folsom clerk circuit court certifies signatures and appearance of Richard and Elizabeth same day; Folsom clerk of Probate deposited 24 February 1855, duly recorded 4 May 1855.

Page 308

Charles H. Frazar for $200 paid by William J. Poitevent Lot 57 in Square I and bounded to the North by lot no.58 now owned by Miss Mary C. Folsom on the East, lot No. 60 claimed by James McAlister on the south, lot No. 56 owned by R. G. W. Jewell and on the west by Center St., having a front on Center St. of fifty and running back between parallel lines 125’ to Lot No. 60, 17 March 1855; witnessed by Charles Folsom and certified by Charles Folsom 17 March 1855; deposited 17 March 1855 and duly recorded 23 May 1855.

Page 309

Rebecca Nixon of Shieldsborough in Consideration of Love and affection which I bear for my grand-daughter Rebecca White for $1 lot number 3 in Square number 6 in Town of Pearlington 20 December 1854; David W. Johnston, JP certified presence; Folsom certifies deposit of deed 28 May 1855 and recorded 5 June 1855.

Page 310

Henry Dillard for $50 paid by Jourdan Johnson half of a certain lot in Gainesville as described in a deed from Charles H. Frazar and wife to John Prestige (?), Isaac Guess and Park B. Jeffries containing 2 ¼ acre which said deed date the 16 May 8146 and from John Prestrige Isaac Guess and Park Jeffries and their wives to me (Dillard) 4 September 1846 and recorded in Book F pages 7 and 8 on 27 September 1846. Signed Henry and Charlotte Dillard 14 March 1855, in presence of Lewis Folsom (acting JP); who certifies their signature 14 March and Charles Folsom certifies deposit of deed 25 April 1855 and records 7 June 1855.

Page 311

10 August 1853 State of Mississippi and William B and Eliza G. Lott (second part) forfeited land for taxes in April 1850 160 acres assessed to Amos Lott Section 12 and 1015 acres assessed to James Rody, Lotts paid $21.16, signed by Daniel R. Russell, Auditor of Public Accounts; appeared before C. P. Smith a Judge of High Court of Errors and Appeals Thomas T. Swann, deputy of Daniel Russell same date; Folsom certifies deposit of deed 28 May 1855 and records it 7 June 1855.

Page 313

Francois Bouque of Pensacola gives power of attorney for land deals in Mississippi to Henry Ahrens of Pensacola 27 December 1830; and removes it from John Chabaud of NO. Certified by Sam Fay Clerk of Escambia 27 December 1830; Willis Arnold Clerk of County Court certifies deposit 14 June 1831 and recorded in Book B :241 242; Arnold certifies above as true copy 14 July 1831, Charles Folsom Clerk of Probate deposit 9 April 1855 and recorded 9 June 1855.

Page 314

13 June 1831 indenture between F. Bouquie of Pensacola by his attorney Ahrens and Demetra Canna of the second part: for $2,000 land on the west bank of BSTL; Willis Arnold Clerk certifies deposit 14 June 1831, enters in Book B 242-243; J. Monet JP certifies the power of attorney; Charles Folsom certifies deposit of documents 9 April 1855 and re-recording 11 June 1855.

Page 315

Charles H. Frazar for $300 paid by Daniel C. Stanley for the undivided half situate and bounded on the north by Littleberry West claim, on the west by Public Land on the south by the Michael Beck claim and public land and on the east by public lands in T7 and T8 R16W of Basses Meridian said land was purchased by Charles Frazar at public sale in Pearlington 28 February 1846 5 March 1855; Charles Folsom Clerk of Circuit Court certifies deposit in office 5 March 1855 and recording 25 June 1855.

Page 316

Charles H. Frazar for $45 paid by Daniel Stanley for Lot No. 62 in Square J and bounded by Lot 63 to the north, and owned by Charles Patterson, in the East by lot owned by the present purchaser, and being lot 67; south by Lot No.41 purchased by said Stanley from James Flood and west by Main St. fronting on that street 50’ running back in parallel lines 100’ to lot 67. 5 March 1855; Folsom certifies 5 March 1855; also certifies deposit of deed same date, recorded 25 June 1855.

Page 317

William J. Poitevent for $50 paid by Joseph Chandler for a lot in Hancock Co. bound on the north, east and west by land owned by the present seller, and on the south by public land being the SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of section 8 of T8SR16W, 24 April 1855, signed by William and his wife Mary. Charles Folsom clerk of circuit court certifies signatures same date and Charles Folsom clerk of probate certifies deed deposited 15 May 1855 and recorded 26 June 1855.

Page 318

William Seals Junior, Solomon Seal and Amos Seals for $1500 by Alfred Farr and James Farr (all of Hancock Co.) for a piece of land known as the Originen or [Osiginen] Claim of James McCarty, warrant number 770, certificate number 34, claim number 34, report number 1 of the receiver’s office or fractional section 14 and south ½ and north west ¼ of section 13 T6R18W, 640 acres and also the original claim of Amos Lott joining the former claim being the NE ¼ of section 13 T6RR18W and a fraction lying in the SE corner of Sect. 13 of the same township and range, it contains also a fraction in the SW corner of Sect. 7 of T6R17W containing 400 arpents 4 December 1845, Shadrach Stewart acting JP certifies Seals presence 4 December 1845, Elizabeth Seals, wife of Solomon Seals and Christiana Seals, wife of Amos Seals signed 4 December 1845; Shadrach Stewart, JP certifies wives’ signatures, Benjamin Sones clerk of Probate deposit of deed 12 February 1846, recorded in Book E, 488-9, 12 February 1846; Charles Folsom deed deposited for re-recording 12 March 1855 and re-recorded 26 June 1855.

Page 321

Stephen Jarrell, Orange County, Texas, appoints William Cooper his attorney to ask for the full share of my father’s estate Henry Jarrel, consisting of land, negroes, horses, cattle ,hogs, implement of husbandry, household and kitchen furniture and moneys, 20 June 1854, Stephen signs with his mark, document from the State of Texas, county of Orange; certified signature by William Myers Notary Public, Texas, Orange County, for $350 paid by Cooper (Henry Jarrel of Hancock Co.); other certifications from officials of Newton Co. Texas, City and county of Galveston, finally bill of sale certified by Charles Folsom clerk of Probate 27 June 1855.

Page 323

Jose Carrillo of Hancock Co. will and testament leaves his wife Rosale all his personal property and effects; separate tracts of land the one on which I now reside with my family numbered 1 containing 160 acres, the other being a tract of land on Mulatto Bayou where I formerly resided and on which my son Francis is now resident, numbered 2 containing 160 acres; leaves the first for his wife “during her natural life” ; leaves 2/3 of number 2 to his son Francois, and 1/3 to grand-daughter Mary who is now the wife of Ursine Ladner and upon Francois’ death, the 2/3 will belong to his grandsons Joseph and Cecilio Carrillo and so too the number 1 land to go to the same grandson, appoints grandson Joseph Carrillo as his executor; 23 January 1850, witnessed by Sam White, Beatina M. White and Sam White Jr., who appeared in open court 28 October 1850, Folsom clerk of Probate certifies deposit of document 25 June 1855 and recorded 9 July 1855.

Page 325

Richard W. Williams, President of the Board of Police, Hancock Co. pursuant to an order of said Board of Police made at the march term of 1855 lease for the term of 99 years to the highest bidder 28 May 1855 Section 16 T9SR16W being the School Lands of said county and a fractional section and that Samuel White was the highest bidder for $200, 28 May 1855. Folsom, clerk of Circuit Court certifies Williams’ presence 9 July 1855.

Charles Folsom leases for 99 years the Section 16 T8SR14W being the School land; Folsom was the highest bidder for $50; certifies by Richard W. Williams 4 November 1854; Lewis Y. Folsom, JP certifies Williams 6 November 1854, and Charles Folsom, clerk of probate certifies that the document was deposited 6 November 1854, and recorded 9 July 1855.

Page 326

19 September 1854 Robert Eager for $250 paid by Sarah Mitchell for 50 acres being the south ½ of a 100 acre tract by deed from James Mitchell conveyed to Robert W. Caskin and from Robert W. Caskin to Eager which lies immediately adjoining the town of Napoleon on the eastern side of said town and is bounded by: on the north side by an imaginary continuation of Clay St. to the eastern boundary line of the old Pearl Town tract of which the Town of Napoleon is situated, on the east by the said Eastern boundary line of the Pearl Town tract, on the west by Pine Street and on the south by an imaginary continuation of Polk St. to the aforesaid eastern boundary line of the Pearl Town tract all of which above named streets form a part of said Town of Napoleon. Deborah Eager his wife. James Johnston, JP certifies Deborah dower rights, same date; David W. Johnston, Jr. certifies Robert Eager signature 26 May 1855 (nine months later!) Folsom as Clerk of Probate certifies deed deposited 29 May 1855 and recorded 12 July 1855.

Page 327

Thomas B. Lee of NO sells to Robert Matt of NO the undivided one half of section 17 T9SR14, 441 acres 26 January 1855; William Shannon Commissioner of Deeds, City of New Orleans certifies Lee presence 22 May 1855; Folsom Clerk of Probate certifies deposit of deed 2 July 1855; recorded 14 July 1855.

Page 328

The Heirs of George Mitchell 16 February 1855 between Oscar G. Mitchell, Thadeas B. Mitchell, Columbus W. Mitchell, Bingley D. Mitchell, Cecilius C. Mitchell, Thalas A. Mitchell, Orlando A. Mitchell, Christopher C. Mitchell, Westley R. Mitchell, and George P. W. Mitchell heirs at law of the late Mrs. Ann Belton, deceased and formerly wife of the Late George Mitchell, deceased, they appoint Thalas Mitchell to represent the mall and dispose of the dead mother’s possessions. Lewis Folsom, JP, certifies signatures 17 March 1855; Charles Folsom Clerk of Probate 16 July 1855.

Page 329

Heirs of Mitchell sell right title claim to a certain negro woman slave aged about 45 years names Lydia to Thadias A. Mitchell, 27 February 1855; Charles Folsom clerk of probate certify bill of sale 16 July 1855, recorded the same day.

Page 330

Heirs of Mitchell: Oscar G. Mitchell and Harriot his wife, Thadias B. Mitchell and Sarah his wife, Columbus W. Mitchell and Lucinda Emiline his wife, Bingley D. Mitchell and Ealenor his wife, Cicelius C. Mitchell and Caroline his wife, Orlando A. Mitchell, Christophal C. Mitchell, Westley R. Mitchell and George P.W. Mitchell and Charity his wife, for $05 paid by Thalas A. Mitchell sell land in St. Tammany Parish bounded east by the Pearl River on the south by lands belonging to the heirs of Duncan McCall, on the west by public lands, being the south ½ of a donation of land formerly claimed by Stephen AppleWhite and lattery owned by our deceased mother Mrs. Ann Belton, 26 February 1855 certified by Lewis Folsom, JP 17 March 1855; Charles Folsom certifies deed deposited 16 July 1855 recorded same day.

Page 331

Francois Favre for $200 paid by Andrew Stringer land on the west bank of Bay St Louis bounded east by land of C. Blanche, north by public lands, west by land said to belong to Francois Hawking, NO, south by Bay St Louis, ¼ arpent front, running to boundary line of Widow Morin’s claim being the same purchased by the present vendor from John D. Fayard as recorded in Book D pp. 173-175 on 2 October 1838. Witnessed by Jean Samarchand and John Zingerling 29 January 1852; Francois and Eulalia sign with their mark; George Carrico, JP certifies their appearance 29 January 1852 in Shieldsborough; Charles Folsom certifies deed deposit 18 July 1855 and recorded 23rd of the same month.

Page 332

Andrew Stronger of NO power of attorney John Zingerling 29 May 1855; certified by Robert J. Ker, a commissioner of deeds in and for the state of Mississippi for the state of Louisiana residing in NO same date; Folsom, Charles clerk of Probate certifies deposit 18 July 1855 and recorded 23rd of same month.

John Zingerling, representing Andrew Strange [sic] for $150 paid by Nicolas Bingart land in Shieldsborough ¼ arpent or 48 feet front on BSTL and running back to the western boundary of Widow Morin land claim being the same land conveyed to John Fayard by Elihu Carver Sn. and Justine Carver by said Fayard to Francois Favre by deed recorded Book D: 173-175 2 October 1838 by Francois and Eulalie Favre by deed executed 29 January 1852 conveyed to Andrew Strange, 13 July 1855; D. W. Johnston JP certifies Zingerling 13 July 1854; Folsom clerk of probate certify deed deposited 18 July 1855 and recorded 25th of same month.

Page 335

John Baptiste Favre executor of last will and testament of Jacques E. Saucier, deceased as probated at the April term of court of probate AD 1855, for $3,000 paid by Stanislas Beateaux land in Shieldsborough [neighbor and adjoining lands described] being the same land now in part occupied by the Sisters of St. Joseph and in part by Alves Fisher’s Blacksmith shop & c. 16 July 1855 in the presence of D. W. Johnston; Folsom certifies deed deposited 18 July 1855 recorded 27 of same month.

Page 336

Stanislas Butuex for $1700 paid by John Baptiste Favre buys for the minor heirs of Jacques C. Saucier parcel of land same as the one above. JB Favre guardian of minors on 16 July 1865 (date by which the money had to be paid) signed July 16, 1855; Charles Folsom certifies 18 July 1855, recorded 7 August 1855.

Page 337

Euphrosine Guardia, wife of P. Nolasco Guardia for $127 paid by Hippolite Gardebled late of said county now of NO land in Shieldsborough [land description follows] Shieldsborough July 16, 1855 Euphrosino signs his mark; interest charged = 8%;
D. W. Johnston certifies same date; Folsom certifies mortgage was deposited 18 July 1855; recorded 8 August 1855.

Page 339

John B. Toulme (trustee), Celine Beverly and Constantine B. Beverly 3 October 1854 deed of trust recorded 4 October 1854 book A 425-6; Constantine Beverly conveyed in trust to John B. Toulme for the use and benefit of Celine Beverly the wife of Constantine B Beverly part of SE ¼ of Sect. 10, T9R14W 96’ front; Celine agrees to sell to Francois Hilliaret for $600; 20 August 1855, in presence of D. W. Johnston; Folsom clerk of probate certifies deed deposit 21 August 1855; recorded the next day.
[Ed. Note: This is s/w corner of Waveland.]

