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?: w. -: -xg;	ness anil a? ?.....
\*tR5 a-nME E. AVERY. -	(	At	ene time sltowas one of the
_____	j	editor;	of tiie Sea C?^fc-ltep?ik*-
It txs-ames ou* jtt&ial duty to:}:can aat^ after \ftcatingtlte mK-
cnromele tl)e#ae# M?. An-!office Copied her takats wholly
n.-v h. Av^.jpggga sudden -end t() uewspaper work bv bv-um; -
tbfr.	Reilly	* 4o c()ntr-;nltv to the - a o - - i
; p,.^ aml then	to	i!a-e	^	> ;
April. 11, xmi:-.	,.	i-.?	??;!????
s tu ~?y,.
.Mi^Av^VkatJ opened 1h*t " &1I&5 tbtiai that morn?
pers i
; i?>, art? i '><
>. -1
in tlit* >anie ";><?? I spirit Unit ehar-a<-terizedher di	And	wn-
J.'-hhuiHv to tlii* local pri"..v,
;?vhaiWt?;ris?tk* U?tt*W Umt wetvf frequently copied by tin- out*i.d*j prt'ss. .Her uews kite;-; to tUe' Nmw Orleans evening; {super- '<-.?;?=-? excellent and xnudb sought. H?*r soviet of letters fmsporiu.;/ i<t tovi - ;il years ago in The l?>ao w for tiii.* pftpm- at t mrr trn*: ^.?rv u?*w^iU?^rcUjcrH. ?She was .a w?\?-read'Worn in, and a thorough now?
]s;*ru-r Wtt-'l*. II !? po'.V	,?i
wielding tk* pen wore abuost unlimited. liivunr.g that after reporting a r'-iigiou* gaiherjeg a temperate e meeting .-'a- *- oil'd detail an a.?e.\mat, of a r :a-i v. n;<fre bei-woon (Vvh'-lt n5,d
other fello,.. and ? -en
his?orv or a book, Si*e iiiv ?**	?
.."7-,	,	t	u.	\t-.v	(??>.
....	?	\vjl?*n,	Jiil.-.p-
jl 1T' -1\?d oi t ilOSe vi ?; .? : ; i': ? >).-?<* at t^etime [;]?;;%\ ,i:?., ,i ?i?*/> >a^ll, :tri<i fall-.r,	? !o i c i.-.-iotisiiess. l)r.
? , , ? .i< *?= I .o !><? pr<'scnt. and >? : ?... been >ent for ;!?(?,'i j, -irians exerted all j: . .. ? ?	(hfir power, but
si . no avail, and urn*': few minute,s j 'h-.uani Mr~. A very was pro-I Ii.'iiai-i'd dead, v it w>' before h;iv-ii!? anmtinte.d by Very Kev.
: ;; ::*t Bho\e, 'vho had b<M>n im-ni; iiiately tuni- io-.:e<l. The end vus P'r.eet?ul i; r- \ eab:>.
21rs. Avery vr* . rt - ill, .-dthonqli >he had gone through a srege of ; iek'uss ttie pa>t winter, but - id vare and iend?*r titirsin^ by a loud and a d: \oted <huighf-:-r r. ?^loi't-d her foum r health, Ah< at a hpAf h<ntr prior to tht^ tragic <-nd
iine at iioetry.
.Mrs. Avery's daughter? ia?ient Imr literary'talbnt.
Mrs. Avery aci a eitizen was im-bued with that spirit that makes eoinmunitie.s, boiIds cities, was for her town and .its people first, last aad all the time*, whenever she. spoke or wrote it was for rin growth aud the prosperity of its people. Her pen was ever ready and identified with it-best interests and every enterprh--that would benefit Bay St. Lor."*-.
Several yeai-s ago, reabzi, ?>? that life was bri;d? and ?	?	!
duty due our Maker, she jo; th-"1 eliureh, eho.sing? tlie (,?af u??!.?,? religion. She hec*r,iiie an eH.-ija-plary Catho.H'; of ;h.- ntost aH;v--type. U<?r religion e;.ibii.>-<'d t?^-pnietie*'- of all ? he su!)linu> tea^n-jin^s of the fhureh. v?on-! o?:t land sincere it i^ saf ? to a> ih.-.i 1. he died in th?* ai1;^ ?I ti;f? ?
Se* coast
/t/UM?er Ave*-y o>&'r pM.T f

Avery Annie-Avery-Obit-part-1
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Hancock County Historical Society
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