Obituary Record
Murtagh, Edward - November 15, 1893
Edward Murtagh, alderman of the First Ward of Bay St. Louis, died at his home; Wednesday evening at 5 o'clock. About six weeks ago Mr... Murtagh, who kept a lumber yard, went aboard a lumber-laden schooner to make a purchase, and it was at this time and occasion that he contracted cold from the effects of a heavy rainwetting. From the beginning the cold rapidly developed and soon assumed a critical point, only to be remedied at the merciless hands of death. Surrounded by four daughters and one son and fortified by the presence of good Father Leduc and fully resigned, such way the inevitable met and a good man went to eternal rest.
Mr. Murtagh was born on December 8th, fifty-two years ago, in Monagham county, Ireland. Years ago he came to this city and by his good qualities as a citizen he soon won the confidence and esteem of all. Urged by friends, he consented to have his name presented before the public as alderman,and was nominated Democratic candidate for alderman in the primary municipal election on March 22, 1891. He was nominated by 98 votes, a majority of 29 against a strong opponent. He was soon after elected to office, and to this day the voters of the city have never regretted their action. He worked conscientiously and for universal good, and we feel confident in saying that he could have continued for a long while working for the interest of the community.
The funeral took place Thursday evening, Very Rey. Father Leduc officiating. The remains were escorted to the new cemetery by a large concourse of friends and members of the City Council, members of the Catholic Knights of America, members of St. Joseph's Society and members of the Independent Hope Hook and Ladder Fire Company No. 1, of which organizations he was member and treasurer of the fire company. THE ECHO extends its sincere sympathies to the departed's mourners.
Source: Sea Coast Echo 11-18-1893