Page 341

Arsine Luc for $280 paid by Alphonse Fayard for lot in Shieldsborough [boundaries follow, including Good Children St.] being the lot formerly occupied Severine Bourgeois 18 August 1855; D. W. Johnston same day certifies signatures; Charles Folsom certifies deposit 21 August 1855; recorded the following day.

Page 342

Ivory Chadbourn NO, for $450 paid by Daniel Dewes of NO part of lots 7 and 8 Sect. 10 T9SR14W bounded west by land owned by present purchaser, north by public land, east by land owned by Isabella Sheriff and south by BSTL, one arpent front, being land entered by Elihu Carver Sen. by him sold and conveyed to George Sheriff deceased and inherited by his wife Isabella and by her conveyed to me the present seller by deed dated September 14, 1849; current sale dated 18 February 1850; James Johnston JP certifies Ivory Chadbourn 18 February 1850; B. Sones clerk of Probate certifies deed was deposited 20 February 1850 registered in Book F: 380-381. Charles Folsom certifies deposit of deed for re-recording 23 August 1855 and re-recorded the same day.
[Ed. Note: This is s/w corner of Waveland.]

Page 343

Isabella Sheriff widow and sole heir of George Sheriff for $200 paid by Daniel Seltzer Dewees of NO [land in BSTL neighbors listed-same lot as above] said lots 7 and 8 entered in the land office at Augusta by Elihu Carver, patent no. 941), Carver sold to George Sheriff, inherited by Isabella who executed bond to D. S. Dewees on September 16, 1848, recorded Book F:124; signed by Isabella in front of Monet 19 August 1852; Dewees receives deed in full discharge of the Bond for titles for me to execute by Isabelle.. James Johnston JP certifies Isabella signing 19 August 1852; Sones clekr of probate certifies deed filed 24 August 1852, recorded 9 September 1852 in Book G: 78-9; Charles Folsom Clerk of Probate 23 August 1855 and re-recorded same day.

Page 345

Constantine B. Beverly for $1700 paid by George Pervis of NO for land on the shore of Gulf of Mexico which was surveyed by J. C. Monet on 21 August 1849 is represented on a plan of said survey as lot 19 [land survey descriptions follow] part of Fractional section no. 15 of T9SR14W purchased from the US at the land office in Augusta by Bernard Bourgeois conveyed to Beverly by a deed of conveyance; signed by Beverlys 24 August 1855; certifies signature D. W. Johnston 24 August 1855; Folsom certifies deed filed 27 August 1855; and was duly recorded same day.
[Ed. note: this is just e/n/e of Buccaneer Park.]

Page 346

Constantine Beverly for $1700 paid by George Pervis of NO references piece of land on the Gulf of Mexico per J. Monet’s survey of 21 August 1849 represented as lot 19 near Sect. 10 and 15 T9SR14W and another lot joining on the northeast boundary of the above mentioned being part of Fractional section 15 T9SR14W which was purchased from the United States at the Augusta land office by Bernard Bourgeois conveyed to Beverly [date and record book left blank]; Beverly reserves the right to having a ditch through said land for the purpose of draining through Lot 18. His wife Celestine Beverly signs over Dower for $1; 24 August 1855. D. W. Johnston certifies signatures; Charles Folsom clerk of Probate certifies filing of deed 27 August 1855, recorded the same day.
[Ed. Note: This is s/w corner of Waveland.]

Page 347

John Mazilly and George L. Hote for $20 paid by Francois Ploux lot in corporate limits of Shieldsborough bounded by Washington St. on the south, to the bank of Bay St. Louis 987 feet, being part of the N/E corner of a lot by us the present vendors sold to Alvis Fisher 9 April 1855 of Jo ? Bounded on N by Washington, separating land of seller Mazilly from Hincks, on W by seller, S by heirs of Carr, on E by Fisher.
Being part of the land sold to Auguste F. St. Wall by the heirs hn B. Necasie, deceased, by St. Wall sold to Peter Peter Steisser (December 28, 1854, Book A:538-9 and by Peter Steisser and Regina Elizabeth Steisser, his wife, to Mazilly 30 December 1854 recorded Book A 539-541. Signatures include J. Mazilly, G. Hote, Octavie L. Hote (his wife) and Marie Mazilly, 25 July 1855 in the presence of D. W. Johnston20 August 1855; C. Folsom certifies deposit of deed 27 August 1855, recorded the same day.

Page 349

Jessee Edwards for $25 paid by Patrick Lowlar for SW 1/4 of the SW ¼ Sect. 7, T9SR14W containing 10 acres 27 August 1855, Jesse and Sarah his wife both sign with their mark, before D. W. Johnston JP; Charles Folsom certifies deposit 28 August 1855; recorded the same day.
[Ed. Note: This is along Lower Bay Road, west of intersection with Clermont Blvd.]

Page 350

I Edwin F. Russ, Tax Collector sells tract of land known as Jacob Lott’s claim T5SR18W parts of Section 25 and 36 “as the same was confirmed to said Lott, reference being had to field notes and confirmation will more fully appear containing 640 acres for taxes when William Seal became the best bidder for $19, 21 August 1846; Benjamin Sones, Judge of Probate Court certifies Russ’ signature 27 August 1853; Charles Folsom certifies filing 28 August 1855, recorded on the same day.

Page 351

Indenture made in 3 parts 20 June 1837 that marriage was intended to be solemnized between Daugharty Gause and Miss. Amelia P. Russ and before said marriage they entered into a marriage agreement in order to secure to the sole use and benefit of the said Amelia certain slave property and the same were to remain to her separate and sole use and entirely exempt from any will liability on his part which said Negroes slaves being slaves for life and their natural increase: Solomon, negro man slave for life aged about 45; Leah 40; Lucinda 35, Jenny 25; Lestenia 16; Phillis 15; Hester 13; Esaw 12; Bella, 11; March, 10; Sylvis 8; Straffin, 7; Willis, 7; Jubita 7; Barby 6; Sharlot 5; Matilda 4; Hannah, 3; Louise, 3; Henry 3; Jacob, 10 months; “and coming from my said wife’s father’s estate…was duly recorded in the office of the Clerk of Probate Court…which office was destroyed by fire on the night of 31 March 1853 and the original contract being lost or mislaid…Gause sells unto Asa Russ the afore mentioned slaves in trust for the sole and separate use of Amelia P. Gause…and that he is to have the hiring of them out to the best interest of Amelia or to put them upon a farm should it be desirable for the said Amelia to have them placed on a farm or to make any other disposition of their labor” Asa Russ assumes liability and trust for sums as he may receive on account of said slaves. All three sign 3 April 1855; B. Sones Judge of Probate acknowledges signatures; C. Folsom, Clerk of Probate certifies deposit of instrument 6 October 1855 and recorded 11 October 1855.

Page 352

Richard J [?] Wilkinson for $50 paid by Green I. Wootan ½ of SW ¼ of the NE ¼ , the NW ¼ of the SE 1/4 , the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ and the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ all in Section 35 T3SR18W 158 36/100 acres 28 September 1855; John P. Moody acting JP certifies Wilkinson signature and presence; same day; Charles Folsom certifies deposit 14 October 1855 and recording same day.

Page 353

Sarah B. Johnson and Daniel M. Seymour from Hartford Connecticut and Charles Merrill of the town, county and state aforementioned but late of Hobolochitte, county of Hancock and all heirs of Calvin Merrill…[missing page 353] to Kimball…7 August 1854; Edward Goodman Notary Public Connecticut certifies same date; Folsom clerk of probate certifies deposit 22 October 1855, recorded following day.

Page 355

Euphrosine Necaise for $1 paid by Thomas H. Bradford and Martha E. Foster of Jefferson County, heirs of John H. Hopkins quitclaims a parcel of land in possession of Thomas Bradford and Martha Foster located in Shieldsborough. Bounded on NE by Boulanger, N by Melite Lesassier and Heirs of John Hopkins, W by Gueydon Toulme, S by Bouquie, SW by Clarisse Lafiteau, S by Bay. [survey data follow] near Sect. 22,23,26,27 T8S R14W, being part of the land included in Warrant No. 131, Certificate No. 30 Claim No. 30 of Commissioner Report no. 12 which was confirmed by the Congress of the US to my father John B. Lardasse, inherited by Euphosine his daughter and only heir, and sold by her to John H. Hopkins deceased by my husband Charles Necaise, deceased and conveyed to said Hopkins by deed executed by my husband jointly with John B. Necaise, also deceased and to which deed by omission I was not made a party said deed bears the date 9 October 1826 recorded in Book A pp. 511-514; dated 18 October 1855, Euphosine signs her mark before D.W. Johnston and J. Monet. C. Folsom certifies deposit of deed 22 October 1855; and recorded following day.

Page 357

Christine Pere’ for $50 paid by Bertha Berger (with the consent of her husband Augustine Pere’ for tract of land “a passage” lying between one lot owned by Pere’25’ front on Main St. and extending back 204’ and the other to Bertha Berger having 30’ front and extending 204’ being the same passage which was dedicated by Auguste Scherges and described in the deed of conveyance he executed to said Christine Pere’ and Jacob Bronckhorst 9 April 1855, recorded April 14 1855 in Book A pp. 547-550 being the passage 10’ wide dedicated forever by Scherges to use of the owners of the above specified lots leading from the lands of D. R. Walker between said lots on Main St. ; signed in presence of J. Monet; D. W. Johnston, JP certifies signatures 22 October 1855; Charles Folsom certifies deposit 23 October 1855 recorded the following day.

Page 358

Clarisse Laffito for $200 paid by Josephine Fayard for a lot in Shieldsborough bounded on the north by land claimed by A. Boulange or the heirs of John Hopkins, deceased. on the west by the seller, on the south by a passage twelve feet wide diving the land now sold from the land of Ambrose Pardian, east by the seller; having 84’ front [plat is included showing Clarisse’s land facing Front St. 11 October 1855; Clarisse signs her mark; Thomas Antone and James Johnston witness; Johnston as JP certifies; Folsom clerk of court certifies deposit 23 October 1855 and recorded on the following day.

Page 360

John Martin for $1400 paid by James Johnston for lot in Shieldsborough [description follows] being the same premises purchased at real estate sale of estate of Antoine Bayard, Sn. deceased made in virtue of an order of sale by Probate Court at the February term 1850 sold at auction 3rd Monday of May 1850 conveyed to me by Julius Monet executor of Bayard’s will; deed recorded Book F:466-7; 23 December 1852; certified by Elihu Carver Jr. member of the Board of Police 23 December 1852; B. Sones Clerk of Probate certifies deposit of deed 21 February 1853 recorded the 25th of the same month in Book G:149-50; Charles Folsom certifies re-filing 23 October 1855 and recorded the 25th of the same month.

Page 361

Indention made 4 January 1854 between Mary Bilbo of one part and William M. Wallis of the second part for $60 assigns right of title to 640 acres on East Pearl River R18T3 the south ½ section 27 and the north ½ section 34 by donation; Mary signs her mark, James Bilbo witness, signs his mark; Elias Wallis, Judge of Probate certifies signatures and marks 4 February 1834; filed with J. H. Pittman clerk of probate on same day and recorded in Book A, page 1 [?] 28 October 1834; Charles Folsom certifies deposit 23 October 1855 and recorded the next day.

Page 362

John Lucich and Mary Carrel Lucich his wife, for $225 paid by Mary Carel for land in Shieldsborough [description follows, includes Apocathery St. ] being same land sold by Frs. Salles to John Lucich 5 September 1851, recorded 14 December 1853, Book A:112-3; deed dated 12 October 1855; James Johnston JP certifies signatures and appearances; Charles Folsom certifies deposit of deed 23 October 1855 and recording on the 26th of the same month.

Page 364

Mary Carel for $500 paid by John Lucich lot in Shieldsborough [description follows, apparently not same tract as above]; Mary Lucich signs he mark (John does not sign) 16 October 1855; James Johnston, JP certifies Mary signature; Folsom certifies deed deposited 23 October 1855, recorded on the 26th.

Page 365

Hippolite Gardebled for $800 paid by W. Modeste Rosalie Beirmann of NO for tract of land in Shieldsborough, survey lines include Main St. on the north side; past the nw corner of the Court House, being part of the land which John B. Toulme and Victorie Toulme his wife conveyed to Hippolite Victor Lang Duplan by deed executed 26 May 1849 recorded Book F:231-2 on 20 June 1849 and the n conveyed to present vendor by Duplan and his wife Victorine of NO 14 June 1851. Hippolite Gardebled and his wife Celine sign before James Johnston 12 September 1855; 15 September 1855 C. V. Jente, Commissioner of the State of Mississippi in the City of New Orleans certifies Celine’s appearance; Folsom certifies deed deposit 26 October 1855, recorded same day?

Page 367

Indenture dated 27 July 1855 between Nathan Corley (first part) and James T. Rucks (second part) and Thomas Palmer (third part) for $10 paid by James Rucks for land: SW ¼ of lot 5 T7R17W 140 acres; includes cause in Superior Court of Chancery, MS, Nathan Corley was complainant and Clemant Lang and Willis Lang executors of W. A. Lang were defendants decree rendered June term 1855 from which decree Nathan Corley has sued out a Writ of Error, Thomas Palmer has become one of Nathan Corley’s securities, if Nathan discharges his bond and save and indemnify said Palmer of all loss and damage on account of his surityship then this indenture will be null. Charles Folsom certifies Nathan Corley Presence on 26th October 1855; and also certifies deed deposited same day and recorded the following day.

