Early Hancock County Land Records
Deed Book C

An Introduction:

Similar to the deed summaries presented previously for Books A and B, this posting attempts to make a synopsis of each record so that a reader may accurately determine transfers of property in a concise manner. However, should a copy of an entire document be required, it can be furnished by the Hancock County Historical Society.

An observation made by this editor may contribute to the understanding of the progress and development of the Bay St. Louis area. In the past, I have posted an article indicating that by 1850 the area had not yet developed as a city, this conclusion being based on the fact that most of the properties described had minimum frontage on the Bay, but went back to depths of 40 arpents. There were few streets yet marked.

In the same way, it now becomes apparent that such was the case to a large degree through postwar times, at least through 1867. A few more streets perhaps are in evidence, including Main St., but again, depths of lots are often 40 arpents.

A Few Guidelines:

  • In almost every case, the county clerk signed a final document to the effect that the county had recorded the transaction. Because this was routine, normally there is usually no mention. However, the editors have attempted to identify which was a “re-recording” when appropriate.
  • For simplicity’s sake, no mention of residence is made when parties are citizens of Hancock County; when they reside elsewhere, their county or parish and state is mentioned.
  • In addition, there are sometimes entered editorial notes when other known facts or related cases may help to clarify a deed or other transaction.
  • Almost all deeds involving married vendors will have a last paragraph in which an official testifies that the wife concurred with wording such as, “…by me examined separate and apart from her husband and acknowledged that she signed, sealed, and delivered the same as her voluntary act….” Often, she accepts one dollar as a symbol of compliance. This is significant in showing the place of women in financial matters. However, because this is usually the case, it is seldom included in the following synopses.
  • Attempt has been made to include the full names of spouses, for whatever help this may be to genealogists and other researchers.
  • It is of some value to the understanding of the cultural history of the community to indicate whose signatures were signified by their “marks.” It is hoped that this is accepted as simply reflective of the times, and does not show any lack of industry or intelligence on the part of the early players.
  • The phrase, “in corporate limits of Shieldsborough” has been found to include much more than current city limits, and may refer to a large, general area, including at minimum what is now Waveland.

(Use Ctrl+F to search for a specific name or page.)



WB Richardson for $2000 deeds to PN Holden and wife Susan sec [blank] T4s R18w containing 640 acres, bounded by lands of Pool, Jarrell and Thomas, and by Pearl River.
Dated 5/13/1864.


Oct. 10, 1865. Jos E. Johnson releases unto JN Calhoun, Worshipful Master of Moss Cook Lodge No. 111 for purpose of a lodge room so long as the lodge will keep and use, without further charge. Mention of furniture.


John Baptiste Pirolle deeds to Hyacinth Lesseps of New Orleans for $1600 land in Shieldsboro, bounded on N by heirs of Clarisse Lafiteau, on W by Robira, on W by Bouquie, on S by the Bay. 120 feet by 40 arpents. Same as conveyed by Charles Nicaise to John Paillasset, and by Edgar Montegut, executor of will of Paillasset, and by Joseph Pardo, who bought from executor on Oct. 14, 1850.


Ambrose Assumption Pardo of New Orleans, on behalf of Joseph Pardo and wife by act of procuration made on Oct. 12, 1860 for Parish of Iberville convey unto John Baptiste Pirolle of New Orleans a certain lot in Hancock County within western limits of Shieldsboro, bounded on N by Widow Clarisse Lafiteau, W by Bouquie, S by land sold by estate of John Paillasset to Francis Barthe, and E by the Bay. 120 feet front by 40 arpents. Buildings included. Sale was for $1,600.


Indenture Oct. 27, 1860. John Pooly sells for $2,500 to Thomas Hasam, both of New Orleans, land and buildings with 115 feet front on Bay by 1,700 feet, bounded on one side by O’Dowd, other by Shaw, tract previously bought from Sherry.


Dudley Walker and wife for $150 sell to Thomas Hasam of New Orleans, parts of lots in section 3 T9S R14 W, bounded on E by claim of Widow Morin, S by Ventress and Sheriff, W by heirs of Lowhouse. 160 acres. Deed dated August 14, 1865.


Dimitry Canna for $150 sells to JB Toulme and Dudley Walker, land on Bayou Galere in Shieldsboro at corner of Guedon Toulme’s claim, parts of sections 25-27 and 34-36, T 8 S R14W, 301 acres. Plat included. Date: October 20, 1851.


Indenture dated October 8, 1845. Jos. Bates, James Mitchell and Willis Harvey sell to Nathaniel Mitchell for $1,000, land bought from heirs of Simon Favre of 1,000 acres at Pearl Town, in town of Napoleon, in R16 W T8S, shown as #31 of land office maps. Was old Spanish Grant to Favre.
Sones, Clk of Probate, declared that deed was deposited in his office on 12/11/1865.
Elihu Carver, Clk of Probate on May 6, 1858 declared that instrument was filed in his office.


On November 11, 1844, John and James Graves, for $500, deed to Nathaniel Mitchell Pearl Town tract of 1600 acres. Explaining how they own tract, wording is “derived in this wise,” saying it was sold at auction by estate of Simon Favre to pay debts of estate, father Isaac Graves had been best bidder at $800, “which all doth appear in county records.” They stated that father had maintained land quietly until his death and that because James was a minor and John was in Florida Territory they had not been able to follow-up on father’s property, and he had failed during his lifetime to obtain deed from executor or administrator of estate.
[Ed. Note: Fact was that Isaac and Celeste, widow of Simon Favre, had dismissed executor named in will, and had appointed themselves.]


On same date as above, 11/27/1844, sells one-half of above for $250 to Willis Harvey, Jos. Bates, and James Mitchell. This document is dated March19, 1845.


JB Toulme for $1,000 sells to Dominique Gragnon land known as Gragnon’s Bakery on N side of Main St. Dated 6/2/1860, signed by Toulme; wife Victoire signed with X. Finally certified by Bradford, Clk of Probate, as true copy on 12/7/1865.
[Ed. Note: Gap of five years probably due to Civil War curtailment of many bureaucracies, including courts.]


Deed executed in Parish of Orleans, State of LA, by John Posley of New Orleans, who sells to James Wood of New Orleans for $2,950 for four lots with buildings, being on Bay numbers 15-18 as of survey by JC Monet on 7/27/1849. 100 feet front by varying depth of 666 to 2,882. Sold to Posley by John Morgan and Wm. Black. Dated 7/1/1865.
Deed recorded in Hancock County 1/8/1866.


Chas. Frazar quitclaims for $10 to WJ Poitevent land in Gainesville bounded on N by Water st., E by Center, S by Pearl River, and W by Poitevent. ¼ acre. Dated 1/8/1866.


Conrad Oberlies of New Orleans for $800 sells to Lawrence Murther of Hancock County, two parts of Sec. 32, T8S R14W, 80 acres each, per certificates 43910 and 50162 dated 7/13/1853. This document dated 1/9/1866.


Deed dated 1/25/1866 by Luther Russ and wife Nancy for $300 to Martha Claiborne, land on Mulatto Bayou, lot 4 parts of sections 23-25, T9S R 16 W.


Indenture dated 1/1/1866 between Benjamin Bradford of Monroe County and Jas. Billups for Lowndes County for $10,000 for list of sections in T7S R16W, and T6s R17w, and T8s R16w, and T5s R18w, and T7s R17w. In all, 25,000 acres.


Indenture dated 7/9/1863 between Joshua Stockstill and wife Martha to Christoral C. Mitchell for $80 for land bounded on E by east bank of Hobolochitto Creek, S by East Pearl River, W and N by vacant land. 61 acres: Sec 30, T6S R17 W, except part on E side of creek.


