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LOUIS BOIF'^ORE I.A"! Cl.LV- r’’jju.AC’ D
IN LITIGATION FROM 17B3 - 1803 - 1350
"Next Door to Heaven" tv S. G. Thigpen - 1965 (Picayune, !>‘iss.)
P*ges 21* - 28
The Pearl River and Hancock County area was known by the Indian nare “Achoucoupoulous."
After the United States took over this area in 1811, there were rcany lawsuits to confirm land titles. Spanish land grants vere confirmed by the United States where the ovners lived on the land, and, or, vere using the land, but big claims held for speculation were not confirmed.
On the first of April, 1733| I.ouis Boisdor© presented the following application to Acting Governor Kiro of Louisiana:
Senor Governor Generali
I, Louis Eoisdore, * citi-en of this city (New Orleans) do. with due respect, present r.yself to your Excellency Rnd say, that, wishing to form an establishment and cattle-raising farm in the vicinity of the Bey of St. Louis, in the piece corcmonly called Achoucoupoulous, for all tny family, which is very considerable, as is veil known to your Excellency; and moreover, for the purpose of employing ell my negroes on it, and keeping considerable stock of cattle which I have already on the place, the place being most inhabitable, only for a vaqueris (cattle farm):
Vay it Please your Excellency, in consideration of vhat Is above explained, and of the benefit that will result to the capital (city of New Orleans) froc such a considerable cattle raising establishsent as the one which I hnve comrenced to forrr in the said place, and in the vicinity of said city, to grant the portion of ground which is vacant in the said place (section of country), known under the name of Achoucoupoulous, running fror the plantntion of Philip C.aucier on the east up to the Bnvou of Losquito Villnpe, formerly inhabited, and in depth down to Pesrl River, in order that I tray forr, with facility, the aforesaid esteblishrent and cattle f:>rm for all ny femily aforesaid; a fsvor vhicn I hope, according to justice, froi the ^rantin power which is invested in you.
(signed) L. FOISDCRE New Orleans, 1st of April, 1783”
The application var approved on April ?6t 1733.

BSL 1950 To 1969 Achoucoupoulous-(1)
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