Page 368

S. Thomas Randall and Missourie A. Randall for $150 paid by Cecil C. Mitchell sell 80 acres on East side of Pearl T8SR16W, Southeast ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 21, the same land being an entry made by Asa Russ in the land office in Augusta and deeded by him to Joseph Vincent and his wife and from them to F. R. Willer (or Witter) and from Witter to the Randalls 2 November 1855; Lewis Folsom, acting JP acknowledges signature, 3 November 1855 Charles Folsom Clerk of Probate certifies deed deposited 3 October 1855 and recorded the same day.[NB I checked the dates and they are correct…]

Page 369

Deed dated third Monday of September 1846 from Edwin F. Russ, Sheriff, Hancock County, to Rufus C. Pray by virtue of a writ of Fien facias to him directed by Circuit Court founded on judgment of W. E. and R. Murphy vs. Charles Favre and Elihu Carver Sn. levied upon and took in execution as the property of the said W. E. and R. Murphy a lot of land in Shieldsborough near the Old graveyard 192’ to the line of Nicolas Carron, on the 3rd Monday of September 1846 at the courthouse door in Gainesville expose to public auction, Rufus Pray was the highest bidder $32.38; J.W. Johnston certifies E. Russ 19 May 1855; David W. Johnston Deputy of Elihu Carver jr. Clerk of Probate Court certifies deed 19 November 1855 and recorded same day.

Page 370

Rufus Pray sells to David W. Johnston the above described piece of land for $100; Sarah Pray surrenders right of Dower for $1; 4 October 1847; J. Monet JP certifies Pray’s presence to certify that he applied his signature above on the date states (1847), Pray appears on 26 September 1855 before Monet; David Johnston certifies that the deed is a correct copy of the original 19 November 1855; Johnston is Elihu Carver’s clerk.

Page 371

David W. Johnston for $100 sells to Nicolas Carron same tract as above 20 January 1848; signed by Henriette his wife and David; D.W. appears before J.C. Monet, JP 26 September 1849 to verify he had signed the deed above; Henriette appears before Monet 29 October 1849; David Johnston certifies that above is correct copy of the original deed and is filed 19 November 1855; signed by Johnston for Elihu Carer, Clerk of Probate 20 November 1855.

Page 372

George G. Klenck for $700 paid by Bertha Berger for lot in Shieldsborough [survey description follows]; Bertha loans Klenck $700 at 10% interest to be repaid to her on or before 1 November 1856 ; note signed November 2, 1855; D. W. Johnston same day certifies Klenck’s signature Johnston for Carver certifies true copy of original 20 November 1855

Page 373

Indenture 26 October 1855 between Redding Byrd and Green Wooten for $100 to Byrd for land: SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Sect. 34 T3SR18W, 39 97/100 acres, also the SW ¼ of the SW ¼ same section, township and range, same acreage; Asa Russ one of the witnesses; with Thomas Leonard; Bernatta Byrd surrenders Dower same day. Appear before John Moody acting JP Redding Byrd 28 October 1855; David Johnston for Elihu 23 November 1855 certifies true copy.

Page 373

Francis Ladner for $100 paid by Henry Carcot, Francois C. Carcot, Clemence Carcot and Melanie Carcot for lot in Shieldsborough [very briefly described] 28 August 1852; Francois and Marie sign their marks; in presence of F. Lander, fils; James Johnston JP certifies their appearance same day; B. Sones clerk of probate certifies deposit of foregoing 26 October 1852 and recorded on the 30th in Book G: 103-4; David Johnston for Elihu Carver certifies filing 29 November 1855; recorded the same day.

Page 375

John B. Toulme for $250 by Eliza A. Burk for lot in Shieldsborough [description follows, includes Main St. J.B. signs; his wife Victoire signs her mark 8 June 1855; David Johnston, JP, certifies Toulme’s appearance same day, the same Johnston as deputy to Elhu Carver Clerk of Probate certifies true copy 29 November 1855 .

Page 376

20 December 1855 Louis Auguste Antoine Girard, NO (first part) Virginia Toulme (second part) John B. Toulme (third part) for piece of land in Shieldsborough fronting on the bay, conveyed to Virginia 18 December 1852 from Auguste and Mary Lafitte valued $1850 and Virginia’s property including a negro girl Manette, about 18 yrs old valued $800, and a sum of money amounting $1293, making an aggregate value $3943 whereas a marriage is intended shortly between Louis Auguste Antoine Girard and Virginia that the property listed be conveyed and assigned to John Toulme for protecting her estate as separate; she can sell anytime; she conveys the property for $1 to John B.Toulme; S. B. Pierce JP 20 November 1855 certifies appearance of all three parties; D.W. Johnston deputy clerk to Elihu certifies true copy 30 November 1855; recorded 5 December 1855.

Page 377

Deed of three part; 20 November 1855 between Joseph Eugene Garandy, NO; Delphine Toulme, Hancock Co. second part; John B. Toulme third part: for land owned by Delphine in Shieldsborough [description follows] which was conveyed to her 18 December 1852 by deed from Auguste and Mary Lafitte valued $1850 and a mulatto girl named Louisa about 12 years; a slave for life valued at $500; one piano valued at $400 and a sum of money amounting to $1060, making the total $3810 and since she is about to marry Joseph Garandy - same pre-nup as above to John Toulme for $1 retaining rights as above. S. B. Pierce JP certifies presence of all three, 20 November 1855; D.W. Johnston as deputy of Elihu Carver certifies true copy 30 November 1855; recorded 6 December 1855.

Page 379

Richard W. Williams and Medora C. Williams his wife, for $300 paid by Emma L. Bibbs for the north part of parcel containing 140 acres, deeded to Robert Montgomery and John Williams by Nathaniel L. Mitchell and wife 10 January 1846 by the name of the Old Pearl Town place, originally granted to Simon Favre and deeded to me by Robert Montgomery [survey dimensions follow]; deed dated 2 November 1855; Lewis Folsom acting JP certifies signatures same day; D. W. Williams deputy for Elihu Carver 10 December 1855; recorded the next day.

Page 380

1 March 1855 agreement between the property owners of Main St. Shieldsborough they obligate to keep said street open 36’; each owner to give up 3’ signed 15 March 1855; signed D. W. Johnston, J. B. Toulme, J. H. Ulman, Joseph Burk; Jacob Brunkhost, Jule Fayard (his mark) Chas Atkinson, C. Hoffmann, John V. Toulme, F. G. Casanova, E. V. Saucier, Louis Ledoucy [?] John C. Himes, John Lang[?], Albert Fayard (his mark), Peter Huak, H. H. Gardebles, F. Vonau. D. W. Johnston certifies their appearance 22 October 1855; Jas A. Ulman member of the board of police certifies more signatures 1December 1855; D.W. Johnston deputy of Elihu Carver certified true copy 3 December 1855, recorded December 1855.

Page 381

Olando Furness NO for $600 paid by James Philips of NO for lot in town of Shieldsborough being part of land claimed by Widow Morin which is located on Sect. 1,2 and 11 T9SR14W bounded to the north by land claimed by Margaret Fayard; west by public land, south by land belonging to Victor Ladner and wife and east by BSTL having one arpent front, land confirmed to widow Moran conveyed to Honorine Ladner wife of Victor Ladner and by them conveyed to me 12 March 1849 and recorded Book F 219-220; deed 25 September 1849, certified by Monet JP B. Sones clerk of probate certifies deed deposited and filed on September 25, 1849 and recorded 27 December 1849; D. W. Johnston for Elihu Carver certifies deposit of deed 25 December 1855; recorded same day and year.

Page 383

27 November 1851 A. T. Carr and Mary W. Carr (his wife), first part, and James Phillips NO, (second part) for $400 lot in Shieldsborough [survey and neighbors follow]; James Johnston acting JP witnesses signature 20 December 1851; B. Sones clerk of Probate certifies deed deposited 27 February 1852; recorded 5 March 1852; David Johnston for Elihu Carver certifies true copy 23 December 1855.

Page 384

Austin Reeder for $1 to Amelia Mead for lot in Gainesville to wit: south half of lots 45 and 46, Square H, and bounded north by the north half of said lots; on the east by lot 44 now owned by George W. Moore, on south by Pearl St. and on the west by Ambrose St. fronting 50’ on Ambrose; with the provision that Austin Reeder will be able to use the lot and profit from it for his natural life; 3 January 1856; D.W. Johnston, Deputy to Elihu Carver Jr., clerk of probate acknowledges signature same day; and certifies the copy to be true and deposited and recorded on the same day.

Page 385

Davis Capo and William Bovais of NO for $400 paid by Francois Hilleret for lot in Shieldsborough 100’ front and 100’ back, near western boundary of Widow Moran 7 January 1856; witnessed by D. W. Johnston; certified presence and signature by Edwin Floyd commissioner for the State of Mississippi and for the State of Louisiana, residing in NO, 7 January 1856; David Johnston certifies true copy 12 January 1856 and recorded the same day.

Page 386

19 May 1832 Indenture between Amos Lott of Copiah County and Jacob Seal and William Seal, Hancock Co. for $140 for the undivided 7/9 of parcel confirmed to Solomon Lott, late of Hancock Co. on the Pearl River bounded north by lands of Amos Lott, on west by Pearl River; on south and east by vacant land, for a total of 640 acres; Charles Frazar and William Roane witnesses; George W. Moon, JP, acknowledges signature 4 September 1835; John Brush, clerk of probate certifies recording in Book C, 89-90 7 September 1835; D. W. Johnston, for Elihu Carver Jr. certifies as true copy received 14 January 1856 (no recording date mentioned).

Page 387

Louis Fayard and his wife Margaret Fayard for $300 paid by O.P Carr, Margaret with the consent of her husband, lot in Shieldsborough 96’ front on bay running back to the western boundary of Widow Moran land; 14 January 1851; both Fayards sign with their mark; Jams Johnston, JP certifies same day; Benjamin Sones clerk of probate certifies filing 6 December 1851 recorded 23rd of same month, Book F, p.641; David W. Johnston, deputy for Elihu Carver 23 January 1856 certifies, and recorded the same day.

Page 388

Carlos Ladner in consideration of the love and affection he bears for his wife Honorine Ladner grants his negro girl Ellen aged about 13 and all increases, April 30, 1851; B. Sones clerk of probate certifies gift the same day; B. Sones certifies deposit of deed of gift same day and recorded same day Book F:553-4; D.W. Johnston for Elihu certifies as true copy 11 February 1856.

Page 389

Manuel Muniz and Ann Muniz, his wife $5000 cash paid by James Murphy land in Shieldsborough 60’ front on Bay St. Louis [survey and neighbors follow] 40 arpents total being the same land the Muniz bought from Anna Sturges and John H. Sturges 23 June 1849 which deed was recorded 9 August 1854 agreeably to an act of the legislature of Mississippi approved January 21, 1854, in Book A:404-406, together with buildings, dry goods groceries and all other articles of merchandise; B. Sones, JP, witnesses signatures Ann signs with her mark; 25 January 1856; D.W. Johnston deputy to Elihu Carver certifies deposit 14 February 1856, and recorded 19 February 1856.

Page 390

13 January 1856 indenture between Rufus Allyn Upton NO and Sarah Upton, his wife, (first part) and Faustin Dupry, Iberville Parish (second part) $5,150 for land in Shieldsborough. Bounded on NE by Mrs. Guex, on NW by Emile Lasere, N by Mrs. Guex, SW by heirs of Francois Fremaux and Culbertson, S by Bay. (Lasere land from estate of DF Guex.)[survey follows]; designated as lot No. 1 on the J. C. Monet, surveyor, plan; also a parcel of land about 500 acres forming part of Section 35 T8SR14W, designated as lot No. 4 in the J.C. Monet plan. Sale included promissory note drawn up on 18 January 1856 and made due April 1, 1856 at 8%; signed at NO George Rareshide, Commissioner; D. W. Johnston certifies true copy 18 February 1856 and recorded 20th of the same month.

Page 392

George Lavigne and Melitte Boutet, the wife of Francois Boutet NO, grandchildren and heirs of Melitte Lassassier, late of Hancock Co. for $300 paid by Louis Piernas lot in Shieldsborough bound on the NE by heirs of Carlos Lassassier [survey data follows] 45’ front on BSTL being the land allotted to the heirs of Celestine Lavigne, deceased, and designated as lot No. 1 on a plan of a partition of the lands of Melitte Lassassier made 27 September 1855 under an order of partition issued by Benjamin Sones, Esq. Judge of probate which partition and survey were duly recorded 16 October 1855 in Book A: 426-444; Myrthe Lavigne, wife of George Lavigne; signed 19 November 1855; B. Sones JP certifies 15 February 1856; D. W. Johnston for Elihu Carver certifies true copy deposited 18 February 1856 and recorded 22 February 1856.

Page 394

George L’Hote for $1000 paid by John Mazilly two lots with buildings in Shieldsborough bounded north by Washington St. 18’ wide running between the land described and that of D. O Hinks; south by lands belonging to Elihu Carver, Jr. Alexander Bookter and Antoine Bayard and east by the BSTL; the second lot also on Washington St., the lands being part of the land sold to George L’Hote by Auguste Fugonet de St. Tuall dated 3 January 1853; recorded 25 January 1853; Octavie Maillot L’Hote wife of George; witnessed by Elihu Carver Jr. Member of the Board of Police 5 November 1853; D.W. Johnston certifies copy 18 February 1856, recorded 22 February 1856.

Page 395

Indenture 18 February 1856 between Marie Marguerite Angelique Coitte of lawful age, unmarried, (first part) and George Krisay (second part) both of NO for $200 for lot in Shieldsborough bound north by Sally’s alley; west by lands of Nicholas Carron, south by land of George Klerick and east by land of Charles Blanck, 200’ along said alley, being portion of the land acquired by party of first part by sale from B. Francois Salles, 18 December 1852, recorded book B:223-4; signed in New Orleans; Auguste Commandeur, Commissioner; D. W. Johnston for Elihu Carver certifies deposit of deed 22 February 1856, recorded on the 28th.

Page 396

Timothy Kendall, for $310 paid by Mrs. Antoinette Beaufil for land in Shieldsborough bounded north by land claimed by Auguste Lafitte [neighbors and survey data follows] being part of the land conveyed to Auguste Lafitte by Charles Necaise, jr. deceased and by said Charles Necaise inherited from his father Martial Necaise and part of the land claim of Joseph and Martial Necaise confirmed to them by the congress of the United States; Rhoda Kendall, his wife; 19 August 1852, witnessed by August Lafitte; George Carico, JP, Hancock Co. certifies on same ate; B. Sones. clerk of probate certifies deposit of deed 2 September 1852; recorded 9th in Book G:81-83; D. W. Johnston for Elihu Carver 22 February 1856 and recorded 29th February 1856.

