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JuU : 1 uni! .'iii wm*a set as the ? ifi1.1dales for the* state I?ress As-v?ciatioi . meeting at Biloxi, headquarters at the Kucna Vista Hotel. Ti-nlalr. : dat'.'s had been July 1-5-[?'). Tk Coast Press Club will be
?	?'si to he state meeting. A tenta-l:v<- | r>- rani I?or tho convention in-?.udes: ! r iday, July 21, business sys-?-(>!<, M a. m.; dinner and dance at light; Saturday morning, election of
?	??fic.-i's: boat trip to island aboard j .'oas'. C.nrd cutter which may put in i; 'Juifj jit harbor. Arthur Smith, 2. P. W ikes, Robert Jacoh.s and C. I-. Moreau compose the committee in uiar^e c arrangements for the con-
Schndow.^ky in Jo Joan?finish; seconds ahead of Mille'Cannera. ed by John McDonald,': and sauc'd C. A. Breath, Sr. ?
Those nresent at Monday night?s r.oeiir.g vere: Mr. and Mrs. Charles! '<? Mm re a a, Miss Flora Langley, Miss
?	iary T - rj "i a Fentress, Arthur V. Smith, I;. F. Rhian, Rev. ,P. H. Judge, i:alph Brash, Kd Lipscomb, J ,'iayton Jland, Robert Jacobs and R. Lowrv.
'.cho Correspondent Says Mississippi Knocked Out Home Run?Many See Fair.
Mr>. Dubuisson was supposedly in the best of health during- the early hours of the evening?. She was sud-.denly taken with an apparent heart attack which, it was said/ caused by acute indigestion. : She was well known for her splendid life of usefulness and nobility of character, living a life of unselfishness and of service to others. One who hail been of such marked usefulness will be missed more than in the ordinary senre and her death causes an irreparable loss. The family, ? bowed deep in grief, have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends and acquaintances both in Bay St. Louis and Hancock county as well as away. It can be well said that a good woman lias gone to her reward.
N. O. Gclf Players to Visit Bay St. Louis Saturday Afternoon
Interruption owned by Rpper Camors a:nd sailed by Earl Netdo jv* over Interference by 4 7 seconV owned ami sailed by C. A; Breath, i Hoke Ogden?s Sw2n won itl i t smaller sioops?-with David DabiieV Ponjola gather close behind.' : t In the (cat boat class?Comrno<k John McDonald's Princess won af suffering ja few minor mishaps, j.
In the $ma)ler: class?Billy Be trj ois?s Hindo, won-.
This was the'first of a series j-i! cups, giv|:n by1 the ? Windjairtrj Yacht Cliib. The next race M be Sunday afternoon 2:30. 1 j Judges' for the past ?. Sunday -we Bill Watts and G. Jordy. M'enfef ship in this active club1; is urgeqJjt dues being onlyl $1.00 'for the yei Races will be held most every Su day during the season. ?
YOl Til IS
VICTIM 01 fatalitJs
?	( ?rres:, .>ndence Sea. Coast Kcho)
Chicag', July 12,?Well, business eems to iic picking up sill over. I now tha. here at the World?:; Fair here hav ' been over, a million more _;id sions than was expected up .> tms tir:.c. And if I doji?t iniss my utss, ne;.rly all of thenv have conic ??to the Mississippi Exhibit.
Mississippi sure knocked O?lt a ome run in the big league 1-is: week, 'hairman E. H. Bradshaw of the tississippi Committe was; up here utting Mississippi on the map. And
o	was Secretary of Stat*' Walker '.?cod wh > is also a member of the ?o.nmittc :. : Then along c imes Agri-ultural Commissioner -J. ;C. Ilolton, ie other member of the! Mississippi 'omniitte ;, and steals the show by eUing on 'the National, Broadcast f the Farm' and Home Hour.
Well, the Jboys all did 'themselves roudJ By the ?way,' they, took some ictures of the Mississippi Exhibit,
A party of golf players from the Colonial Country Club at New Orleans and well known along- the Coast will spend a while in Bay St. Louis, Saturday c.hroute to Edgc-water Gulf where they will play the links Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Biil Swanson and Eddie Miazza, members of the party, have rented a cottage at Biloxi and the players will be house guests of both Bill and Ed. D. A. Barro, . al>o of the party, has just joined the matrimonial ranks (surprise to his friends) and the boys are wondering how Lheir old friend Barro will still answer to the call of the lure of golf.
Here?s the list of players, eighteen in all. Court ?em:
George Butler, Ira Brussells; D. A. Barre, Charles Wente, AI Reuning, A. J. Jarratt, N. N. Hing-le, ? Eldon Grace, Leslie Staehle, Jimmie Shirah, Joe Schuman, George Von . Wolf, Bill Danis, Albert Sharp, I. H. Forman, Ralph Nolan, Bill Swanson;
Life in Crush Logtown?Dr. |D. H. Warci Summoned, i
r J da ii
Robert Howard Williams, 20-jl old son of W- Horace Williams, prc incnt contractor, j died in Touroj; firmary Fijiday morning' of injniic suffered on one 6f his father?s'tor struction jobs at ? Logtown, Missl
Young Williams was on vacalt from Washingtoni and Lee en^irie ing school and was working forj: jh: father on ;l contract calling for COt structiorv of six bridges in the vMr ity of Logtpwn. Reports say he jwa on a nighti shift of one of .-Ihesijiil driving barges and was caught! tween the barge and a tug which; I collided with it?,? | recMvin'g|j$tl$?te injuries -which proved [' iitalf^?^? hours later- J; ,.
He was icne and Mrs;
irn* n/'O
Am t* I

Dubuisson 002
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