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I HI 4J" 11 ? m:-? '\y y OI5I2tE>in?E(3ii!ir,l2 ) 'Jit ft'/. 5.? 5 "T I IT H ?' ? , /ia/? deposited in the GEJ\*FTULL IS^'D OFFICE of tko/Gtiited Staley, it appears that full payment has been fade % said LS(Z/,6'o ___________________ v y .yp : fo the provisions of the act of Congryi of the 24th of April, 1820, entitled/? ?2n Jcf tnahin^furtk^/provision far the sale of the Public Lctnd3 n * .WL JV * . -v ^ ^ J ? /* ?,Ttr. ' /<, *, ?. '* > ??, .. ^ ^ - , / S - S -&?: y7 y .oil mawsnnji astiiM-mSi}- "cas <e>mmk t EIulL [*&\ D OFFILE of th^Etiited Stateps a Ce0tjipate ef^k i, ' eo rt c^ ta fortjow ftxife of trjc EanU o ^7 S' -?-<-? -*>- A '/? J f}tef' s'w/%'Jii'-/<$izsfe cco'^?~ ?ii ?V ; f ?? ,/? / ? . *'? , ? //.,'?' , /.? ' 'S S' - / " -//' t/' 7 f ' L/s / / / v%7< r /? -/ 1 ///V ,c?n /if f i rd. ^ay-LSC/. .-A< cyr<r t^ ^ <^V/v ^ih/zk2- V. ?-/ v J/ x >vr * //^ // ?? -v' -I1 ?? ? "it ? . according to the ojicial plat of tty. survey of the said Linds, returned to the Gener^Land Ojf.ce, by'.the Surveyor General UNITED STATES OF AMtRO, in consideration of the^premises, and\^inwpformity with' the se^M-dcis of Congrp't in 'such "*" * and thereunto belonging { sy-. ' y---------------^r. ^ ?J in such case made and prvzidedifi&jYE G1 VEJi - .l^'DsGFUL, and by these presents DO GIVE ?2?VD G1LLYT, unto the said ^////^ S-'fs'tSy )&?///S ^ ^ - 1 J ' >'t ''. '' " I'k'g ?S heirs, the saiijfaiet above fescnhed. /? A*J0 JO RGl^ together with all tha rights, privileges, immunitie^and XppTtrtenHnces of whatsoever ^ature/ -' j/'y -,untotu,aii //^^/Ay ?/Pssc/zAy M:-------------------------------------------- ? ? .. ~ ? ' ------------------~ 'h*. ;? ^ I^i TESTI310.'^Y WUEREOF, I, /////,,'J?(/{', ///'/?' ;? ;?v'-:':'-1 i.f'?? case made a: PHES1DENT_. OF THE UNITED. STATES OK AMERICA, maie PJTEXT, and the SE.IL of the GEXEZiL U.YD OFFICE U I. : " ; srT^T ^ ^ ?.aw OF ytAsn^mito.f/c/ <"^L- A-!- ' ? k r. thctsand ei<?ht hundred and(//^ /cs r-/< / / -^ nr'lnt*\? Tvnr<r)?C'\Tnp\rm7' ox:' mrrn' -rrirrrl. _ ^ r ~y'A . *?? - ? \ . ,\ t r; . 'C ?>./'. > : ?! . '?-? * i' r /' ^ ? . v , _ thc-aand eight hundred andc/t?^ /^S .<?/ax&^ih* EfDEPEJfDE^CB OF- THE _UTiT^EJD STATUS 3ss ?j^||i?isriarwn ?? \ '4-^3ujL./ ; /' J )'4' 4 * r.. * A C 1 A i v ? \ \_- j v/ ^ 1' ?SC?a)jB?ia?? _i?iicai3 *> (id. 2DER OF THE GEiXERjj, LJl^D OFFIG^.''-; ? ' ** ? y ' r 'L-^ J > ^ r -?, ?? : v-v^ j , ^ ? ?? <? z* J* ? r- - v- * :0 ' ^ -;v . 5!W- sypgi
Buckley, J.C. 002