Indenture dated 2/5/1864 between JFH Claiborne and C. Hodges, citizen of Great Britain, wherein Claiborne lease to Hodges two plantations known as Zama and Clifton with all farming implements, mules, workhorses and cattle for 10 years, with privilege of clearing Morgan tract, a part of Zama, and converting timber into coal. Rent $4,000 plus taxes and obligation to do repairs.
[Ed. Note: It is not understood by Dr. Giardino and this writer that Claiborne had any right to lease what he did not own; at least, no evidence has surfaced to effect that Clifton was not still owned by Daniells family. Also, rent seems exorbitant.]


Sheriff John Graves is directed by Circuit Court on 10/17/1852 that of the goods and chattels and lands of Lubin Garnier he causes to be made the sum of $13,832 to satisfy judgment by Willis Larent of New Orleans in the April 1851 term, plus $25.75 for court costs. Levy was made on 3/4/1852 on a certain tract on north bank of Bayou Lacroix of 270 acres, being part of sec. 26, T8s R15w. Sheriff proceeded to auction and land was struck off by William Lubin Garnier for $525. Date: 4/7/1852.


William Murther for $300 sells to George Zoeller of New Orleans part of sec. 32, T8 R14 containing 80 acres as per certificates 73910 and 50162 from land office at Augusta, MS dated 7/13/1853 and 7/14/1853. This document is dated 1/9/1866.


Deed dated 12/4/1865. Wm Ventress of Parish of Ascension in LA for $500 sells to James A. Ventress of Wilkinson County, land in Hancock on the Bay, 192 feet front by 1,000 yards, beginning at corner of section 10, TS R14W, bounded on S/W by land formerly owned by Isabella Sheriff, now by Wm. Swazey, N/E by Jas. Ventress, S/E by Bay.


to p. 41: These are similar documents, all with separate certificate numbers, showing that Hubbera Sanders bought swamp and overflown land on Pearl River for purpose of reclaiming and draining and removing objects from the river. Each is signed by Hiram Bonner, Treasurer of Board of commissioners for southern district of Pearl R.
All are dated 5/18/1860.
Each is listed below by number, cost, and description.
  • No. 892 - $9.93. Part sec. 30. T8S R15 W, 39 acres.
  • No. 886 - $10.06, Section 33, T8S R15W, 40 acres.
  • No. 883 - $100.32, Section 29, T8S R14W, 401 acres.
  • No. 888 - $30, Section [?] T8S R15W. 120 acres.
  • No, 885 - $10, Section 31, T8S R15W. 40 acres.
  • No. 887 - $70, Section 37 T8S R15W. 280 acres.


Victor Ladner and wife Norine deed to James Ventress of Wilkinson County for $600 land on Bay having 12 arpents front in section [not clear, see deed] T9S R14 W, part of warrant 672, certificate number 17, claim 17, and report number 5 of commissioners of land office at Augusta Ms confirmed to widow Morin, and by her conveyed to sellers. Signed by Ladners with Xs on 10/22/1836.


Isabella Sheriff for $100 deeds to James Ventress of Wilkinson County, land confirmed to now in possession of Ventress. Part of sec. 10, T9s R14w, executed by me on July 7, 1849, which deed was destroyed by fire on March 3, 1853. Date of this document: 1/24/1859.


Eugene and wife Delphine Garandy for $1000 deed to Martha Claiborne, wife of JFH, land on Bay in Shieldsboro, bounded on N by Washington St., W by Geo. L. Hote, S by Jos. Huber, E by the Bay. 110 feet front, 550 feet from high water mark, with all buildings. Mortgage for 1 year at 8%. Date: 2/22/1866.


Deed by JB Toulme for $2,429 to TD Ozanne, Peter Joor, Robt. Eager, and Jas. A Ulman, vestry men of St. Luke’s Episcopal, on Bay, bounded by Armand Ledeaux on N, on W by Bouquie, S by John Martin, and E by Bay. 137 feet by 40 arpents. Reserved is land which is part of “burying ground” of city. Plat is included. Part of land was confirmed to Madam Charlo and devised by will to Euphrosine Nicaise, John Nicaise, Zeni Nicaise, and Celeste LaFontaine, then to Pray by heirs of Charlo. Date: 4/9/1860.


Mortgage to Toulme of above deed. $1618 at 6%, 4/9/1860.


Dudley Walker and wife Azelia for $5000 deed to Thomas Haram of New Orleans, tract number 1 at fork of Jourdan River and Bayou Galere and Bayou Choctaw, at line between sec. 22 and 23, T8s R14w, 519 acres confirmed by congress to Guedon Toulme, inherited by JB, her son, and by him sold to Walker. Another part devised by will to me, Azelia, his daughter.
Also, another parcel adjoining the above, of 301 acres with steam sawmill, and buildings, blacksmith shop and tools, carry-log. Date: 8/16/1865.


On June 1, 1859, Jacob Roth, for $100, deeds to Giacomo Monte, part sec. 34, T8s R14w, 480 feet by 321 feet. Patent 8569 of 3/15/1854.


Cecilius Mitchell, Tax Collector, sells lot no. 6, District no. 1 south at Shieldsboro, Antoine Bayard. Elihu Carver, best bidder at $4.50. 5/3/1858.


Indenture dated 2/17/1865, Carver to George Holleman for $450, lot no. 1, above.


On 1/1/1864, Manuel Nuniz [Muniz], for $300, deeds to Wm. Henry Elder, Catholic Bishop of Natchez, land on Bay, bounded on N by Pierre Combell, W by Bouquie, S by Sisters of St. Joseph, E by Bay. 60 feet front by 40 arpents. Same had been sold by Sheriff Robinson to Charles St. Martin, on 9/1/1843.


On 3/11/1866, John V. Toulme leases to Giacomo Monty [Monte] corner of Main and Front, 85 feet front by 52 feet, in front of Market House, known as JV Toulme store, together with store house and other buildings. Lease from 9/1/1866, for 5 years at $350 per year.


Richard and Elizabeth Miller for $75 deed to Ivy Thigpen part sec. 26, T7s R 17w, dated 1/20/1866.


Charles Klenk sells to Charles Favre, Sr. corner where street is 40 feet and adjoins property of Paul Chassin, for $200 on 4/5/1851.


Adeline Meade [husband Stephen consents] sells to WJ Poitevent for $250 lots 21,22, 27,28, Square E in Gainesville. 4/19/1866.


John Hart and wife Mary for $225 sell to Harriet Jopes, lot in Gainesville in Blk A, between Ambrose, Center, Hostetter and Blackman Streets. 200 feet square, about 1 acre. 2/17/1866.


On 2/3/1866, PH Joor and Charlotte sell to David Phares for $2500, assorted lands of 640 acres (land of Geo. Marse), and 79. 79. 71 acres, all in T9s R14w.


Rufus Pray, for $729, deed to Edwin F. Russ “all my right in and to the estate of my deceased father, P. Rutilius R. Pray both of personalty and realty which I am or might be entitled as heir. Date: March 7, 1849.


Sarah Robinson of LA, widow of George W. Robinson, late of Hancock County, for $125 deed to Edwin F. Russ undivided half of two tracts in T9s R15w, part of lots 20, 32, 28,29,33 purchased by Maria Pray at sale by Collector of Taxes on 12/2/1839.


Ann Myers of LA for $5 quit claim to Edwin F. Russ tract in Pearlington being entire square 14 according to plat.
Date 9/27/1850.


