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liinK Prayer By Mrs. C.j Laurent, Leon Lohman, Sawin mar-i quez, Milton Moran, Esrl Ramond, Catherine Woodcock.
, <. Ifik, Former Resident ? Ami President?Prc-	j
gram.	:
1?,.- Wminin1* Missionary Society j 1 ..I Tur i!?y ::t ihc residence of j 1 k.. ,>.? | ia\ iv with Mrs. Joyner ?I Mi.	K'^li	t.s joint	hostesses.
'I ?.? #>??< n t y l,i..I the extreme pleas-V ? f h-iuisg uh iht ir guest Mrs. C.
|* !*rk .1 r??i'i.iri? member and resi-?i.t vli.i ;?:*%<? t hi* opening prayer.
? .1* v mw?\s led by Mias ii'i? ;..}?!??? u llu' vubject being ?The y-'. ->( ?!.?? rhuH'h,? taken from 1st i" i.* ik ?;?.
? u. i. ?Our I)oconcs4-*es and ^ * ii?i?* b" v.n nlily discussed by 1
*	<? M. Shipp who in her usual
?	? ??i-	: ?!?! tr.moctcnt manner
t*''*1?I ??* tin' vjiIup and Christiania "(	?i linn*	wor k.
r ! )m	rW. n.j.	prayer	was given	by
r	s.*.	M?-. Charles Miu-hcll.
is |
Popular Resort and Long Pier In Process of Rebuilding and Remodeling.
>alad and ices was, i,Mil wliuh the meeting ad-|
.......	'I1-	t??*U meeting to be j
(*??! n? Mi . 1?mmI Wright?s home'.
?	\l? Mil - ' ? Ii us joint hostess.
?.?Mifcileralc Brigadier j lictirrnl From Mt. Olive ! Visit* Son in Bay City |
H?*v iimI M, J (.ray, the fnr*l ??	V*..m Street McOv>dist j
)?. *) j. ihiir house tuest this) l??V \!i.	,v'*	father,	J. Iv. Gray,1
i ?? w-i> *w ?>C Ml. OU\e, Miss., v?ho ??I'ftwd i(. y,. home Thursday ac-l.y hi > pon. Rev, (iray,
? *?' ..l*,iy St. Louis Thurs-
. .-i-i.,,...	(
U-h rjj u? "'uS:,h?.*d visitor has nj
?	-*?	?	?	-i	u	h Li-itud; * k ?
-t ... it, ?
? h in Division, Uni**-d , ratf veterans. louring| '? h? ? ! it--d the Soidi'-rs? ;
:r where h>- wu* g?v-?t 1 ?	?	m	ton	and	c<>in:
R. N. Blaize. progressive proprie tor of Blaize?s pier and bathing pavilion, head of Washington street, has a force of men at work practically rebuilding the per and renovating the entire property, a step in keeping with the times and an evidence that an upturn in bu.sise&s is at hand.
In a week cr so it will be possible for automobiles to be driven out to the end of the long pi*?r with safety and the bathing pavilion v/ill again this summer prove a popular report for the many who visit and others who might reside here but have no such facilities available.
This pier is quite an acquisition to Ray St. Louis and vicinity. It is the 'inly structure of it.; kind end the j public will be interested to iearn that . it is undergoing a piores? of reron-?trnction that will again place at the disposal i.f oil who tnc-.y v.-i^h to enjoy Us use. Other piers have come and gone hut the Blaize structure, well-nigh an institution for this community, contributes to our success as a summer resort.
This work 13 assisting. in a measure, the, unemployed situation nnd would that there were n*ure improve-:u ut ir. ?t V.	rT'ilr?n<r.	want-
ing, inn-iiur work, etc. We trust Mr. Liaize?a enterprise will jt- well rati?-m7.?d this summer, it de-
escorf'd her up the Efiffln", ivuui ? fc>oth the King and the Queen seated themselves amidst the general applause of the audience.
A program of six numbers was then announced by Mf*. ? Edmund Fahey. Jr. The Program follows:
1.	A Reading?Betty at the Baseball
Came?Miss Delta Lizana.
2.	Piano Solo?A Curious Storf? Elsie Mae Capdepon.
3. Quaitette?Pan?Misses Audrey Ramond, Marjorie Scafide, El?ie Mae Dillman, Elaine Chauvin.
4.	Accordian Selections?Mr. Chas< Jesse, accompanied by Mr. Gerald Grevemberg.
5. Piano Solo?The Pompadour's Fan?Miss Bernice Johnson.
6.	Old Fashioned Dance?Miss Eran LeBi&nc, accompanied by Miss Levia Engroan.
At the conclusion of the program the King and Queen and their court proceeded down the stage and marched in regal procession through the auditorium where a dance participated in the court concluded the program.
The following took part in the court.
Misses Genie Harper, Almie Haus-er, Yvette Telhiard, Ruth Taber, Alma Lejeuno, Joyce Wolf, Louise Posner, Cynthia Ricluvdson, Lois Wolf, Pearl Roby, Ehsabeth Vincent, Elaine Richardson, Alice Cana-ors. Theresa Linam.
iJukcs?Messrs. Jack Gray, Burch CoJvert, Jimmie Knoll, Gerald Innes, Charles Thomas, John Damsel, Bilie Hogg. Hugh Ryland, Johnny Heath, Charhis Thomas, ohn Da*^el, Billie Heath, Ainsworth Kidd, Pete Latino.
Flower CirJ??Kay Ford. Udel Favre. Patricia Kehoe, Rosemary Dick. Beth Prague, Sammy Osoinach, Gaytil Gcx. Ruth Saucier, Rosemary Piazza, Virginia Se-al, Betty Yates, Betty Odoinach. ?
Pnges-?Di-nalv? Arceneaux, Ron-old Carver, Twimy Lodwick, N?l*us Favro.
^rown Beare**?Julie Elliott.
? ? M ?l? I ?* in* M us * j ?
mton arid coin:euc", 1 I. i t-i hit *lay J
? Mt a tv I Mr>. Sidney Prug:.c had ?	*-	tv'r.. Mr.
___Mr .James Lt vick Mitchell, who
wts called herr l.y the il!ne>? ?t''1 suh0equt*nt dcatii uf his mother, Mr?. Ettie BonliUT Mittlull, has retuin.-d tf> tiia home at Shrt-vtport.	ar'
,? Ht.i.r.>fiaii?.n tc the friend? ..	' ? I,n : 'i Iirf > ..i Li,I- f-'ii.i;-

Blaize, R.N Blaize-Rebuilding-Pavilion
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Hancock County Historical Society
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