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-1- Tho Benjpmin family, ono of the wealthiest end most influen- tial in the Town of Stratford, hoc boon idontifiod with that locality oinco in 1630, Ito momboru havo distinguished themselves in various lines of fano. Tho gonoalogy of tho Bonjamin family, which t/ao originally known as Borington, runs l?ack to Ilormn ancostry undor William the Conquoror, and is traced through Walt or^ Do Lacy, Groat Baron (1074)', Roger Do Lac&y (1095)J undor William RufusJ Ilbort do Lacoy (1137), and John do Lacoy (1222) . resulting in the canto known a3 "Landod gentry"? Thoco Barons dc Lacoy uoro in Hortfordohiro after 1222, and in tho reign of Edward III tbc do- Lccoya appoar aa "Landed gentry" in Boryton of Stoko Lacoy, and later as Borington of Stoko Lacoy and Windooloy lioto Hall, Galop, Iloroford, England. ?In Ed7^ard III'o reign Boryton of Stoko Lacoy married tho daughter and heir- ?v;'V .... ojjc cf Rowland do VJindonloy, md had by hor, the ancient coat of Z'indeslcy, which haa continued in tho family ovor oince, but in later year tho family :iamo was changod to Borington, Tho ancient coat of Windocley which cans into the poBooBDion of tho Boringtono by tho aforooaid carriage lies in tho Parish of Hopo-undor-Dinmoro. Tho coat of arms uoed conjointly by tho Beringtono and tho Benjamins is ouppocod to havo bcon granted at the Knighting of a Borington, July 2l0t, 1403, on tho field of Shrewsbury, just north of Hereford. Tradition says that tho BoringtonB changed their surname to Benjamin, about tho yoar 14?J4. John Borington II Eoq., of Stoko Lacoy (the second John, counting John do Lacoy of 1222) van tho heir of Rowland Y/indosloy, ox Windouley. 'William Borington, F.oq . t vhoos eldest son Simon was tho great~grandfathor o?f John Borington III born 1683. John Borington II tho eldost son was tho ancostor of the American Eenjamin family John Bonjamin,* tho first of that nnrao in Amorica, sailod in tho chip "Lion", 'July 16th, 1630, with hio wife Abigail. John Benjamin It wa3 a personal ? ? "* friond of Governor Y/inthrop, who witnessed hio will, and gavo an account in his manu3cripta of tho Bonjamin house, library, etc.. Ho located in Watortown, Hass,, and was appointed High Sheriff of Boston in 1633. John 1710, while the firot of tho nomo in this Country Bottled in UassachuEetts of fort, and by intormarriagoo, tho family has become related to many othoro of note, ono lino of doscont being traced to Governor Bradford of "Hayflower" Undor Henry III, the Confederacy of Barons was disolvod,
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