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The Fort Worth Gazette: 1849: Major Ripley Arnold Speaks Up In Def.. http: //fortworthgazette.blogspot. com/2011/12/1849-maj or-ripley- amol. 3 of 4 Tbxab FnoNTisit Indians.?It 1? with much ploasuro wo Insort tho following communication from tho oftlcor commanding tho U. S. Dragoon* at Fort Worth; - . , NoaTHKBN Frontier of Texas, i Fort Wurth, West Kork Trinity Rivor,/u7i? IS, 18-13. J Pie.?i noticed aoino iUtlo time slnco a paragraph coplod into your paper from the Houston Star, headed ? Dragoons Beaton,? and stating tlmt tho tlra-(,'oonu stationed above the Wucos Village had alio wad tho Indian* to come in and meal many of llioir liorses and tho boraos of aottier* la tlie vicinity. 1 cannot conceive what object any man could have Imd la viow in reporting no villanous a falsehood. I Imva commanded the two companies of dragoon* above \Vaco? Village for tome three months, and hovo to gtato that 801 ono horse hat boon stolen Irom elUier company ainco their arrival in Toxas, In November last, nor have Hie citizens near ray siationi complainod of losing horses. Over one hundred Indian*-?Wacoes, Ioni*,Talnvac-, carro?a and Tliree Wicheta CUofs?are bow visiting?' us. They brought down and surrendered some forty horsos, stolen from citizens within the last year or two by the Wichetas?the only tribo who have speculated in that way lately, These Wicheta Ohiefs came in to say that they were tired of Uie war, and promised to behave themselves hereafter. Tall your reader* not to beliav8 a word they bear of Indian depredation* in tfiia part of Texas. 1 have had talks with every tribe, und if the whlloa have any difficulty with them, it will ho became they get it up thomielvea. f have established anew post,and called It after our lamented general. 11 is the extreme northern post on the Texas frontier. Thousand* of acres of fiou land, wall timbered, are in Uie vicinity. Soma California emigrants bad better turn their nttentloa this way. Your friend, E, A. ARNOLD, Brevet Major 2d Dragoon*. , Tlmes-Plcayune ~ August 6, 1849 Much was riding on the effectiveness of this new chain of Forts and the protection it would offer to those who were coming into Texas. So Major Arnold, in the midst of setting up this forward post, took pen in hand and replied j directly to the scurrilous article with good humor, precise information, a direct non-nonsense manner and a plea to ' come to Fort Worth to join the settlement. This will not be the last we will hear from and about Major Ripley Arnold. Note: The news articles above were the earliest I have found that mention Fort Worth. Posted by Pete Charlton at 5:44 PM ?3 Recommend this on Google Labels: army, Fort Worth, Indians, settlements, texas No comments: Post a Comment 1/7/2013 1:33 P1V
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