Indenture made 11/21/1855 in which Samuel Russ, son of EF Russ, for love and affection and $5, sells to Jeremiah Beason part sec. 3, T9s R14w containing 40 acres.


Holland Ann Patterson of Mobile deeds to William Rull [Reyl] of Gainesville lots in Gainesville numbers 63-66 in square J as per plat. Bounded by Union, Smythe, and Main Sts, and on S by lots of Daniel Stanley and James Flood. Date at Mobile on 4/9/1866.


Indenture on 4/23/1860 in which Felix and Victoire Percy of New Orleans for $7,300 deed to Joaquin Viosca, Jr. land of one arpent front on the Gulf of Mexico by [blank] arpents depth, being same as tract acquired by Antoine Aubin Lafourt and wife Louise on 12/20/1848.


John V. Toulme and Evariste Saucier, executors of John B. Toulme, who during his life sold to Charles Blank on 10/14/1851 parcel described by a certain bond for title. Seller had obligated self that when promissory notes were paid he would execute a good and sufficient deed for property on Bay of ¾ acre to the back line of Widow Morin claim, bounded by claim of Francois Favre and now heirs of Robt. Ogden, and by Mrs. Dimitry and Faustin Dupuy. Meanwhile, on 2/13/1854, Blank had assigned said bond to Auguste Campa, to whom title passed by this document on 5/9/1866.


George L’Hote of New Orleans for $1000 deeds to Henri Louis Saucier of said city property in Shieldsboro bounded of S by passage or street known as the Washington Street, being same as conveyed to me by James Johnston, Elihu Carver and JB Toulme, commissioners appointed by Judge of Probate to make partition of lands claimed jointly by me and heirs of John Mazilly. Dated 4/7/1866.


George L’Hote of New Orleans for $70 for part of land in above deed on Washington St. Date 4/7/1866.


Julius C. Monet, as Special Commissioner in Chancery Court in April 1866 term were to carry out orders in a certain suit in which John V. Toulme and Evariste Saucier were executors of John B. Toulme, and Thomas Ozanne, Peter Joor, Robt. Eager and James Ulman were vestrymen of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church. Suit brought for recovery of $2207. Advertized in Gainesville, Pearlington, and house of Leonard Kimball, Hobolochitto Bridge, and Market House, to be offered on 6/11/1866.


Lawrence Murther for $300 deeds to Peter Fayard part of sec. 34, T8s R14w of 40 acres, and part of lot 3 of 78 acres, also in sec. 34. Dated 12/16/1862.


Indenture dated 12/28/1864 in which Green J Wooten sells to Jos. Wheat for $1000 for sections 2-4, T4 R18 of 760 acres; also, lot 4 in sec. 32 in T3s R18w on Pearl River, containing 40 acres.


Charles Frazar for $100 deeds to Henry Miller of Gainesville two lots in Gainesville, numbers 49 and 50 in square G, bounded by Union and Ambrose streets and lots owned by Roach and seller, being 100 feet square each. Dated 8/3/1848.


Hosey Miller deeds to Elizabeth Poitevent for $25 same lots as in above. Date 7/18/1866.
[Ed. Note: Difference is price is perhaps significant of troubled times after Civil War.]


Jacob Ruth, being out of “debit” and possessed of considerable real and personal property, and to give security to wife Margret Ruth, out of love and affection and for one dollar, enters into trust (called indenture) with George T. Klenck, giving him title to part of sec. 34 T8s R14w, containing 80 acres, together with listed furniture and livestock (cattle marked CIR). This is for wife’s having exclusive benefit and free from all debts. Provision is also made in case she predeceases him. Dated 2/27/1858.
[Ed. Note: This is the first case of an actual trust instrument that I have observed in Deed Books A, B and C. We know nothing of Jacob Ruth, and it would be a worthy case for study by a volunteer.]


Deed in New Orleans in which Toussaint Francois Bigot and wife Marie for $750 sell to John Thielen lot number 3 on Bay, bounded by lot 2, formerly belonging to Charles Carel [Carroll?] and sold to /e Beinvue, Esq. [Bienvenu?], and by land owned by heirs of John Hopkins, and by lot 4. This is land conveyed to Bigot by deed dated 5/30/1850. Date of this document: 8/13/1850.


Deed at New Orleans in which John Thielen of New Orleans sells for $1200 to Ernest Cornu also of New Orleans two parcels, being same as in above deed.
Date: 6/23/1866.


Theodore Nixon sells for $50 to AH Hursey tract once called the Daniel McCall tract and claimed by him on Pearl River, District of Jackson Court House. Section 4 in T7s R17w, west of basis meridian and south of 31st degree of latitude, containing 160 acres.
Date: 3/17/1860.


Indenture dated 4/5/1866 in which Joachim Viosca, Jr. of Parish of Orleans in La transfers to Chancery S. Kellogg of same parish, in exchange for obligation existing for $5000 by Viosca to Rufus Waples. Property is one arpent front on Gulf by 40 arpents and includes buildings. This is same as acquired by Viosca from Percy on 4/23/1861, above.

PAGE 100

WJ Poitevent and wife Mary, for and in consideration of tracts of land being this day conveyed by Jonas Pickles, does agree to relinquish tract on Pearl River originally known as Simon Favre claim but lately as the Napoleon tract, being in sec. 37 T9s R16w. Also agreed to was to relinquish claim by PH Goodwin, partner.
Date: 8/17/1866.

PAGE 101

Daniel Stanley for $200 sells to James Murphy part sec. 20 and lot 5 T8s R16w containing 62 acres. May 3, 1858.

PAGE 102

Jos. Johnson for $250 sells to John Huber parts sec. 17 and 18T8s R16w, having 78 acres. Same land that Henry Carre received at Augusta on 12/31/1840, certificate 6947 and 7361. Date 5/3/1860.

PAGE 104

John Huber for $350 sells to James P. McGehee of Washington Parish, LA, parts sec. 17 and 18, T8s R16w, 78 acres. (Same as above) Date 8/31/1866.

PAGE 105

P. Saucier and wife Mary of Harrison County sell to JP Lizanna for $45 paret sec. 29, T7s R14w containing 50 acres. Signed by Phillipe and Eloise Saucier on 9/2/1866.

PAGE 106

Indenture dated 6/5/1866 wherein Louise Cavalier, widow of Zenon, sells to Benjamin Schiller, both of New Orleans for $3000 land on Bay bounded on N by Felix Grima, W by Bouquie, S by JB Toulme, and E by the Bay. Front 56 feet by 40 arpents depth. She had purchased from husband’s estate on 10/21/1851. Signed at New Orleans.

PAGE 107

Eugene Garandy as Special Commissioner appointed by Chancery Court in December 1865 to carry out decree of May 1. 1861. Complainants were John V. Toulme and Evariste Saucier, executors of JB Toulme for recovery of $699 from Henrietta Katzenberger and other heirs. Land of 337 feet on the Bay by 30 arpents in T8s R14w, bounded by Widow Morin and Mary Parish claims. Bid off to Evariste Saucier for $950 on 8/27/1866.
[Ed. Note: Delay of several years is indication of effect of Civil War on court processings.]