Page 397

Charles H. Frazar for $5 paid by William J. Largent, President of the Board of County Police two lots in Gainesville lot # 89 and lot # 108 in Square P 100’ on Main St. by 100’ on Greenwich St. bounded nw by Main St. SW by Greenwich St. SE by lots #88 and 113 and NE by lots #109 29 January 1856; Lewis Folsom Jr. acting JP certifies Chas Frazar’s presence 30 January 1856.

Page 398

Indenture 19 November 1855 between Lewis Folsom (one part) and John G. Davidson (other part); Davidson loans Folsom $500 in exchange receiving tow promissory notes, one from Lewis and one from Charles Folsom payable in 6 months and 12 months, 10% interest, and in order to secure prompt payment, Lewis sells the piece of land on which Lewis currently resides. to wit near the town of Gainesville and bounded on the north by lands of Mrs. Nancy Dupriest, south by lands of Charles H. Frazar, west on the highway and east by the land of Charles H. Frazar, containing 2 acres fronting 210’ on said highway being the same lot of land purchased by me James G. Healy by deed 22 December 1853 recorded 29 December 1853 p. 11-12; if they pay back the loan this conveyance is void; otherwise Davidson, after a 20 day notice in newspapers, can auction the land off; with the balance remaining if any to be given to the Folsoms. Lewis can enjoy his property until the notes are paid. S. B. Pierce JP certifies Lewis Folsom 19 November 1855; D. W. Johnston for Elihu Carver 6 March 1856.

Page 399

John Baptiste Farve executor of the will of Janques E. Saucier deceased which was duly probate April term 1855 of the Court of Probate for $3000 paid by Stanislas Buteux within Shieldsborough [survey description and neighbors follows] being the land now occupied in part by the Sisters of St. Joseph and in part by Alois Fisher’s blacksmith shop; 16 July 1855, in presence of D. W. Johnston Charles Folsom clerk certifies deposit of deed 18 July 1855 recorded 27th of same month; B. Sones certifies delivery of deed 22 January 1856; D. W. Johnston for Elihu Carver certifies delivery same date , recorded 15 March 1856.

Page 401

Dimitry Canna of the first part of City of Mobile and Helane Pendely of the second part “and now both of the city of Mobile for $1000, whereas a marriage is shortly intended between them and Canna to use and enjoy the money and when he dies, it goes to Helane and when she dies, to their children; signed Dimitry and Elina Pandeli; Bazil Meslier NP for Mobile 11 October 1834 certifies document; David Johnston for Elihu Carver certifies document filed 5 March 1856, recorded 17 March 1856.

Page 402

Ebenezer (?) Ford, Marion County for $10 paid by by Mrs. Isabella Hursey of Hancock Co. for land [survey data follows] beginning at edge of old lake above Mr. Holmes Landing , 13 ¼ acres having on it several houses reference Book E, page 2 will show the original sheriff deed to W. A. Arnold also reference 325 and 326 same book sheriff deed to E. Ford on east side of Pearl River, 19 January 1856; Arch. Fairley acting JP Marion Co.; Juliet A. Ford, wife releases Dower 22 January 1856; David Johnston deputy for Elihu Carver certifies deposit of document 6 March 1856, recorded 17 March 1856.

Page 403

Ebenezer Ford of Marion for $1500 paid in cash sell to Hursey and Mazilly for land to wit: division no. 3, fractional section 29, T6SR17W containing 61 17/100 acres being same land purchased at land office in Augusta by David Odum and transferred by said Odum to John Ford Sn. on east side of Pearl River 19 January 1856; Arch. Fairley acting JP Marion Co. certifies Ford 22 January 1856; Juliet Ford renounces Dower same day; David Johnston for Elihu Carver certifies deposit of documents 6 March 1856 and recording 17 March 1856.

Page 404

Lewis W. Broadwell of NO for $1450 pid by Mistress Ann Tree widow of late George Tree late of NO land on the sea shore near the mouth of BSTL part of lots 7 and 8 Section 10 T9SR14W bounded east by land formerly claimed by J. E. Dennan …96’ sea frontage, being part of the land purchased by Maxilmilien Bourgeois at a sheriff sale the first Monday in August 1840 and conveyed to him by George W. Robinson the then sheriff of Hancock Co. by deed dated August 3, 1840 Book E:73-4; and by M. Bourgeois conveyed by Isaac F. Stockston by deed dated 21 September 1840, and said Stockston to William W. Payton 15 July 1849 , first recorded Book F, pp. 122-123 in Registry of Deed destroyed by fire and re-recorded together with the transfer of Isaac Stockton to William Payton on 7 July 1854 in Book A of the present registry pp.346-348 and by said Payton to Broadwell by deed dated 29 July 1854, recorded Book B on page 143 and 144; Broadwell signs in NO 9 February 1856; certified by G. Rareshide Commissioner, NO same date; D. W. Johnston for Carver acknowledges receipt 10 March 1856 and recording 17 March 1856.
[Ed. Note: This is in s/w corner of Waveland.]

Page 405

Harriet Jones as a collateral security for full performance of covenant to Rebecca Nixon for $10 sells and conveys house and lot in which I am now residing in City of Shieldsborough bounded north by land belonging to John Martin on the east by Bay of St Louis , south by lands belonging to Madam Domingo De LA Lanza and on the west by public land, proved always nevertheless whereas Benjamin Screws lately executed to the administrix of the goods chattels of John C. Jones late of Hancock County deceased his certain bond for personal property bought at said administrix sale 4 February 1856 for the sum of…[left blank] on which bond the said R. Nixon is security . February 13, 1856; S. B. Pierce, JP, Hancock Co. certifies same day; D. W. Johnston for Elihu Carver certifies filing 10 March 1856, recorded 18 March 1856.

Page 406

Young Williams for $50 paid by Washington Ellis for lots 5, 6, and 7 in Square 30, town of Pearlington also ½ lot 1 in Square 29 having 30’ front on the quay, 120’ Monroe St. being the half of the lot which was purchased by Robert Daniell and myself of William G. Lenoir and divided longitudinally in half on the corner bounded by Monroe St. and the public quay falling to my share by lot cast between Daniell and myself; day and month left blank in year 1836, Sarah Williams relinquishes right of dowry, signs her mark; James C. Cleveland JP certifies signatures 18 June 1836; John J. Brush clerk of probate certifies deed recorded in Book C pp. 231-2; 25 July 1836; D. W. Johnston certifies re-deposit 10 March 1856, duly recorded 18 March 1856.

Page 407

Julius C. Monet as executor of last will and testament of Antoine Bayard, deceased pursuant to sale at auction advertized according to law, made on third Monday in May 1850 between the hours of 12 M and 5 pm at twelve months credits and in consideration of $75 paid by Henriette Johnston who was the highest bidder, for parcel of land in Shieldsborough [boundaries and survey data follows, includes “western boundary of Madam Charlo’s claim”]. J. Monet signs as executor 20 May 1850; Elihu Carver Jr witness; Elihu Carver as member of the Board of Police 15 April 1853; David W. Johnston for Elihu Carver recorded March 18, 1856.

Page 408

Leonard Kimball lawful attorney for heirs of Calvin Merrell (?) deceased to wit: Daniel M. Saymour, Charles Merrell and Sarah B. Johnston all of Connecticut for $200 to Farr Proctor part of the Nochastreker (?) tract of land and further known as a part of the land confirmed to Thomas Smith and sold by him to the said Calvin Merrill on East Bank of Pearl River part of Sect. 10, 11 T7R17W being part upon which the said Calvin Merrill resided when he died, 28 January 1856, Lewis Folsom witness; D. W. Johnston for Elihu certifies in Gainesville 20 March 1856, and certifies true copy filed 20 March 1856.

Page 409

Joseph Carillo for love and affection I bear to my children namely Mary Ann and Joseph , all my cattles marked both ears split and branded with the letters “N.C.R” consisting of 18 heads more or less of different colors. Joseph Carillo signs his mark, 20 March 1856; David W. Johnston for Elihu Carver certifies true copy and recording 20 March 1856.

Page 409

Auguste Schirges for $550 paid by George Weinberg in Shieldsborough [survey data and neighbors follows] signed by George and his wife Rosalie Scheirges, Monet and Johnston witness 22 October 1853; James Johnston JP certify signatures same day; D. W. Johnston certifies copy and recording 24 March 1856.

Page 410

Rober Clannon NO for $4000 paid by John Baptiste Bernard, now of Hancock Co. in Shieldsborough [bounded by Clannon on N, Alex. Bookter on S, Bouquie on W, Bay on E] mentions Alexander Bookter ; being part of the land conveyed P. Rutilius R. Pray by the Heirs of Madam Charlo, deceased, and the southern portion of land conveyed by Samuel White, administrator to the Estate of said Rutilius Pray , deceased, to Edward Jacobs and by said Jacobs conveyed to the present vendor by deed 16 July 1849; signed 24 February 1855; Witnessed in NO by M. M. Cohen commissioner, by D. W. Johnston certifies deposit 31 March 1856,Recorded 1 May 1856. Anne B. Baine Clannon, wife of Rober Clannon from NO for $1 paid by John Baptiste Bernard release unto John Baptiste Bernard right of dower, 9 October 1855; James Johnson JP certifies release of dower 9 October 1855, D. W. Johnston for Elihu Carver 31 March 1856, recorded 2 May 1856.

Page 412

Indenture 3 June 1853 between Mistress Amie Adelaide Guex NO and Rufus Allyn Upton, Iberville Parish for $4300, $1700 in cash and two promissory notes, endorsed by Hall and Rodd for the following property: 1st: lot on beach of BSTL 247’ front ; SW by land claimed by Freemaux which land designated as lot no. 1 s per plat made by J. C. Monet Surveyor; 2nd lot Emile Lassere, estate D. F. Guex deceased, [survey data follows] said land being part of Section 35 T8S R14W; described as lot No. 4 per Monet plat which land was acquired by Mrs. Guex by deed 5 May 1853,, of John R. Landies administrator of the Estate of D. F. Guex New Orleans’ before Daniel J. Recordo, Commissioner 3 June 1853; Charles Folsom and Benjamin Sones certify indenture was deposited 8 October 1853 and recorded 21 same month/year Book A p.78-80 George Ranshide of NO, Commissioner 4 March 1856; D.W. Johnston for Elihu Carver, 3 April 1856, recorded 3 May 1856.
[ed. Note: This is probably on beach, downtown BSL.]

Page 414

Marianne Peters widow [relict] of Samuel J. Peters Senior, City of Jefferson, LA, now deceased for $1000 by Samuel J. Peters Jr. Executor of the last will and testament of his father Samuel for land in Shieldsborough, 287 feet front of Bay [neighbors description follows] 25 March 1856; Waller H. Peters commissioner for State of MS in NO; D. W. Johnston for Elihu Carver received 31 March 1856, recorded 7 May 1856.

Page 415

Charles Charlot Farve for $50 paid by Euphrosine Farve for land bounded north by Fremeaux, west by public land, south by Charles Charlot Farve, east by BSTL, ½ arpent front, 40 arpents depth, Charles and his wife Louise Farve sign with their mark, 21 April 1836 in presence of Charles Farve and Louis Billot; Le Court de Billot, JP certifies signatures same day; John S. Brush clerk of probate recorded Boo C:325 30 August 1836; DW Johnston for Elihu receives 4 April 1856 and 7 May 1856 recorded.

Page 416

Euphrosine Farve for $250 paid by Samuel Broadwell of NO lot in Shieldsborough bounded on the north of east by land of Mary Parrish, on the west by land now claimed by Fustin Duprey; on the south by land of Samuel Broadwell and on the SE by the BSTL having ½ arpent or 96’ feet front which was conveyed to Euphrosine by Charles Charlot Farve and his wife Louise (above deed) . Euphrosine sings her mark (she is the only one to sign, witnessed by B. Sones and J.C. Monet 3 April 1856; B. Sones JP certifies same date, DW Johnston for Elihu Carver 4 April 1856 recorded 9 May 1856.

Page 417

Thomas B. Poitevent for $1000 by S. Gilmore Kendall for land described as: bounded north by the upper half of Lottleberry west claim as conveyed and now owned by Enoch McFadden Sen. on the east by Fractional Section no.32 on the west by lot No. 36 and will more fully appear by reference T7R16W 316 14/100 the land being sold to Poitevent by Redman Farless, Miles Gregory and Harriet Farless, said wife of Redman 2 December 1845, 14 January 1856, signed by Thomas and his wife Miranda M. Poitevent; Lewis Y. Folsom JP 14 January 1856; DW Johnston for Elihu 5 April 1856 recorded 9 May 1856.

Page 418

John B. Toulme for $2000 paid by Laperle Carico for land near the Town of Shieldsborough , [neighbors stated] 1 arpent front, mentions Widow Moran’s claim which was confirmed by the US and located on Sections 1, 2 and 11 T9SR14W conveyed by Widow Moran [Morin] to Honorine Carver and by Carver after her marriage jointly with her husband Victor Ladner to Elihu Carver Senior and by said Carver to me the present seller. Deed to Carico signed by Toulme and his wife Victorie with her mark, 4 January 1847 in the presence of Elihu Carver junior; Willis Arnold JP certifies signatures 5 January 1847; B. Sones clerk of probate acknowledges deposit 8 January 1847 and was recorded 15 of said month, Book E:554; DW Johnston for Elihu Carver Jr. acknowledges filing 5 April 1856, recorded 9 May 1856.

Page 419

David Moye for $200 paid by Miss Susan E. Folsom for land in Gainesville Square [illegible] east of square G (?) bounded north by Division St. on the west by Smythe St. south by Harrison St. and east by the lands owned by the Heirs of George (?) M. Smythe deceased as will more fully appear from a deed from Charles H. Frazar to said David Moye recorded in Book B:225-6; David signs as does his wife Lorotta with her mark, 7 April 1856, Lewis Folsom JP same day; DW Johnston for Elihu Carver receives 7 April 1856 and recorded 10 May 1856.

