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....? ,Lll . _ ... . - i i'i.. nisi- ness is also trr* ?ii f:u'i cus- tooners coipp ir s'i x r.niii.1- off uany ramies, and the nnr.?er:>. dies a'.-o a wholesale busip-*^?r'iVn tie country iinn3?ctbiir stores Tajues ir*? iruiran-te<e.d absolutely. ?nt if a uiiromjer gets th>e Impression liar ne lus mcvi obtained Rood valni? can retuim the Kniods nnd get rSi* money jai::t n'itli-otirt Quibble. Cann-ny on -Jie part or ennnlovees towarr -*werv ciHtormer. no limiter bow small lltt' purchase made, Is ji ri^id rule tindevlal ingly cnlorccd. Mr. .1 oil ii Osiiinaili is tlie sole proprietor ol llif Hay's Mercantile Co.?s (wo snip's The roiiri'i'ii lias been established about eight years, having at firm hern slarlcd tiiuler a partnersllip known as Joyce & Osoinacl], with a branch house at Gulfport. A division of the business, however, was made ? -?; -'y after Joyce?s death, and Mrs. ce took as her share the Gulfport store, while Mr. Osoinach retained, the Bay St. Louis business, and added to .. i| )hi me .-ami' price. Mr. Usoiu-a.h is very proud of having lii xf- sole agencies and knows that thefe goods ami the prices will produce the sales. i.ats and caps there is to be found Tin excellent assortment to choose frorr He carries the Kothschild Bros.? goods, known as the famous St. Louis brand. These are without doubt the finest bats for the price to be had anywhere in the world. They represent beauty of finish, comfort and durability cnmliinprt unit an- worthy of their attractive loolis ami name. Thfs store is further recognized as the one established at Bay St. Louis vvhei'n lareful dressers can obtain a tine grade or clothing in modern, correctly-made material. The extensive stock carried includes clothing, gents? furnishings, underwear, neckwear, etc. Most of the clothing is made by a New York house of fame, where a fit is invariably guaranteed. The Bay?s Mercantile Company has the exclusive agency for Mayfield?s clothing, which is equal to any INTKJtlun HARDWARE STORE?BAYS MERCANTILE CO. ^JiO. OSOINACH. goods is durable, of modern color dedesign, and one of this season?s ideas it is so represented. Its disadvantages, if any, are also dwelt upon, and the idea that each customer sha.ll have what is wanted in the very best possible grade for the price is consistently followed out. The Bay?s Mercantile Company's store is a one price store, and that price is invariably the lowest at which the goods can be sold. In notions, dress trimmings and the thousand and one needs of women, this establishment has always been a leader. A visit convinces one how complete and attractive is this stock. In the crockery department can be found ev-orythine needed in a household, and this si... uis an exclusive agency for the famous Delft granite-ware. And now a word or two about the grocery department. To successfully conduct a popular grocery, retaining old customers and ever gaining new ones, requires not only energy and experience, but Hi' foccl-t' of anticipating the ever varying in food products. Such is the ret imi (,f ^j,-. Osoinach, whose More is just ly bolding a large share of public patronage from both city and country. Comprehensive lines of fancy and staple groceries are carried. It is 1?1 L1IC l?? ? V.* V,. V embraced corn, oats, bran, hay and everything in that category. Tinware, wooden-ware and willow-ware are here in great profu'ion. Paiits, oils, etc., are a most important par* of tho mammoth stock, and here is foiled again the j exclusive agency for the Noiaii prise paint, the best for the monyy ever made. It costs less and goes further than any other; and is Torld-widc-ly known and is a strong seller. In cordage and rope and ship chandlery It is the headquarters and this ps iisbnipnt is dolnc a lame trade ?1 down the coast. In the sadiiler; and harness department is carried tbt only line to be found in Bay St. Louis Tbe hardware department is or-; oi the most important of all the departnents. A separate store is devoted to tUs especial business, and the Bay's Mercantile Company are the sole agei-~ in this section for the SimmoLs Hardware Company of St. Louis. luild-ers and contractors, farmers and (rhers who contemplate improvement cc additions to their buildings, painters, mechanics. and householders alike will find it advantageous to deal witt this reliable store. Mr. -Jno. Osoinach, the proprietor of the two stores containing all thesi departments, was born in New Orlauis; but has been at the Bay ever sinia he was three years of age. He is ti-day thirty-eight years old, has been ta alderman. owns his residence and teller real estate and now devotes his ?:uire time to this business, and it is u his unceasing efforts that may be atxrib'j-ted to him its popularity. He it regarded as a hustling business nan whose personal friends are lesrioi. He has nad all cold about tweDty-nr&e years of experience in this busiiess. He is a Mason. Pythian and a ?Wjod-man, is married and has an inttrest-ing family of four children, three ioms and one daughter. Mr. Osoinach was married on November 27, 1SS9. to iliss Lou Meek, daughter of Dr. \Y. H. Keefe and Mary E. Williamson, both of p-om-inent families in Mississippi. Mr. CMoic-ach possesses a natural histrionic talent. and is also of a literary tun of mind. It is thought by his najiy friends that had he chosen tie ira-matic profession for his calling he would have made a great success. His talent has often been evidenced ii his efforts iu the local stage andi it his literary pursuits. ? /
Osinach, John Bay-Merchantile-Company--Sea-Coast-Echo--2