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Death of Captain Max Blanchard
Captain Max Blanchard, one of the better known pilots died Wednesday evening at his residence at Bourbon St. He was born at Napoleonvilie, LA in 1839 and had begun his life as a pilot at the age of 20. When the race took place between the steamboats Robert E. Lee and Natchez, Captain Blanchard piloted the Robert E. Lee.
He had been also the pilot of the boat "Katie" and owner of steamboats "E.W. Cole", "John D. Scully", "Chappelle" and had an interest in the boat "St. John". During several years he had a fleet of boats in service, but since 15 years he has been retired from business. Captain Blanchard leaves three sons: Captain C.J. Blanchard of Wogan Bros., Captain
0.	Blanchard of the boat "Paul", and Max Blanchard, inspector employed by the Bureau of Health.
Deces du Capitaine*' Max BJancKard
1.0 capilaiue Max Blanchard,->'un ;Ucs pilules los mieiix ^onniis, est ninrt mercmli soir sa dcmeurc 'rue Bourbon. '<11	ne i Napo-
lronvini;, Lnc, on 1839. el .aVail" ? cuimncni:-ri sa vie do pilnle a Tape '(In 20 ans. I,|ui: le eonenurs do ? out	Ic.f baloaiix
a vapour IIhIhtI II. !??**? i>l In Nal-cln>z, lo rapilaino Blanchard pilo? la i I I.- Itdi.-it I-:.	:
II .inait ol-- .?;.ili'm.-ill le pilule? (I:i hati-aii ??'>'ilii,?t <?!. piopriiH-airn ?!es \apcurs ?K. W. dole", ?Joint D. -M-silly??, ?'Oliyppollo". et avail no wi-lercl dans lo haloau -?SI. J<j1iii!??' fondant (luelquo.s annecs il avail, line flotlille do bateaux en service, mais depuis lo ans il sY-lail retird di-s affairo*. !.<> eapilainc Blan-^ rliard Inisso Irois fils: le eapitaino ?C. J. Blanchard, do ?Wogan Bros.";.-;le ?apitaine O. Blanchard,'du bateau ?Paul?, el Max .JJIanehard, ins-;
?	poclour u I'emplni du bureau , dc sanlo d?Elal. .	*'	i
CIIARfl inanlj ? natl? it??l oj]
?*un?ral .j parl?ra| Smith 11 ^ftr/noi qtcrm?u>j
U>l Anr?j
kni) ?nn Wr<inr??<1a.4. Jlllf i; 5017. ?t p. m.. mi?TAIS MAX HIJI.r.
SH., hrlorrd hu^l'lfid of tba latt f Marlin.	*7	jrr?ara	aod 1 roootbi
*	of N?pol?oi)?lll*. ,	?n<1 ? real-
tlila rltr for th? ?p?at TO jtar*.
Kill takf plare from I tha mortuary of tba Jotoo K. Mark*? nonpat^, platborne atfnuf, on tbla (Tbarvdaj) in ?t * O'clock.-	I	'?
prlra.1*. | lea, C?l., paptra	r?py.
,	DIKD..
BLANCHARD ? Saturday, -1 Jan. 21, .1906, at 8' o'clock a. m.. ?ARMANTtNIC MARTlK, wife? Of ' Captain M^x Blan-ohard. Sr., a*?d -7? y*ara,..a natlv* of
?f Th? r?latlve?i;frlen(I* and i.Cqualnt-,an'oea of? tlje family ar? reaped fully In-. Vlt?a ,to?, ftttfrid .tb?, funeral, ,w lljoh?wlll take- place*, on. 8un?dayt-;. Jan.- -: jJ';at 10 o?olook a,\m.,: from. tha^Jato-, ??sldenco of ?.'the-ydaobaBe^v.No;.; 2385 Bourbon
! -?tr#?fcr; rirrtrmant ??Bt.V-ll6ul?;?'< Jeihotttfy No.*lJ.oa;Ba*ln..atript>;i.;X,:i	j ^V;. ??.??? ''
R. E Lee Pilot Dies i At Advanced Age
Pilot of RoUft E.	Ftmou*	?	for
Rkc* Whh N?tcK?i.
r?pt*ln Max JJUnchard. for W*ty-??vto & rktr plJot isd c&pjftin and for* ;mrrly owner of veoaU In r(v4r &nd bayou tmdt,	Weflneniljiy	At rl p ru., fc.t
| Bourbon,	Th?	jfun?r?l	will
take place ,Thur?<U)-'	4 0- m . fct tb?
J. W, Mark?/ undtrtakJnri parlor*. 20 South CUtborn* iv(ou?, tn(t proo??4 lo )ionir*c?*a C^iirch and St. LouU C?mt(fry. ?	?I	i|	.	;
explain Btanch*riJ jwaa bctra at Xkpa* UoiivllU, \n A??un\vitoQ part?h. May It, lfc.10.	|i?; *arvlv^d,1 by hl? mobi, CatotalD
<1. J, Hlanctard Qf wpgan Qroth?r^! C?ap-tain O. Hiaochard. t>r th? ?taam?r ;Paol. and . Wax ItlanchardI Jr.. slat* aupafVUor* of oil ln?p?ctlon fori th? Lo^tgiana .rttato Hoard of Hffckh.i s^ihar r%iaiJvaa livla* la Nftw Offlran* iar^] Arthur Sllancbard, bookkf'aperi for Armuur * and Max II. I)laiicha**d> r*corplr for 'tha Maaoa*a annuity. I \\ -1 ?	?	i	i
( MXrtaln lllanchard Wti pilot on th? old at?iat?er Ho ?tl Kli U? whlcb madi a ftk-moui ric* Ul|h tha :.Natcba?i to tit.,Loul? In IS71 and tjurtjadi ^flarward wttb loaa of life. Ha bttan hU ?i*ambt>al It fa wb*>o he ^?a? 20 yeara old.| {Ua wai ^ttol of tha Kail*, ownar of tba g. W. (,'ola, tba Jobn D, icully, tha Cbapb#Ua, an^ half-d?aaas* of tha Hi. John. Atlooa lima ba owoad number of ; vaa*af* fpar?Ai&( int th
bayou trad*. ! > v, CapLala Hlanthan
K?^ai^ apart/1 ?'of tha aat f iard hUd} baa?
ftftaen yaar? raltrad, .

Blanchards of BSL 002
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