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h e» K i0 t‘ jS^iippj ‘Branpljj. Qf^tt«®Ht§rn»UonaL and' ailed ;th^‘ nieeting toget&er^*^-;. .' fThie Bay^'St.VLoul^ Circtfe:,of King’s jaughttjrs -; and-.'Sons was' organized irithvMrs.;;A,IF, .:Fourniec.; us}’ prosit ien^' A&s.iSarah^ A/.Powprr /as ?V:ice presidenti^rs/iilW^iL, :i; Bourgeois,; und.JMr^GJ ;Yj« Blaize£ Secretafyiv :|» . Afte^V'year’s existence giying helpi and>cb^^jJU&the .'poor,- thei Circle,' Wishing;'to nave-; t£yl<Ieif'field’ for activiUet,f at '.the'^presidentV sugg^s-'. tion;~siarted * an‘J£m$rgency?ff6spltal. l^e/Jate-.Dr, D^jftVtyfard gavja'ii&e use ol^j^^pper^tor^f;. Ws !ho'me: free ■of^xperaeTfor.'tho^^ect.‘ , ., The hospita'C^as'; sW^^’April^ 1938, and-the,; firjit S'patieny''Was;L“ ad-jnitted June. 18;' 102&i<. ' ' • Among the .early,: stacere-prid workers toesiablish1 the hospital were ^WAX^ Bourgepist’iC' Mrs. , .Muy MontgQnjery,’. Mrs. Q. Y, T3Iaizer;Miss Elsie Spiprl,. the ,1ate, Mrs^lCenneth' Wj Pepperdine/Mrs. Charles' G. Moreauj' Mrs, H.l.Scatvoid,'Mrs.''H. U. Canty, Mrs.Lillie !£. Leonhard, Mrs.'Vf. Partridge, :Mrs, Sarah A. .Powell Mrs, W. Haiviudn, Mrs.J Leo W., Seal, JMrs:- Al-vuh P.^'Smlth, ' Mr^. Calrif'jjylrs.'E. .J„ Laooste^.Mi^^eed^Jtfrff.; ‘.U,iyiF»; Fahey&Mrs&ClaudeYMonU/Mrs.j'P. j < Muller, £d wards, Mr?.'.; E. 1 is r g IT It It 'ff >3. je it r h C. Carrero.^Mrs. W. O. Sylyeater^and * ' :Mlss!‘Majorie>'N?e^,ir^; .jvU-‘.?.>'. {. < . Many ,a^ts\wef^’J'eoeiynd and fur- ; niture repaint^ thV members. A building.fanct was started-and «nt3rr tainme^ts' of evejy. ’descripticin'; wpre sponsored* $<v>ralb6'‘-. funds*.;fetters, were ger^' to all ., owners),^pf .^each homep, Jiv. Jjay. tQuls and' W aveland und' mariY; rutipondcd moat, generously. •.<■.v The hospital', soon outgrew Its first :location;;, and ; hQU*e':,was rent^fi; on Main street.' 4'; •' ' Later .a* house 5 on. Carroll kvfeniie wasr'bought arid; the initial payment on garnet msde^dft^Monday, September 8f; 1941,'|3i^inar.payment war[ i ma'de'and; tlie King’s Daughters ,Hos»-; aj pltal was • corppWtely, free of' debt. ' Since;its jnception'j the hospitalhas treated 4,121 ^atiente-irto, September. ’‘‘At present; toejh‘ocpiU)l hasjjtjint! beds on<i: siix- bassinets.^'v ,< . !.,v£ Si?-.*.: ' The, -House Staff. consist of 'jat day nur?e who, is also' superintendent^ She is Mrs.j C. E.VCr^tt. ,,-There Js.also a night nurse,‘. as •, assistant i jtp.'jnu^sQs,; ^nd three w<>rK)iig helpers*''' .. 'irian -who 'enjoy- 9 tr a! 1 Yt rrl al
Kings Daughters Hospital Document (002)