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(President from page 1) 4. That the City accept the generous offer of Mr. Leo Seal and the Hancock Bank to have the statue placed in the park on South Beach Boulevard next to the Bank. 5. That the City accept Mr. Seal?s offer to share the cost of the statue. 6. That a time capsule be placed in the pedestal to be opened on August 25, 2099. 7. Commemorative bricks bearing family names etc. with up to 3 lines will be sold at $50 each. They will be used around the statue. Other matters were discussed and will be published when action is to be taken on them. Charles H. Gray DR. KOTZ ALLEN IDENTIFIED We certainly struck gold with our inquiry placed on the photograph from our collection of unidentified houses. The photograph which was provided to us by Mary Perkins came originally from the Perkins Real Estate Company and was identified only by an ink notation which read. ?Dr. Kotz. Allen?. We published the photo and an inquiry last month. The first call was from Mary McDonald Winnard which was followed quickly by a visit from Larry Larroux. We even received a letter from Robert Scharff in Charlotte. North Carolina. We arc now well informed that Dr. Kotz Allen was a New Orleans physician who ?specialized in tonsil removing". Dr. Allen came on a regular basis to Bay Saint Louis and maintained an office diagonally from McDonald Hardware in the house on the north west corner of Touline and Estabrook streets. Mrs. Winnard says that appointments were made in advancc and children were brought, sometime whole families at a time, in the early morning and that the operations were performed in rapid succession. one after another until all were done. The children remained at the clinic for the rest of the day and usually were allowed to go home in the evening. She remembers that thev were allowed ice cream, it being a soft food that would not endanger the wound. Mr. Larroux remembers the nurse named Annie and her caring for the children. Thank you. contributors. Now see what you can tell me about today?s photo. We don't have a clue except that it appears to be a beachfront home, either Bay Saint Louis or Waveland. It is an unusual house so peruse it carefully. BOOKS DONATED One who has brought us many great gifts in the past, Jerry Heitzmann, has donated a copy of Mississippi As a Province, Territory and State by J.F.H. Claiborne to the society. This is an excellent reference book about the state. Mr. Claiborne was a tireless researcher. He was the son of General F. L. Claiborne, commander of the Mississippi Volunteers in the War of 1812. His uncle. W.C.C. Claiborne, served as governor of the Mississippi Territory from 1801 to 1805. Mr. Claiborne himself served in Congress. Thank you. Jerry. Kathleen Kemp, another member who lias made many donations in the past donated a delightful children?s book. Everywhere in Mississippi by Laurie Parker. It is the tale of a lost puppy w hose master conducted a state-wide search for him. weaving over 300 Mississippi towns and communities into alliterations and rhvmc. Thank you Kathleen. Arvine Garcia donated a rare book indeed to our collection. It is the ledger from the Engman's Enterprise Grocery and Drygoods Store which was located at 220 Bookter. It is dated 1911. Thank you, Mr. Garcia. SUNDAY ?ECHO? HELPFUL The Sea Coast Echo, which has always been very supportive of the Historical Society, published a long, front-page article in its July 6th edition. The article by Betsy Gagnet described in detail the operation and goals of the Society and we have had numerous phone calls and visits prompted by the article. We hope to get some new volunteers to work at the Lobrano house from this publicity. Please come by for an hour or two a week if you have time. We need vou. NEW MEMBERS Tom Wall, Waveland Paul Betty, Waveland Bob Perrin, Bay Saint Louis Mary Perrin, Bay Saint Louis Marlene Bell, Salado, Texas Harlie Lee, North Hancock County Holice Lee. North Hancock County M. B. Emery, New Orleans Jacqueline Yarrington, Bay Saint Louis Dorothy Smith, Diamondhead LOBRANO HOUSE HOURS Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. THE HISTORIAN OF HANCOCK COUNTY Publisher....Charles H. Gray Editor..........Edith Back Published monthly by the HANCOCK COUNTY 108 Cue Street or Post Office Box 312 Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi 39520 Telephone / Fax : (601) 467-4090 page 3
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