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shortly tharsaXter* w?re\ nd rn;?toh for rrs?h trcop4 frora '?.?.r.n- 3sfi<?a and new volunteers. iVou the.Kis&issippi Territory* At tho Barela of Kors@sh.tts Bond on Karcli ? 27* iSlIj* J&ckscr. Xsvalad h2 what bs thought was tha -. final 'clou against -th*? Crook Jfaticn* Weary troops now j?e.ad3 thsir way ?hemc%i&?,df , trails, and tha few improved ro&da aw?tho movement o? men frcre ev^ry i ? rtjgiiaoat engaged against tha Cr*?ekjJ?V: .V.-' **' r ?? On ona occasion during the ccn?li?t*l fcrocp& already dis* charged without pay answered a'hurried call to further duty, j &'... ? ;v... v .. . - Without tantst bl?nksts> warn bX?thing ot??sho?3.# they reported to their. oorgnanding ? offia<9.r? For. days 'th*?ir only food waa paro&ed ooraj; Exposed to r&!n and Xov? t?mp?rafct5,r??Sf thsy amda their way across sworaps mad canfthres& South Mississippi to via a major Pattis ag&ln-st tha Tha aisncy of; .tha War D^parteaent in supplying their aeoda was ia?fc ? with pstisnae and?..? patriotism b?caun& war?* ixnt>r?ss$d -with ? tha necessity of tha war* .Included >jifclS fe treopa which. endurstd thus a# hardships -apd aaw.'acrfcivs . service . - ? ? ? v, V- ,-> V.:,, ' V ? v /' ? throughout the Creek War was a corapsssty tsbt ?Xlth Hftjriaaant ??. Ul*.????' v- v,. !*S ccsmand&d by Geerg* 8?- Klxct* ojC H?rtc? County ?? kz . ' :???/-> ?:??'??? ' ?' Scwland, Heart ?f thg. j kJ Lowry snd KeCsrdXa, ri?-Mosissi^i, 22.j? \ Vu '?' r George ?*? Sixon had aorrsd cm- K?r?o?'County*a ,?irst Board -of Comi33i?sv?rjj, XuXX? . ???.:? Kra* Howl fat'd,-. jr*>6tagttt? ..Agatnafe -British^ 220 ?
Nixon Along-the-Mighty-Pearl-An-Early-History-of-Columbia-Marion-Co.-MS-by-Beatrice-Bradley-1963-p16