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>r Hospital Week
defibrallator, cardiac monitor and pacemaker - instruments used in caring for heart patients. A doll, nicknamed Arrythmia Annie, will also be shown. Far from being a toy, Annie is used to indicate abnormal heart patterns.
A particularly interesting piece of equipment used in the cardiac field will be “modeled” by three staff members as they greet visitors. Each staffer will wear a telemetry monitor, a small button-like attachment which records his heart beat on a monitor screen nearby. The machine can record three heart patterns simultaneously, enabling a nurse to monitor three carcjiac patients at all times from the nursing station.
A special arrangement will open the operating room to visitors, although to avoid contamination of the sterile room no one may enter. A gowned nurse will explain operating room equipment to spectators at the door, and surgical instruments will be displayed and labeled on tables. Visitors will see the recently acquired operating table which is designed to place the patient in any position required without moving him, as well as providing a special X-ray surface so the patient can be x-rayed in the operating room before or during surgery.
Hancock General has also acquired a Stryker Frame, not often found in small hospitals. The Stryker was first invented
during World War II for men seriously burned or injured in combat, and is designed to turn the whole bed with the patient secured within, a full 360 degrees, without touching the patient.
Other departments to be open for visitors are the laboratory, x-ray and dietary rooms, with personnel on hand to illustrate their various functions.
At 4 p.m., visitors will be treated to an entertaining program of music by the seminary group, Nous Quatre et Un, as well as a singing trio composed of Mrs. Janelle McLain, a staff R.N., her son and a young friend.
Also during the program, prizes will be awarded to winners of the poster contest underway in area elementary schools. Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the program.
Other Hospital Week events scheduled will include Doctors’ Day, May 8; Administrators’ ’day, May 9; Employees’ Day, May 10; Board Day, May 11; Nurses’ Day, May 12 (Florence Nightingale’s birthday); Volunteers’ Day, May 13, honoring the Auxiliary and Candy Strippers..
A significant notation at the end of the above schedule stated “EVERYday is patients’ day!”
HANCOCK GENERAL Hospital operating room is readied in anticipation of Sunday’s Open House, by chief of nurses Denise MacDowell, left and anesthetist Louise Hammer.
(Echo staff photo by Adoree Shortle)

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