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NEWBEHW, W. C„ February 4th, 1851.
Brethren :	(
At the late communication of tin Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina, in December last, the following resolution iccs re-ad and unanimously adopted: .
Resolved,' That the M. IP. Grand Master le authorized and requested to address a Circular to every Subordinate Lodge in the United States, requesting a donation of trcenty dollars in aid of our contemplated Seminary of Learning.
In pursitbnee of the above resolution,/attiring myself ivith the pleasing hope, that your regard esteem and veneration for Masonry, Kill influenc: yon to a compliance, I take the liberty of requesting you to remit to the Grand Secretary, TVn.u.ot T. Bain, at Raleigh, the sum asked for in aid of a Masonic Seminary of Learning, to be erected for the education of the poor and indigent sons of our Fraternity. With a confident reliance upon you, not only as Masons, but as Christians and Philanthropists, I appeal to you for aid in our enlerpriz
cj the sum solicited would greatly assist in the accomplishment of that important and very desirable object. In the confident hope that our rO'iuest Kill be received in the same spirit in rchich it is made, I beg leave to subscribe myself,
Itry truly and Fraternally yonrs,
■ '	Grand	Master	of	the	Grand	Lodgi	of	North	Carolina.

Masons Document (030)
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