Page 420

P. Rutilius R. Pray $2500 paid by Samuel Fagot within Town of Shieldsborough 257 front on BSTL and forty arpents depth. Neighbors: includes Chimney Lot claimed by said Pray on the south, N by Geo. Moran, E by Bay. Being a part of a tract confirmed by US to Madam Charlo , by her devised to John B. Necaise, Euphrosine Necaise, Zine Necaise and Celeste LaFontaine and by them conveyed to the present seller. Pray and his wife Maria L. sign 17 October 1838, witnessed by S. White; certifies by Samuel White, JP, 26 October 1838; John Brush clerk of probate recorded and received 26 October 1838, Book D: 218-9; DW Johnston for Elihu Carver 8 April 1856 and recorded 10 May 1856.

Page 422

Roderick Seal of Biloxi for $800 paid by William P. Stewart on Pearl River known as Walkiah Bluff whole section bounded south by Pearl River, east by the Dean tract north by the Jerimiah Henly claim, signed by Roderick and his wife Charlotte E. Seal, 20 March 1856, Archibald Clark JP Harrison Co. 20 March 1856; DW Johnston for Elihu 9 April 1856 and recorded 10 May 1856.

Page 422

Francois Farve for $25 by Leandre Farve south half of the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 4, T9SR14W 20 acres ; Francois and his wife Eulalle sign their mark 14 September 1854; S. B. Pierce JP certifies their appearance 9 April 1856; DW Johnston acknowledges 9 April 1856 and recorded 10 May 1856.
[Ed. Note: this is south of hwy. 90, east of Lowere Bay Rd.]

Page 423

Francois Salles $480 by Auguste Schergis for land in Shieldsborough beginning at post of the front Piazza [survey and neighbor data follows] mentions bond made 11 September 1851, bond being presently discharged; 22 October 1853; James Johnston JP certified 22 October 1853; DW Johnston for Elihu Carver 10 May 1856.

Page 424

J. B. Toulme and Victorie Toulme his wife, for $250 paid by J. Voneau for lot in Shieldsborough situated north of Main St. [ Check: neighbors follow] 100’ running back 122’, 3 April 1853; she signs her mark; James Johnston JP certifies same day; DW Johnston for Elihu 12 May 1856.

Page 425

Nathan Corley, and Martha Corley bequeath to Nathan Johnson, son of Solomon Johnson and Polly Johnson, his wife, a “certain yellow boy by the name of Herod about 2 yrs old and slave for life, and upon Nathan’s death to descend to the youngest brother or sister of said Nathan April 5, 1856; Martha signs her mark; Lewis Folsom acting JP certifies 12 April 1856; then Lewis Folsom JP same day; DW Johnston for Elihu 14 April deposit; 12 May 1856 records.

Page 426

William Hutchinson from Louisiana for $520 paid by Joseph A. Johnson two lots in Gainesville no. 29 and 30 in Square E having 100’ on Center St and 100’ on Pearl St. it being the south corner of said Square E being the same land conveyed to Hutchinson by Stephen Mead and wife by deed dated 30 August 1852, recorded book A:462-63; 6 February 1856, Emma M. Hutchinson signs with her husband, DW Johnston witnesses and certifies on same day; certifies Dower right 15 April 1856; deposit of document same day (15 April) and recording 12 May 1856, again by Johnston for Elihu.

Page 426

7 April 1856, Cicilues C. Mitchell, Sheriff and Enoch McFadden SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Sect. 31 T8SR14W, containing 43 25/100 acres on eastern bank of Bayou Phillips as the property of Casper Muller for $153.40 and $11.50 costs for writ of execution from Circuit Court issued 20 December 1855; on the first Monday of April 1856 at the Court House (no place given) was auctioned and Enoch McFadden was highest bidder, for $20 which he paid to Cicilues C. Mitchell; Lewis Folsom JP, 15 April 1856; DW Johnston for Elihu acknowledges true copy 15 April 1856; recorded 12 May 1856.
[Ed. Note: North of hwy. 90 at Bayou Phillips.]

Page 428

John B. Toulme for $75 paid by John Larget for lot south of Main St. in Shieldsborough “situated between the two first branches crossing said Main St.” [ CHECK: other boundary specifics follow]on day [left blank] February 1856, Victorie signs her mark, S. B. Pierce JP certifies (day still blank); DW Johnston certifies 18 April 1856 and records 13 May 1856, for Elihu.

Page 429

W. C. Bibb, Montgomery AL for love and $1 sells to his sister Emma L. wife of my brother Dandridge A. Bibb the following negroes: William age 50 and his wife Sophia, age 45, 1 February 1856; Thomas Harrison, Commissioner for State of Mississippi in Montgomery AL certifies 28 March 1856; DW Johnston for Elihu acknowledges receipt 19 April 1856; recorded 13 May 1856.

Page 429

W. C. Bibb, Montgomery, for love and affection to nieces Bettel and Sophia children of Brother Dandridge A. Bibb and for $1500 [!] the negreos Willis, a yellow boy aged ~21; and his wife Harriet aged ~20 1 February 1856; Thomas Harrison certifies 28 March 1856; DW Johnston for Elihu 19 April 1856; 13 May 1856.

Page 430

Samuel White for $80 paid by William N. Miller lot in Pearlington [survey and location follow] 17 January 1850; Beatina M. White his wife; Elisha Benjamin member of the Board of Police 19 January 1850; Benjamin Sones clerk of probate certifies receipt and recording in Book F:473-4 on 10 September 1850; DW Johnston for Elihu certifies receipt 28 April 1856 and recording 13 May 1856.

Page 430

Samuel J. Peters, executor of the will and testament of Samuel Peters, Sn. deceased late of City of Jefferson, Jefferson Parish LA empowered by decree of Hancock Co. Probate Court as for February term 1856, on 25 February 1856 sale and auction 14 April 1856 between 12 o’clock m and 4 o’clock pm at 12 months credit for $6020 by Marianne Angelique Peters, widow of Samuel Peters Sn. deceased was the highest bidder, for lot in Shieldsborough, [neighbors listed] 287’ front on BSTL; 22 April 1856 signed in Louisiana, Orleans Parish, Walter M. Peters {?}! same day; DW Johnston for Elihu receives 28 April 1856; records 13 May 1856.

Page 432

Bertha Berger, wife of Joseph Berger, “with the consent of my husband (testified by his being a party hereto)” for $800 paid by Matthias Vardarbar for lot in Shieldsborough around Main St, east boundary land claimed by Francis Casanova, fronting 40’ on Main St. [other boundary specifics follow] being part of a lot conveyed by John B. Toulme and wife to Auguste Schurges 6 April 1855; and part of lot conveyed by Auguste and his wife to Jacob Bronckorst in deed April 9, 1855; which he conveyed to present vendor by Bronckont 11 April 1855 and remainder of land was sold to Matthias Vanderbar was conveyed to me Bertha Berger claimed from Christine Pere’ a certain passage 10’ wide 20 October 1855; by Christine and her husband Augustin Pere’; 6 May 1856; Joseph Berger signs in presence of Monet; B. Sones JP certifies 7 May 1856; DW Johnston for Elihu 13 May 1856; recorded 14 May 1856.

Page 433

Matthias Vanderbar for $533 paid by Joseph Berger for lot in Shieldsborough, being the same as above, buys bond to be repaid in two payments [details follow] signed in Shieldsborough 6 May 1856; B. Sones certifies same day; DW Johnston for Elihu 13 May 1856 and recorded 14 May 1856.

Page 434

State of LA New Orleans Achille Chiapella Notary Public for city swears that personally came Francois Charles Georgen, of NO, full age of majority, sells to Auguste Coudreau of NO, for $1193, a lot in Shieldsborough 82’ front on BSTL extending 40 arpents in depth [neighbors and survey data follows; includes west by “wild land” being same property the seller acquired from Asa Russ 12 June 1849 acknowledged by Lewis Stovall, JP Hancock Co. recorded 13 June 1849 Book E, 215-6; for $1193. 58 [notes taken out] ; wife of seller Mistress Marie Jeanne Fanelle Bonsigneur of lawful age, Isaac Johnson, Governor of LA certifies Chiapella a notary public, signed also by Charles Gayarre, Secretary of State; 5 September 1849; Constantine B. Beverly, Commissioner NO for Mississippi certifies Chiapella 7 November 1849; Joseph Wagner and E. Gottschalk certify Georgen signature 13 December 1849; the Beverly certifies again Georgen signature 14 December 1849; B. Sones certifies deposit 11 January 1850, recording Book F:360-363 11 January 1850; DW Johnston for Elihu filed 15 May 1856; recorded 21 May 1856.

Page 437

John B. Toulme for $2081.58 paid by Auguste Coudreau, NO, in Town of Shieldsborough the Louisiana Hotel, formerly property of Auguste Coudreau which was sold at auction by John Graves a special commissioner for Chancery appointed by Circuit Court bill of foreclosure 7 October 1851, in favor of Joseph Rifflard Executor of the last will and testament of F. C. Georgen, deceased, at which sale Toulme was purchaser; signs deed in NO 25 March 1856; B. Sones certifies Toulme appears 4 April 1856; DW Johnston for Elihu 15 May 1856; recorded 21 May 1856.

Page 438

Victorie Toulme release dowry to Auguste Coudreau 9 May 1856, signs her mark before Sones; Sones certifies same day; she signs with her mark; DW Johnston for Elihu 15 May 1856; recorded 21 May 1856.

Page 438

Elihu Carver for $150 paid by Domingo Delalanza lot in Shieldsborough [survey data follows, includes land of Ezra Carver, 18 February 1850; Auguste Lafitte; Pierre Auberdiac, Ezra Carver witnesses; James Johnston JP witnesses same day; B. SOnes certifies deposit 25 February 1850, recorded in his office in Gainesville 25 February 1850, Book F, pages 385-6; DW Johnston for Elihu certificate of old record files 19 May 1856, recorded 27 May 1856.

Page 439

John Graves, Sheriff, 8 January 1853 (first part) and Benjamin S. Leonard, second part, witness John Graves as such Sheriff having lived on the following land 16th section T7R14W and executed as the property of Samuel R. Jackson, administrator of Geo F. Richardson, deceased, “by virtue of a process of th[?] Executions and to satisfy the amount there of namely $242.93 ½ writs of FiFa-against…Samuel R. Jackson advertised place and day of sale, on first Monday of January 1853 at courthouse door conducted public auction and Benjamin S. Leonard was highest bidder, $140, signed L. Y(?) Folsom, for John Graves; Charles Folsom, deputy Clerk of Probate for B. Sones certifies Lewis Y. Folsom, Deputy Sheriff deposited deed 8 January 1853; DW Johnston for Elihu filed 8 January 1853 and recorded 28 May 1856.

Page 440

Benjamin Leonard for $200 by Mathurin Hode sold indenture lease bearing date 8 January 1853 made by John Graves for 99 years from the date of the origina lease to George F. Richardson - same land as above-24 May 1856; DW Johnston witness; DW Johnston for Elihu certifies; DW Johnston for Elihu certifies filing same day, recording the 28th.

Page 441

Isabella Sheriff for $200 paid by Andrew Stranga for lot on western bank of BSTL bounded west and south by land owned by seller one arpent front, extending between parallel lines running N45 degrees west to the northern boundary of the SE ¼ of Section 10 T9SR14W and being part of said quarter section, 26 November 1849 [no male signing] in presence of Monet, DW Johnston JP certifies 19 December 1854, DW Johnston for Elihu acknowledges filing true copy 26 May 1856, recorded 29 May 1856.
[Ed. Note: this is s/w corner of Waveland.]

Page 442

Andrew Stranga and Elizabeth Stranga, his wife, for $225 paid by George Loux land 48’ front on Gulf of Mexico, north bound by Pierre Garnier, west by public land, south by the seller, 7 May 1850; James Johnston, JP witnessed same day; B. Sones clerk of probate certifies deposit 8 May 1850, recording in Book F: 428-9 at Court in Gainesville 5 June 1850; DW Johnston for Elihu acknowledges deposit of copy 26 May 1856 recorded 29 may.

Page 443

George Loux of Boone Co. Illinois sells for $100 to Henry R. Swasey of NO the land described above, appeared in NO George Bronssart of NO who hereby binds himself as the security of George Loux and produces certificate from probate showing land is free and clear; 1 December 1855; Daniel Recardo, Commissioner in NO acknowledges same date; DW Johnston for Elihu 26 May 1856, recorded 3 June 1856.

Page 444

Henry Dillard for $400 paid by Andy M. Sladen for the undivided half of the north half of the Alexander Frazar claim of 640 acres adjoining lands of S. White on the south, and public lands on the east and north (the lands on McCalls Island are to be exempted in this sale as the have been formerly sold to B. D. Mitchell) being 320 acres except the Mitchell claim signed by H. B. Dillard and his wife Charlotty Dillard 1 March 1856; Lewis Folsom JP certifies same date; DW Johnston for Elihu certifies deposit 27 May 1856, recorded 4 June 1856.

Page 444

Charles H. Frazar for $40 paid by Samuel J. Randall for land in Gainesville lying and being in Block (Aa) bounded on the north and west by Ambrose St. on the south and east by Center St. on the south and west Holister St. and on the north and east by Blackman St. being the same 200’ and containing an acre 29 May 1856; DW Johnston and James Poitevent witnesses; DW Johnston for Elihu certifies Charles’ appearance same day; DW Johnston for Elihu certifies deposit of deed same day; recorded 4 June 1856.

Page 445

Auguste Coudreau of NO Power of Attorney to Francois Pralon to sell land in Shieldsborough 82’ front on Bay extending back 40 arpents [survey lines follow] being the same property I acquired from Francois Charles Gurgen and which he acquired from Asa Russ, 1 May 1856, in NO; Robert Ker commissioner for Mississippi certifies in NO 24 May 1856; DW Johnston for Elihu deposit June 9, 1856; recorded 12 June 1856.
[No value quoted.]

Page 447

Instrument entered between Auguste Coudreau (NO) through his lawful agent Francois Pralon and Richard Easterbrook of NO for $1300 for parcel in Shieldsborough for land (see above) in NO 31 May 1856; Robert Ker certifies 3 June 1856; DW Johnston for Elihu acknowledges filing 9 June 1856; recording 12 June 1856.

