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KEY FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL SYMBOLS The following symbols are to be used on all archaeological drawings Post Mold Rock Post remains Bone Leaning post Shell ^ Projectile point Kn i fe ^ Drill Scraper Bone awl A ( Wedged post Jff Spl it post Post in placement pit ^"'Possible post mold Possible post in possible post placement pit Timber or wood (charred) Flecks of charcoal Fire pit Ash lense (w/o charcoal) Ash lense (w charcoal) D1 tch (Zujty Hidden or trash deposit Disturbed deposit >Anima1 disturbance Datum - Benchmark -?*3" Grid stake 1 House floor i ^Daub Artifact other than t'-it mentioned (specify) Pottery (rim) p* Pottery (body or base) L' am soi 1 0 li V O Sa.\d * O \ Cla* * \ Silt * ind icate color J? ? Gravel O O *Use in combination for mixed so'Is Combinativst of sandy clay Trash, stoiage or grave pits should b^> drawn accurately and given feature number Magnetic North i ? True North True north & nagnetic d.*cl inat ion
Archeology 001