PAGE 110

Theodocia M. Pray creates power of attorney with Charles D. Learned. Power to cover lands, goods and chattels, rights and credits, devices and inheritances, whatsoever, whomsoever. Following tracts included, part from father’s estate (PRR Pray), part from brother’s (GW Pray), 1/3 of all lands from father’s estate, being 280 feet front by 40 arpents, bounded on S by JB Toulme, on E by the Bay, on W by Bouquie. Attorney was authorized to sell the homestead in which father had resided, being lots 1-4, Sec. 28, T9s R16w of 191 acres, plus part sec. 23, T9s R16w of 161 acres. Intent is to provide for her maintenance when she moves with relatives in Maine. Signed by Theodocia Pray and Learned on 3/7/1865.
[Ed. Note: It would appear that father owned no slaves, as none were included in inheritance.]

PAGE 112

Eugene Garandy as Commissioner appointed by Court to follow up on decree of May 11, 1861, in same case as in p. 107, above. Executors Toulme and Saucier are to recover for loss of $2667 by auctioning land on shore of Bay set at S/W corner of Land of JFH Claiborne, running 920 feet along line between sections 10 and 15, T9s R14w, then 1150 feet. Also another parcel included was claimed by Constantine Beverly according to survey by JC Monet in 1849. Above struck off to Toulme and Saucier for $2,600 om 8/27/1866.

PAGE 115

As in p. 107 and 112, above, Garandy, Toulme and Saucier appear in similar roles. This too is for recovery of $2667 by auction of part lot 8 in T9s R14w. This was struck off to Delphine Garandy for $30 on 8/27/1866.

PAGE 117

Victor Conand, administrator in the estate of Theresa Conant sells land in Shieldsboro containing 64 arpents having 316 feet front on Bay, by depth of 40 arpents. Bounded on N by Viosca, W by public lands, and S by Bouquie. Struck off to Honore Deblieux of New Orleans for $1000. Dated 9/24/1866.
[Ed. Note: There follow three of the longest and most complicated deeds observed in Books A-C. They are for the most part identical except for persons involved as sellers or buyers and the dates of the transactions. It is suggested that for anyone having particular interest in these deeds that he acquire full copies for study, rather than relying on following synopses.]

PAGE 119

John B. Toulme left by will a certain portion undivided and a lot of land on which stood a steam saw mill and other appurtenances in Harrison County near Wolf River, which he valued at $5000, and about 12,000 acres of wild lands in Harrison and Hancock Counties. He also authorized sale of such undivided without the intervention of the Court of Probate.
This deed is presented by the executors, John V. Toulme and Evariste Saucier, who sell for $8,000 to Mary S. Adele Casanova (spelled Casanover). Date: 10/20/1866.
It reads in eight parts, totaling several pages.
Part 1: Various parcels in T8s R13w, including the saw mill, etc.
Part 2: Various parcels in T6s R13w, totaling 1197 acres
Part 3: Other parcels in same T and R as above, totaling 203 acres
Part 4: Various parcels in T3s R14w, totaling 4,223 acres
Part 5: Various parcels in T4s R14w, totaling 3,545 acres
Part 6: Various parcels in T5s R14w, totaling 3,180 acres.
In addition are listed separately the aggregate of the wild lands in Harrison and Hancock at 12,350 acres. There is also mention of 1082 acres in the estate of John Huddleston.

PAGE 124

In this deed, James H. Avera and wife Frances sell to Joaquin Viosca of New Orleans for $3500 portions of above parcels. Date: 8/23/1866.
[See Ed. Note and p. 119.]

PAGE 129

This sale is by Mary S. Casanova for $4,050 to Mrs. Frances Avera. Date: 10/19/1866.
[See Ed. Note and p. 119.]

PAGE 135

Charles D. Leonard, attorney for Theodosia [Theodocia] M. Pray, conveys for $1500 to Mrs. Anna Nuniz, land on Bay bounded as follows: on N by Victoria Toulme, on W by Bouquie, on S by heirs of George Pray, and on E by Bay. Land measures 76 feet by 40 arpents, being land inherited from father, and assigned to her by JV Toulme, Samuel White, and JC Monet, commissioners appointed to partition the real estate of PRR Pray. Plat included. Date: 10/20/1866.

PAGE 137

Joseph Llado of New Orleans conveys for $5 to Mary Luxich parcel already in her possession formerly claimed by Widow Mary Carel about 120 feet from public road being 72 feet wide and 39 arpents in depth. Bounded on N by Saucier, W by Hopkins, S by Marcos, and E by John Luxich. Also, a right-of way is provided. Date: 10/15/1866.

PAGE 139

Solim Moll of New Orleans for $100 sell to Mary Luxich, land on Bay described as follows: beginning at a lot claimed by John Luxich, going 120 feet from public road, being 72 feet wide and 39 arpents deep. (Same as in above.) Date: 10/15/1866.

PAGE 141

Francis G. Casanova of Harrison county and Mary S Adele Casanova, one of heirs of John B. Toulme, and wife of said Francis, send greetings. According to provision of last will of Toulme, she elects to take at the valuation set in will a tract in Harrison in which stands a steam saw mill and other appurtenances and valued at $5000, and also 12,000 acres of wild lands in Harrison valued at $3000, and agrees to surrender to the executors a portion of her inheritance, amounting to Negro man named Hampton valued at $1000 and Negro woman named Anna valued at $600, and her five children valued at $2500, to complete the consideration. Her election is for land on Bay bounded on N by Union St, having 117 feet front and 40 arpents depth, and also another lot of 384 feet front on Bay bounded on N by Broadwell, on W by public lands, S by Carico, and E by Bay. Date: 9/29/1866.
[Ed. Note: This relates to large parcels described in pp. 119-129.]

PAGE 144

Lawrence Fayard for $120 deeds to Henry Carco, land in Shieldsboro on South side of Washington St., at N/E corner of lot 6, where live oak at foot of Washington is marked with XXX, running back 3555 feet. Also bounded on W by L’Hote, S by Rosanna Lawrence and W by L’Hote. Signed by Fayard and wife Amelia with Xs.
Date: 5/31/1866.

PAGE 146

Charles H. Frazar for $200 deeds to Jos. R. Billups and Jos. A. Johnson lots 6-9 in Square B as per plat of Gainesville, having front on Water St. of 200 feet running to the river bank. Date: 10/27/1866.

PAGE 147

Henry, Francois, and Melanie Carco, for $200 deed to Anna Radsphim [Radsfilm] land on Bay beginning at a line between Francois Ploux and land claimed by heirs of Francois Ladner, running 133 feet by 62 feet. All signed, but Henry and Melanie with Xs. Date: 5/25/1866.

PAGE 148

An indenture dated 5/3/1866 in which Samuel White deeds to Jos. P. Billups of Lowndes County for $900 land known as Daniel McCall tract, being sec. 4, T7s R17w containing 165 acres and marked in diagram provided, and a tract known as the Nockasticka tract, being is sec. 10 and 11, T7s R17w, being ½ tract or 320 acres, valued at $150. In addition was Moses Murphy tract, sec. 3 and 34, T6s R17w of 630 acres valued at $400, plus all of sec. 35 of 640 acres valued at $200.
Plat included.

PAGE 151

Rebecca Nixon for $3,500 deeds to Mrs. Eliza J. Strong of Pensacola land on Bay bounded on N by Nancy Arnold, S by Washington St., and E by the Bay, measuring 68 feet by 40 arpents, being same land as conveyed by Elihu Carver to Pierre Anberdiac, and by Esmeralda Murphy to Rebecca Nixon. Date: 5/29/1866.

PAGE 153

Samuel Randall deeds for $1760 to WW Carre and Henry Carre and Henry Weston parts of sec. 27, 34 and 33 T7s R16w, and sec 3 and 10, T8s R16w. Signed by Randall and wife Missouri Randall on 7/28/1863.

