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SC E 01-30-1897 CBII IJARY- John V. Datnbrino, sou oi Joiiu and Jane JDambnuu, was born in Bay St. Louis March 11, 1S75. About live yrass aaio be joined the Methodist church, but gave his heart more fully to God In r t,he last months of bis life which were apv ut largely in reading the Bible and other religious duties. As Ins bodily powers grew weaker his faith screw strong. ,f . er and his joy ?unspeakable ana full of glory.? The attentions of his skiilfuj I physician and kind nurses were in vain, and at 10 p. m., December 01, 1896, he liasst-ci away, rejoicing iu the final vieto- ^ r* . As the old year departed, he left for the City where falleth no night,and where the ?y?-ars of eternity roll,? lie beckons ua thither. His Pastor.
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