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Mrs. Charles Knight Hamond Metarie Towers MetairJs, La.
Dear Mrs. Panond:
The Hancock County Historical Society thanks you for your recent donation to our library, The Rarornd Family and Related Lines publication will most surely be a very useful reference for persons researching their genealogy and related lines.
Our society is most appreciative that our member Evelyn Griffith
was instrumental in our receiving such a valuable donation*
$ / '
On page 22., (Note - Plaase_do noy remove this chart. If neceEsarv
$ ? 7
the author will su^t-ly a crequest.) I would like to make such a request. Our Historical jjfea^pty inMshe future may at some tine hnve pro-grams on these subjects^&f-^ftlateff lines and it would be beneficial to use
& <o \
just the chart and not> hn^JbbeiliDok an display or subject to b^ir^ destroyed
through excess handing.
Tour book will be plarfd in our Historical Society Library file, locked and only used upon special request* It will be indexed in our 3 x $ file by title of book and surnames of related lines.	*	.	-
Apain we will thank you for your generaosity ijfc donating this publication.
Sincerely, />
20th April 1978	Margaret	M.	Oibbens,	Historian

Raymond 002
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Hancock County Historical Society
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