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BAY ST. LOUIS. TERROR III THE SUBURBS' OPENS APRIL 8 Taking t break during rdtearsal of the senior play are same of tbs members in tite cast and their director, Mrs, George Guret. Standing, from left to right are: Bette Martin, Diana Manning, Sylvia Johnston, Bill Watts, Martha Allison, Lynne Hall, Jim Johnston, Tommy Johnston, Sal Geraci, and Mrs, Cures. Seated at the piano is Carol Johnson, -------------- „ ^a», e» *. a .jsa gg® ^ A & § k &9 “Terror in the Suburbs,” a three actmystery-comedy, has been selected as the senior class play which will be presented April 8th in the school auditorium, Mrs, George Curet, senior sponsor, \Vill direct. Tryouts were conducted and roles were given to the following seniors: Bette Martin, Carol Johnson, Sylyia Johnson, Martha Allison, Lynne Hall, Carleen Garvey, Barry Stephens, Bill Watts, Diana Manning, Jim Johnston, Sa| Geraci and Tommy Johnston. The action of the: play takes place in the living room of an old house in Maryland, just outside Washington, D. C. Working behind the set will be Martha Allison, Mary Ann Pahlman, and Freda Pemiciaro, Plan Band Concert The date chosen for the annual Band Spring Concert to be held in the high school auditorium is April 29. Music for the concert has not been chosen. ^ a k -9* A *
Bay High The Student Prints 1960 articles (01)