Page 448

John B. Toulme for $419 paid by Amans Elis Ledoux for lot in Shieldsborough, 40’ front on the Bay, 40 arpents in Shieldsborough except for land across the lot “on which the Court house and jail now stands, having 400’ in width, and with the exception also of 20’ on each side of said lot, being one half of second and third sts. 31 May 1849, signed before Monet by John, Victorie makes her mark; JC Monet certifies same date; B. Sones certifies deposit 26 June 1849, and recorded Book F, 227-8, court at Gainesville 26 June 1849; DW Johnston for Elihu certificate filed 9 June 1849 recorded 12 June 1856.

Page 449

20 June 1856 deed of Donation to Uses between J. Butler Daniell (first part) and J.F. H. Claiborne (second part) and Elizabeth Hannam, wife of said J. Butler Daniell (third part), “witness that whereas the said Elizabeth prior to and at the time of her marriage with the said J. Butler Daniell was seized of and possessed a valuable estate which, of right, would have enured to her benefit and the Benefit of her children but which aliened and expended by her husband in his own private enterprises and speculations to her injury and diminution of comfort and whereas he has recently inherited a portion of his father’s estate and being desirous of securing the comfort of his said wife and to make her compensation as far as his means allow, for her Estate, sells to Claiborne slaves Amos, Sam and Adonis of the late estate of his Father Lewis Daniell; Claiborne asserts that during her life, Elizabeth is to have the management, control and benefits of the said slaves and to receive the profits and proceeds thereof, as the separate owner and proprietor, but in no instance is she to alien, sell, convey or mortgage said slaves without Claiborne’s consent; if when Elizabeth dies, her husband should survive, then the donated estates is to be returned to him; and children can inherit; James B. Mitchell member of the Board of Police acknowledges signatures 21 June 1856; DW Johnston for Elihu filed 20 june 1856; recorded same day.

Page 450

Charles Thery for love and affection leaves his wife Julia L’edore Thery and her children his entire estate and estate he may inherit from Estate of Nicholas Thery, deceased in France…

Page 451

Napoleon Monet, Clerk of the Southern vice Chancery Court, at Mississippi City, June Term of 1856, Complainant Richard Esterbrook v. Samuel R. Jackson et al. Case being called for a final hearing …the defendants Samuel R. Jackson as the administrator of all and singular, the goods and Chattels, sights and credits, of George F. Richardson deceased, having obtained from the Court of Probates of Hancock County and in order for the sale of the lands belonging to said Estate according to law in as such ?? made and provided did sell at public auction in accordance with said order of sale, a certain piece of land belonging to said Estate…a part of section 26, of Township 8S, Range 14W. Beginning upon the eastern boundary of Guedon Toulime’s land Claim, 15 chains and 50 links south of NE corner of said claim, thence south 55 degrees east, 20 chains and 50 links, thence North 45 East, 11 chains and 50 links, thence north 65 degrees West, 21 chains, and 50 links, to Bayou Galire, thence along bayou to the place of beginning. Richard Esterbrook, being the highest bidder became the purchaser thereof for $100. The deed was lost before delivered to Esterbrook. After diligent search therefore it cannot be found, and also that records, paper, and documents belonging to the Probates of Hancock County, have been destroyed by fire, so that the ??thereof cannot be otherwise supplied. […] …further ordered, that on the failure of the said Samuel R. Jackson to make and execute such deed, Napoleon Monet be appointed as a special Commissioner to make and execute June 1856. Napoleon Monet executed deed on 28th June 1856. Elihu Carver recorded 1st July 1856 by Johnston Deputy Clerk in Hancock County.

Page 453

D.R. Wingate deed to Henry Weston 1/3 interest. From D.R. Wingate and wife Caroline Wingate in consideration of the sum of $4000.00 paid by Henry Weston to the undivided 1/3 part of certain piece of land together with 1/3 undivided interest in and to a steam saw mill thereon situated, also, all our undivided 1/3 part of all the other buildings and improvements thereto belonging and more particularly known and described as Chalon tract containing sixteen hundred arpents more or less and bounded on the West by the Pearl River, on the North by lands claimed by Christian Koch and Asa H Hursey, and on the South by public land, it being the same tract of land which was conveyed to John W. Russ, Henry Carre, and W.W. Carre by David R. Wingate on the first day of March, 1834. To Henry Weston and his heirs and assignees. Dated 18th June 1856, signed by D.R. Wingate and Caroline Wingate. Delivered by Caroline Wingate to William Cooms on the 18th day of June 1856. Recoded in Hancock County 23rd of June 1856 by Johnston for Elihu Carver Jr.

Page 453

Francois Hillairet deed to Jean Canture Verron for sum of $900.00 convey all of that parcel of land on the Western bank of the Bay of St. Louis within the corporate limits of the city of Shielsdborrough, being a part of the Widow Monroe claim [bounds and situation described]. 17th June 1856

Page 455

Alexander Bookter mortgage to Mrs. Elizabeth Coward. [Terms and details described]. Dated 18th of February 1856

Page 456-457

Deed of Negro slave woman named Charlotte from Adeline Mead wife of Stephen Mead to Charles H. Frazar for sum of $465.15 which were mortgaged by the Mead’s. Signed in Gainesville 11th of July 1856. Delivered 11th July 1856 in presence of A.H. Hursey and D.W. Johnston. Charles H. Frazar acknowledged full satisfaction of the mortgage and interest in Gainesville 24th August 1858 by D.W. Johnston. Recorded duly on the 15th day of July 1856 by Johnston for Elihu Carver.

Page 457-459

Mortgage from Euphinosine Guardia wife of Nolas Guardia for the sum of $622.00 to John B. Toulme. For land in Shieldsborrough on the Bay of St. Louis (western bank). [ Terms and details described]. Signed 23rd of September 1851 and delivered to James Johnston the same day. Recorded on 8th July 1856.

Page 459-460

Marguerite Angelique Coitte deed to Bazile Francois Salles. For the sum of $3000.00 on the Bay of St. Louis. [Terms and details described]. Dated 14th July 1856.

Page 461

Cecilius Mitchell, sheriff, deeds to George Klenck on 7-7-1856, as directed by Circuit Court, founded on judgment of Klenck against Elizabeth and Charles Blanck for $79.75 and court costs, levied on land in Shieldsborough, bounded on N by land of Defendant, W by Charles Favre, Sr., S by J Voiron, E by Peter Hunck. 70 feet by 100 feet, sold at auction for $36, highest bid, to Klenck.

Page 462

John Russeth for $1,500 deeds to Manuel Muniz, land in Shieldsborough, bounded on N by George Weinberg and Francois Salles, W and S by George Klenck, and E by the Bay, 33 feet front by 400 feet, being the same as sold to present vendor by Alfred Jaquet on 1-13-1855.
This had been mortgage, shown to be satisfied in 1870.
Signatures of Juan and wife Catalina seem to be “Ruisich.” Dated 7-22-1856.

Page 463

Bernard Bourgious [sic]sells on mortgage for $312 to John Baptist Toulme, land on the seashore , bounded on NE by present vendor, on W and S by CB Beverly, and on SE by Gulf, having 125 feet on shore, by 1150 feet, being part sec. 15, T9S R14W. Signed by B. Bourgeois, on 7-26-1856.
[Ed. Note: This is east of, and adjacent to Buccaneer park.]

Page 464

US of America, Hancock County, to wit: on 7-28-1856, appeared before me Seth Pierce, JP, Nicholas Siebert, making the following instrument: Nicholas Siebert is administrator of goods and estate of Jacob Siebert appoint Warder Siebert of the Dutchy of Oldenberg Germany my attorney as trustee or guardian for Elizabeth, Catherine and Jacob, children and minors of Jacob, deceased, to receive all goods, money, etc. Signed 7-28-1856.

Page 465

Edwin Russ and wife Cornelia for $4,000 deed to David Wingate, land in Pearlington, together with all right to half of steam mill thereon, built by Nimrod McGuire and John Toomer, whuich was sold to Wingate by Toomer on 3-12-1854, and sold by Wingate to Russ on [blank] day of March 1854. Land has front on Pearl St., 90 feet, running N to Levee St. and situated immediately in front of and on a line with lot no. 3, and S half of lot NO. 4, square 1. Signed by both Russes on 6-18-1856.
Wm. Coons, JP

Page 466

Deed in French from Marie Jeanne Adele Dubalin of N.O., in presence of J. Monet, to Jean Louis Christian Katzenberger, of Sieldsburger. [Needs translation.]
Witnessed by Sones 8-7-1856.

Page 467

Caroline Furness of New Orleans, authorized by Olande Furness, my husband, for $3,024.27, paid by commercial firm of WA Violet and Co., of N.O., being composed of Wm. A Violet and Wm. C Black, deeds to that company with all legal warrants, land designated in the plat annexed to act of sale of said land from J. Alexander Ventress to me, dated 9-1-1849, as no. 17 and 18, each 100 feet on Bay, on W bank of Bay, part in corporate limits of Shieldsborough, beginning at post between lots 16 and 17, running n 45 degrees to line intersecting sec. 3 and 10, T 9S R14W, same crosses road to Bernard Bourgeois [wording continues complicated; confer deed for details.] Signed by Furness and husband, 7-2-1856.
Signed for New Orleans, by Walter Peters, commissioner for MS

Page 468

June term of Probate court held at court house at Gainesville, 4th Monday of June 1855. SB Pierce appointed commissioner to sell certain lands, etc. Undivided third part of sec. 21,22, 27, and 28, T9 R16 West of the Basis meridian of said county according to plat as they appear on township maps in Book of Registration in land office at Augusta. Pierce sold such premises at auction to Louis Doby for $1,100. Signed by S. Blanton Pierce, Commissioner, 8-25-1856.

Page 470

Jane Cooper, relict [widow] of Cornelius Cooper of St. Tammany. LA appoints son James as attorney to take charge of estate left to her by late husband, and to remove all personal property and slaves, etc., to his residence in Hancock County. Signed with x, Jane Cooper on 9-13-1856.
John Brush, JP

Page 470

Samuel P. Russ and wife Mary of St. Tammany deed To Thomas B. Poitevent of Hancock for $500, parts of sec. 28, T8S R16W, also part sec. 21 T8S R16W, and another part of sec. 21, in all 403 acres. [see deed for details] With all buildings, improvements. Signed by Russess on 6-13-1853.
Recorded in 1856.

Page 472

Samuel White for $340 deeds to Thomas B. Poitevent, undivided half of land bounded on N by Littleberry west claim, on E and W by public lands, on S by Michael Beck’s claim. T 7 and 8, R16W, formerly owned by estate of PRP Pray, deceased, and sold by administration of estate on 2-28-1846. Signed by White and wife Beatina M. on 3-6-1855.

Page 473

Thomas B. Poitevent, for $185.56 deed to Daniel C. Stanley, part sec 21, measuring 242.31 acres, also part sec. 28, with 161.54 acres; also part sec. 2 with 40 acres, T8S R16W, in aggregate 463.85 acres. [See deed for details.] Signed by Poitevent and wife Miranda on 9-12-1856.

Page 474

Thomas B. Poitevent for $370 deeds to Daniel C. Stanley half of tract bounded by Little Berry West claim on N, by public lands on W, on S by Michael Beck and public lands, on E by public land. T7 and 8, R16W of bases meridian. Signed by Poitevent and wife Meranda M, on 9-12-1856.

Page 475

John W. Russ and wife Susan For $6,000 deed to David Wingate, land together with steam saw mill, known as Chalon tract containing 1600 arpents, bounded on W by Pearl, on E by Christian Koch and Asa Hursey, on S by public land, being the same as conveyed by Wingate on 3-1-1854. Includes claim to logs, books and accounts, with all that had been vested in Russ by Wingate. Signed John and Susan Russ. 6-18-1856.

Page 476

Louis Bartholomew for $100 deed to Daniel A. Boardman, land near Pearlington, being lot 7, sec. 17, T9S R16W, of 72.8 acres. Signed by Louis and Susan B, 8-2-1856.

Page 476

Nicholas Carron for $860.90 deed to Edward Saucier of Harrison County, land on W bank of Bay in corportate limits of Shieldsborough, bounded on N by Madame Laureant Fayard, on W by F. Bouquie, on S by present seller, on E by the Bay, having 60 feet front on Bay by 40 arpents. Signed by Carron with x, on 10-1-1856.

Page 478

Eugene Ladner for $850 sell to Giovanni Poretto a certain negro woman named Clemtine, age 24, black complexion, born in my possession from my negro woman Rebecca, and my property from the time of birth to today. Ladner signed with x. 10-3-1856.

Page 479

Charles Frazar for $150 deed to John Moore, four lots in Gainesville, being lots 91, 102, 103, 104, being NW half of Sq. O [Q?]. Bounded on S by Greenwich St., W by Center, N by Harrison, E by lots 90, lots 105-107, having 125 feet front on Greenwich, back to Harrison, by 200 feet. Signed by Frazar 10-8-1856.

Page 480

Henry and Walter Carre and Henry Weston sell to David R. Wingate, land on E bank of Pearl being grant confirmed by Congress on 3-3-1819 to Joseph Chalon, known as Logtown tract, 1600 arpents. Bounded on N by Christian Koch, on E and S by AH Hursey and Koch, together with steam saw mill, machinery, etc. Mortgage terms spelled out: 9 notes through 5-58 at 8%. Signed by Carres and Weston, 6-19-1856.

Page 481

Alexander Bookter for $1,604 deed [overlay at this point makes deed of trust unclear, but it appears that money was paid by Elizabeth Cowand for slaves sold to Joseph Field.] Slaves named George, Genet, and her child Bustamento. [Overlay signed by Fields on 10-17-1859, addressed to DH Johnson, to effect that deed of trust had been satisfied.]
Second P. 481: [with no overlay] Money was paid by Cowand. Slaves were: George (black) 39, Genet (mulatto woman), age 29, and her child Bustamento (mulatto boy) age 6. Signed by Bookter 10-1-1856.

