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February, 1957
Holly Bluff Gardens
By C. T. Hinman
Often I have tried to capture the ethereal beauty of Holly Bluff Gardens with my camera lens, but somehow it has always escaped me before. I had just about reached the conclusion that only the artist with his latitude of color and feeling for natural beauty could ever record the rare loveliness of these enchanting acres overlooking the Jordan River near Bay St. Louis.
But one day last week as I walked along the paths of Holly Bluff, enraptured by the color and grandeur of the azaleas and camellias, the dogwood and wild olive, I suddenly sensed a new feeling in the area; and I at once realized that here, at last, was the light, the stillness and the color combinations I had so long desired. Quickly I set up my equipment and rap-
idly I shot pictures one after the other until my film .was exhausted.
Now perhaps, I have finally caught something of the rare enchantment that fills the atmosphere at beautiful Holly Bluff Gardens . . . something of the peace and quietness that flows from these lovely vistas. Here was the drooping Spanish moss hanging low over the stillness of the lagoon which in turn was reflecting the rainbow of color that came from the surrounding backdrop of flowers. Here, too, was the majestic sweep of the Jordan River as it flowed to the Gulf by way of St. Louis Bay. Here too was an atmosphere of contentment and restfulness found nowhere but in the quiet solitude of natural beauty, ever a living testimony to tb presence of the Divine Being!

Holly Bluff Dixie-Guide-1957
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