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CEDAR REST CEMETERY Wilhemenia Weber Moon S-21-26 From this corner (flashlite) of McDonald warehouse to this corner of this McDonald warehouse is NO'lr Cedar Rest Cemetery. It looks like the cemetery because there are som 8 people buried in this niche. Joan Newman Seal owned this property (73x253' / and gave it to the Baptist Church in 1895.2? People who belonged to the church were buried on the church property. In 1925 the Baptist Church sold the property to W. A. McDonald and moved to Main Street. McDonald and Sons Hardware chose NOT to build over these graves. My name is Wilhemenia Weber Moon. I am Bill Watts grandmother on his mother's side. His wife was Virginia Chapman Watts (of whom ;you heard on this tour) and his mother, Gertrude Moon Watts is buried beside his wife and father. Bill Watts lives in Dunbar Nursing Home. 3 I was buried here, my husband, my youngest daughter and her infan child. At some time our gravestones were destroyed - except mine. My stone leans against this 12 inch thick stone of Eaton Bowers and a baseball bat won?t mess them up. So, some of my kin came and made this stone to the Moon Family. 2 inches of this stone is in Cedar Rest Cemetery. 3 My husband, William, and I came from Ohio to Bay St. Louis. He was a "luke warm" Methodist and I a Lutheran being German. We joine the Baptist church because of Mrs. Stockstill who was quite a force in this community. She was 6'2" tall and weighed 165 lbs. She was teacher at the Taylor school which is now the Bay-Waveland Garden Club. Her students didn?t mess with her. When we died we were buri in the Baptist church yard. The church sold the property to McDonald who respects our graves, 3 The next person on the tour has an even more quirky burial. Thak You. 1. Records of Hancock County; Book S, page 58 2. " Book F-8, pages 51^-5 3.Interview with Wm. Watts at Dunbar Village; Oct 5th, 1999
Moon Wilhemenia-Weber-Moon-Cedar-Rest-Cemetary