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O- $ MCLEOD. PARK HOURS: MARCH 1-0CTOBER 1- 7:00.AM-9:00PM . OCTOBER 1-MARCH 1- 7:00AM-6: OOPM MCLEOD WATER PARK RULES SEE OFFICE FOR PET RULES & REGUL4H0NS NO FIREARMS!!! NO FIREWORKS !!! NO PROFANITY!!! QUIET TIME IS 10:00p.m. ABSOLUTELY NO LOUD MUSIC DO NOT DISTURB OTHER CAMPERS .... (If the follo>ving rules are not applied it will result in immediate expulsion) CAMPFIRES 71?ere will be no more campfires in the park without a permit from the Park Ranger. This pennit yvill not be issued without proof of hauling your wood in from outside the park. Campfires without a permit, can cost up to a $500.00 fine. This only applies to primitive campsites. RV.'S ONLY Please notify the front office when you need your sewage dumped You are alloyved to let your gray water run freely. BOATERS/WATER SPORTS There is a no wake zone in Jourdan River from East boundary to West boundary of McLeod Park. WARNING............STRICKLY ENFORCED!!! PADDLE WHEELS 2 - SEATER - $20.00 WITH A $20.00 DEPOSIT 4 - SEATER - $30.00 WITH A $30.00 DEPOSIT $5.00 DEPOSIT ON EACH LIFE JACKET ALL DEPOSITS WILL BE RETURNED WHEN THEY ARE BROUGHT BACK $10.00 A DAY CANOES $10.00 DEPOSIT ON EACH PADDLE NOTICE: ALL PADDLE WHEELS AND CANOES ARE DUE BACK AT 5:00 P.M. NOTICE: WE DO NOT RENT ANY BOATS PAST 2:00 P.M. OPERATION FOR ENTRY AND EXIT FROM THE PARK AFTER THE RANGER STATION CLOSES............1) Line up (4) digit combination given to you at the front gate. 2) Push lock in and then pull out 3) If you are still unable to unlock the gate, find another camper to assist you. 4) If you are unable to find another camper, you may call Roland Lee (Park Ranger) at (601) 798-6047. Thank You For Taking 'The Time Out To Answer These Questions. You Are Very Important To Us And We Would Like To Know How To Better Serve You. 'Thanks Again, ? C ) McLeod Water Park Staff Co s 3 S. O S3 sS to c> ? ?-i O ? s & cS a S 5

McLeod Park