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BAY ST. T.OuTP. M[:?S., July 0.?G:i.s-to.-. G. Gardebled. iised 4? years.
I ^r-Krurcer.t contractor and Mulder o? ! lh;ii oUy. died last nl;;ht at his home in
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Second Street. }io wiB a native oi Bay at. T-ouis iind served one term as mayor
3	Gaston Gabriel Gardebled, ox-mn.yo.-i | of the City of Bay St. Louis, died at; the family homo at S.oO o?clock Taes-??
I day night, Ji:iy S, 1!H3, surrounded by'
i his loved ones. Ho had been ill for!
several weeks, and death camo peace-' fully and calmly as a benediction froir-heaven to one who had suffered the ordeal of a long illness.
The deceased wa3 a nativo of Bay St.
I Louis, born 42 years ago, and was a son of Mrs. Celine Gardebled, one of th^' oldest and beat-known residents of thif?? -city. Ho is survived by his devote.!*, wife, who was Miss May Huber befor^, her marriage, and seven children. Othe^i relatives arc three sisters, Mrs. Octav^ Fayard, Mrs. Florence Smelicer, Missi Madeline Gardcbled; two brothers;* Hon. D. V. Gardebled, prominent cit' 1 zcn and ex-mayor of Lafayctto, Lrl 1 , and Mr. 15.' C. Gardebled, of thi3 ci> i also v:oU known.	.	*
Mr. Gardebled was a contractor c-fi this city for the past twenty years ancJ during that time erected many o: the* more prominent buildings, includia the city hall, which ho occupied later i tha capacity of mayor, an honor a: truijfc which he served with success. J; ; wr.3 alive to every public interest, ari. was always identified with all that wr.a ' ! best for tho citv. Ha was trulv a nub51
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Gardebled 1913-G.G-Gardebled-1
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