PAGE 154

Indenture dated 5/2/1861 by which Richard and Moses Harrison of Monroe County for $200 to Robert Carre sell part sec. 21, T8s R16w in the Augusta land district lying in Mississippi and containing 80 acres. Date: 5/2/1861.

PAGE 155

Jos. A. Johnson for $100 deeds to HJ Stewart land described as follows: part of Sec 28, T5s R18w known as part of the William Dean claim containing 40 acres. Date: 11/7/1866.

PAGE 156

Indenture dated 4/2/1861 in which Harrison Brown and wife Amyth deed to Soloman Seal for $200 part of sec. 10, T4s R18w of 80 acres.

PAGE 157

Adolph Boulanger and wife Estelle for $8,000 deeds to John Hosch land on Bay described as follows: having 402 feet front on Bay by 40 arpents, bounded on N by Lanita, on N/w by heirs of Hopkins, on s/w by Clarisse Lafiteaux, and on s/e by the Bay.
Dated 11/5/1866.

PAGE 159

Victorine Lanza for $600 deeds to Therese Meyer land bounded on N by JJ Jones, on W by Carver, on S by Pleux, and on E by the Bay, measuring 30 feet by 804. It is same as conveyed to Doming del la Lanza by Antoine Fayard on 10/23/1851.
This document dated 9/20/1865.

PAGE 159

Mortgage for $4000 by John Hosch for deed above, p. 157. Two notes signed for $2,000 at 8%. Date: 11/5/1866.

PAGE 160

David W. Johnston for $315 deeds to John Estapa of New Orleans land in Shieldsboro described as follows: on S by Main St., E by a street not known, on N by Ramond, and on W by [blank], having 100 feet front on Main by 122 feet. Dated 9/13/1865.

PAGE 161

Francis A. Netto and Mary for $350 deeds to Joseph Labat, land bounded on N by heirs of Barabino, W by heirs of Hopkins, S by Lesassier, and on E by the Bay, measuring 51 feet by 40 arpents, being same as sold by Marie Ladner to Francis Netto on 12/21/1857,
This document dated 9/29/1866.

PAGE 163

Announcement by Cecelius C. Mitchell, tax collector, that he has sold part of sec. 17 T9s R15w having 39 acres for tax due 1857. JFH Claiborne was best bidder at $1.90. Date: 5/3/1858.

PAGE 163

BF Stockstill and wife Caroline deed to Elbert House for $100 parts of sections 20 and 21 T6s R17w containing 160 acres. Dated 7/21/186?. Signed by Stockstill; wife signed with X.

PAGE 164

BF Stockstill and Caroline deed to Elbert House part sec. 29 T6s R17w containing 30 acres. Dated 7/21/186?

PAGE 165

Deed of Trust dated 9/21/186? in which Elizabeth M. McRae of Jackson County deeds to Ben Jones land on shore of Gulf being part of sec. 15 T9s R14w described by plat of JC Monet of 8/21/1849 said to be lot of marshes having 200 feet front and depth of 300 feet, running on a line along lots 1-7, each of lots having 100 feet front and depths varying from50 to 1050 feet, bounded on W by Asa Russ, on n/e by Geneves, on W by Gulf, being part of land sold to CB Beverly in 1848 by Bourgeois.

PAGE 169

Raphael Villa and wife Elizabeth for $1350 deed to WA Whitfield lot in square M in Gainesville called No. 73, bounded on N by Miller, S by Union St., W by lot known as the jail lot, and E by Ambrose St. Lot measures 100 feet square. In addition, lot in square M numbered 76, bounded no N by Greenwich St., S by Ambrose St., E by land of Davidson, and W by Union St., also being 100 feet square. Date: 12/1/1866.
@PAGE169: Indenture dated 12/14/1866 in which Aglace Bringer, Widow of Michael of New Orleans deeds to Amilcar Mitchel Fortier for $3000 land fronting on the Bay bounded by Mrs. Fagot on one side and Judge Deblieux on the other.

PAGE 170

Hubbard Saunders on 2/1/1866 deeds to BW Huntington of New Orleans for $1500 parts sec. 29 and 30, T8s R15w having 1,080 acres. Date: 3/3/1866.

PAGE 172

Indenture made on 12/10/1866 in which George Holleman and wife Obediance sell to JB Deason for $400 lot number 1 in rear of front lot 2 and 3 in District one South in Shieldsboro. Signed by Holleman, wife with X.

PAGE 173

Indenture made on 8/17/1866 in which Nathaniel L. Mitchel, Jr., acting for self and as agent for minors David J., Charles T, and Florida E. Mitchell, brothers and sister, sell to Jonas Pickles of New Orleans for $550, 1,000 arpents in Napoleon, T8s R15w and No. 31 in land office maps, originally Spanish land grant to Simon Favre.

PAGE 175

Jonas Pickles of New Orleans for $800 sells to HS Gittner [Geltner] ten acres front on Pearl River below Napoleonville to the 200 acres which Pickles acquired from DC Stanley as per plan drawn HA Mims, county surveyor. Date - 12/29/1866.

PAGE 176

Indenture dated 1/2/1867 in which Henry Giltner and wife Mattie of New Orleans sell to Chenoneth Casey and Co., of New Orleans for $1600 ten acres front on Pearl River [same as above] together with tempering mills, pumps, sheds, and buildings, and 500 cords of cut pine.

PAGE 178

Daniel Stanley for $680 deeds to Samuel Thomas Randall part of the Robert Carter tract, being sec. 38, T7 and 8 R16w east bank of Mikes River and extending to Irishman’s Branch, containing 400 acres and improvements. Date: 2/3/1859.

PAGE 179

S. Thomas Randall for $1000 deeds to WT Stocker of New Orleans part of Robert Carter tract being sec. 38, T7 and 8s R16w containing 80 acres. [Same as above.]
Date: 12/15/1866.

PAGE 181

Caleb Lindsey for $31 deeds to Hackett and Heekman part sec. 23, T8s R15W 160 acres. Date: 8/27/1866.

PAGE 182

EL Hackett and John E Heekman deed to Mary Gleason for $600 part sec. 23 T8s R15w 121 acres, and part sec. 25, T8s R15w of 119 acres, and part sec. 22 of 119 acres, and part secc,. 36 of 119 acres. Date: 12/27/1866.

PAGE 184

John A. Russ for $19 deeds to Catherine C. Bradford 1/3 part of all that certain parcel in Gainesville having 2 acres, bounded on N by Dupriest, S by Fraar, W by public road leading to Pearl River, and E by Frazier having front of 210 feet on public road. Date: 1/1/1866.

PAGE 185

Emily V. Folsom and Lucy Irene Folsom of Steuben County, NY, for $200 deeds to James A. Johnston land in Gainesville bounded on N by public highway, E by Depriest, S by a creek, and W by Roberts, having two acres. Date: 6/27/1866.

PAGE 186

Jos. Johnston for $200 deeds to Catherine C. Bradford, wife of John, part 2 acres bounded on N by Davis, S by Frazar, W by public road, and E by Frazar, having 210 feet on road, running back 420 feet. Date: 12/3/1866.

PAGE 187

Lewis Y Steuben of NY for $5 paid by Catherine Bradford deeds 2 acres in Gainesville bounded by Davis on N, S by S by Frazar, W by public road with front of 210 feet on road. Date: 12/21/1866.

PAGE 188

Samuel, administrator of estate of PRR Pray, empowered by Probate Court to sell at auction on 8/2/1847 to Francis Casanova for $600 lot having 65 feet on Bay by 40 arpents. Bounded on N by Asa Russ, S by JB Toulme. Date: 8/3/1847.

