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Form NCG-2686 NAVY DEPARTMENT UNITED STATES COAST GUARD APPLICATION FOR LICENSE TO OPERATE VESSEL IN TERRITORIAL WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES OR TO DEPART THEREFROM ^W._Teji.Skiffs________________________________________________________12*. 14.and_l?. Ft^._________________ (Name) (Nationality) (Length) (Official number) Owner Austrian On Houseboat, nffia&fiXr JexkQ_._Cubranich ................ First .PajDers }...p. ..S... Foot of Ltobar Ave., BaySt. Loui YfVurajYjY (Name of applicant) (Citizenship (or) place of (Address) 1J-? e incorporation) M.XO Purpose for which vessel will be employed ?.Q_-b_e rented for pleasure fishing.v^? (Pleasure, fishing, trade, etc.) Waters in which vessel will be employed Bay St. Louis and Tributariesv Missis^sTpgj jgounS, NOT TO 5NTSR GULF OF MEXICO-------------?--------------------------- A license is hereby requested to operate the vessel described above for the purpose and on the waters specified. I certify that the statements made in this application are true, to the best of my knowledge and belief- J ...30 JmSj.lS.i,?_____________________ ________ (JDate) Vn J?***-* (Signature of applicant' LICENSE The vessel described above is hereby authorized to operate for the purpose and on the waters described in the application from the date indicated below until___________.revoked________________________________, (Date of expiration) with the following exceptions: Until change of ownership. The Captain of the Port,_______________________ Gulfport^ Mississippi, shall be notified imraediatAy upon a change of ownership of__ any of _these skiffs stating the name of the new owner. ------------------------------------------------------- ?? This license is issued pursuant to section 6 of the regulations for the control of vessels in the territorial waters of the United States, prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury with the approval of the President, and is subject to revocation pursuant to the provisions of said regulations. The issuance of this license does not in any manner relieve the vessel, or its owner, master, or operator from compliance with the provisions of any other applicable laws and regulations.^^ I J.^ :L ! 30 June, \S_k2_ L-8O-SI92 (Serial number) (Place) is?23927-1
Cubranich, Jorko Cubranich-002