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fer> u* I
t a meeting eft jtion Commiasio
>point Dectloa M?a Bailiffs.
I	'if
i6 Hancock Count
:ibrs, held yesterday,
{house, thefolloW-
moon at the -named managers of election jweije ?
I |	1
ointed to serve e t> the general |ele#-i, to be held on November 8th:
)istrict No. lj?Ansley?Charles 'Jar-, Christian Dorn.W. H. Krankey, lagers; Charles Green, bailiff. ] )istrict No. 2fJ Pearlington ? C. P. is, Frank Gutierrez, E. H. AjSher, nagers; A; Hr Hursey, bailiff. i )istrict No. 3'/ Logtown?Victor Ca-.ova, Freeman Jirnes, D. R. Weston, nagers; J. H.jW District No. 14,
bultheis, D. nagers; A. P Disttrict No. 5
'iston, bailiff Gainesville?-Jl A-iVer, A. K. Mallear, Bennett, bailiff. \
>, A^ron Academy-pE Her, S. J. Craft,jj. A. Keller, matters;	J. N. KellerJ bailiff. '	j |
District No. 6,!Fl4t?l?op?E.Ek Mitch-, John W. L?[)ttJ managers;j . J. >tt, bailiff. |	!	!	j
District No. 1, (jrane CreekpW. <p. hnson, Alee iki'cMse, Sr., Alee Nic-;e, Jr., managers; iAlce Moran, bailiijf.
District No. s| Siandard?Ursin , Ga-
J	'I
^a, Frances Heister, L. H. Jones, man-
rers;	Victor Ctievas, bailiff.	; I
1 * t ' ? i
District No. 9, CSaesar?A. J. Bilbp, W. Stockstill, IH.jL. Williams, mnna-:rs; Wm. Marspn,!bailiff. ! i District No. [10, i Parker ? Addisoh
ounds, Sr., Aie? .itchell, managers uliff.	I
District No. Ill, i L. Morris, Ccril ;rome Cuevas, bait
Dossett, : W. J. Thos. W. Dbgsetjt,
'enton?Chas. ;Ory, Cuevas, manager?; iff,
District No. 12j} Cuevas, Kiln-i-Fjrutps 'uentes, Alfredj Koenenn, H. S. jNifb-ise, managers; flosiph Shiffoloj bailiff.
District No. 13, Bay St. Louiis??Pls(.-ide Saucier, H.jH. Posey, Wm. Ruhr, managers; R. Roisech,. bailiff. i.
Under the above heading the Lps Aq-jeles Examiner jof I the 14th inst. punishes the following]	J
S. J. Cray, formerly of Texas,ibut fdr ,he past two years! connected with tlje San Francisco offifce of the We8tei|n Union Telegraph] Co., has been appointed chief oper&ibr in-J^OiAlngalek. Mr. Grav took irp his new dutiles'yeS-
iSi ters,
Auglust family
Friday at tbe Fami >11 Atcobc of a Well-Kao New Orleans Citixe^, Moved to This
of Dunbar avenue, after
inded by his wifi! da.uffh-Friday afternoon Ivy breathed biS( ome on Carroll avqitie
Bwe? and Prm fii H?d
p|f last veek, last at the
e, corner ai1 illness ex-
tending [over a period of s&m^time
r. Ivy had been in fai a! while, although
M quit'
thodghtj the final end wa? s dissolution set in, and his quite a shock to hi's friend8;^jtid those of
ost health, bisjwife,
the tamijly. To recover Ms
some time since Mr. Ivy at who had visited their qau fron)
had visited their time to time, decided St.iLouis. Accdrdin jlV chased A building lot, andjin cioup arid conveniently afjpc
- for it wa^ not "to ear Jwhen beatti
arose with the balsamic jbri pineis ladening the zephyrs and [the salt-permeated breez front giving invigorating jai cupants. The healthful such as only Bay St. Lojii proved beneficial to the #at
timd the inroads of the Illness proved master, while the age of the patient was agaijnst him. Fortified by the last sacraments of the Catholic; qnurch, his
1	'	I
spirit took flight on the afternoon of the
if ?!?-
to move to ?, they pur-,1m e a spa-
th te.r
tnted ^ome
ath of the
in one side . 1 (s from the
to the oc-
can offer,
Sent, but in
14th] inst. in the presence wife) and loving daughters
Friends of lies
stered to his wants witft unceasing
tne Ivy and Let ten fami-paid their last respec ^i^ the dead all during the night of Friday, and on Saturday morning the leplalns Jwere
farmer home, cplace oh the |(om the iu< rlors of Jacob Sh^ii & Son, in Fields street,.
takem tolNewOrleans, the j ' where the last sad rites too sam; da^ in the afternoor neral p:
Elys ian The funeral was largely the deceised was prominently and: well knevn in New Orleans, ^rhera he'had resiaed ;o long.
B^ing so well known in Orleans,
f pis devoted who had ad-
atterided, for
exteided notice, gives obit'lary, which The Echol
Daily Picayune of Safchnlay,in an |?e[ following lirewith re-
trod uce? 'he
leceaSed waS"t)or covf'ntv-fnur
r^n^Nixshi-" vearfl aeo.
Barnnm and Baile
to m S<a Tier* *i
Satnfdaj and Snndajr October
The Barnum and Bailey Greatesi Show on Earth will vikit New Orleans This is the best news of the day t< those who arejfond of the circus form o amusement. For forty-fire Jyeara thii has been the leading show ofj the world This year it cdtoes fort^ with an entin new equipment\vhich cost the management $3,500,000. j I i k The main performance is given ir three rings, oh two stages, Ion an immense Roman race track and in the dome.? The climax of1 the program is the appaling performance of Desperado, a mad Frenchman, who leaps from the dome of the tept and land on his bare chest. Additional tbrills ;are given by Jupiter, a pure white Arabian horse. In rides to the donie of the tent in a ballot and decends amid a Niagara of exploding rockets and fireworks! Then there is Charles the First, beyond all question the most remarkable inimal* that eyer came to the notice of scientists. Charles
chimpanzee, ^but greatest bicycle
the First is merely a he has become the rider and acrobat in th;e world. He does an act on one df the sUges that is the wonder of the age.	1	|
In the menagerie is; found the mosl remarkable zoological exhibit ever seen outside of the interior of the Africar
jungle. It is Bumbino, the first anc only baby giraffe ever iborn o!r exhibited in America. Only onde befcire in history has the stork visited the giraff* pen of a captivo zoo animal. iThat even happened over fifty y^ars ag^d in Lon don, England. iThe youngster died be fore it could be.placed on Exhibition Bumbino is only three feet tall, less that one-seventh o? it?s motherj?s height The youngster is worth its weijijh tin gold On the list of performers iare th names of 400 of, the world?s mqst talente performers. The new 'parade ia a mar vel of interest. It is a pancjrama of thousahd wonders. There i are thre miles of it. Here is an opportunity fc the people of Bay St. Louis and vicio ity to see the greatest circus ever oi ganized. The railroads will) lower tl rates of fare and special excursions w be run.	i	I

Ivy, August 001
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Hancock County Historical Society
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