PAGE 189

JJ Seal for $100 deeds to Matheo ‘Crunewich lot No. 2, sec 32, T7s R14w having 80 acres. Date: 8/18/1866.

PAGE 190

MSE Harrison for $561 deeds to Artematia A Roberts entire stock of cattle purchased from EH Russ known as the Thomas Doby stock with swallow fork in one ear and two under bits of the other, branded with letter T. Date: 12/4/1866.

PAGE 191

Julius C Monet, president of board of police, sends greeting to Richard W. Williams, president of same in 1854 sells art auction lease of part of sec. 16, T7s R15w for term of 99 years for $40 beginning 11/6/1854. Date of this document: 5/1/1866.

PAGE 193

Ch. Frazar for $50 deeds to Columbus King & James Mitchell, the residue of 99 years lease on 16th section school lands in Hancock County, beginning on 11/06/1854. Same tract conveyed to Frazar by Julius Monet as Pres. Of Bd. Of Police. Date 09/11/1866
@PAGE 194 J.J. Seal for $50 deeds to Columbus King, part of Sec. 31, T7S R14W containing 40 acres. Date 9/8/1866
@PAGE 195 T.J. Burge & wife Elizabeth sell to Mitchell & King part of Sec. 20, T7 R15W of 160 acres for $200. Date 8/21/1866.
@PAGE 196 J.J. Seal, on 2/13/1867, conveys to Bilbo Taylor for $10 part of Sec. 1, T8S R16W
@PAGE 197 J.J. Seal conveys on 2/13/1867 for $10 to Ellis Yarby part Sec. 8 T8S R15W of 40 acres.
@PAGE 197 J.J. Seal on 2/13/1867 for $10 sells to Jule Favre.
@PAGE 198 J.J. Seal on 2/13/1867 for $ 10 sells to John Thomas part Sec. 8, T8 R15W.
@PAGE 200 Edwin Russ & Cornelia for $3000 deeds to David R. Wingate of Newton County in Texas, land on Bay of St. Louis known as property of PRR Pray, deceased. Bounded on N by John Toulme, on W by Bouquie, on S by Guillaume Maccouillard, and on E by the Bay, having 288 feet front by 40 arpents, being land sold to Pray by Elihu Carver on 9/7/1829. Date - 8/3/1858
@PAGE 202 Walter W. Carre & Henry Carre & Henry Weston for $50 sell to S. Thomas Randall 420/100 acres, Sec. 5 T9S R16 W, Part fo Jos. Chalon claim. Date - Feb. 1867.
@PAGE 203 Ursin LaFontaine for $577 sells to Ernest Papon all of certain lot meat cattle of 55 head branded under slope of right ear and short slope on left ear. Date - 2/21/1867
@PAGE 205 David Dawsey for $100 sells to W.G. Stovall part Sec. 2 T9S R16W of 40 acres. Date - 2/7/1867
@PAGE 206 Christian Koch for $20 sells to W.G. Stovall part Sec. 2 T9S R16W of 20 acres. Signed by Koch & wife Annette. Date - 2/7/1867
@PAGE 207 Mortgage made 4/2/1867 between Jos. Johnson of Gainesville & NC Gullett of New Orleans; Johnson is indebted in the amount of $5,000, property being part of 4 4 lots in Gainesville, being 6,7,8,9 in Square B having front on Water St of 200 feet, together with half of turpentine works.

PAGE 208

Indenture on 2/26/1867 between Wright F. Venderburgh & wife Anna of New Orleans and Richard G. Taylor, also of New Orleans for $8000, paid by Taylor, for lots 5,6,7, 8 & 9 in Shieldsboro for land of 90 feet frontage on Bay by 1980 feet - Original plan filed 5/26/1849. (Signatures for spelling Vrendenburgh.)

PAGE 210

Benjamin Sones, administrator of estate of Arsine Luke, by orders of Court of Probate, auctions land on western bank of Bay in city of Shieldsboro, bounded on N by Auguste LaFitte, on W by Asa Hursey, on S by Dudley Walker, & E by Bay, having 54 feet front by 640 feet for $1,250. (Signature line spelled (Luc)). Date 1/14/1867

PAGE 212

Mary Clinck for $50 sells to Ignatea Vonau land in corporate limits of Shieldsboro, bounded on E by Conrad Hoffman, on N by Creci, on S by Vonau, on W by S.J. Favre. Signed by Mary Clinck with her mark.

PAGE 213

J.J. Seal & J.J. Bradford for $60 sells to Francoise Hass (possibly Haas), part Sec. 36, T7S R15W of 320 acres. Date 3/20/1867. (Name spelled HASS in 3 places.)

PAGE 214

Jeremiah Henly & wife Mary Ann sell for $15 to Nicholas Haas, part Sec. 15, T4S, R18W, having 10 acres. Mary Ann Henly signed it with her mark on 8/26/1851.

PAGE 215

Deed dated 3/18/1867 in which J.j. Seal & J.J. Bradford sell to A.S. Smith for $125, part Sec. 31, T7S R14W, having 5 ½ acres.
@PAGE 216 Annulment of Lease by mutual agreement between Chas. Hodges & JFH Claiborne. Hodges releases claim on Zama Plantation and other lands. Date - 3/15/1867
@PAGE 217 Deed dated 3/1/1867 by JFH Claiborne & wife Martha to S. Tyler Read for $5000 “all our lands in county except their land known as Reese Tract”. To wit the family residence on Bayou Mulatto or Petit Jean & adjoining land of Lewis Daniel conveyed by Saucier & wife to Martha C. in year 185?, containing 640 acres in T9S R16W. Also tract called Morgan Tract or Stewart tract adjoining Zama on Bayou Mulatto of 250 acres in Section 26-27 T9 R16W, District E. of Pearl River. Also, N ½ of lot 1,2,3 in Sec. 25, lots 1,2,& 3 in Sec 36. (N.B. continues listing other parcels; see deed.)
@PAGE 221 Catherine Clarissa Read, widow of Joseph W. Read, deeds to Daniel Ryan Carroll, for $4,700, land on Bay bounded by Wright on N, W by Bouquie, & S by Cavalier. Front on Bay = 137 feet; depth = 40 arpents. Both parties reside in New Orleans, Land part of 1819 claim given by U.S. Congress by Mme Charlo. Deed goes on to give detailed history of further revisions of Charlo claim (See deed.) Date: 3/27/1867.
@PAGE 223 Joaquin Viosca of New Orleans gives power of attorney Antonio Turudy (Tudury) to sell his undivided half of tract lying partly in Hancock & partly in Harrison county on Wolf River for whatever is best offer. Includes sawmill known as Casanova Saw Mill. Other half belongs to J. Casanova. Date - 5/13/1867

PAGE 225

Samuel White, administrator of estate of PRR Pray, ordered by Court of Probate to sell land in Shieldsboro at auction. Highest bidder was Arnaud Pepin of New Orleans at $500. Lot has 92 feet front on Bay, by depth of 40 arpents, bounded by N by Madam Alexander, on S by land of estate. Date: 9/26/1867.
@PAGE 226 Arnaud Pepin and wife Mary of New Orleans sell above descried land for $1,000 to Frances Salles of Hancock. Date 8/15/1851

