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November 15, 1809,
November 15, I900,
November 15, 1901,
November 15, 1902, November 15, 1903,
November 15, 1904,
NOVEMBER 15, 1905,
?V - ..
Long Distance ?Phone:	No.	3.
Subscription: $1.50 peryeaiyn advance.
Entered at the Bay St. Louis postomce a& sec-ond-class mail matter.
\ v'"-
..	FOR mayor:
? The Echo is authorized to announce =' JNO. K. EDWARDS, a candidate for the office of mayor, subject to the action of the Democratic
primary.	-------
The Echo is authorized to announce GEO. W. MAYNARD. Sr.,' a candidate for the office of mayor, subject to the action of the Democratic primary.	-------
The Echo is authorized to announce E. E. O?BRIEN, a candidate for re-election to the office of Mayor, subject to the action of the Democratic primary.
The Echo ia authorized to announce WALTER J. GEX, a candidate for the office of Alderman, Ward 3, subject to the action of the Democratic primary.
FOR secretary:
?^PThe Echo is authorized to announce ,' RICHARD MENDES, a candidate for the office of secretary i'-* and city auditor, subject to the action of ' -?"^..the Democratic primary.
The remains of Miss Ollie Caldwell, who died in New Orleans last Friday night were conveyed to Bay St. Louis last Saturday morning, and buiied from the family homestead in this city Sunday afternoon in Cedar Rest Cemetery, followed by a large concourse of sorrowing friends. Miss Caldwell was the only daughter of the late George A. Caldwell and Mrs. Agnes Canna Caldwell, and was a native of this city. She had been ill for years, yet no one sus-pacted save her most intimate friends that she was not well, for her bouyant spirit and ever cheery disposition always spread happiness and sunshine to all who came in contact with her and banished all appearances that would even suggest that she was ill. No one was aware the end was near, and when the news of her demise was received here it came as a surprise and shock to the entire community. Miss Caldwell was a general favorite with all who knew her; intelligent, sociable and lovable she had many friends. She was a beautiful and attractive young lady, and some years ago was voted by popular vote through ; the columns of the Sea Coast Echo as the prettiest and most charming young lady of the city. The only daughter she was the ever and one companion to her mother, whose grief knows no bounds and so keen knows no depth, and to her and her foursons,Messr?. jV.-.	?V-'1.!
Robert and Frank, then' a.....: , .... here and m New Orleans, extend sym- j pathy in the hour of this great bereave- |
Mrs. A. F. Cameron iesires to formally extend thanks and express her gratitude and appreciation of the many kindnesses which were showered upon her ic her recent distress on the occasion of the accidental death of her beloved husband. Those who came to her assistance were from the many friends of Mr. Cameron in Bay St. Louis and along the Jordan river territory, and their constant solicitude as to her comfort during the ten days? ordeal cannot be forgotten. For their incessant efforts towards finding the body of the deceased, for these acts and for the individual and widespread sympathy which the community extended, Mrs. Cameron is grateful and thankfu 1 and will ever remember those who proved friends to her in time of need.
WTork of constructing a one-story frame dwelling for Joseph R. Behrens, of New Orleans, was started this week, on the lot recently purchased by Mr. Behrens from E. J. Bowers, on the corner of Front street and Ulman avenue. W. F, Fulham, architect and builder of New Orleans, has the contract, and is pushing the work to rapid completion, contract time dated March 10th. The structure will be of a design known as the mission style. The interior will be iTiirvel of modern convenience, full sanitary equipments and illuminated by electricity. The brick work is by S. P . Drivnr & Snn. nf Rav St. T.onis. and the
The body of A. F. Cameron was found in Jordan river on Christmas day by a young man of that locality named Sce-rola, while rowing near the spot where the steam launch Folly was found, apparently abandoned, on December 18th. The remains, although under water nine days, were found in a perfect state of preservation and taken in charge by Undertaker Tyler and prepared for burial. The funeral took place the following afternoon from the late residence and .was largely attended, testifying to the high esteem in which the deceased was held and the remains placed ?at rest? in the family burial plot at Cedar Rest Cemetery. A full sketch of Mr. Cameron appeared in the last issue of The Echo, Dec. 23rd.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Soule entertained during the holidays their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Jules E. Soule, of New York, and Miss Jeanne ooule of New Orleans. The family reunion was held on Christmas day and was a pleasant one long to be remembered. .
Miss Capitola R. Mathias, an attractive and accomplished young lady residing at Biloxi, was the guest of her friend Mrs. Sidney L, Cowand a few days since. This was Miss Mathias? first visit to the ?city by the sea,??and she expressed deep admiration of the beauty of the place.
Mr. E. J. Prats and daughter Miss Bertha, of New Orleans, are here on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Muller. Mr. Prats feels best when in Bay St. Louis and is "here with niq fripnrlc in H-in irtc-
List of Subscribers to the Course-The Cultured and Progressive Spirit That Has Made the Course Possible for Bay St. L.ouls.
Thos J Conway, M M Jayne,
Dr H Weston, Louis Tricon, Robert Genin,
E J Gex,
Geo Piancnet,
K Graham,
Miss J Hunter,
P J McGinn and family,
H De S Gillum, Mrs Engman, Geo Muller and family,
Mr and Mrs G Y Blaizc,
Mr and Mrs A L Stokoe,
N H Moody,
H Z Krohn,
Mrs Ballintine, Mr and Mrs J O Mauffray, Miss J Wek'h, Miss ZvI (jraham, Mr and Mrs V A Griffith,
Mr and Mrs W J Gex,
Sylvan Ladner, Bert Ladner, Anthony Ladner Mr and Mrs E S Drake,
J E Saucier,
Ben Lane Posey, Emile Perre,
T f. Tuvans.
E H Hoffman and family,
O Sange,
Jno Osoinach and family,
Chas E Schaur,
Mr and Mrs Chas H Torsch,
Geo Pitcher, Sr Geo Pitcher, Jr A C Horridge,
W W Mines and family,
Leon B Capdepon, Richard Mendes, Rene de Montluzin, Andrew Manieri,
A Scafidi,
Dr J A Evans,
Philip Hickey and family,
Mrs Josie Hutton Prof and Mrs T L Tra
Walter Garvey, Misses Garvey.
E L Pinac and family,
E J Demarest,
J T Buddecke,
W A Cuevas,
Mrs Luther Ansley, ( Dr A J Price, i Jno Dill,	I
Jno Croft	|
Col Hopkins and	i
family,	;
Mr and Mrs G G	j
On rH phi Arl	I
A-.cge'able Preparationfor As-
similating the Food andReg ula-ting the Stomachs audBcwels of
Promotes Digestion,Cheerfulness andRest.Contains neither' Opium,Morpliine nor Mineral. Kot ;Nah.c otic.
JZfdfc of Old. SiJfL&ZPuiZ'uu?
Pumpkin See-d'" sllx.Senna *
liochelU SaUt?
Atuxt .?feed <*?
Jtnpffermbtt -Bi CtirboneUr Sotia +
Clarified Sugar V.ioUfjrren- Flavor.
A perfect Remedy forConstipa-Tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish-ness and Loss OF Sweep.

Cameron 001
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Hancock County Historical Society
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