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^00564	“	a" .	•: -	-	-	-
, .	,	evert '	: TV*:- :::^ .v
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‘v	in:.:-s
;-~y - l3?k "The £t ?r of ?^rcr^o' ls" - Jure l3yb
Quoting June 2, IS?1*, issue of ,t. Louis '-.eoutlican" (? o.)
k?n:rj rnri sn,’* fo^ts
cr^	err	pasca3c*_la	--	various
jaz^t \:-cy ?,.-c:-i“s tvrf, soil afd loss
M£.t. Loris Pe-.ufclican - June 2, 137h" --
rorrerly of
Jefferson Iorrrel:s, . r rrived yesterday and is registered at the "Southern
av1or 3. vV L'cICse o" the U. ... Coroc, end f:
*son icrr^clrs,. arrived ye-terday end is registered at
The Fajor hrs :urt returner: frcr arsing Fort Pickens, FIs.:’
■'organ, Ala.: !. lira Island, Fiss.; and Forts Jac'.:son and PhilLir?, Is
S ey®^t eer, ..hs-vy guns V-vs teer. rousted st -hio Island, t^eive guns at Forf • 'br,?3r., g-r.5 siy-fifteen-inch sur.s vere ur.lo? *ec at Forts Jr.c'::son and. Phillir-r, btsidss ~ls.eir.g all the ordinance or. th- 3ulf Coast ir. a
' o
Fa^or Fcriee eresets to return in October corolete the ar. __________________
of the co- st de^sr.-®-, th-t ’-or;* h' vir.~ to ce ru'oe-idad f~r t§e Present on recount o” th= ^rsvalence of hot ’■•enth3r, fleas and roscuitoes.
Durins the recer.t r.reat fjooi, the * sjor and his osrty, in tne oJ their duties, vere ssilin--tet’-’sen Horn and Round I s 1r n c: s off Frsc-^culs, sr. route for Fort For gar., vher* thev encountered a most re~*r]'- tie rccne.
-le^e for riles '-’ere seen lo~s, driftvood 'r.‘ natcher oi tur~
‘ :	-	--	--	----- .^yj live cr.iT'-ls, •••ho clung tr
t iles '-’ere	. seen lo
nto the 3u	1 ^ 1 1 _ . ,	x .
.th th- ten;- of
f ov-Brie'-	i. »• * * *
i. -K ~ J .
’’hich ’••ill c ? f orvsrde'* to th~ r -''snart — ent
? ir-'-tors ' r. d	’ 0’
o’" the S',rr'''	C~. c '
rn r> j. • _ ,	— •{♦ T
— w- ^ n - .	. - L
4 H “ i p - ^ -	^ *-»e
j_—r i life	„ i.
;l^nC t :• t	Z u
.It and soft	V."U '
:es in the hr	*,n
r'-,V eC=~ -..-s-p	raccoons,	cnos-su-s,	r-ttits,
sin sn~*.:sf in uncrunted nur’cer?, ell crougnt do”n_
F frr" f iftv to one hundred r.ilss
hes, r.
v*"* t r. ■? s - ir.	t'lis r-="	* vt'- »- Ir T ^	c c ^ - ^9
L'.m” *''cr-c	rs. "ir.“ z i	ci’ ths	gs:.-lo~ic
“O'^t 7 ' ' T-V	T c-w : C »r	si r.ilr r	f!oo:'s
f sf-tv^r-l	*s, -h	~ i p c c n	-s ceinE
r-~ i r '.i ? f t	e o ■■■::' nic	*** n c	••hich £
.c t r ;■ t c. .

Coast General Arming-the-Gulf-Forts-1874
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Hancock County Historical Society
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