PAGE 228

Angelique Pericoli sells for $2,250 to Peter Lux of New Orleans, land bounded on N by an alley of 18 feet known as Apothecary St., on W by Luxich & Johnston, on S. by Reusich et al, having 42 feet front on Bay, running back 400 to 600 feet. In addition, other parcels described in detail (see deed) Date: 4/25/1867
@PAGE 231 Frederica A. Krisay, widow of George Krisay sells for $450 part of land described in above deed to Antoine Tudury of New Orleans. Date: 4/27/1867
@PAGE 233 Document written in Texas - Corinne Marie Pericoli, resident of Brownsville, appoints mother, Angelique Pericoli, to be agent & have power of attorney to rent, sell, or other land with building known as an Apothecary establishment, formerly occupied by Francois Salles, who had mortgaged to Pericoli in 1856. Stopped paying in 1858. Date: 2/21/1860

PAGE 234

- Julius Monet is appointed by Chancery Court to administer foreclosure in case between Mathios Vardabar, complainant, and Margaret Geng with regard to debt of $619. Land in Shieldsboro bounded on N by Main St., E by Girard, S by Saucier, W by Perri, measuring 40 by 201 feet. Property auctioned & was bid on by Vardabar. Date: 2/5/1867

PAGE 236

Mathias Vardabar for $600 sells to Augustine Perri, land in above description. Date: 3/22/1867

PAGE 238

Chas. Frazar sells for $22.50 to William Downey land of 100 feet on Ambrose St., 50 feet on Harrison, being lot #97 in Square N in Gainesville. Date: 8/24/1858

PAGE 240

Jos. A. Johnson sells for $50 lot in Gainesville to Wm. Downey. Lot is #119 in Square S. Date: 7/1/18? (year is 185?)

PAGE 241

Charles Frazar for $20 sells to William Downey of St. Tammany Parish, LA, lot in Gainesville bounded by lot #97 on W, lot #93 on S, & #99-100 on E. Lot has 50 feet on Harrison St. Date: 1/31/1863? (maybe 67)

PAGE 243

Wm. Downey, for $100 sells to John C. Duthoo lots in Gainesville, # 9,7,& 98 in Sq. N having 100 feet on Harrison St., and South ½ of lot 119 in squares, having 50 feet on Ambrose St. Date: 6/6/1866.

PAGE 244

John Duthoo for $100 sells to John P. Davis lots in Gainesville described in above deed as #9, 7, & 98 in Sq. N and prat 119. Date: 7/10/1866

PAGE 245

On May 21d, 1867, Evariste and Henry Saucier leases to Joseph Jonet of New Orleans for $2000 Steam Saw Mill on Jourdan River known as Saucier’s Mill, along with instruments, engine, etc., & houses & out-houses, reserving for themselves title to the land, to be delivered before 1/1/1868. Signed by all 3 parties.

PAGE 247

On 9/11/1866, Jonas Pickles & wife Eliza of New Orleans sell to Magnolia Stanley of Gainesville for $1.00 half of 40 acres in Sec. 1, T8,R16W. Signed by Pickles & Eliza.
@PAGE 248 David Moye, Sheriff told by Circuit Court to sell at auction lend out improvements bounded on N by Dusuan, on W by Canna, on S by D.R. Carroll & E by Bay, having 192 feet by 40 arpents. Suit had Dominic Lanabba as plaintiff & Hamilton Wright as defendant. Settled for plaintiff for $1,805, paid by D.R. Carroll on 4/29/1867.
@PAGE 250 Rebecca Nixon for $250 sells to Howard & Sydney Wilkinson tract with buildings , bounded o S by Brewster, on N by Seal, on E by Bay, & W by public lands, measuring 35 feet by 40 arpents. Signed by Nixon on 2/15/1867.
@PAGE 251 Rebecca Nixon sells for $250 to Sidney Henry Wilkinson, lots 2 & 3 in Gainesville bounded on N by South St., on E by Greenwich St., and on S by Dr. Smythe, on W by Pearl River. Signed by Rebecca Nixon on 11/24/1867

PAGE 252

Dudley Walker for $1,300 sells to Daniel Edwards of New Orleans, land on Bay bounded on N by Esterbrook, on W by Bouquie, on S by vendor, & E by Bay. Conveyed to vendor by L.M. Stanislaus Buteux on 9/7/1847. Date of this document 10/2/1858. Signed by Walker & wife.

PAGE 255

Daniel Edwards of New Orleans for $866 sells to Dudley Walker land on Bay in Shieldsboro bounded on N by Esterbrook, on W by Bouquie on S by Coalber, & on E by Bay, having 78 feet front by 40 arpents. Ths document spells out mortgage terms. Date 10/2/1858

PAGE 257

Daniel Edwards of New Orleans for $1,500 deeds to Richard Esterbrook of New Orleans land on Bay in Shieldsboro bounded on N by Esterbrook, W by Bouquie, S by Dudley -?-, & E by Bay, having 78 feet front by 40 arpents. Land was part of Madam Charlo Claim, later conveyed to Pray. Detailed history of transfer included. Dated 11/28/1866 at New Orleans.

PAGE 259

Roderick Seal for $500 deeds to Samuel White land in Shieldsboro having front of 45 feet by depth of 40 arpents, bounded on N by White, E by the bay, S by Wilkinson. Dated 4/29/1867

PAGE 260

Stanislaus Buteaux enters into mortgage for $1,700 paid by J.B. Favre as executor of estate of Jacques Saucier for use of minor heirs, land in Shieldsboro bounded by Munez on N, on W by Bouquie, S by Poincy, & E by Bay, having 79 feet front by 40 arpents. This land is same as occupied in part by Sisters of St. Joseph and part by Alois Fishers Blacksmith Shop. Dated 7/16/1855

PAGE 262

Assignment by J B Favre, as executor of estate of Jacques Saucier for $1.00 paid by Edward Saucier, sole heirs, land described in mortgage above. Signed by Farve on 11/27/1857

PAGE 263

Edward Saucier deeds to Ann Muniz for $1,685 premises described in mortgage above on p. 260. Dated 3/29/1859

PAGE 264

Chloe Delpuyet for $100 deeds to Thibule Mendez of New Orleans half of parcel lying on N side of Main St., on S by Walker, on E by JB Toulme, measuring 100 feet by 204 feet. Date 12/2/1858.

PAGE 266

Faustine Dupuy for $50 deeds to Alphonse Fayard land on Bay in Shieldsboro being part of Sec. 35, T85R14W, having 30 acres. Dated 12/12/1859. Survey map included.

PAGE 268

Indenture dated 5/24/1867 in which J A Ventriss sells for $920 to Thomas Murray Jr. Seller is from Wilkinson County, represented by agent C S Ventriss of Ascension Parish, LA. Land with improvements measures one arpent wide by depth of 1,000 yards. Borders Sec. 10, T9SR14W.

PAGE 270

Daniel Stanley for $1.00 sells to Daniel Bennett land known as part of Robert (Carter) claim, two miles above Gainesville on River Pond in T85 R16W. Dated 5/31/1867.

PAGE 272

Jean Batiste Bernard of Mobile for $5,000 sells to John Fauqier land on Bay in Shieldsboro, bounded on N by Clannon, on W by Bouquie, on S by Bookter, & E by Bay, having 140 feet front by 40 arpents - same as land conveyed to Pray by heirs of Madame Charlo. Dated 4/15/1864

PAGE 273

Dominic Belm & wife Marguerite sell for $50 to Francois & Ellen Belum (sic), land bounded on S/W by Washington St., on N/E by passage claimed by Bosetto, on S/W by Boudin, measuring 110 feet by 110 feet - Signed with X by both, but spelling on signature line is BELMI. Dated 2/25/1867

PAGE 275

John V. Toulme and Evariste Saucier, executors of estate of John B. Toulme, who had entered during life into bond obligating self to sell parcel if paid $350, land having 110 feet on Main St. by depth of 122 feet, transferred to him by executors on 4/13/1867.

