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STATE OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTY OF HANCOCK CITY OF BAY ST. LOUIS CERTIFICATION I, H. E. Engelhorn, City Clerk of the City of Bay St. Louis, aforesaid County and State, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a true and correct extract of the minutes of a regular public meeting of the City Council of said city held on May 2, 1978 in the City Hall and recorded in Minute Book 1, minutes of said Council, said Council being the duly elected,, qualified and acting governing body of said city. Given under my hand and seal of the City of Bay St. Louis, MLssissi this 4th day of May, 1978. (SEAL) H. E. ENGELHORN f City Clerk City of Bay St. Louis, Mississippi
BSL Council MTG 1978-Architectural-Hist-Survey-(2)