Page 482

Charles Frazar for $300 deeds to Wm. J Poitevent five lots in Gainesville, sec. 18, T8 R16W, being lots 1-5, sq. A. 250 feet front on Water St., running SW to Pearl River, bounded on SE by Main, NE by Water St., NW by Center, being the whole of
Sq. A. Signed by Frazar 10-16-1856.

Page 483

Francois Bazile Salles for $90 deeds to Pierre Servant, land in corporate Shieldsborough, bounded on N by Apothecary St., on S by purchaser, on W by present vendor, E by present vendor, having 200 feet front on Apothecary, extending 70 feet from S side of said street, N 200 feet [see deed for details], being same as conveyed by Margaritte Angelique, Coitte alias Pericoli, on 7-14-1856. Signed F. Salles, 7-22-1856.

Page 484

Deed of gift. Louis Marie Stanislas Buteux, missionary priest of Shieldsborough for love and affection and $1 paid by Thomas Layton, Esq., of New Orleans, Buteux gives to Layton all the goods and personal estate mentioned in a schedule annexed hereto, on death, should Buteux die before him. Signed S. Buteux, 10-1-1856.

Page 485

John Martin, for $200, deeds to Thomas Kershaw, of Harrison County, land in corporate limits of Shieldsborough, bounded on N by Elihu Carver, Sr., on W by street leading in Southerly direction from Wahington St., between lands of Fisher and Charles Avenues, on S by lands by heirs of John Jones, deceased, and on E by present vendor. 167 by 59 by 125 feet. [see deed.] Part of land conveyed by Ezra Carver and wife to Jacob Gorenflo, deed date 4-13-1850. Signed by John and Cornelia A. Martin, 10-31-1856.

Page 486

James Murphy for $2,150 sells to William H. Lewis four negro slaves, Sam, Ned, Isabella, and her child Tom. Signed, James and Margaret Murphy, 2-27-1852.
Witnesses: Sidney Douglas, Commissioner for MS in Alabama, and Simon Favre, both of Mobile, on 3-30-1855. Carver and Johnston, clks, for Hancock, 11-9-1856.

Page 487

Robert N. Ogden, for $2,800, sells to Maria Camilla Damont, land in corporate limits on Shieldsborough, bounded on E by land claimed and occupied by Louis Christian
on N the township line between T 8 and 9, R14W, between sec. 2 and 35 of said township, on W by Miss Adele Dubalin, and S by Bay, being the residence of my family, front two arpents on the lake shore, running back to Township line, together with all buildings, etc. Signed by Ogden, 11-12-1856; joined by wife, who signed as FSD Ogden [Francis S.D. Nicholson]
Mrs. Ogden attested to by Richard Brenan of La, comm. for MS.

Page 489

Thomas B. Poitevent of Gainesvilles, being out of debt and possessed of considerable estate in slaves and other property, appoints Benjamin S. Leonard as trustee in deed of trust for benefit of wife Maranda; slaves listed as:
Sandy 52
Primass 48
Jack 40
John Rone 45
Cupid 30
Dick 26
Charles 32
George a boy 14
Caroline sister of George 12
Roxana 24
Her four childen Nathen 5
Felicia 5
Laura 3
Mingo ½
And also four mules, two wagons and two horses.
Signed by Poitevent 11-21-1856

Page 490-494

Warrant no. 672
Certificate no. 17
Report no. 5 Land Office, Jackson Court House, MS [blank] day of [blank] of 182 [blank]
To the principal deputy surveyor for the district east of the Island of New Orleans.
In pursuance of the authority vested in us by law, you are hereby directed to survey claim no. 17 in certificate no. 17 hereto annexed, in the manner following to wit: Comprising the original improvement in the most compact manner, making a quantity not exceeding 640 acres and not interfering with any other claim and to return a particular plat or certificate [part page torn away] thereof. When completed, together with the [illeg] to the Register of this office. Signed 9-28-1834 by ? House, Register, R. Damorai ]?] Ex officio commissioners.
Know all men: Susan Morin of St. Tammany for $150 deed to Elihu Carver my claim to east half of warrant no. 672, Cert. 17, claim 17, report no. 5, as surveyed by deputy surveyor in that district. Signed at Madisonville on 21st of Nov. [?] 1833 as Susan Lachome Morin.
Attest: William Boman, John Kern
State of La, parish of St. Tammany. Before Richard Brenan, commissioner of Ms for LA, appeared Joseph Colamer of Madisonville, who testified he was well acquainted with late Susan Lachome, wife of Jean Raymon [Ramon] from AD 1834 until her death, but he could not confirm name Morin because when he knew her she signed her name Susan Ramon. Signed Jose Colamer 5-2-1854.
[NB: this could be the property which became known as Widow Morin claim, including Pirate House.]
Above followed by similar deposition before Richard Brenan by A. Raby to effect that he knew Susan Lachome Morin, wife of Jean Ramon, during lifetime of her first husband, Jean Baptiste Morin. Signed by Raby on 5-2-1854.d, Jean Baptiste Morin. Signed by Raby on 5-2-1854.
Above followed by statement for Eastern District of La, City of New Orleans by George Dermeyer to vouch for signature of Wm. Boman, now deceased, who had witnessed Susan’s signature. Dermeyer signed 24th of ? 1856.
Then, J. Zimmerman testified to signatures of Boman and Kern, above. Dated 24th of Nov. [?] 1856
All above accepted for Hancock by Elihu Carver, Jr. clk, and DW Johnston, deputy clk., on 12-10-1856.

Page 495

[Following deed is strange. It seems to have Pray sell to Mitchell Clifton plantation on 11-27-1856, while a few days later, on 12-2 it took all heirs of Daniels to sell to Jackson.]
Sarah H. Pray, with consent of husband, Rufus Otis Pray, for $1,100 deed to James Mitchell, land on E side of Mulatto Bayou, known as Clifton Plantation, formerly owned and occupied by late Lewis Daniels, 640 acres. Signed by Sarah and Rufus,
Witness Lewis Folsom, who also signed as JP. Elihu Carver, Jr. and DW Johnston, clerks,

Page 496

Indenture 6-27-1856. Otis Oliver deeds to Wm. F. Stansbury of Holmes county for $275, land in Shiedsborough, bounded on N by [blank] street, running between lands of E. Carver, Mary Mazilly and others, and lands of Arsens Sorbet, George Hall and others, S by land of Willis Arnold, dec., E by land of Sorbet, W by land of George Hale, 150 ft by 108 [see deed for details]. Signed by Otis and Mary Oliver, 6-27-1856.
For state of LA, Parish of Orleans, commissioner of La for MS signed on 7-5-1856.

Page 497

Nicholas Carron for $140 deeds to Jean David Blondel, land in corporate limits of Shieldsborough, beginning where line separates land of heirs of Laurent Fayard from land belonging to me, the vendor, strikes the road known as Bernard Road, leading from city to land of Bernard Bourgeois, 300 ft by 100 ft [? - see deed for details].

Page 498

Indenture 8-12-1833. Joseph and Virginia Morin for $42.75 sell to Francois Ladner, land in Shieldsborough, bounded on N by purchaser, E by Bay, S by Justin Bates, W by public lands. 42 ft front on Bay “with the usual deapth of 40 arpents back.”
Both Morins signed with x.
Witnesses: Pete Flanagan and Elihu Carver.

Page 499

Bernard Bourgeois for $481 deeds to John Baptiste Toulme, John Victor Toulme, Francis Casanova and Eihu Carver, Jr., land on shore of Gulf of Mexico near Western boundary city of Shieldsborough known as Bernard Bourgeois place, being part sec. 15, T9S R14W, which lies E of eastern boundary of lot mortgaged by me to Mrs. Catherine Dews, containing about 20 acres. Bounded on N by sectional lines running West from shore between sec 10 and 15, which divides claim by Max. Bourgeois form those herein granted, On SE by Gulf, on SW by lot mentioned. [Deed contains details of description.] Also, another parcel, being part sec. 10 of T9s R14W, containing 40 acres. Signed B Bourgeois,
[Ed. Note: This is east of Buccaneer park.]

Page 500

John V. Toulme, Francois Casanova and Elihu Carver, Jr. appoint John B. Toulme to be our lawful attorney to collect money of mortgage in foregoing deed of 11-4-1856. Signed by JV Toulme, FG Casanova, Elihu Carver, Jr.

Page 502

US - State of LA - City of New Orleans
Mortgage. Bazile Francois Salles of NO for $2600 paid by Marguerite Angelique Pirrcolli [Pericoli]of NO, land of W bank of Bay, bounded on N by Apothecary St., W by claim of Bouquine [Buquie], S by claim of Guillome Macoullard and others, and E by Bay, having 42 feet by 40 arpents (7,679.5 feet), together with all buildings. 12-12-1856.

Page 503

US - LS - NO: Marguerite Angelique Pericoli of N.O. for $600 sells to Joseph Slade land on W bank of Bay, Bounded on N by claim of Monet, W by US, E by the Bay, S by heirs of PRR Pray, 45 feet front on Bay by 40 arpents, together with buildings. Signed by Pericoli on 12-12-1856. [NB: same date, (different property) as she sells in above deed.]
Elihu Carver, clk. Jan. 1857.

Page 504

Nicholas Binghart for $175 deeds to Mary Walker, wife of Auguste Campy, land on W bank of Bay in Shieldsborough, bounded on E by A. Campa, N by public land, W by Francis Henry, S by Bay. Having ¼ arpent or 48 feet front on Bay, running N 45 degrees W to W boundary of Widow Morin’s claim. Signed by Benghart and wife Mina on 12-15-1856.
SB Pierce, JP.

Page 505

John Favre for $50 deeds to Sam White land known as Pearlington tract, being same as held by Pearlington Co. by virtue of purchase from Isaac and Celeste Graves.
640 acres bounded on W by Pearl, on S by Dobys and Rebecca Nixon, on E by White, on N by lands of White, TB Ives, and Wm. H Brown, excepting such lots in the tract as I hold from under the said company title. Signed blank day of Jan. 1849.

Page 506

Louisa Eucharice Armstrong, formerly Louisa Eucharice Favre, for $50 deed to Sam White all my right and title which I may have inherited form my father, Simon Favre, or from my mother, Celeste Graves, in the Pearlington tract, on E bank of Pearl, bounded on S by R. Nixon and Doby, on E by White, on N by White, Ives and Brown. Signed as Louisa Armstron on 10-6-1849.

Page 507

James Murphy and wife Margaret, formerly of Hancock County, for $50 deed to Sam White rights which have descended to us by virtue of the heirship [kinship?] of said Margueritte to esates of Simon Favre, containing in quantity one section, bounded on S by Nixon and Doby, E by White, N by White, the fractional school section No. 16, T9 R 16W and Wm Brown. Both signed, blank day of Feb., 1851.
Sidney Douglas signed as Commissioner for Mobile.

Page 508

Onezin Favre and wife Mary for $50 deed to Sam White, land inherited from Onezin’s father Simon Favre or from mother Celeste Graves, claim to Pearlington tract, being the same purchased for the Pearlington Co. by George H. Nixon from Isaac Graves and Celeste, bounded on S by Nixon and Doby, E by land of White, and N by White, Ives and Brown. Signed by both Favres. 2-6-1851.

Page 508

Samuel J., John, and Augustine W. Favre for $50 sell to Sam White all our rights as grandchildren of Simon Favre or from his wife Celeste Graves to Pearlington tract, [boundaries same as above]. All three signed 12-3-1856.

Page 509

Redding Byrd sells to Mrs. Malvina Carroll for $1150 negro woman Ruth about 29, and her child Sarah age 1, on “6th day of January in the year of our Lord AD 1857.”
John Brush, JP

Page 510

Samuel Fagot of St. James parish in LA for $4,000 sell to John B. Toulme, John Martin, and John Mazilly of Shieldsborough, paid as follows: Toulme - 2000; Martin - $1000; Mazilly - $1000. Lands divided in same proportions. On W bank of Bay in corporate limits of Shieldsborough, bounded on N by [blank] Ledoux, W by J. Bouquie, S by Richard Esterbrook, E by the Bay. 257 feet on Bay by 40 arpents, being same as conveyed to me by PRR Pray and wife on 9-15-1836, which was destroyed by fire on 31st of March, 1853.
Signed by Samuel and Emilie Fagot on 9-13-1856.

Page 512

Mary Favre deeds for $300 to Daniel C. Stanley land near Shieldsborough, better known as Bayou Filip place, being part sec. 1, T9S R15W, containing 40.5 acres, “being same land located by said Mary Favre bearing dateline Augusta Miss 12th day of December 1854. Mary signed with x on 1-23-1857.
[Ed. Note: This section is S of Hey. 90 and straddles the current Lakeshore Road.]

Page 512

S Gilmore Kendall for $1,200 deeds to Daniel Stanley, S half of the Littleberry west claim, bounded on N by upper half of same, now claimed by Enoc McFadden Sr., E by part sec. 32, W by lot No. 36, T 7S R 16 W, 316.14 acres. Signed by Kendall and wife Francina on 11-26-1856.

Page 514

Daniel Stanley for $50 deeds to Owin Miller, land beginning at the rim of the Irishman Branch, on the W edge of Main Pearl River Road, then up road to top of the hill to a junction [?], then W to edge of swamp, then down to Irishman Branch, to beginning. About 8 acres. Stanley and wife (?) Elizabeth sign on 12-29-1856.

Page 515

Maximilian Bourgeois for $1,200 deed to Varice Bourgeois, a certain mulatto boy named Celestine, age about 23, subject to conditions of last will of Francois Bourgeois dated 8-13-1849. Max. signed with x on 7-12-1856.

Page 515

Arsene Luc of Shieldsborough for $200 to Louis Ladner, land in this city bounded as follows: lying on the S side of [blank] street, having front on said street of 200 feet running back 108, where Louis now resides. Signed by Luc, 2-4-1857.

Page 516

Louis Ladner for $200 deeds to Patrick Lawles, land in Shieldsborough lying on S side of [blank] street, running between property of Arsene Lc and Mrs, Mazilly, former wife of A. Lafitte [dimensions same as above]. Louis Ladner signed with x on 2-4-1857.