PAGE 278

Indenture dated 6/8/1867 wherein Louis Forstall & wife Mathilde advanced $3,500 as mortgage to Victor Forstall, for parcel on Lake Borgne having 270 feet front to land of David Greene. Forstall & wife, from New Orleans signed their names.

PAGE 279

Caroline Marquer and husband John, Napoleon Carron & wife Elizabeth, Adelaide Saucier & husband Joseph, Phillys Carron & hyacinth, heirs of Nicholas Carron, for $100 sell to Pierre Raymond, land in Shieldsboro, at eastern end of Apothecary St. measuring 1,066 feet by 200. All parties signed their names on 4/17/1867. (Correct spelling seems to be CARON)

PAGE 282

Elihu Carver deeds to Mrs. Victoire Lanza for $300 land measuring 65 feet by 77 feet, bounded on E & N by Auguste LaFitte, W by Bofill, S by Good Children St. Signed by Conner & wife Eulalie on 6/12/1867.

PAGE 283

Henry Carco for $140 sells to Lumas Jenkins, a freedman of Hancock County, land on S side of Washington St., which was partitioned by Mazilly & Le’Hote, lying between lots 6 & 7, beginning at a live oak tree on Washington & Front Streets, marked XXX, and running 3,555 feet. Signed by Carco with X on 4/20/1867.
[Ed. Note: This in the same tree which many of us remember from before Hurricane Katrina. It appears in a number of other deeds.]

PAGE 285

P.R.R. Pray, for $1.00 paid by County of Hancock, quit claim land in Village of Shieldsboro, being on S. side of Main St. between Second & Third Sts., having 200 feet front on Main by 292 feet, designated as a site for court house & other public buildings. Signed by Pray & wife Maria on 10/17/1838.

PAGE 286

James Edwards for $1,000 sells to John Edwards land which was part of a donation made to John Watson, being W of Choctaw Bayou, and also a parcel which was part of Sec.22,27 & 28, T8S R14W, bounded on N by Jourdan River claimed by John Henderson, originally claimed by seller from 1/25/1842. (Document continues with detailed land descriptions) Signed by Edwards & wife Mary on 6/15/1867.

PAGE 289

Giacomo Monti for $650 deeds to Lorenza Carte (also spelled Cortez & Courte) part of sec. 34, T85 R14W, measuring 480 feet by 321 feet, originally deeded to Jacob Rolf, patent #8569. Signed by Monti & wife Rosaline on 4/18/1866.

PAGE 291

Lorenza Courte sells for $400 to Wilhem Brown of New Orleans, same land as described above on p.289. Signed 3/11/1867.

PAGE 292

Robert Montgomery and wife Sarah of Lawrence County sells for $2.00 an acre to Jonas Pickles of New Orleans, land on Western side of road from Pearlington to Napoleon, 611 feet from junction of Clay and Pine Streets, being on Pearl River, near Nat Mitchel’s old brick house, and running along a Cherokee rose hedge about 900 yards. Signed by Montgomery and Sarah on 6/13/1867.

PAGE 293

Jesse Cowand of New Orleans deeds to Hugh O. Ames for $100 lots 1 & 10 per plan made by H.A. Mims, land in Shieldsboro. Dated 4/17/1858

PAGE 295

Paul Hahn & wife Catherine of New Orleans deed to Anthony Hoffman for $400 land in Shieldsboro, beginning at “a passage known as Washington St. form which post a live oak standing upon the bank of the bay marked XXX”. N.B. - This is same as described on p. 283. Date of this document: 11/23/1866.

PAGE 297

At New Orleans, Frank Perret is acting as agent for Charles Christian Harold with power of attorney executed in Paris, France, deeds to John William Hincks of New Orleans for $3,500, land on Bay with 198 feet front by 290 feet in another direction, having depth of 40 arpents, with exception of stables owned by adjacent owner, Miltenberger. Includes furniture and household utensils. Dated 7/31/1867. Signed by Hincks and Perret.

PAGE 299

Before notary Paul Larische of New Orleans appeared Jesse Cowand, as lawful heir to father’s estate for one ninth share, for $400, assigns some of his rights to property to Charles Petrie. Dated 7/23/1867.

PAGE 301

Benjamin Sones, for $400, sells to Charles Chadwick and M.R. McCall, land known as the Bayou Philip place, being part of sec. 1, T9S R15W, having 40 acres, being same land located by Mary Favre at land office at Augusta. Dated 9/1/1866. Signed by B. Sones Sr. and wife Rebecca.

PAGE 303

Henry Carre, Walter Carre, and Henry Weston, for $800 sell to William J. Poitevent, part of Sec 33, T7S R16W, and part of Sec 34, T7S R16W, part of Sec. 3, T8S R16W, and part of Sec 27, T7S R16W. Signed on 8/9/1867 by sellers above and wives Viola Carre, Elvira Carre, and Louis A. Weston. [sic]

PAGE 305

Tax collector Napoleon Monet sells front lot No. 36 in district No. one South in Shieldsboro for taxes owed by heirs of A.G. Pickerell. Best bidder is Willis H. Claiborne at $12. Dated 7/7/1861

PAGE 306

Caroline Marquer, John Marquer, Napoleon Carron, Elizabeth Carron, Philip Carron, Adelaide Saucier, Joseph Saucier & Hyacinth Carron, heirs of Nicholas Carron, sell for $450to Auguste Campy, land with depth of 3,220 feet, bounded on N by Coave, S by Campy, W by Widow Morrin, & E by Gulf. Signed by each heir on 7/19/1867

PAGE 308

Walter Carre and Henry Weston sell for $85 to Henry Carre, land having 16 acres, part of Sec. 5, T9S R16W, part of the Joseph Cherlom (Chalon) land claim, upon which Henry Carre is now residing. Signed by all parties on 8/9/1867.

PAGE 311

John Zingerling sells for $200 to Francois Pleux (Ploux), part of Sec. 13, T9S R15W, having 160 acres. Dated 7/31/1855. Signed by Zingerling.

PAGE 312

Francois Ploux sells for $100 to Mrs. Theresa Bandrease land in Shieldsboro, beginning at a passage running between Washington St. and a passage running through land of Ladner, having 64 feet front and a depth of 150 feet. Bounded on N by Delalanza, W & E by present vendor, & S by Francois Ladner. Signed by Ploux and wife Coralie on 7/26/1867.

PAGE 313

David Moye, Sheriff of Hancock County, is commanded by Circuit Court, “that of the goods, chattels, and tenements of Pierre Sirvant previously attached, I cause the sum” of $4,753 which Joaquin Viosca has recovered against him. By virtue of the court writ, I sold at auction to Mrs. Alex V. Monet, wife of Napoleon, for $50, lot in Shieldsboro bounded on S by Estapa, E & W by Ramon, & N by Apothecary St., having 140 feet front and known as Sirvants Tannery. Signed by Moye on 7/3/1867.

PAGE 315

Jonas Pickles of New Orleans sells lots 40, 41, 62 & 67, Square J, measuring 100 feet front by 200 feet, to William Reyl. Land is in Gainesville. Signed by Pickles and wife Eliza on 7/8/1867.

PAGE 316

John Baptiste Favre sell for $400 to Henry Demahy of New Orleans, land on Bay at Shieldsboro, bounded on N by DeFervie, on W by Hopkins, S by Saucier, and E by Bay, having 40 feet front by 40 arpents depth. Signed by Favre and wife Amelia on 6/23/1867.


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