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Celesto Lafontaino -	)
To ) Deod for Graveyard )
Children & Grandchildren )	Know all men by those pre3ont3 that I CelesW
Lafontaino, of the County of Hancock State of Mississippi, of the first part, i;
in consideration of tho sum of One Dollars, and for the further consideration:
love and affection for ray Children and Grand Children, of the Comity and Stnto
aforesaid of the second part, the rocoip-t whereof is hereby acknowledged, have
granted, bargained, ar.d sold and do by these presents give, grant, bargain, soil'1?;
and convey onto the said parties of tho second part, their heir3 and assigns
forever, the following; piece or tract of land, sitxtato lyinc and beinc in tho
of Hancock State of Mississippi, and described as follows; Beginning at a posSvXi&v/iVim^'1
0	E of a point to the lino dividing tho Ef- from the W& of the S.E.;V of Sootioi!
T 9 S.R. 15 V/est, which point on said dividing line is 34 Chs and GO links,
Southern boundary of section 22 in iownsliip and Range, thence running South
West 6 chains and 16 links to a post, from which', a post Oak bears north 51 3/4
and Distant 13 links and marked X thence south 50? E. 0 Chains and 1G links to'
post from which a pine tree bears South 68 ?"eat distant 31 links thence Iforth
E. 6 0hain3 and	16 llnk3 to a post____A. po3t	Oak bears North	3 East	60 links	to!
thence North 50	V/est, 6	Chains and 16 links	to the place of	beginning, from	Tiiii
a sweet Guru bears North 11 -East distant 13 links, and a pine North 62jY V/c3t if distant 8 links, Said peice of land is sold and granted for the exclusive usa.' of a family burying ground, A gravo yard for all time to come, without oxoepticj*^ 'reservation of whatovor	Kind or nature:
To have and	to hold	the above described piece or tract of land	unto the	ai|j
parties of the second part for the'use and purposes herein specified forever,
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this
MwW- "w K
Witness	Celeste	X	Lafontalne
Leon x Favre )	Mark
J.H.Sylvester )
State of Mississippi ) t
' Hancook County
day of July A.D, 1079
.yi'WI v,7 ? '1 ?r--W.lf	I' & ? -	* Sb*
) Personally came and appeared before the \inrter signed	$ ?*i
Peace for the said Coxxnty, Celeso Lafontaino who acknowledged that She signed
and Delivered the Above Deed as her voluntary Act for the uses and purposes
specified.'-	?	'
Given under my hand and Senl this the IBTSlFQayST'Jul;/ 1079 '	"	?	-
J.II.Sylvester J.P. (Seal). Hancock	County Miasl;
The State of Mississippi	)
Hanoock Coxxhty	)	X	II.Saunders	Clerk of	tho	Chancery	Court of Hanoi
"Ofo hereby Certify	that	tho -forotjo.tna	jmao	Contraino	n	ti?uo	copy of	tho Original
? ?for record-in my offica at 1 o'clock P.M. on tho 26th day of July A.D. 1079 ani duly recorded Instanter
;	'	H.Saunder	"Clerk"
i-poses tl?f
.a v> '??>.

Fountain Celeste-La-Fontaine
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Hancock County Historical Society
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