Page 517

Benjamin S. Leonard for $130 deeds to Mathias Vardarbar, 16th section, T8S R15W, 640 acres for term of 99 years from 11-6-1854. [NB: 16th sections are school lands, “lieu lands” which cannot be sold. ] Signed by Leonard and wife Mary on 1-16-1856.
[Ed. Note: This is N of I-10, and E of Devil’s Swamp.]

Page 518

David Shelton of Hinds County sells to Samuel Linton, JL Calhoun, IM Newley, John Bull, WT Tennerman and WH Goodrich, of firm of Calhoun Bull and Co., 640 acres confirmed to Stephen Wentworth, certificate 25, ordered to be surveyed by warrant no. 680, executed by Elihu Carver, deputy surveyor and return made office of Surveyor General. Tract includes part sec. 35 and 36, and 26 and 27, T 9, R15W, lies on N side of Bayou Point Clear. [Bayou Caddy?] Sheldon and wife Lavina signed on 8-3-1855. [No Value shown ???]
DN Barrow, JP for Hinds County.
[Ed. Note: This appears to be the Ansley area.]

Page 518

The State of Georgia. James Calhoun, John Bull, Wm. Tennerman, Samuel Linton and Wm. Goodrich, late partners in firm of Calhoun Bull and Co., sell to Joseph W Newby, also a member of the firm [same land as above]. All signed 12-29-1856. [Value???]
Lewis Levy JP for Richmond County, Georgia

Page 520

John Roberts of New Orleans for $6,000 deed to Hamilton M. Wright of same city in corporate limits of Shieldsborough, land bounded on N by claim of Rosalie Marti, W by Bouquie claim, S by Felix Grima, Esq., and Jaquin Robira, and E by Bay. Land is 132 feet front by 120 deep, from the road along the bank of the Bay, and from that depth having a width of 192 feet by 40 arpents. This leaves a lot of SE corner of 60 by 120 feet, now claimed by Mrs. Marie Robira, widow of Jaquin Robira. Lands transferred are known as Bay of St. Louis Hotel. Signed by Roberts on 2-16-1857.
Signed by commissioner of New Orleans.

Page 521

Cornelius and Susan Newman for $175 deed to Charles Henry Jarrell and Wm. Seal our right to part sec. 16, T5S R18W of 500 acres, during unexpired period of lease.
Signed by Newman; wife used x on 7-26-1856.
John Brush, JP

Page 522

Jno. B. Lampkin and Mart D Lampkin deed for $50 to Francois Coevas, quarter section 26, T7S R14W. Dated 4-27-1854.

Page 522

Indenture on 2-19-1857, between Bernard Bourgeois and Francis Quivas. Mortgage for $350, note written in French. Bourgeois sells to Quivas his stock of cattle marked BB. Signed 2-19-1857.
SB Pierce was JP

Page 523

Lucy Garmen alias Lucy Lemarchant, wife of John Sr., conveyance. Whereas John and Lucy were married on 1-19-1855, for love and affection and $250 paid by Lucy, she sells him land in Shieldsborough bounded on N by RN Ogden, on S by John Hoffman, on E by the Bay, one arpent front on the Bay, running back to Widow Morin claim, which deed is recorded in Registry of Deeds on pp. 529-30. One half to be sold to John Lemarchant, Jr., son of grantor. Signed by Lucy with x; John signed. Date 2-11-1857

Page 524

On 12-2-1856, WH Lillard, MA Lillard, WF Stansbury, EA Stnsbury, JB Mitchell, AE Mitchell, Mentoria Besoncon, JB Daniel, and Elizabeth Daniel, heirs of lat Lewis Daniel deed to Andrew Jackson of Davidson County, Tennessee, for $8,525, to them paid and secured to be paid, lands known as Clifton Plantation including dwelling and improvements, beginning at a stake on E margin of Mulatto Bayou, Sec. 34, T9 R16, being the SW corner of Francis Saucier survey [see deed for details]. Fully set forth in deed from John Henderson, Jr., special commissioner in Chancery, recorded in clerk’s office on 6-28-1853. All sellers signed in presence of B Sones, who also was JP.
Stansburys were attested to for Holmes County by James M. Hayes.
Elihu Carver, Jr., clk

Page 525

Complicated giving of power of attorney by McIntyres and McLaughlins, of Marion County and Pointe Coupee parish, regarding sale of property owned by Douglas McLauglin, deceased. [property not described except in general]

Page 527

Thomas and Emily McIntyre and sac and Mary Stamps, heirs of Douglas McLaughlin of Marion county deeds to Enoch McFadden for $150, lands described as parts of sec. 6 and 7, T8S R16W, 640 acres, known as Mitchell Beck claim. Signed 2-23-1857.

Page 527

Thomas and Emily McIntyre and Isaac and Mary Stamps, heirs of Doublas McLoughlin of Marion county, deed for $70, parts sec. 2 and 3, T7S R17W, 640 acres, known as Patsy Cleveland claim. Dated 2-23-1857.

Page 528

Benjamin Sones deeds for $2,800 to Robert Eager, on W bank of Bay, bounded on N by seller, and land of Alexander Bookter, on W by J. Bouquie, on S by Ramon Coevas and land of seller, on E by Bay, 40 feet front on Bay by 40 arpents, being part of estate of Louisa Necaise, deceased, purchased by Francis Ladner. Signed by Sones and wife Rebecca on 1-1-1857.

Page 530

Robert Eager for $1,800 deeds to Benjamin Sones land in Shieldsborough, 148 feet by 40 acres [see deed for details], being part of land bought by Sones from Francois Ladner, administrator of estate of Louise Necaise, as per deed of 5-20-1850. Signed by Eager on 1-1-1857.

Page 531

Indenture dated 5-6-1849 between Justin Fremaux of Orleans parish and Napoleon Joseph Fremaux and wife Flore Caroline Marion de Montilly of Ascension parish, represented by attorney Victor Burthe. Party of 2nd part was John Culbertson of New Orleans, who for $500 buys at auction land at Bay, no. 7 on sketch, 90 feet on Bay by 1980 feet, part of tract of Stephen Fremaux, father of present grantor (and of whom they are sole heirs) purchased of Mary Parish, James Johnston and Eleanor Johnston, per indenture of 10-19-1833, recorded in probate court Book B pages 326-7.
Signed by Justin Fremaux; two other Fremauxs signed for by victor Burthe.
Witnessed by R de Armas of Louisana. Copy of sketch referred to.

Page 533

State of LA, parish of Orleans. Indenture made on 9-12-1855, between John Culbertson of N.O, of first part; and Mrs. Catherine Ann Hall of N.O., wife of Edwin Walter Rodd of second part. Culbertson sells for $925 land on Bay designated No. 17 in sketch annexed, inscribed in Book F, pp. 308-310 of probate court. 90 feet by 1980, in conformity of a sale made by public auction in N.O. on 8-25 last by S. Germauls, auctioneer. [summary: Culbertson sells lot 17 to Mrs. Rodd, maiden name Hall, of N.O.] Together with buildings. Signed at NO by Culbertson, 9-12-1855.
[NB: lot 17 contained Pirate House; pond was on lots 15 and 16. Elihu Carver certified that the sketch was true copy.

Page 535

Deed dated 3-19-1857 between William A. Violet and wife Penelope A. Oldham, and Wm. C. Black and wife Cornelia A. Calmes of NO., party of 1st part; and John Pasley also of NO. Party of 1st part for $1850 sells to Pasley, lots 17 and 18, land from Alexander Ventriss to Caroline Furniss, wife of Olando, dated 9-1-1849. Land is in Shieldsborough near margin of Bay between sec. 3 and 10, T9S R14 W. [Full description in deed.] Signed by both Violets and both Blacks.
Wm. Shannon, commissioner for LA.

Page 536

Christopher Miller, for $200, deeds to Owen Miller, one town lot in Gainesville, square H, no. 55, bounded on lands formerly owned by Davidson and Hyndman E Brown and Thomas Leonard, dated 6-27-1856.

Page 537

Benjamin Leonard for $4,500 deeds to Anna Mitchell, lands of which Leonard resides, part sec. 25 and 36, T7S R17W, known as James Rolls claim, 640 acres; also part sec. 8,T7S R17W, etc. [details continued in deed]. Signe BS and Mary Leonard on 3-17-1857.

Page 538

Benjamin Leonard deeds for $320 to Thomas Leonard land on which Thomas reside, being part sec. 30, T7S R16 W, 80 acres , known as part of John Shave claim. Signed by B. Leonard and wife Mary., 3-17-1857.

Page 539

James B. Mitchell and wife Anna deed to Andrew Jackson for $2,760, tract known as Nancy Collins claim, 1.920, parts sec. 29, 32, 27, 28, T9S R15W. Signed by both Mitchells on 3-9-1857.
Witness: Samuel L. Jones
[NB: This land is described by Samuel Jackson in letter to his mother. I believe it is along south side of Lower Bay Road in vicinity of small Tennessee Gas building. It is as undeveloped now as it was in 1857.]

Page 539

James B. Mitchell and wife Anna for $240 deed to Martha D. Claiborne 80 acres, part sec. 30, T9S R15W. Signed by Mitchells on 2-15-1857.
Samuel Jones, witness.

Page 540

Cecilius C. Mitchell, sheriff, order by court to suction goods and chattels of estate of Francis W. Delesdenier, sold for $84.94, which Daugherty Gause has recovered against him. Sheriff sold land in Pearlington on which is steam-mill, known as Hursey’s mill and also mill machinery, to Asa Russ, highest bidder, for $97. At courthouse in Gainesville. Signed by sheriff Mitchell and deputy, Edmund Hatch, on 6-16-1856.

Page 541

Asa Russ for $97 sells Hursey’s mill [see above deed] to Nimrod McGuire. Signed by Russ, 3-25-1857.

Page 542

Indenture between Russ and McGuire in connection with above deed. Dated
3-25-1857. Signed by Russ.

Page 543

John G. Arnold for $500 deed to Elizabeth A. Pierce, wife of SB Pierce, land in Shieldsborough, being the third part of lot, bounded on N by DR Walker and Mrs. Mitchell Luc, on W by [blank], S by estate of DO Hinks [Hincks], on E by the Bay. Front on bay of 76 feet, by 40 arpents. Signed Jean A. Arnold, 3-3-1857.
Acknowleged by JG Poindexter, notary of LA, as Commissioner for MS.

Page 544

Indenture on 3-23-1857 between Dandridge A. Bibb and Emma L. Bibb, his wife,
parties of first part, and John Todd, party of second part. $400 paid to Bibbs sell 150 acres, N part of tract deeded to Robert Montgomery, and John Williams by Nathaniel L Mitchell on 1-10-1846, known as “Old Pearl Town place.” On E bank of Pearl beginning 56 rods [rod is 5.5 yards or 16.5 feet] from S/E corner of said tract, so deeded b Mitchell, then W or parallel with Smith line of said tract to Pearl River, then up Pearl to corner of said tract, then S to beginning. With all improvements.
Being same as acquired by Emma Bibb from Richard Williams in deed of 11-2-55.
Signed by Bibbs and Todd.
Bibbs acknowledge by Auguste Commandeur of LA, commissioner for MS.

Page 545

Indenture on 7-29-1840 between Francois Secuir fcw [free colored woman] of New Orleans of first part; and Augustine Porche fcw, wife of Charles Poree fcm, also in NO, parties of second part. $1,000 paid to Secuir by Porche. Secuir sells lot at Bay of St. Louis, being the south half of the half arpent in October 1838 to Alexander Gerard in Shieldsborough, bounded on N by Alex. Gerard, S by John Martin, being one quarter of an arpent by 40 arpents. Signed with “ordinary mark” x by Decuir.
Acknowledged by court of US, Eastern District of La, New Orleans, by Judge PK Lawrence.

Page 547

Deed of conveyance from Cecilius C. Mitchell, sheriff, to Samuel Russ of St. Tammany, LA. Statutory judgment of Samuel White, administrator of goods and chattels of Thomas Doby, deceased, against Edwin Russ, Daniel Stanley and James B. Mitchell, took in execution as the property of Edwin Russ, the following negroes: Madelaine, 24, and her four children, MaryAnn 9, rose 6, Anderson 4, and Margaritte 2. Samuel Russ became purchaser for $2,200.

Page 548

Emma Hincks, widow of David Hincks, of New Orleans, for $1 by my children, Edgar, Mary and Louisa Hincks, all rights in dower, land on W bank of Bay in Shieldsborough, bounded on N by heirs on Nancy Arnold, on W by J. Bouquie, S by John Mazilly and Washington St., on E by bay. 64 feet front by 40 arpents. Signed 4-13-1857.
Witness: S Buteux
Ack. By Robert Ker, for LA, comm. of MS.

Page 548

Parish of Orleans. Cesare Olivier and Henritte Lavergne, his wife, of N.O. for $6,287.50 sell to Mrs. Christian Arnold, also on NO, land ln Bay, 198 feet front on Bay, bounded on S by A. Miltenberger, running back 290 feet to a corner, then S 66links to a corner, then W along a line of said Miltenberber property, 70 degrees to a corner, then N 189 to a corner, then W 40 arpents, along line of property belonging to Samuel Peters. All with exception of small parcel on which Miltenberger’s stables have been erected, which has been donated to him. Together with all furniture and household utensils. Being same property we acquired from Frederick Durrive and Elodie Porche his wife on 2-11-1851, containing 3 acres. All parties signed on 4-28-1857.
James Graham, comm. for LA.

Page 550

Francois Pluex for $800 sells to James Arnold of Covington Kentucky, land in Shieldsborough, bounded on N by Madame Domingo de la Lanza, on E by Gulf, S by estate of Ladner, W by present seller, front of 64 feet on Gulf, back 367 feet. Signed by Pluex and wife Coralie, 6-27-1856.

Page 551

Indenture 4-27-? Between Wm. F. Stansbury and wife Euginia of Holmes County MS, party of first part; and Sarah H. Pray, of New Orleans, second part. First part sells for $275 to second part, land in Shieldsborough, North [blank] street running between E Carver, Mary Mazilly and others, and land of Arsene Sorbet, George Hall and others, S by Willis Arnold, E by Arsene Sorbet, W by George Hall. 150 feet by 108. Signed by Stanburys on 4-27-1857.
Ack. by James A Gaines, Jr. for Holmes County.


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