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Occupation RETIRED.!_____________________________________ Number o* ? Lost Marring* Other Morrlooes -2- Ended by? DECEASED Fuirnom. OCTAVE CHAMPAGNE DECEASED Address m?n.U1 BEATRICE LA GRANGE. ? DECEASED BinnrfTeitbv: HAN. HEALTH DEPT. pot. 1/27/77 Occupation Number of Other Marriages RETIRED Lost Marriage - 2 - Ended by? DECEASED fanTtan. JAMES M. MC CARDLE. DECEASED Address ______ * - * - i. Mother's Full / ,nijMT?: Molden Nomep t/GENXA DECEASED Blood Test by: . UAM HP AT TU- nVDT. Dote 1/27/77 We, the Contracting Parties nomed above, hereby certify that the Information given concerning eaph of us Is correct, to the best of our knowledge and belief. STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Hancock County J -I ALLEN JOSEPH CHAMPAGNE cemlng each of us Is correct, to the best Personally appeared before me the undersigned authority In and for said County and Stofe,: tftj^wlthln nomed ALMA MS CARDLE JENNINGS -the male oppllcont, ond the female oppllcont, who say on their ooths that the matters and things stated therein are true ond correct and that neithej, of u^has been restrained by court order from marrying within the post year. , cr -------------------------Male 4 (J ?__________________________________________Female By. Sworn to^nd subscribed before n$8, this the?, (7\jLL- Jj. 31st. ^day of. A. D., 19-17- _A.M. - P.M. ' jLksmn yrv, - d. C. Lamar Otis, Clerk of the Circuit Court ! STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Hancock County To the Circuit Gerk of Hancock County, Mississippi: We, the undersigned, being first duly sworn, moke oath (or offirm) thot. Bnr? ---- A/Mrwtt ---- ------------ AFFIDAVIT OF PARENTS, GUARDIAN, OR OTHER PERSONS AS TO AGE OF APPLICANTS FOR MARRIAGE LICENSE IN MISSISSIPPI _yeors of oge; ond that-Address. .Roc*. -years of oge; ond thot sold parties ore making application for issuance of Marriage License to which application this affidovit is attached. We hereby give our consent to the morrloge of the above named applicants ond the Circuit Clerk Is hereby directed to issue license os requested. **0-?< Relation to mole applicont Signed. Signed- Signed -Relation to mole oppllcont -Relation to female oppllcont -Relation to female oppllcont Offlrlnl HU. STATE OF MISSISSIPPI K ?>. . Hancock County ? J TO: NOTICE TO PARENTS, GUARDIAN OR NEXT OF KIN OP APPLICATION FOR MARRIAGE LICENSE ? n ? GREETINGS: ' You, ond each of you, are hereby given notice as required by law that. Race An. _ ond Race. -Age- -Address^ have this doy filed application with me os Circuit Clerk of sold County ond State, above named, requesting the issuance of Marriage License for the solemnizing of the Rites of Morrloge between said parties: ond hearing no legal objections thereto, I will, on the______________________________________doy ________: ? ^ n \97_______ Issue sold License to said applicants. ?> Witness my signature ond official eeal this the? By---------------------------------------------------------- -day of. a: D., 197? 0. c. Lomor Otis, Circuit Clerk } STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Hancock County Te Any Penoa Lawfully Anttwrized to Celebrate Hm Rltee of Matrtaeny MARRIAGE LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE You ore hereby Licensed to Celebrate the RITES QRMATRIMONY between Mr- m Ad. ? fiXsmA, _________________ -* aJa for eo doing this shqll (1% you/warrant. Given undertny hand ond official seal, *bl? ? 3 foil My nf_ _ ^7V._|n the Year of Our I By th... -ond ? Lord Nineteen Hundred ond. -, D. C. 2ill m your warrant. La mgr Otis, Circuit Clerk STATE OF MISSISSIPPI ) .\ ' : 'tf . ? Hancock County J *' ? f > By vlrtu*?f o HcenrfVrom the Clerk of the Clrault Court of sold County of Hancock, I hove this day celebrated the RITES 0FMATRIM0N*4*tw?en Mr. Given under my nerfa this tl Order of the Judge of the Circuit Court! ______and M___A*<f? 'A. D., 197-2- i O ? : ? ??Vi The forgoing Certificate of Milage wailed for record In my ofjlce, on theL. \v. ' , A. D., 197?21
Champagne, Allen Joseph Champagne-001