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ider the above heading the Los An-s Examiner of |the 14th inst. pub-',9 the followingi	I
J. Cray, formerly of Texas, but for past two years: connected with the Francisco fcffice of the Western on Telegraph, po., ha9 been ap- j ited chief operator in -J.^OiA'ngalefi^,
Gray took u!p his new dutibs yeS-I ?Th ay morning. I He takes the place Of I. Vaughn, woo leaves the telegraph ice to devote ihia entire time to real .te enterprises that have proved sud-iful.	I
[r. Gray, referred to in the above, is eldest son of our townsman, Capt.
3. Gray, and thajt he has been cre-1 a chief operator is indeed a promp-i worthy of mentiortf and The Echo ?roduces the ?mdntion? with a feel-? of pleasure cotniringled with pride, ce we have known S. J. Gray froim boyhood and watched with interejst i successes which| have come to hirn, ely due to hie rjierit and personjal ?rth. We wish him much success i new position \ an|l congratulate hii
>ftrday,in an Be following Jierewith re-
The failure of (the past summer sei-n in Bay St. Louis as compared jto her seasons before1 the^evastating in-lences of the! ?September sterna? ighted the beauty and usefuluess of ie beautiful beach driveway, ought !to apress the people |of this city all the ore with the necessity of immediate ition towards restoring the entire front f the city and building of a permaneht :>rm of protection, j That Bay St. Louis ! without extra funejs to carry on this rork of rehabilameijt is well-known and : is better known that this city has had
o	surplus fundslfor improvements out-ide of fhe carrying jout of the put-onje-hell-here and one-shell-there,, policy or as long back as the mind of man can evert, if we afe Correctly informed. Then we must have a good healthy bond ssue for the city, j This seems and is ;he only remedy; outside of abolishing ihe present chapter and adopting t new code chapter under the heading municipalities. In i this way the ci could increase its jre(venue^,withahighjer assessment value 'anjd the result desired would have been secured. The Echo is satisfied with the^cliarter at present1 in force, even though Somewhat musty and
known in New Orleans, where he had resided po long.
Bf^ingl so well known in Slew Orleans, the bailiy Picayune of Sa extended notice, gives obituary, which The Echo uces.	^
Se deceased wais~ born inJ'fatchi-toch?es, La., seventy-four years 'ago, and :carri: :) Now Orleans when quite a lad. i He began in business by selling the Daily Picayune in the early 40?s. and soon amassed enough with which to open a bakery.
?During the Civil Wap, and while General Butler was in charge of the city,] he was seized by the Federel soldiers one day and his wagon load of bread confiscated and himself thrown into prison, from which he was released later on. After the war he did odd things, but twenty years a^o he entered the jemploy of the firm of Willi&ms-Rictiardson & Co. and was connected with. th6 shipping department up to a year! ago, when old age^ and failing health forced him to resigni Since then Mr. Ivy has lived at Bay Sit. Louis.
?He was one of the founders of the Young Men?s Benevolent; Association, which celebrated its fiftieth anniversary on Jjune 26 past, and was also a member of Mississippi No. 2, Volunteer Fire Company. During his dife he was looked upon as a good father and husband and had thousands Of j friends all over the city, to whom thB frews of his death will be a great shocbj.
.?He is survived by his wi a j Miss Josephine Crem<}
e, who was
befdre her marriage; three daughters^ Mmes. A J. Letljen and D. Dedunes and Miss Laura Ivyj six grandchildren and tihree greatgrandchildren.?
To the bereaved widow, to
tersl Mrs. Letten and Misa
thousand wonderg.^ There i are wide miles of it. Herc^ an opportunity for the people of Bay St. Louis and vicinity to see the greatest circus ever organized. The railroads will; lower the rates of faro and special excursions will be run.	;	j
the daugh-Laura Ivy,
of ^ay St. Louis, as well s|b lo Mrs. De-dunps, of New Orleans, aina the other sorrowing relatives we e:ctend deepest sympathy, joining with friends Of the iamily.
host o
O	where, o where is that awful noise That we all were wont to hear ?
The noise that passed us boys And filled us all with mortal fear. ?
Fear for the driver and his pal,
Who rode right by his side Around the town, up and down,
On many a mid-night ride.
The owl in the pine tree high Will miss that high-speed sound,
That had him always on the fly,
And chased him all around.
The farmers along the Gainesville Lane At night, when plowing?s through,
Can let their cattle out againj At the falling of the. dew.
The shell roads need no fixing now; There?s no one here to ride;
And why ride anyhow,
If not a mile-a-minute glide 1
The show girls who hit this town Will find a lonesome place.
No more joy ride3 up and down,
Killing time and covering spa,ce.
No more ?Sparkling? and home-made bread,
At one lone dollajj a throw. !
Those days are gone, are dead;
My------, but this place is alow! ***
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Boughl
? Bears the Signature of
antiquated, but i necessary relief then ? the money': proyements must through some ot&er
? we cannot secure thiough a bond issue, for repairs and untie forthbomip g channel. Tke blast thAse 4ho
Brookhaven, Miss., Ocf. .9. ? B. T. Hotbs, editor of the Brookia ren Leader, diec. at 12:30 this mortimff. Mr. Hot bs was taken sick lastf; (Wednesday with .on attack of pnearcbjita which fail'id to. respond to medipil treatment and the best of nursing, aha on yedter-dav his condition became critical, i
1.	The corporate title of said compare ?American Benevolent Society?. <
2.	The name* of the Incorporators are: E. Ansley, postofflce, Bay St. IxiUls, Miss.; J. Ansley, postofflce, Bay St. Louis, Miss.; Ansley, postofflce. Bay St. Louis. Miss.
3.	The domicils 1b at Bay 3t. bonis, Miss.
4. Amount ot capital stock?None.	,
5.	The par value of shares Is?No shares."
6.	The period of exlstenca(not to exceed fl years) Is fifty (50-) years. 7
^ 7. The purpose for which It Is created Is: To promotfl social Intercourse among Its m( bers, and to Inspire goodfellowshlpamong tb< to care and provide for Its members In cas< sickness, Injury,! or Incapacity to labor, as i vlded by Its by-laws; and to care for and r der assistance to their families and those pendent upon its members In the) event i
aVfO?	fVir?rn

Ivy, August 002
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Hancock County Historical Society
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