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MPLETED HOME OF PUBLISHER OF nnii K. K. Norwood associate Architects) THE SEA COASi ECHO," IN CARROLL AVENUE. EL HANCOCK r BOARD OF RVISORS. PICES OF WHOM Y BRIDGE WAS TRUCTED. 924-28) . s. WESTON, Pres, JHN WHEAT. ALVIN SHAW. JSEPH P. MORAN. JSEPH h. FAVRE. ed Under New Board >28-1932) . S. WESTON, Pres. JHN B. BROWN. . Z. GOSS. OfcEPH P. MORAN. MILIO CUE. nty? Share Financing $155,921.22. CITY?S NEW MAYOR HAS SERVED IN PUBLIC OFFICE FOR PERIOD MANY YEARS Captain Charles Traub Served City of New Orleans-Always Loved Bay St. Louis. to Learn. On the first day of January Captain Charles Traub, Sr., became mayor of the city of Bay St. Louis, and has the distinction of being the first chief executive of the city un Jer the newly-adopted commission Bay St. Louis Mayor. :her in one of Dickens? upil study the spelling then go out and work elling is impressed up- ; much of a school s idea was sound, ly to learn is to learn lge is connected with y to learn a language every word with some-ually do or see. In language is to be con-fe and not with litera- i meeting the other day f our cities to discuss jf students to earn r. Representatives of tes of the Union and anada were present, iardi, president of the ciation of Vocational id: ?3 present system, stu-ight various vocations, aking to hair dressing, ugh school terms. When : from high school they hold a position. In i they are permitted to mnerative employment mornings and attend g the afternoon. They e their education on ge, and then their earn-ill he sufficient to pay y. : *1; ?' i ? ? ? * ? ' ?*3$* ? ? ?$* i**) ' ^A' ?/;*?** V-.' His Honor, Charles 1 raub, Sr. form of government, along with Syl /an .1. Ladner and Ferdinand II Egloff, commissioners; U. L. tii*11:n. :ity attorney. ??' Captain Charles Trail!) frets hi.--;itle from the fact of having scr.ed m .he New Or.cans police department in that capacity, scrviivr in vai':"!i:' .?apacities i>\er a perio-l "i '? '. enly one years, his nv.ignati-m taking of ,'(?<? t \ nri I 1 . ! '.il 1. On April :ii-.|. of I he vears. and Bay St. Louis should profit :'y the experience of others. The truth is, our people cannot stagger mder tluv burden of excessive taxes my longer. They have gone the limit. They are crushed and we must hape our legislation and other offi-ia! deliberations along such lines as o ameliorate conditions and to assist .lie individual as well as the general axpayer. Our Bi-County Bridge. "I wisl to congratulate the two i,unties and the Slate and Federal uthoritie.- who have made the Bay !. Ii lj;i : i. . and 1 know ? i no piatv that will more immediate-y benefit by the building and com-j.etion of this colossal enterprise Jian our own anil beloved city of Bay .t. Louis. The people of the city of ?ay .Si. Louis ami of both'Hancock ...; ii;.iST?.fon counties are to be con-?...iiiiuU-v,l for their splendid courage r.i o'. m voiing for.the issu- :u e ui' ;iir.Diint of bonds necessary .o ivali/.c tile funds whereby the r.u^e \-. a.-. L.unt. It is a great credit Liu'.-e people. " i i.e 'eruig?,? continued Mayor . ? nu.eed ii great credit. It ? i.i :-,'rv.' in nnjnifold purpose and as . conintjutor to our greater happi--^s anil prosperity 1 know of no icaiei fa--tor. We live in a wonder-.;i age, i.nd the Bay St. Louis bridge > none the least of these wonderful sings of which this age rightfully o:isis. CHAMBER OF
Traub, Capt Charles 001